File #35346: "Frank McMillan 1923 Diary 36.pdf"


Oct 11 Picked 30 bskts Kieffers at 40¢. fine & warm picking Spy apples crop very light Oct 12. no orders at all today picked Spy apples all day very foggy most of day Bot 500 berry crates at 20¢ & 15000 boxs at 585 from Dalton for Cash on delivery next week. Oct 13th.Picking & packing apples. fine & warm was down town looks like rain tonight. Harry Glover & Vern Kerns & wife leave in the morning for St. Petersburg Florida. Oct 14th. Raining today. (Sunday) Shipped {---?} 30 bbls apples (20 Spys $4 00 10 others $3 00) Oct 15th. Shipped 65 pears 8 crates Caul. 9 sacks Cabbages up north. and some peppers to Toronto. Oct 16th. Picking apples all day no orders. have 75 bbls to sell yet dont seem to be any sale for them. New York Americans win the World's Series winning 4 games out of 6. Oct 17 Finished picking apples this morning. getting a load ready for market first time Oct 18th. Market for first time Cauliflowers $1.00 doz Cabbages 60¢ & 75¢ doz Peppers 50¢ bskt
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