File #38318: "JamesBowman_1908 Part Two_007.pdf"


1 Oct. 16th 1908 fine w.Batty at Harveys Thrashing I did chores and wrote to Hon.W.Cliford, J.D. McGregor, Geo Patterson & his {illegible}. H.W. Watkins Geo Rya n Chas Ries. rec $22.50 from Jas Smith for apples sent $30.00. to D.Douglas & Sons Mitchell Ont. Sat 14th fine. We picked apples cleaned box stalls. Finished apples I went to town drew on Geo Patterson Brandon for $601.40 and on Hon. W. Clifford for $200.00. I bgt {bought} groceries. Sunday 18th fine. Mary E. Bessie & I went to Church & baby J & {illegible} to S.S. Col. Connectional funds $5.00 13 ct. Mary J. Jamie & M.E. & I went to Church in evening {written between lines - x (illegible) keepsake had a call by Lord (illegible)} heard Rev {illegible} on The Model Daughter & Sister. I was very good. Monday 19th fine & cool. I took 8 bgs cider apples to mill got 25 gal cider and pd 50c shipped Raw Lamb to Geo L. {illegible} Valparaise Ind. bgt 2 {brl - barrels?} of cement at $2.10 at Penfolds then went to mill in afternoon pd express on McGregors hogs 3.00 Ryn's $1.35 & mountain Ram 1.00 Pd for chopping 8 bgs. 40c.
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