Franklin McMillan Diary, 1925


Franklin McMillan Diary, 1925


Franklin McMillan


Courtesy of Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph






20th Century, Halton County, Nelson Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1925


Scanned Manuscript


{Front Cover with label} 1925




Frank McMillan

Burlington Ont{ario}

Jan 1st. New Years Day. two below zero. some snow on the ground and more coming Had Grandpa & G.M. Boniface also John & Granpa Mac up for dinner. had a good goose dinner of course when you have Co'y could not get any thing on Radio at 9 oclock heard John McCormick and other singers of the Metropolitan Theatre at New York sat up till nearly three oclock Heard Winnipeg good and clear about 1130. also Oaklands Cal. for about an hour at St Francis Hotel San Francisco.

Jan 2nd snowed all night and up till noon. about 8 or 10 inches now but milder again. Radio pretty good again tonight

Jan 3rd Mild but not thawing snowing most of the day

Jan 4th Sunday not much change lots of snow good sleighing Had Denver Col. on Radio (fair) San Antonio Texas good. Oaklands Col. & Los Angelas good

Jan 5. Mild today Heard Hockey Game played by Boston & Toronto also some of {C H nc?} Toronto concert which was very good

Jan 6 Cloudy & mild went to Ham{ilton}. for orange crates. very scarce drove over the whole town only got 75. Had Stewarts over for the evening. Geo & Will Hammond had narrow escapes truck struck by train at cent. st crossing truck badly smashed and both of them badly bruised

Jan 7th. Mr & Mrs Geo Hammond and son nearly dead in the night from coal gas escaping from furnace

Jan 8th A little colder again drove down town sent Jerry $10 he asked for $15.00

Jan 9th cool & bright a very fine winter day but cold had Winnipeg on Radio again last night

Jan 10th. Moore & Brown up for stealing coal & selling booze Moore fined $200 or 3 months Brown $400 or 3 months Fair & cold lots of snow, good sleighing motoring good on highway

Jan 11th Sunday Cold about zero snowing most of the day.

Jan 12th. Cold & cloudy sent $500 to Denver for 50 shares of Oil Well Machinery Leasing Coy. 632 W. S. Nat Bank Bldg.

Jan 13 Colder again but clear & bright am feeling punk lumbago or something Radio better had new. B. batteries put in.

Jan 14th. Clear & cold, we hear Campbell Leckie dead. was staying at Bert {Sch---?} Charlotte not very well today

Jan 15th. not quite so cold had three Calif stations on Radio tonight. K.F.I. & K.H.J Los Angeles. also Oakland Cal. & Winnipeg and Calgary Just signing off.

Jan 16th Clear & cold nothing doing

Jan 17th. was up to the station & down town. not feeling much good saw a big truck in ditch by the old Fox farm.

Jan 18th. Clear & cold was alone all day.

Jan 19th. cold yet doing nothing only working cross word puzzles not making much headway we hear Rev Mr King methodist preacher is dead, only met him once he seemed very nice. very cold some places Quebed 45 below zero Ottawa 31 & New England States as low as 50 & 56 below zero.

Jan 20. My Birthday. am getting old I guess.

Jan 21st. motored to Hamilton for some things Highway good but Hamilton streets cut up badly.

Jan 22nd. Thawed a little last night but very cold again tonight Radio grand tonight Had Oaklands. KHJ & K.7.1. Los. Angeles without out head phones. Oaklands very plain & loud.

Jan 23rd very cold this morning we hear it was 16 below zero down at Johns. getting glass smoked ready for the Eclipse of the Sun which is to come of at 9 oclock tomorrow

Jan 24th up early this morning Total eclipse of the Sun Starts at 8 oclock, very badly disappointed as the whole sky was cloudy, all we saw was when the Eclipse was full it was as dark as night for a couple of minutes. then we saw the sun the last few minutes as the shadow was nearly off. could see the piece off the side of the Sun

Jan 25th Sunday. Fine & mild thawing some had Grandpa after noon.

Jan 26th. Very cold today Guess it will be a very cold night.

Jan 27th. Coldest morning of the winter 16 below

and a cold north wind blowing. tonight feels colder than last night 20 below. this morning. and 10 below tonight at nine oclock.

Jan 29th. about zero this morning. cloudy like snow. got a load 2000. bskts {baskets} in from Glovers. snowing this evening.

Jan 30th. Cloudy & getting colder again got 8000 {Leno?} basket covers in.

Jan 31st. A Little milder south east wind cloudy and thawing a little.

Feby 1st. Sunday Clear and very cold again this morning

Feby 2. Monday. Fine & cool. snow very deep

Feby 3rd. Fair & warmer but cool last night about zero again

Feby 4th. Milder today finest day this winter

Feby 5th. Drove truck down town, lots of snow after you leave the highways weather mild.

Feby 6th. mild & cloudy thawing some drove up to Hamilton for Licenses for Truck & Car gone up in price last year Reo Truck $25 this year $36. Chev. Car $14. Licence No Truck C.10397 Chev. Car. 714631 also got Some seeds. cost $7.60 also got

100 orange crates. they are holding for money to. had to pay $1.00 a doz. for nearly all of them.

Feby 7th Mild having a real thaw I guess

Feby 8th Sunday. fine & mild like Spring. Radio on the bum today will not go at all.

Feby 9th. Very mild yet, found a broken wire on Radio. man coming to fix it tomorrow but we fixed it up. today it was fine.

Feby 10th. Snow nearly all gone. & started raining a little. man fixed Radio this afternoon but it was worse tonight than for months. may have been the weather.

Feby 11th. A Boy arrived this am. about 530 all doing well.

Feby 12th. Clear & cold again. another load of baskets in today (1960) Radio good tonight get nearly any place

Feby 13th. Clear & cool some more snow last night. sleighs out yet. Radio extra good tonight New York. Chicago. Davenport. St Louis. Des Moines. & lots of others good & clear.

Feby 14 Fine & mild was out for a walk down to Grandpa's with

Charlotte & Doris.

Feby 15 Sunday. Just like Spring today. Sun Shining Bright & the snow going fast.

Feby 16. mild this morning snowing tonight and getting colder.

Feby 17th. Fair & cold this morning. A Swell winter day. Had the Hockey Game. Hamilton at Boston on Radio. Ham. won 2 to 1.

Feby 18th Clear & Cold nearly zero this morning

Feby 19. A Little milder again today

Feby 20th. Fine & mild. like spring snow going again

Feby 21. Cloudy & cool looks like rain.

Feby 22nd Sunday, cloudy in the morning. Had Mr & Mrs Boniface out for the day. Started raining after noon

Feby 23rd. Rained all last night and all day today.

