325 toms 14 peppers 17 plums to {----?} & Cancilla.
Sept 6th. not much doing 100 toms 50 plums some Cabb & Cauliflowers
Sept 7. only 120 toms 50 plums today - picked 25 Red peppers 10 north at $100 {$1.00}. 14 Sold in Toronto at $1.25
Sept 8th Sold Bartlett pears to Harvest Canning Co 1 7/8 in {inch} & upwards 4 1/2 ct lb took in 85 bushel today not very good this year.
Sept 9th Sunday cool Had Mr & Mrs B. & Dean & family in
Sept 10th. Had quite a few orders today 225 toms and over 100 plums some Cabb & Caul & peppers
Sept 11 Hardly any orders today only 21 toms & 61 plums. guess will have to sell to Canners. Picking pears
Sept 12 Finished Bartlett Pears only had 139 bushels No 1 Sold at 4 1/2¢ lb. also Sold our Tomatoes today to the Harvest Coy at 45¢ a bushel. at farm. shipped one good load north also sold Ross Hart a load 30 doz Cabb 75¢ 61 Green peppers 35¢ 2 crates Cauliflowers $2.00
{Side note} Shipped 15 bskts Red peppers to Toronto sold at $150 {$1.50} and $2.00 a bskt.
Sept 13th Picking plums and few Tomatoes & Howell pears also picking Tomatoes for Canners. weather very cold. am afraid of frost tonight