100 orange crates. they are holding for money to. had to pay $1.00 a doz. for nearly all of them.
Feby 7th Mild having a real thaw I guess
Feby 8th Sunday. fine & mild like Spring. Radio on the bum today will not go at all.
Feby 9th. Very mild yet, found a broken wire on Radio. man coming to fix it tomorrow but we fixed it up. today it was fine.
Feby 10th. Snow nearly all gone. & started raining a little. man fixed Radio this afternoon but it was worse tonight than for months. may have been the weather.
Feby 11th. A Boy arrived this am. about 530 all doing well.
Feby 12th. Clear & cold again. another load of baskets in today (1960) Radio good tonight get nearly any place
Feby 13th. Clear & cool some more snow last night. sleighs out yet. Radio extra good tonight New York. Chicago. Davenport. St Louis. Des Moines. & lots of others good & clear.
Feby 14 Fine & mild was out for a walk down to Grandpa's with