Feby 24th. Cool & cloudy. was down town & got repairs. arrived from Simmers, $3.82 for brush & knifes some price. also got seeds from Stokes.

Feby 25th. not freezing but cold & damp & cloudy.

Feby 26th Raining. cloudy & cool. tonight

Feby 26th. Very cold. worst day this winter a regular gale blowing cannot keep the house warm. Radio fine last night Had KFI Los Angelas. Denver. & Montreal.

Feby 27th. Still very cold & windy. wind going right through every thing & freezing hard Niagara Falls Beat Peterboro 5 to 1 in the first game of O H A Senior Finals and Grimsby beat Kingston 3 to 1 in the first game of Int. O.H.A. finals last night.

Feby 28th Still good and cold but not as high wind. Got a bottle of cough medicine the first this winter.

March 1st milder with some snow this morning. thawing this afternoon

March 2nd. Very cold this morning below zero. we hear this morning that there was an earthquake in Ont & Quebec Sat night Feby 28th at about 9 25. not very bad. some glass & dishes broken in Quebec Grimsby won Int OHA championship beat Kingston 11 to 4 on the round.

March 3rd cold 4 below zero this morning Owen Sound wins Junior Semi-Final O.H.A. championship

March 4th. mild & cloudy Heard The Inaugural Speech of President Coolidge over the Radio. Grimsby Int. champions beat Sault St{e} Marie (last years champions of Canada) 3 to 2. last night in one of the Semi final games.

March 5th. Partly cloudy but not very cold. Smith is pruneing in the old orchard. Pat Boyd starting to graft my Kieffer pears also trying some sweet cherries that are no good.

March 6th unloading car of manure and makeing hot beds a very hard car to unload. over 5 feet high (sides) and not level full with manure. good and tired for the first hard days work. was an extra fine day. best this winter

March 7th. put earth on hot beds. and trimming trees in the afternoon looks like rain tonight Aura Lea of Toronto wins Junior O.H.A. Hockey, title beats Owen Sound in the Finals 14 to 11 goals. Grimsby March wins game from Niagara Falls tonight 4 to 3. but looses round by 7 to 6. in Allan Cup Elimination Round.

March 8th. Sunday. mild & cloudy looks like rain. this morning.

March 9th. Sowed our seeds today Peppers 1 oz Neapolitan 1 oz. Stokes. Schells. 4 oz Ruby Giant and about 6 ozs our own hot peppers (16 sashes in all) 1 oz Golden Acre Cabbages 2 sashes 4 ozs Copenhagen Cabbages 6 sashes 2 ozs Bruces First & Best Tomatoes in 3 sashes 1 oz Stokes Bonny Best tomato in 1 1/2 sashes 1 oz. S. Briggs Bonny Best in 1 1/2 sashes. and 6 ozs of John Baer. 16 sashes in all. Pat Boyd. grafting yet. grafted Prunes on about a dozen Monarchs also finished about 20 cherry trees (Sweet) and all the Kieffer pears. 6 Rows Bartletts. 1/2 Row Anjou 2 1/2 Rows Clairgeau looks like a storm again tonight.

March 10th. light shower this morning, fine & warm like Spring rest of day. another thunder Shower after supper. trimming trees.

March 11th. colder today they have had a big blizzard & snow storm in the northwest. trains blocked yesterday. Pat Boyd finished grafting trees cost $60.00

March 12th Clear & cold this morning ground frozen hard.

March 13th. Cloudy this morning. all of us trimming trees yet, started snowing at noon. and is a regular East snow storm this afternoon

March 14th. Raining all ight and this morning. turning very cold to-night.

March 15th Sunday Very cold nearly zero this morning. went up to Hamilton this afternoon with the gang. Radio good tonight. Had 6 K. W. {Chinicia?}. Cuba. also. Miami Beach Florida & C K Y Winnipeg Los Angelas. Denver & others

March 16th. milder today. trimming trees. Smith on a drunk since Saturday.

March 17th Cloudy & a few Showers. Smith still off went to Hamilton with the Baby to Dr Clark he is not gaining any.

March 18th. Smith on the drunk since Sunday. brot him home from Burl{ington}, this morning. Niagara Falls lost out to Varsity of Toronto in the Eastern senior finals & leave for the west for final games

March 19th. Reported about 900 killed 2000 hurt in a Tornado in Illinois & Indiana. Colder here and windy. trimming in the old orchard.

March 20. weather fine. still trimming apple trees. Grandpa's Birthday 88 I guess. all at Johns for dinner

March 21st. Fine & mild at same job yet. very windy after dinner

March 22. Sunday, cloudy and a little cooler Cammie Bell & Family Called in.

March 23rd Fair & cold trimming old orchard yet.

March 24th. Mild & cloudy trimming trees & made some hotbeds for Cabbages.,

March 25th. Fine & warm trimming trees yet

March 28th. Port Arthur defeated Varsity 4 - 0 & 3 - 2. in two games and win the Senior Champions of Canada O.H.A. and Regina Beat Aura Lee of Toronto 3 - 2 and 5 - 2. in two games and win Junior Championship of Canada. Very warm today like Summer. unloading manure & making hotbeds.

March 27th. Had a couple of thunder showers early last night, and some showers this morning, finished car of manure. turning cold tonight.

March 28th. Cold this morning. ice froze on the road puddles put earth on hot beds got another 2000 11 qt bskts in.

March 29th Ground covered with snow

this Sunday morning but gone before night. Had Stan Blair over Radio pretty good had Florida (Miama Beach)

March 30th cold today. fixing wagon & sprayer getting bottom of Spray pump Oxo Welder. frozen last fall and broken.

March 31st cool this morning pruned till noon. transplanted 5000 Cabbages after dinner. Fine & bright in the afternoon

April 1st. Transplanted some more Cabbages & started on tomatoes stopped at noon too cold to work Victoria B.C. won Pro Hockey Finals with Canadians of Montreal 3 Games to one.

April 2nd Showery until 930. cleared up fine transplanted 36 sashes tomatoes, 250 to a sash.

April 3rd Finest day this spring planted 16 sashes more tomatoes and 26 sashes sweet peppers.

April 4th Finished transplanting today. have 80 sashes tomatoes 40 sashes. Cabbages. 22 sashes. Hot peppers & 26 sashes. Sweet peppers 250 plants to a Sash and large sashes 300

amounts up to about 20 000 tomatoes 10000 Cabbages & 12 600 peppers. turned very cold tonight Had to put out a fire in Geo Hammond chimney this afternoon.

Sunday April 5th. Clear & very cold ground frozen hard but plants alright so far. Bonifaces & Grandpa Mac all here.

April 6th. got 500 3 in {inch} tile for cherry orchard cost $27.50 per 1000. started putting in after dinner.

