enquire why they did not come for Tomatoes and they refused them. say they are filled up. Have 161 bus {bushel} picked. got up at 430 this morning put 27 bus. into baskets. sent to Toronto other 134 bus in field yet tonight, also packed 5 bbls Cranberry apples. picked 25 bskts tomatoes & 50 bskts pears and drew two loads stumps from Thomas's got home at 745 pm for supper. P.S. Sold in Toronto at 20¢
Sept 30th. Sunday. Fine & cool home all day. The
Sept 31st. Baseball winners for the season were. Bay city in the M. O. League. Hamilton in last place Baltimore won for the 5 year in succession in the International. Both New York Teams in the National & American win again this year. Hamilton won Intermediate Lacrosse Championship Saturday beat. Ottawa in finals.
Oct 1st. Shipped some peppers to Toronto also a few Toms & pears north. also a few Cauliflowers. price of them way down got $110 {$1.10} a crate today. Sold 134 bus Tomatoes to Hislops Canning Factory at Freeman for 30¢ bus the ones the Harvest Coy turned us down with.