File #38252: "JamesBowman_1908 Diary Part One 1.pdf"


== Tuesday 31st Dec/07 == W.B & I did chores and hauled one load of manure. Mr. Lour came in afternoon to see cattle. Offered $200.00 for E.P. Pride 3rd + calf. but I could not see my way to part with her for that price. == Wensday Jan 1st/08 == W.B. & I did chores and I took Aunt Jennie and Mother to town. M.J. took Aunt Jennie {w} to Tom's in afternoon I went to Consolidated Seh meeting. {Pol?} McCrae was elected Chairman. Mr Basher Chairman of Seh management {lour?} of Chairman of twines Mr. Buchman of Van & Trans WE had quits a nief. Meeting bred {unites? writes?} of {Peeutom?} to L.P Ring leader == Thursday 2nd Jan == I took Jennie to Station in morning sold a tockerel. $1.50 got {Reh?} bag fixed 10e {_eus} $1.25 to witness for ad + pub. Paid Jennie $6.00 to get things for mother. We went to Hendersonsin afternoon to vieik and rec the stock.J. Henderson is to keep two cows and raise calves as { } terms as Tom is, and if anything happens there just { } { } risk as grade earth. == Friday. Jan 3rd my five == I went to town in morning shipped two { } to Jno Mountain. { } $1.70. got money order for 1.70 $37.50 for refund to t.m.
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