April 7th. Finished the 500 tile today it was good digging.

April 8th got 400 - 4 in tile very hard digging today down near the big drain

April 9th. Weather fine putting in tile yet.

April 10th. Easter Friday Eas Good Friday, had a few drops rain this morning. cloudy most of the day. with South west winds. finished draining before noon put 1225 tile in. Started gathering brush

April 11th. gathered brush in the morning fixing at sprayer in the afternoon. not ready yet.

Sunday 12th April. Easter Sunday. cold & cloudy north & East winds

April 13th. Spraying

pear trees for Pysla {Psylla} a little too late in the season they say for results unless weather cold. but it sure is cold enough today with strong East. winds. putting on Oil. this year one gallon to 20 gallons water or a little over 7 gallons per tank. got on four tanks today.

April 14th milder today had a shower in the night. but cleared up about 10 oclock. finished spraying the pears it took seven tanks.

April 15th uncovering Strawberries heavy frost this morning. and heavy cold north wind blowing

April 16th uncovering strawberries yet weather cold yet. do not know whether oil spray and good on Pears for pyslla or not. lots of flies out today and only sprayed two days ago.

April 17th. Cold East wind & cloudy still uncovering Strawberries some job to uncover 10 or 11 acres

April 18. drawing straw manure of strawberries weather fair & cool. Jerry arrived yesterday to work again

April 19th Sunday. heavy rain in the night. cloudy. showery & cold North East wind this morning also had a snow storm & Blizzard this evening. about an inch iof snow

April 20th unloading 3rd car of manure for hotbeds. weather cold with East wind. froze ice this morning

April 21st Finished makeing hot beds & putting on earth. cold yet.

April 22nd men hauling brush. I was weeding peppers & planted 2 ozs Cauliflower seeds in 8 sashes.

April 23rd. Finished hauling brush. some job. chrissies brother buried today.

April 24th. cold East wind again today planted 8 sashes Cucumbers in sod. about 7 ozs seed (SB - Perfection) also 8 sashes melons. took about 10 ozs seed. but think we put too many in. they say 5 seeds in a sod is enough.

April 25 Very warm just like Summer, put out 10 000 Cabbages wilted bad. too hot a day I guess. growers slain every thing cheap Lettuce Radishes & Rhubarbs hard to sell.

Sunday April 26th. Fine & warm as Summer went to Hamilton after dinner. turning colder tonight

April 27th. Colder again finished drawing manure off strawberries, and planted out some Asparagus.

April 28th Transplanted 5600 tomato plants the second time. still cool.

April 29th. Transplanted 8200 tomatoes today.

April 30th Very cool with East wind finished transplanting tomatoes 176 sashes 100 to a sash. Cukes about half over now guess they will all be dead in a day or two the way they are going.

May 1st cloudy cold & showery went to Hamilton to get the truck fixed cost $17.39 also got a couple of teeth filled. Cut first asparagus today, 5 1/3 doz shipped to Toronto Sold at $2.00 per doz

May 2nd. Very cold with strong west winds & cloudy. started planting strawberries nearly frozen at the job

May 3rd. Cold & cloudy put a fire on in furnace again.

May 4th. Planting strawberries cold & cloudy.

May 5th weather very cold. still planting strawberries

May 6th. Planting strawberries. weather cold. and some showers.

May 7th. still very cold & cloudy. finished planting strawberries between five and six acres. also planted 15 lbs Golden Wax Beans.

May 8th. Hoeing Black Berry patch. Also sowed Carrots. 2 lbs Seed. sowed at Carrot Onion hole in the drill weather. dry & cold

May 9th. Sowed Sugar Beets 1 lb Seed & 1 Sash Vegetable Marrows about 3 ozs seed also 2 ozs Cauliflowers & late Cabbage seeds. planted 15 Maloney prunes & 5 Clairgeau Pears. filling in dead ones. Frost this morning frozen ice.

May 10th Sunday. a little warmer this morning.

May 11th. Shipped 7 bskts asparagus sold at {blank} saw a few Strawberry blossoms for the first. put about 175 lbs Nitrate on Cabbages also 350 lbs or so on young cherry orchard.

May 12th digging

around trees in the orchard. Red June & Burbank plums pretty well out in blossom. Fine & warm today. ground getting dry. no rain hardly so far this Spring.

May 13th Finished digging around trees in young orchards.

May 14th. Started Hoeing old strawberry patch.

May 15th. warm & dry. Hoeing strawberries look like a poor crop all drying up. put in half a day watering hotbeds.

May 16th. Cold again this morning. some more strawberry blossoms frozen. Had a big shower tonight. will do a lot of good. went into Hamilton and brought Grandpa & Grandma out for over Sunday.

May 17th. Cloudy & cool. This is first day of Blossom Week. not all out here yet.

May 18th. Some frost again this morning but do not think it done much damage here but some places report damage done. to SB {strawberries}. & cherries etc.

May 19th Hoeing old strawberry patch they look better since the rain.

May 20th. Planted 5 bags potatoes also 5 sashes Warty {Warted} Hubbard Squash, 1 lb seed, very warm. high south west winds.

May 21st Spent another half day watering hot-beds. no rain in sight.

May 22nd. Hoeing strawberries & cultivating carrots not up very good yet, but cultivate good as it is very dry.

May 23rd Very cold today with strong north east winds & cloudy. working cultivating carrots in the morning and planted corn & pumpkins in the afternoon. so cold I wore a fur lined coat. also sweater and leather mitts on and nearly frozen. Hear that Fletcher Stable won the Kings Plate Race at Toronto today.

May 24th. Very cold, some snow flurries, saw some cars on highway coming from the East covered with snow, they say History repeats had to light the furnace today and had to light it last 24th of May. do not know how it will affect Blossoms, cherries & plum petals nearly all off now

May 25th. Very cold yet some frost this morning but not enough to do any damage. Hoeing new Strawberries look very bad. want rain.

May 26th. Hoeing new Strawberries & marking ground for tomatoes

May 27th. started putting out tomatoes. this afternoon. had to draw water all day from the creek.

May 28th. Planting out tomatoes & drawing water from the creek

May 29th Fine & warm planting tomatoes and drawing water Asparagus now $3.50 a bskt on account of the frosts & cold weather.

May 30th. Planting tomatoes yet. have 15 500 out now. and 2 000 more to put out. weather very warm today & very dry.

May 31st. Sunday. Fine & very warm this morning.

June 1st. Very warm. Hamilton reports 95 in the shade at noon. had a heavy thunder shower in the afternoon will do a lot of good. Planted out Sweet peppers.

June 2nd Still warm started spraying

got 6 tanks on after 930 this morning. Men put out Melons & Cucumbers. 95 in the shade again today.

