File #35469: "Frank McMillan Diary 1924 36.pdf"


(Left Page) Oct 26. Sunday fine + warm. Mr + Mrs Bonfoace out for the day Oct 27th. Finished car of manure and started picking apple again. Oct 28. Picking + packing apples and loaded car of apples for CU sharpe. Burks + alls 140 {illegible}. Oct 29th. Cloudy + foggy. Picked + packed 37 {illegible} spy apples. Oct 30. Still pickign + packing apples weather fine Oct 31st. Finished picking + packing apple had 560 {illegible} all together (Right Page) sold 50 {illegible} Spys at $350 Balance at $250 lb. Loaded last car of apples tonight 181 lbs Nov 1st. Mild + very windy. Got sugar beets + corn stalks in. Went to Hamilton at night to get some books + tender wear. Also to book at some Radios not satisfied with the Westing houses. Nov 2nd. Cold + cloudy started furnace going. Henry Sheppards boy {illegible} Today. Killed Fridays by a Auto near his home. Nov 3rd. Monday. Pulling Carrots + getting load
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