== November 1898 ==
12 Mr. Donald Cameron died last night—was 80 years. Marvin got another bottle of medicine from Morvet. On the Milla (?) settled one 25 cts.
13. Fine day, Uncle Donald & Mary Ed. were over. Jilly, Bride & Murdie drove there in church.
14. Fine day, Murdie washed.
15. Soft day, Murdie went to Mrs. Cameron’s funeral.
16. Still threshing, killed a hen. There was an awful accident. Happened on the C. P. rail road on Tuesday R. R. McL (?) & sixteen persons killed.
17. Fine day. At Range Meeting arranged for Christmas entertainment.
18. Murdie still boiling.
19. Cold but dry.
20. Some rain. Killed two hogs.
21. Wet & raw. Took part Uncle Donald’s wood.
22. Fine day like Indian summer. To 1 gal coal oil 17.
23. Another fine day. To 42 lbs pork 25; 9 lbs stew 30. Got two eggs. The first for over three weeks.
24. Fine day. The meeting of the Aerial committee Thanksgiving day. Auntie Campbell & Uncle Donald were there. Lorrimore practiced in evening.
25. Done little cleaning in the dining room.
26. Turned damp snow. Done 4 days. Laid 50 over Gable (?) S.
27. Cold day. Turned warm. Put over over a month. The Riddle (?) met tonight.
28. Mild day, I worked. Pa went to Abraham’s threshing on the river.
== December ==
1. Thursday. W.F.M.S. met at R.C.E. Murdie and I drove today. Our offering 20 cts.
2. Fine day. Got wood yesterday
3. To show 20 cts ticket. Borrowed $3.00 from Bird. Got 7 yds calico at 14 cts. Canned 7 quarts "ge gone to the table." Jimmie came home. Murdie went to Fair Castle for him. Murdie bought 1/2 bu. corn & 9 1/2 lbs apples
4. Fine winter day. A good congregation. Mr. Tatum at night came up to preach. Heard that a son of Black McPherson R.N. died 4 A.M. after a short illness. I made soap today
5. Fine day. Jimmie went to Martintown with 10 1/2 bush. wheat and got 3 bags of flour. Murdie got sugar 25 lbs
6. Murdie went North today. The R.R. had an entertainment last night.
7. Fine day. Made a small washing.
8. Done nothing but cooking. Had two of F.D.’s girls & 2 of Isaac McCulloch's girls to tea last night. Murdie came home tonight.
9. Jimmie, Mr. Fann & R. McCullough’s horseshoe.
10. Jimmie, I did not go to church.
11. Cold, 2 degrees below zero, washed. Mrs. Calder & Bella D. Roy called with her little girl.
12. Murdie went to Cornwall by train to Pont
13. Cold, 14 degrees below zero.
14. Got coal oil 9 lbs church. Turned summer.
15. Baked in oven. Turkeys – dress – parched raisins – 36 1/4. Bunch of oats 12 1/2 wheat – 2 bushels. 20 potatoes.
16. To Mr. 25, sugar 25 cts. Murdie got home at 7.
17. Mr. Abraham brought 1 bush. apples. Paid $1.50. Mrs. Martha sent last night.
18. I did not go to church. I had toothache.
19. Cold wind. Murdie went to Cornwall. Baked. Jimmie shared two bands of wood & mended.