June 3rd Spraying in the morning finished old orchard took 10 tanks. too windy in the afternoon and very hot again. planting peppers after dinner

June 4th still very warm 95 again Had Scott around offered 7 1/4 cts for 1000 crates of Strawberries

June 5th. Still spraying very warm 97 in the Shade reported from Hamilton Hottest June day since 1840

June 6th. put on two tanks of spray this morning. tank went on the punk. had to take to Coates to get repaired. still very warm. strawberry crop ruined so hot and no rain. plants are now laying flat on the high ground have 25 tanks of spray on now. will take 5 more to finish put in 5 to 5 1/2 lbs lead and 3 1/2 to 3 3/4 gall of Lime Sulphur in each tank.

June 7th Sunday still very warm 97 yesterday in shade

June 8th Still warm 99 in Hamilton Sunday some Thermometers over 100 in the shade

June 9th Finished spraying today not quiet so warm but no signs of rain yet and heavy South west wind strawberries about done for now. will not have any if it keeps up many more days.

June 10th Cleaning up hotbeds putting in Sash & pileing up frames. very cold temperature as low as 40

June 11th. Fine today no Rain yet planted squash in orchard too dry on hotbed ground. drawing earth & manure today.

June 12th. Finished hot bed cleaning up and hoed asparagus

June 13th. Very warm this morning and all day heavy south west wind. Hoed Beans. had a sprinkle of rain at 6 oclock and a good shower around 8 to 11 p.m. Albert Sheppherds Barn burned down saw in from Burlington hurried back. to

Grandpa's, burning pieces flying over the house some dropping on the roof, but the wind had dropped. and the roof a little wet or it might have gone too

May June 14th Sunday fine & warm. motored to Toronto for the day.

May June 15th. started picking strawberries picked 43 crates. Sold at mostly at 20 and 22 cts.

May June 16th. Fine & cool picked 108 crates today Sold 34 at $4.75 a crate and shipped 74 crates to Toronto Sold 16 to 20¢

May June 17th. Picked 114 crates today sold 25 crates to Carpenter at 14¢, shipped bal. {balance} to Toronto. Sold 15 to 17¢

May June 18th. Picked 111 crates today had to ship all to Toronto except 5 crates. Sold at 17 and 18¢ mostly

May June 19th. Picked 104 crates today. sold 9 at $4 25. 15 at $4 50 Balance in Toronto at 16¢ to 18¢

May June 20th had a light shower last night picked until 11 oclock got 51 crates total this week 531 crates

May June 21 Sunday Fine but very heavy west wind.

Monday June 22nd our biggest picking for this season 181 crates. shipped 75 to Toronto sold at 13¢ Bal sold here at average of about $375 {$3.75} a crate. fine & cool.

June 23rd picked 133 crates today. sold 74 at $3 70 took balance to Uptons 12¢ & boxs returned

June 24th Picked 120 crates today, looks like rain. started raining about 8 oclock, had another tire blow out makes two this week.

June 25th. Rained all night. & showery this morning, hoeing Blackberries did not pick any berries

June 26th. Very good picking again 157 crates today. sold 12 at 14¢, 68 to Scott for $365 {$3.65} a crate 77 to Upton at 12¢ & crates back.

June 27. picked berries half a day, 75 crates for Upton. total in two weeks 1197

June 28th Sunday fine had a crowd of visitors all day. Will Bell & family called in they say there srawberries no good also Cabbages & tomatoes & cherries not quarter of a crop.

June 29. Picked 117 crates today. weather cool prices same as last week

June 30th Berries getting scarce only picked 90 crates today

July 1st. no strawberry picking. picked 24 bskts Richmond cherries. they are a very poor crop.

July 2nd Picked over all the strawberries got 57 crates. total of 1461 crates

July 3rd Picked 25 bskts Richmond cherries & cut 27 crates Cabbages sold at $135 {$1.35} & $150 {$1.50} a crate

July 4th Saturday. cut 10 crates Cabbages at $138 {$1.38}. Had a good rain in the night and Early this morning. Planted nearly 1 lb Perfection Cucumber Seed on hot bed grounds for picking cukes. do not know how they will do. very warm this afternoon. looks like more showers. Hoed old strawberry patch up by H. {Maniss?} trying to keep it for the third picking

July 5th Sunday fine was up to Stan Longs for supper.

July 6th. Had a big day with Cabbages cut 75 crates. Sold at $125 {$1.25} to $150 {$1.50} a crate. totaled a little over $100.00

picked 5 more crates Strawberries & 32 bskts {baskets} Richmond cherries. Very hot again.

July 7th. picked some cherries also 30 crates Cabbages. {Side note} Picked 3 crates Rasps sold at 15¢ a pint

July 8th Finished picking Richmond cherries, no crop at all only about 100 bskt have over 100 trees sold from 60 to 75¢

July 9th Started picking Montmorency cherries 35 bskts today & 15 yesterday cut 54 more crates Cabbages. at $135 {$1.35} crate

July 10th. Sprayed apples. some Sprys Baldwins etc but no Greenings. not half as many as last year cut a few Cabbages and picked some cherries. and 5 1/2 crates Red Rasps Sold at 14¢ per pint box.

July 11th. Saturday shipped 17 bskt cherries & 20 crates Cabbages picked 227 bskts cherries to date

July 12th. went for a picnic dinner to Ancaster & Dundas in the afternoon. very warm.

July 13th. Picked 6 bskts Beans for the first Sold at $1.00 also 7 crates Rasps 98 bskts cherries. & 30 crates Cabbages. warm & very dry again

July 14. Not very many orders shipped 60 bskt cherries at 60¢ mostly. a few 65¢

July 15. picked 103 bskt cherries mostly 60¢ 34 crates Cabb $1.30 crate and one large crate Marrows 2 doz. at $250 $2.50} crate

July 16th. Had a big thunder shower also heavy wind blew down a few cherry trees.

July 17th. Picked first cukes 4 bskts $125 {$1.25} 15 crates Rasps Sold in Toronto 11¢ 38 crates Cabb. $125 {$1.25} 10 Beans 60¢ to 86 Cherries 60 & 65¢

July 18th Fine & cool no picking today picked 641 bskts Cherries to date.

July 19. Sunday. Fine had Stan Blair & H. Simmons over for supper

July 20th. had a pretty busy day, picked 186 bskt cherries sold a few at 65¢ balance 70¢ cut 35 crates Cabbages picked 29 bskts Beans 50¢ 10 bskt cukes $100 {$1.00} also first basket of tomatoes at $3.00 and 3 bskt peppers at $1.00

July 21st. shipped 2 bskts tomatoes $3 00 per bskt. 27 x 36 crates Rasps at 10¢ pint box. and 108 cherries at 65 & 70¢ mostly 70¢

July 22nd. Picked 115 cherries @ 75¢ also picked 18 bskt peppers

July 23rd picking cherries. nearly done.

