Aug. 12. Sunday 12.
Rather cool all day, and real cold tonight. No one came, but Maud and I went down to the cemetry and put flowers on Asmond'a grave.
Aug. 13. Monday 13.
Grand day. Not too hot. I went to town after some hay loader rope and then out to Eugenes to help them with the threshers. Maude and Mother went up after the mail. Mr. Kilpaticks were here this this afternoon. Charlie was here.
Aug. 14. Tuesday 14.
A lovely day. Pretty warm this after-noon. Finished the hay today. Maud and Mother went to Sparta and town this morning. Maud and Doris, and Margaret went after weeds this afternoon. Margaret is here tonight. Mrs. Weaver was down this afternoon. Mabelle sent me a new dress today and some berries.