Oct 11. Picking & packing apples. sold Hart 26 plums 25¢ 81 Green peppers 28¢ 3 Reds 60¢ 4150 lbs Cabb. $9 per ton. Washington won World Series in 7 games. won last game 12 innings score 4 to 3.
Oct 12th. Home all day Lillie sick in bed with a cold weather was grand.
Oct 13th. shipped 63 bskts pears Kieffers at 25¢ 10 Caul. 75¢ a few peppers etc.
Oct 14th. Shipped 5 bbls cranberry pippins at $2 50. 12 1/2 doz cabb 40¢ doz Sold Hart 10 doz squash at $1.00 - also picking & packing apples and Jerry ploughing. Have picked 4811 {this amount is circled} bskts plums to date.
Oct 15. Picking & packing apples all day.
Oct 16th. Finished picking & packing Litsters apples loaded car of 190 barrels after supper done at 10 oclock.
Oct 17 Picking & packing apples no orders for any thing else shipped 10 bbls to Hanna & Co. Weather grand for the past two weeks.