July 24th. only picked 61 cherries 75¢ 5 tomatoes at $3 00 a few cukes at $1.00 some 22 cabbages at $1.25. they are first done. also Beans at 50¢

July 25th. Have only picked 1192 bskt cherries up to date and just done.

July 26 Sunday Cloudy all day looks like rain

July 27th. Picked 21 bskts tomatoes sold at $250 {$2.50} to $300 {£3.00} per bskt. 18 cukes. 75¢. Cabbages at $125 {$1.25} crate. Beans 50¢ 29 bskt Cherries at 75¢ Started raining about 3 oclock.

July 28 nothing doing rained until 3 oclock this afternoon

July 29th. Picked 4 crates Lawtons 14¢ pint 17 tomatoes $250 {$2.50} 17 cukes 50¢ 21 Beans 50¢ 13 crates Cabbages $125 {$1.25}. 10 apples 50¢. 1 crate Marrows $200 {$2.00} 1 bskt plums for (first) 60¢ also 26 pint crates Rasps sold at 10 & 11¢

July 30th not much doing some Cabbages Beans & 38 cherries

July 31st. Finished Mont cherries 12 bskts. 1271 bskts to date. Picked 46 bskts tomatoes 41 no {number} 1's at $250 {$2.50} here & 5 no 2s in Toronto

27 bskt cukes at 40¢ & 50¢ 4 crates Lawtons at 14¢, 27 crates Cabbages at $125 {$1.25} crate. Sold just about $200 worth all up north today

Aug 1st Showery this morning heavy rain all night. went to Hamilton for a load of orange crates. after dinner picked 25 bskt tomatoes $250 {$2.50} 5 bskt sweet peppers at $100 {$1.00} for Barrie. and 20 bskt plums 60¢ for Ross Hart. have now picked 120 bskts tomatoes sold none less than $250 {$2.50} per bskt.

Aug 2nd Sunday Fine went to Wm Cuttresses to tea & met the Californias (Claytons) here visiting Cuttresses

Aug 3rd. Fine & warmer picked 45 tomatoes at $250 {$2.50}. 27 cukes 35¢ and a few other things Beans etc.

Aug 4th. Picked 228 bskts plums at 40 to 60¢ mostly at 42 1/2¢. also 10 crates Rasps & Lawtons at 9 1/2¢ pint. and 5 crates Cabbages $125 {$1.25}, our Early Cabbages just about done.

Aug 5th Picked 90 bskts of tomatoes sold mostly at $150 {$1.50}. Some cukes at 35¢ and 52 apples 40¢ 5 cabbages 16 plums.

Aug 6th. Shipped some apples plums etc up North also 50 bskt peppers to Toronto. raining tonight

Aug 7th. Picked 96 bskts tomatoes sold 10 at $2.00 and balance at $1.50, also 23 apples 30 cukes 84 plums. and other stuff had a busy day.

Aug 8th. Picked 25 Hampers apples at $110 {$1.10} 152 bskts plums at 35¢ for R. L. Scott. cloudy. and wet all day after last nights rain.

Aug 9th Sunday, some more Rain last night and this morning was down to see McCulloughs who arrived last Friday by motor from Erie.

Aug 10th. Very busy picked 155 bskt tomatoes {billed?} out at $100 {$1.00}, also 78 bskt plums for Scott and other orders.

Aug 11th. not many orders had to ship some tomatoes to Toronto. Sold Scott 1000 6 qt bskts Burbank plums at 26¢ to be loaded by tomorrow night. got 500 in today.

Aug 12 prices all shot tomatoes selling as low as 30¢ in Toronto picked 125 shipped north at 40¢

also the other 500 plums for Scott, and other orders very busy. Just done in time started raining at 6 oclock

Aug 13th. Showery again this morning, picked up 75 bskt apples shipped to Toronto sold at 25¢ also shipped 75 tomatoes

Aug 14th. More Rain this morning picked 180 tomatoes. 84 plums for North orders.

Aug 15th. one of our busy Saturdays picked 152 Abundance & Red June plums @ 50¢ Burbanks for Scott at 28¢ also 66 bskt tomatoes to Barrie at 40¢ total 722 bskts in one day

Aug 16th. Fine & warm all had tea down to Grandpa's. McCulloughs leaving for home in the morning.

Aug 17th. weather fine but very heavy dew. picking lots of tomatoes & plums.

Aug 18th. still at the same plums, toms, etc. price plums 29 & 30 toms 40¢. Lillie not well am afraid she will have to go under an operation. very warm

Aug 19th. Picked 400 6 qts plums @ 20¢ for Scott also lots of tomatoes

Aug 20th weather cooler. picking plums & tomatoes & Clapps Pears

Aug 21st. Lillie goes to St Josephs Hospital tonight for an operation tomorrow morning for a tumor. our biggest day on tomatoes but not very many plums

Aug 22nd. Lilllie under operation this morning very weak this afternoon but alright.

Aug 23rd Sunday. Fine & warm. Lillie very weak yet.

Aug 24th. monday very busy today, toms 35 plums 30¢ Lillie seems a little better.

Aug 25. Very warm, busy again with our own orders also 300 6 qts plums for Scott. Drs. claim Lillie still improving.

Aug 26th. orders lighter today got done at 6 oclock, very warm Lillie improving

Aug 27th big change in the weather, real cold this morning. 230 tomatoes today and about 80 plums

Aug 28. Friday orders easier today, only 125 toms. 88 plums 20 Cabbages 6 Caul, lots of tomatoes ripe will soon be starting Canning factory. Fine & cool.

Aug 29th. Picked 108 plums & 100 bskts tomatoes very warm

Aug 30. Sunday. Very warm went up to Hamilton to see Lillie she is improving. Had supper with her in the Hospital.

Aug 31st Very busy picking plums, pears & toms.

Sept 1. very busy again today, with orders.

Sept 2nd. busy again had two men from Hamilton picking tomatoes for Canning factory

Sept 3rd had a shower in the night, very wet this morning but have a lot of orders. Sold Smith & Hart 48 bskt Red peppers at $110 {$1.10}

Sept 4. took first load of tomatoes to the Cannery 79 bushel got word on the way home Lillie very bad & to come to the Hospital immediately

Sept 5th. Our Dear Lillie passed away this morning at 7.30 in St Josephs Hospital.

Sept 6th. Sunday rained all day, a lot of people in.

