Christina McLennan Diary, 1897-1905


Christina McLennan Diary, 1897-1905


Christina McLennan


Glengarry County Archives






19th & 20th Centuries, Glengarry County, Charlottenburg Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1897


Scanned Manuscript


== Christina McLennan Diary, 1897-1905... ==

A black front cover with a brown left spine

January 1897

1. Friday. Fine day. Pa was up early and went to see Murdy, he is improving gradually. The children slept late. They were at the church there was a night watch.

2. Soft snow and rain. Murdy died at noon. I got M {name?} to take M Killop away to green valley. To 1 pan bread {illegible}.

3. Sunday. lovely day a large {illegible} Tassie Dingwall here to stay over night.

4. Uncle Murdy buried today there was a very large funeral. To 2 pans of bread and ham for I got yesterday 60 to 1 lantern 50.

5. Rain and snow today but not cold. Yesterday was as fine as a day in the 1st of May.

6. Freezing in the morning, snowing in the evening. Mr. Brown left for Kingston in forenoon Birdie at the manse today.

7. Fine bright day womens meeting at the manse. My fee offering 25 paid too faithful witness. Bids fee and offering 35. Bot at willins lemons 15 ingar 25 raisins 9. Paid the girls rink trekits.

8. Very fine day no more yet sleighing to 6 {illegible} 30. Paid Fraser for butter lard and sugar got in Dee and 1 gall {illgegible}. 95% 5 {illegible} 1 cake chocolate 9-1 hank fingering yarn 1 onion at willis 5.

9. Saturday. Fine and soft % 1 panibread 20 1 gall {illegible} 40.

10. A large congregation morning and evening.

11. Sent provinder to mill. Jamie cleaned the furn see pipes. To 1 pan bread thick.

12. Fine day.

13. Thought to go to prayer meeting. but went to the manse

January 1897

15. Friday. Pa is not very well.

16. Raw day

17. I did not go to church today. Pa is not well.

18. Bold high wind. Birdie is not getting a chance to {illgegible} Finch. she will try tomorrow

19. Mercury fell to 20 below zero. At 8 AM was cold all day. I bake in oven to 1 gall cook oil 18 rice 25 sold Snider onto 2 {illegible}.

20. Mercury up to zero an 9 AM. Far and Donald Robutson call in afternoon. Boys draw 1 load of wood from Salungs place.

21. Turned soft - and mowing.

22. There was no carnival last night on account of snow. Snider and James working hard to clean the ice. Mrs. Donald Kennedy was busier yesterday. A. J. Grant is very poorly. Ran went to Murtingtown this evening to stay a week with D. M. {illegible}. % cook oil 20 tea 25.

23. Snow all day and pretty cold. Randy got his mail from Fraser yesterday making and {illegible} 4.50. Not paid. Sold 3 1/2 {illegible} eggs. at Frasers 70 cream tarter 35. A.J. Grant died at 11 A.M. Will be buried on Tuesday.

24. Mercury down at 20 at 7:30 A.M. don't know how much lower it had been.

25. Mercury down/up to 25 this morning and a cold West-wind. Snow drifting ugly day. {illegible} in morning. The manse took fire in basement.

26. High wind still and drifting. A. J.'s funeral today. The church was warmed the {illegible} was taken in and the Rev A M. Gillway preached the funeral sermon. Bird had a letter yesterday from J. C. Brown.

January 1849

27. Fine mild day. Donald Keys' wife and Illett were here this afternoon. Fer and Marley drew wood from Salways.

28. Snowing and drifting all day. The boys drew three loads of wood. Had a letter from Uncle Charley. He is in Syracuse. Pa is up again. Jimmie went to Lancaster on Wednesday to get his tooth fixed. He got $4.75 worth of wheat. This is a fine day. Jimmie is clearing the round of the bank. It stormed all day yesterday.

30. Mercury down to 12 below zero this morning. The annual meeting of the church was held last night on the Hill. Pa sent the rent of the rental, let at $4.00. John R. took it. Jimmie went to Cornwall Friday and did not get back yet. 10 P.M.

