all the afternoon but still refuses to go. Bot 1/2 ton of Nitrate of Soda. $35.00.
May 7th. Worked all morning at sprayer. then too much wind to spray in the afternoon. Finished planting strawberries about 3 1/2 or 4 acres.
May 8th. Cloudy & East wind. this morning. got 1 1/2 tanks on pears and stopped by rain. The mixture for Pear Paylla is. about 16. gals Lime Sulphur and about 4/5 of a quart of Black Leaf 40 per tank used as Dormant Spray as late as possible rained heavy all day
May 9th. nothing doing rained all last night and all day. ground very wet now.
May 10th. Worked at hotbeds weeding peppers and transplanting tomatoes. weather fine & bright but cool east wind
May 11th Sunday, cool and cloudy. east wind. went to the city for tea.
May 12th. Cold east wind & cloudy. Cleaning brush out of Johns Orchard stopped by rain at 10 oclock and still raining tonight worked at greasing & oiling truck & car all day