Sept 7th Funeral Services at 230 p.m. weather cloudy. no Sunshine since Lillie died, weather is just like myself, no Sunshine

Sept 8th. feeling pretty wobbly after the shock helped to write the invoices and Bills out quiet a few orders.

Sept 9th. Showery again had quiet a few orders

Sept 10th. Busy again today. tomatoes, plums pears etc. also shipped 55 bskt Red peppers to Toronto. and 5 bbls {Barrels} Colvert apples at $275 {$2.75} & $250 {$2.50} per bbl.

Sept 11th. not very many orders 8 bbls apples and about 150 bskts.

Sept 12th. Raining nearly all day picked 70 bskt peppers & 41 pears for Ross Hart.

Sept 13th Sunday Raining nearly all day.

Sept 14th. had quiet a few orders also picking some tomatoes for Canning Coy {Company} they are getting very soft & canners are kicking about them.

Sept 15th. Picked a bunch for Ross Hart 110 bskt peppers 30¢ 53{?} {bskts?} pears 40 & 45 5{?} {writing obscured by a shamrock leaf on top of it} 9 pickling cukes 35 11 bags carrots 15

Sept 16th. Cleaning up today not very many orders some pears & 5 bbls H. Pippin apples. and 77 bus {bushels} toms to canners

Sept 17th. Finished plums for the season, picked a few pears etc and 80 bus tomatoes for factory

Sept 18. wet this morning had a very heavy thunder storm in the night about the worst this season, hardly any orders today.

Sept 19th. only picked a few peppers not much doing, cold, & cloudy like rain am feeling Blue Lillie gone two weeks this morning.

Sept 20th Sunday. Fine & very warm Grandma & Grandpa Boniface going home. Lord only knows how I miss my dear little girl. do not know whether I can stand it here or not. all winter alone. have no interest in any thng now. dont feel even fit to work.

Sept 21st Finished tomatoes for Canning Co about 770 bushels. at 40¢ and 50¢ very cold. was up to 90 yesterday, and {Probs?}, say light frost tonight.

Sept 22. not very much doing. picking a few pears & peppers one man ploughing

Sept 23rd. started cutting out Raspberries bushes.

Sept 24 turning colder again only had a few orders today

Sept 25th Picking some pears & a few bskts tomatoes I guess it will be the last of them. shipped 105 bskts north today.

Sept 26th. men cleaning out Raspberry & Blackberry patch.

Sept 27th. went up to Hamilton to 94 Grosvenor Ave. very heavy rain all the way in & part of the way home.

Sept 28th. Started picking cranberry pippin apples. also picked about 150 bskts pears etc.

Sept 29th. Sold Ross Hart 1 1/4 tons Cabbage at $15 per ton 82 pears 40¢ (yesterday) 10 doz squash $125 {$1.25} 6 doz Pumpkins $100 {$1.00} 20 bags Carrots 65¢ Bill Smith quit work monday no notice at all after the way we used him.

Sept 30th. Picking apples and a few peppers.

Oct 1st men picking apples. Greenings will only have a few barrels of them

Oct 2nd at apples yet. big crop in Ontario have none sold yet.

Oct 3rd. Picking Baldwin apples.

Oct 4th. Sunday, home all alone, weather cool & cloudy, was down to the beach and helped nail Lillies houses up for winter

Oct 5th. Lillie passed away one month today miss her more than ever. it will never be the same again life hardly worth living.

Oct 6th. Have one car apples sold at $200 {$2.00} per bbl, and the barrels cost us 70¢ not much for the apples

Oct 7th. Picking & packing Spy apples but not very well colored yet.

Oct 8th. Finished picking Kieffer pears had 237 bskts sold all at 30¢ bskt. weather cold & cloudy has been a very cold & wet fall. but no frost yet. the flowers not frozen yet.

Oct 9th. Caledonia fair only have two Indians now and both gone to the fair today. weather cold & rainy.

Oct 9th & 10th cold and cloudy. men picking apples have a cold myself.

Oct 11th Sunday. Alan 8 months old, and what a change since then.

Madge took the girls to Hamilton and to church John & Family all up, also Stan Blair over after Supper.

Oct 12th. Picking & packing apples

Oct 13th. Shipped car load of apples to T. S. Tremouth Powassan. 176 bbls at $2 00 per bbl

Oct 14th. unloading 1st car of manure this fall. a very big one nearly 42 1/2 tons.

Oct 15, Finished car of manure 17 loads, & picking apples

Oct 16th. Fine & mild picking Spy apples. raining in the evening went with Stan & Harry to the Radio Show.

Oct 17th. Rained all night, but clearing & cooler today finished picking apples.

Oct 18. Fine but cool. Sunday. Had Mr & Mrs Bush Mr & Mrs Cuttress in for awhile.

Oct 19th. unloading 2nd car of manure.

Oct 20th Started packing apples again

Oct 21st. Cool & cloudy went to Hamilton I got 80 potato barrels at 20¢ at Stevensons Fruit Coy, Park St S. cannot get any apple

barrels. at any price

Oct 22 Cool & cloudy packed apples all day.

Oct 23rd. Finished apples about 3 o'clock and loaded car for T. S. Tremouth after 5.30 p.m. 191 bbls at $2 00 per bbl.

Oct 24th. cool & cloudy looks like rain. moving furniture out of Lillis Beach house up to Bonifaces who seem to own it all. started raining about 2 oclock. wet through before night.

Oct 25th. Cloudy & cold (Sunday)

Oct 26th Getting a load ready for market for the first time Raining again

Oct 27th went to market for the first time sold out at noon Carrots 40¢ and 50¢ bushel squash. small ones 50 & 75¢ doz. Red peppers 35¢ Pumpkins 50 to $100 {$1.00} dozen. Sold a couple of extra loads carrots.

Oct 28th. snowing all morning but mild & snow melting got another load ready for market. turning cold & ground frozen by supper time

Oct 29th went to

market very cold every thing frozen solid. thermometer at Parke & Parkes when I got in to market was 24 above zero. also some snow. at Milgrove they say 4 to 6 inches snow. and Calgary was as low as 4 below zero. sure has been a very cold wet & rough fall. {Side note} Dominion Election Day.

Oct 30th. Some more snow this morning but thawed off again. had two loads of carrots into Hamilton. at 50¢ bushel.

Oct 31 Took 80 bus more carrots to Hamilton at 40¢ very cold this a.m ground frozen solid again. Mrs Barlow died today.

Nov 1st. Sunday weather cool but bright this morning. was down to Ida's for tea.

Nov 2nd. Fine & milder but frosts at night drew another load of carrots to Wrights

Nov 3rd Fair & milder took two loads carrots to Hamilton had 540 bushels all together sold some at 40¢ but mostly at 50¢ bushel. have an awful cold will have to lay up I guess.

latest Election returns are 117 Con. 100 Liberals 28 Prog & Ind. & Labor.