31. Sunday, fine day. I was not in church in the morning but went in the evening. Jimmie Roy came here from church to stay for a few days. Mr. Vaughn died yesterday, will be buried tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Blues) died in Montreal. Jimmie will be up sick here in St. Mary's tomorrow.

February 1849

1. Monday Fine day. Mercury at zero in the morning, higher through the day. The carnival will go on tonight. 75 lbs flour at Whittles $2.90, yeast $.05, 2.45. Marvin and Mordy are going to the trunk market, Mr. Red, white and blue, he also pack of cards. Paid me Jimmie did not go.

2. Another fine day. The girls and Jimmie went to the G. M., got home about 6 P.M. I baked in oven. Nan came home from Marshaltown yesterday.

3. Fine bright day. Allie came for Jimmie. Jimmie went to Moravio Mills, took 23 bush of oats, got in exchange 56 lbs of oat-meal.

4. Far went to Alexandria in morning, got home in afternoon. Horins meeting at J. F.’s over 22 members and visitors, my offering 25-burks 0.

5. Cold, mercury at 6 below zero. Cold wind and heard that there was scarlet fever in the village. At home French home. Jimmie & Mordy went to the cashor.

6. Fine soft day. Birdie & Christiane went to spend the afternoon at Jimmie Dingwell’s.

7. Rain roads very bad. Ran went some place Far drove him to Lancaster 8. I washed today, & churned. Annie is assessing 9. Baked small cakes at the front. 1/2 gal. syrup 25 cts. Sold 2 doz. eggs 44 cts. yesterday. Got 7 spools thread 16 cts Ran got home this evening. 10. Old man on the war path. All the boys went some where with the horses I got bread trimmings 13, 3 yds. broad 10 2 1/2 yds. cotton 20. Ballance for Anville & Franca It is a very fine day.

February 1897

10. Lillian McLeman from Lancaster called this afternoon. Birdie has the Grippe.

12. Dull with high wind in the morning. Turned stormy about noon, snow 6 PM with a rough wind. Will be our severest storm yet. Mr. Blackmore of Lancaster preached a very good sermon. Not many in session. The Grippe is in every house in the village. Mr. Long did not get home until 8 PM yesterday.

13. A better attendance at church. Mr. Watson preached. I pulled coal oil at Grange.

14. A very heavy snowstorm out for the day and the Grippe. This afternoon's reading was for Foreign Missions. Mr. Long is better. Birdie is well today.

15. Jimmie went off early. Murdoch's apprehensions are lightened. Birdie is not so well today.

16. Jimmie off early. Murdoch is better, leaves down. Birdie as usual. Abram brought butter gross weight – 39 lbs at .18.

17. Jimmie went off early. Will not be home tonight. Snow to the 25th. Murdoch improving. Birdie

18. Marion was at a party at Deplia. Masons last night. Pa & Han. to Lancaster to Master's meeting. I have a cold and sore bones. I am afraid it is grip.

19. I am in for grip.

20. Douglas's wife is poorly. Had twins. They were buried today. Pa got 80 lbs of sugar.

21. I came upstairs for the day.

22. I am not very well.

23. Boys drawing wood. Weather stormy.

24. Jimmie left for [Cross?], will not be home until Thursday morning. Got 700 flour at Fellies 2.90. Weather stormy.

February 1897

25. The E.E. had a social Tuesday night – made about $17.50. Mrs. Evan Dingwall died 10 A.M. Pa & J. pulled coal oil.

26. Friday fine bright day. Sent a letter to Uncle Sandy. Jimmie went to Crosswell's to see about iron posts.

27. Fine bright day. Cold wind. Pa & Tom down. Pa went to Connell's. Snider paid two months rent - $6.00. I was doing a little work.

28. Cold day, high wind. Mrs. Dingwall and her son took the corpse into the church and had a sermon. Uncle Donald & Mary were over. James McKenna, Daniel's son called this afternoon. Birdie was out today.


