File #37101: "Franklin McMillan Diary 1925 40.pdf"


Madge took the girls to Hamilton and to church John & Family all up, also Stan Blair over after Supper. Oct 12th. Picking & packing apples Oct 13th. Shipped car load of apples to T. S. Tremouth Powassan. 176 bbls at $2 00 per bbl Oct 14th. unloading 1st car of manure this fall. a very big one nearly 42 1/2 tons. Oct 15, Finished car of manure 17 loads, & picking apples Oct 16th. Fine & mild picking Spy apples. raining in the evening went with Stan & Harry to the Radio Show. Oct 17th. Rained all night, but clearing & cooler today finished picking apples. Oct 18. Fine but cool. Sunday. Had Mr & Mrs Bush Mr & Mrs Cuttress in for awhile. Oct 19th. unloading 2nd car of manure. Oct 20th Started packing apples again Oct 21st. Cool & cloudy went to Hamilton I got 80 potato barrels at 20¢ at Stevensons Fruit Coy, Park St S. cannot get any apple
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