Nov 4th. weather fine & clear. have a cold doing nothing. men husking corn.

Nov 5th. mild but windy & showery will likely be cold about tomorrow. two months today we lost dear Lillie

Nov 6th. Fine & mild. doing nothing.

Nov 7th cold some better raining today.

Nov 8th Sunday, down to Johns for dinner & tea. very cold freezing tonight

Nov 9th. Thanksgiving Day. cold again men working on corn husking & ploughing.

Nov 10th. a little milder again.

Nov 11th fine & bright one of the nicest days for some time, finished drawing corn.

Nov 12th Cold & cloudy this morning Raining all afternoon & nearly all night I guess.

Nov 13th. Cloudy this morning. looks like rain.

Nov 14th. Rough & cloudy. very strong

westerly gales took Alan into Dr Clarks says he is alright. weighs 19 lbs 6 ozs and is 9 months old.

Nov 15 Sunday. Cloudy this morning, raining all afternoon.

Nov 16 Showery this morning. unloading car of manure and covering strawberries

Nov 17th. same job as yesterday. weather turning cooler tonight

Nov 18th Finished second car of strawberry covering at noon today. Grandpa not very well had a bad spell today.

Nov 19th nothing doing weather mild. Grandpa Mac not very well had a bad spell yesterday.

Nov 20th. Cloudy & mild Lillie left for the Hospital three months tonight seems like years. the longer the time. the more lonesome it gets. seems to be pretty near unbearable. Queen Alexandra died today nearly 81 years old.

Nov 21st. Fine & mild nothing much doing.

Nov 22nd. Sunday Cooler a few Snow flurries Had Grandpa & Grandma B out

Nov 23. Ground frozen some snow unloading 3rd car of strawberry covering.

Nov 24th still cool & cloudy, unloading another car of manure.

Nov 25th covering strawberries.

Nov 26th. Digging out old plum trees. and went to Hamilton got a load of baled hay at $20 per ton.

Nov 27th. Rained nearly all night and all day today.

Nov 28th Colder this morning frozen up & some snow flurries. started unloading last car of manure & finished covering Strawberries took about 4 1/2 cars of strawy long manure.

Sunday Nov 29th Fair & cold home alone all day.

Nov 30th. Finished car of manure. about done work for the winter have some small jobs to do. but have not much heart to any more than I have to do. Cool this morning nearly zero they say. but milder this afternoon and looks like snow or rain.

Nov 30th Dec 1st a little snow on the ground but milder ploughing Raspberry bushes.

Dec 2nd. Cloudy & mild Indians quit work for the winter every thing about done.

Dec 3rd we all left two years ago today for Cal. {California} some change since then. weather here today fine & mild.

Dec 4th mild & cloudy was down town paying Taxes & accounts. taxes this year about $30 higher in Nelson total in Nelson & East Flamboro $735.78

Dec 5th. Cold & stormy Lillie left us three months ago today. Rain & snow nearly all day getting cold at night.

Dec 6th. Colder with some snow. went to city & saw Mr & Mrs Boniface. also called at Mr Moys to see the new Radio. Pfanstiehl Radio it seems pretty good

Dec 7th cold & cloudy some snow on ground and freezing pretty hard.

Dec 8th. a few snow flurries & getting colder tonight.

Dec 9th. cold & real winter weather this morning. colder

than it was 6 years ago today. our Wedding day. some change in our lives. since six years ago today. the boys came over tonight again and we had a few games cards. got beat again as usual. I guess I am know good at Cards.

Dec 10th. Cold wintry weather cloudy in the morning but bright before noon. some snow flurries

Dec 11th. milder & cloudy, looks like rain or snow. turning colder tonight with high winds.

Dec 12th Cloudy & cold with high wind.

Dec 13th. Sunday. all alone all day. weather cloudy & cold.

Dec 14th. Cloudy & cool. getting papers signed about Lillies business as she had no will had to get Lawyer Cleaver also Justice of the Peace Stewart to sign them

Dec 15th cool & cloudy was out to Will Cuttriss and had a few games of Pedro. snowing when I came home.

Dec 16th. cool & cloudy looks like winter with a little snow on the ground

Dec 17th. Wintry yet with a little snow on the ground, but the sun is shineing. 6 years ago today we arrived in Los Angelas on our honeymoon. and the weather was so nice & warm.

Dec 18th Friday cloudy & cold strong west winds and a few Snow flurries.

Dec 19th Saturday. a Little Milder but cloudy.

Dec 20th Sunday. weather about the same partly cloudy. took some snaps of Alan and the girls.

Dec 21st. About used up today got a stitch in my back.

Dec 22nd Tuesday. a little colder this morning a little snow on the ground

Wed Dec 23rd. John & Donald went up for a load of tiles, we have Bill Bowerbank. putting in a 6 inch tile up Johns Hollow. The boys were over and we had a few more games cards tonight.

Thursday Dec 24th not very cold today but a little snow on the ground.

Christmas Day. clear & cold & a couple of inches of snow. The children had a good time all day, at Johns for dinner & Ida's for supper. but it was no pleasure in it for me. the longer the time goes on, the more I realize what I am up against.

Saturday Dec 26th. Coldest morning this winter 3 below zero they say.

Sunday Dec 27th Very cold night 10 below zero at Bedtime last night and they Say 14 to 20 below this morning home alone all day Papers claim coldest day for years.

Monday Dec 28. cold yet but not as bad as Sunday.

Tuesday Dec 29th. moderateing again men at drain again but must be pretty cold job.

Wednesday Dec 30th was up to Hamilton for some things. pretty cold yet.

Thursday Dec 31st. the last day of 1925. the darkest year of them all for me. weather a little milder.