24 Sunday 24. Arrived 23. April 41. 25 Snow all day, and a little sunshine, heard that Mrs. Sandy John McDonald died today, and Mr. S. P. Sylvester died at Pontiac last fall. Home & Far were at Lancaster. 26 Rainy all day, some wind and a little snow. Annie came home about 4 P.M. sick with croup. 27 Dull day, Bridie & I went to see my aunt Katie, she is very poorly, we called at Sandy's & Fmoi. Sent reminder to Will, heard Mr. McArthur of Lancaster was buried today with masonic rites. 28 Fine day, made a washing, Fan got word to get ready to go to Mexico. 29 Wrote to Seiber & Kingle, work like sugar weather. 30 Another fine day. 31 Got a letter from L. & P. and a cheque for 134.85 for rent & c. Mr. Lancaster had it cashed lost 60 cts. Paid Dr on 25.30 on note 4 for value received 29.30 - 134.85 - 95 cts, still with H. McDougall.

July 28th. It cleared up in the morning and I took Fan and Allan about ten in the morning to Bowers. The mare was shod 10. Paid 25 cts. Mary & James came up yesterday and they leave for Lanark today to Mr. Stewart's. Mr. Linde got 18 lbs of flour today. John got 6 lbs. of sugar 25. 18 lbs.

April 1889

1. Very fine day. Heard that my aunt Kate died this morning. Union meeting at Mr. Elder's. Mr. Griggs 25 cts. 10 for Mrs. D. McLennan. A few The English. 1 gall coal oil 20. 2 lamp chimneys. 2. Fine day, roads bad. Marvin & I went to hunt Kates with in the afternoon. Saw a number of [illegible]. 3. 10. sugar 25. tea 25. 4. Was in church and heard Daniel Scott my off 5 cts. 5. Gave 2. 2. of. 20 cts to Marvin 1.20. to Will. Jennie is on the mend today on horseback. 6. 7. 3 spools B. thread 2. 2 port cards 3. 7. Bridie is not well today, has blankets. 8. Kindly went to the East Farm to fish. Got 4 fine ones. 20 bottle coal oil. 9. Fine day. Snow all day. Ground covered. 10. Bathed in snow. The anniversary of our marriage, and I never thought of it until now. 7 P.M. 20 below zero. 11. Was in church, Marvin & Marvin off 5 cts. 12. Washed a few things. Snowed most of the all off. Annie left for North side B. river. 13. Warm. Some rain cleansed the furnace pipes to work all on Sunday. Is better now. Bridie is not gaining very fast. 14. Bright in morning, drizzled in afternoon. Run went to Lancaster. Got $20 from Mr. Honeywell. paid Sandy 1.50 for overshoes, .75 for rubbers 8.75 for cloths 11. Paid Fraser $7 for making suit & furnishing trimmings. 15. Rev. R. Ervin & A. G. McDonell paid a pastoral call. Jimmie got home, had finished the assessing. 16. Rain

April 1894

18 Was in church, not many present, a funeral in afternoon, a William Conroy from the 9th branch, who died in Cornwall.

19 Jimmie left this morning for Toronto. Gave him 25 for himself (advance) 2.50 to make some purchases 25. for timber, (a barn) 2.50 to make some purchases at T. Eaton, sent for 10 worth of cotton gingham flannelette thread small necessaries, turned cold.

20 Morning down to zero frying, froze water solid in some basins in the cookhouse. Far got 5 dres 3. success this evening. McDonell finished cutting cords of wood.

21 Still cold. I made a small showing.

22 Fine, but cold wind looks like a change.

23 Jimmie came home this morning. Ridgway & sons here shelling wood, Monday, borrowed a cart to drive in the woods, put a clothes line up, Saturdays, Robt & c. 25 cts box of yeast. Paid Monday $20. 4.52 for value received.

