Oct 1 Very cold, cleared up during the night and very strong west winds. shipped 109 bskts monarch plums to Toronto. Sold 25 & 30¢ also 42 bskts Reine Claude & Blues North, and 60 toms. 8 pears 4 caul 2 peppers 7 cukes.
Oct 2nd. only one order north 22 bskts pears to Sinclair & Co. (Sheldon & Howell). Shipped 93 plums Sold 25 & 30{¢} 20 peppers 30 & 40{¢} to Toronto started picking Snow apples weather fine & warm.
Oct 3 Fine & warm. not many orders. 26 pears 20 toms 25 plums & 4 crates Cauliflowers Will Mac came down yesterday for a few days. Washington won the penant in American League and New York in National
Oct 4th. Sat. picked 56 bskts pears for Ross Hart at 40¢ and picked a few apples John & Jerry hoeing strawberries.
Oct 5 Sunday. Fine & warm had a thunder shower about 8 oclock at night was down at John's for dinner & supper. Will & Grandpa & Fred & Hattie was there.
Oct 6th. not very many orders finished on