{Blank pages}

Total Receipts

Page 1 5040.54
2 1473.26
3 2166.07
4 1341.29
5 1253.08
6 1488.54
7 1953.44
Nov 3. Monkman Cookstown 60 15
By Draft F J B Gunn Sundridge 99 95
H G Pack Orillia 32 15
H. Fisher Cookstown 49 40
Sinclair Orillia 40 40
+ Roebuck Midland 29 60
Nov 5 Hutchison Bros Bracebridge 103.70
6 C W Sharpe Burks Falls 165 40
+ 7 J R Couse Cookstown 92 68
18 J W Troyer Burks Falls 16 15
18 Manser Welb Toronto 15 30
23 T.S. Tremouth Powassan 383.75
P J Marin Bracebridge 9 20
McJannett Gravenhurst 4 70
26. John Saso Barrie 78 25
Dec + 1 V. R. Hart Burlington 376 91
+ Hare Bros Bracebridge 200.00
Hare Bros Bracebridge 215 75
{scored out}
$1953 44
By Draft
Sept 26 J D Stewart Thornton 102.85
" 28 W S Manning Elmvale 64 00
Oct 5 A E Johnston Sundridge 167 75
McJannett Gravenhurst 35 90
6 Brown & Co Barrie 7 60
W J Broley Cookstown 25 51
+ 7 T. S. Tremouth Powassan 88 45
Oct 9th. W J Troyer Magnetawan 50.00
" Manser Welb Toronto 7 37
. " 15 R. R. Bothwell Allandale 12 05
+ H J Buchanan Barrie 61 05
+. 15 S {Landeron?} Crossland 41 60
Oct + 22 D S Litster Burks Falls 112.65
+. 23 Manser Welb Toronto 7.69
26 Burlington Canning Co 330 99
+ 26 Wisdom Allandale 55 55
28 Manser Welb Toronto 20 38
Oct 30 D Scaletta Huntsville 123 35
30 A E Johnston Sundridge 32 00
Nov 3 Wright Fruit Hamilton 89 60
+ 3 " " " 53 20
$1488 54
Sept 17 J F Cullingham Cookstown 39 40
17 Unon Fruit Co Toronto 6 32
18 McSmith Burlington 26 40
Mc Smith. " 79.70
21 Hanna & Co. Port Carling 103.05
24 G W Nichol Beeton 72 10
x 25 Ard South River 6 15
28 Manser Welb Toronto 21 14
28 {Thos?} Gallagher Schomberg 16 80
30 F D Cancilla Barrie 307 00
30 P J Marrin Bracebridge 122 15
+ 30 R L Scott Aldershot 154 35
Oct 2 McKnight Tottenham 11 40
2 Mrs McGollop Cookstown 22 80
7 Wm Peck Burks Falls 71 25
7 Simpson Tottenham 27 75
7 Manser Welb Toronto 45 27
7 Chantler Barrie 3 75
7 Ireland W. J. Huntsville 10.00
Sept 23 By Draft. W V Fry Thornton 106 30
Sept 1 R. McKnight Tottenham 61.20
1 T. E. Monkman Cookstown 48 20
2 R E Baycroft Stayner 10 55
2 D S Litster Burks Falls 127 69
2 G. Williamson Tottenham 2.45
3 E. D. Ard South River 20.65
4 Wm Peck Burks Falls 90.55
4 J R Couse Cookstown 100.00
4 R E Baycroft Stayner 4.10
4 Hare Bros Bracebridge 150.00
6 Harry Fisher Cookstown 67 40
7 S L Anderson Crossland 53 10
8 E. McWalter Elmvale 10.65
+ 8 L. Robinson Elmvale 12 40
Sept 11 F J B Gunn Sundridge 81 21
14 Ross Hart Burlington 359 79
15 Manser Welb Toronto 23 85
15 Baycroft Stayner 4 20
16 A Cooper Elmvale 77 65
+ 16 W J Harris Allandale 35 65
Aug 11 Union Fruit Co Toronto 19.21
11 Manser Welb Toronto 39.23
13 G W Nichol Beeton 69.50
13 Hutchison Bros Bracebridge 164.54
+ 14 Hanna & Co Port Carling 173.03
18 C W Sharpe Burks Falls 108 55
19 R. E Baycroft Stayner 7 15
19 Manser Welb Toronto 29 29
19 Union Fruit Co " 7 26
* 18 Peter Duncan " 25 49
21 T. A Cooper Elmvale 49 60
21 R A Baycroft Stayner 6 75
22 Wisdom & Co Allandale 58 35
22 R E Baycroft Stayner 6 00
22 John Saso Barrie 472.70
24 Williamson Tottenham 2 00
x 25 Manser Welb Toronto 22.77
29 R L Scott Aldershot 348 90
29 R L Scott Aldershot 349 65
Sept 1 G W Nichol Beeton 156 10
L Robinson Elmvale 50.00
July 20 W S Manning Elmvale 13.00
21 Manser Welb Toronto 56.78
22 Union Fruit Toronto 26.41
22 R McKnight Tottenham 29.25
24 C W Sharpe Burks Falls 94.75
+ 24 W V Fry Thornton 24.75
25 R E Baycroft Stayner 9 75
27 Manser Welb Toronto 56 22
27 D. S Litster Burks Falls 80 21
28 Union Fruit Toronto 28 60
30 Wm Peck Burks Falls 44 10
30 E D Ard South River 11 10
+ 30 F D Cancilla Barrie 166 95
Aug 5. Manser Welb Toronto 55 40
5 Union Fruit Co 38 19
6 P J Marrin Bracebridge 50.75
6 Roy McKnight Tottenham 35.25
6 R L Scott Aldershot 369 00
+ 7 Hare Bros Bracebridge 125.00
8 D. Scaletta Huntsville 99 30
11 T. E. Monkman Cookstown 58 50
$1473 26

Receipt year 1925

May 6 Manser Welb Toronto 14.57
" 21 Manser Welb Toronto 34.58
28 Manser Welb Toronto 10.09
28 Union Fruit Co Toronto 16.42
June 6 Union Fruit Co Toronto 31.34
17th Union Fruit Co Toronto 27.20
19th Cash Sales 38.25
22 Cash Sales 91.25
23 Manser Welb Toronto 828.80
24 Union Fruit Co Toronto 606.57
24 Stronach & Son Toronto 231.63
26 Wm Cunningham Thornton 72.90
27 Carpenter & Son Winona 94.50
29 R L. Scott Aldershot 500.00
30. Manser Welb Toronto 249.05
July 8 Manser Welb Toronto 7.27
14 Manser Welb Toronto 119.32
4 Ross Hart Burlington 326.50
14 Wm Peck Burks Falls 43 98
15 Upton Co Hamilton 1596.27
16 G W Nichol Beeton 100.05

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Franklin McMillan, “Franklin McMillan Diary, 1925,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 24, 2025,

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  1. Franklin McMillan Diary 1925 1.pdf
  2. Franklin McMillan Diary 1925 2.pdf
  3. Franklin McMillan Diary 1925 3.pdf
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  10. Franklin McMillan Diary 1925 10.pdf
  11. Franklin McMillan Diary 1925 11.pdf
  12. Franklin McMillan Diary 1925 12.pdf
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  18. Franklin McMillan Diary 1925 18.pdf
  19. Franklin McMillan Diary 1925 19.pdf
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  30. Franklin McMillan Diary 1925 30.pdf
  31. Franklin McMillan Diary 1925 31.pdf
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  39. Franklin McMillan Diary 1925 39.pdf
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  55. Franklin McMillan Diary 1925 55.pdf
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