27 bskt cukes at 40¢ & 50¢ 4 crates Lawtons at 14¢, 27 crates Cabbages at $125 {$1.25} crate. Sold just about $200 worth all up north today
Aug 1st Showery this morning heavy rain all night. went to Hamilton for a load of orange crates. after dinner picked 25 bskt tomatoes $250 {$2.50} 5 bskt sweet peppers at $100 {$1.00} for Barrie. and 20 bskt plums 60¢ for Ross Hart. have now picked 120 bskts tomatoes sold none less than $250 {$2.50} per bskt.
Aug 2nd Sunday Fine went to Wm Cuttresses to tea & met the Californias (Claytons) here visiting Cuttresses
Aug 3rd. Fine & warmer picked 45 tomatoes at $250 {$2.50}. 27 cukes 35¢ and a few other things Beans etc.
Aug 4th. Picked 228 bskts plums at 40 to 60¢ mostly at 42 1/2¢. also 10 crates Rasps & Lawtons at 9 1/2¢ pint. and 5 crates Cabbages $125 {$1.25}, our Early Cabbages just about done.
Aug 5th Picked 90 bskts of tomatoes sold mostly at $150 {$1.50}. Some cukes at 35¢ and 52 apples 40¢ 5 cabbages 16 plums.