File #38384: "MelbaRosamondSweet_1928_050.pdf"


May 2. Wednesday 2. Nice bright day. Maud and Asmond were here tonight. Mr. Showers was here for eggs this afternoon. I ironed. May 3. Thursday 3. Lovely bright warm day. I went to St. Thomas this morning. got a pair of slippers and a hat. I went to Sparta and took Mauds dress along with my coat. Eugene was over for a while tonight. Jre. Phillips buildings were burned today. Dad has one field done. May 4. Friday 4. {different handwriting} {Cighty?} in the shade to g day. Melba went to St Thomas, & took her hat back. she didn't like it. Melba went to, Mrs Smith's & to Choir practice. I stayed with Mrs Shower's. John went to Toney's to a sale after dinner The man worked the {team?}.
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