24 Some wind. Jyds drove to Lancaster.

25 Fine warm in morning with rough wind degrees to rain in afternoon.

26 Morning bright & warm. In afternoon turned cold & wet. Gave 1.20 to run to pay for a Telegram.

27 Turned cold in the night. Ground covered with snow, an ugly day.

28 Wednesday snow all off.

29 Jimmie got through with the assessment roll and went with it to McElharron's 6 1/2 lbs tea 38 cts - 1 gallon coal oil, 2 lamp chimneys 30 cts.

30 6 lbs meat from McKervin 63 - 100 of flour from Willie 2.40.

One box from T. Eaton's came on Wednesday sent for some cotton and silk 1.52.

Jimmie returned 15, had Ridgway & son shelling wood, Drew two loads of hay from Fraser.

May 1871

19. Fine day, to Dr. Mrs. Caster 47. Wrote some a/c’s, Flower, Corn, carrots turnips pot. Bignon to show, F. men not well, Ministry, Can. Bible &.

20. Rain all day

21. Rain in forenoon Ministry. Came home 6 P. M. Mr. & Mrs. Left in the morning for Cornwall. Mrs. Miller for McKee

22. Fine day, Planted grass fruit last night. B. & made solucitors at Y. Ad 30-60. AB tree 25.

23. Fine in morning, B. & C. turned to noon offering today for Kindlay Agd. Minister Rid off.

24. Fine all day, Birdie D. went to make a few calls in the Ev. Mrs. Dan Campbell was buried on Sunday. She got some roots at Mrs. R. Flemings, Daughter out in my coat.

25. Rain all day. Gave my measure to James Smith for a black suit, wrote but don’t pay. 8 yds B. lace 25.75

26. Fine. 8 yds B. lining 72. 4 yds black lining 42 & twine 54. 4 yds B. N. lining 30. 1 yd. Linton 8. 1 yd. Midge 48. 1 yd. mat 10. 12 yds dress goods, 15, 120 1.30

27. Y. & F. some. 20. Fruit 4 & yesterday.

28. Y. 6th, Y. 30. 2. Sugar 25. 1 jar lard 20

29. F. 2 cans salmon 25. 6 1/4, 6 black silk 25. Jennie Sandy born, our nice housemaid gone home tonight

30. Dull and drizzly all day. Macpherson getting out manure.

31. Sunday fine day


1. Working at my [unclear]

2. Fine day. Settles letters 33. Paid 280.60 from Friday. Got my base from Jessie 57.

3. 1,000 to Cornwall

4. Evening. Got home about 2, & rained all day. 5 tickets to Cornwall 80. Gave Bird 37 for pair rubbers bot 2 little crackers, Liverpool McFee & the boys got molasses, stayed at Fraue

5. Cleared up. J & Luff 38. Paid the 28 & 33.

6. Some rain. Bird got home, had his flowers for me. Canvas 25. [unclear] trimming 23. Witty, Kennedy, did Dudley.

7. B. 1 yd. boys working at fun. Drawing [unclear] for building. I made a washing, Bird is getting ready to go to Apple Hill. Mason began to move a barn at James Smiths

8. Dull day. Jimmie went to Cornwall to attend the Jigg. Birdie got a ride to Apple Hill with D. McIntosh, who was at Renfrew. Prompt, I gave her 45.

9. Drizzle all day, 8. P.M. heavy rain

10. Rain all day, Jimmie got home 6 P.M. & finished drawing stone for [unclear] foundation. I will finish the mason work tomorrow.

11. Y.W. met at Dromore. 27 off 25. Pushed 10. $35.

12. Y.W. Marrions dress 80, got it at Lancaster 50

13. Y. got camors 50. I got short [unclear] 7. & sugar 39

14. [unclear] 45. 2 new apples 35. Rain 53

15. Heavy rain last night. The barn was raised today. The School game came off. [unclear] town made 24 points over Cornwall. [unclear] Marion 19 & 9. P.M. thursday [unclear] Inders Jail 93. I have paid 9.12 on this winter up till now. Tea 25.

16. Mr. [unclear] of Martintown preached in after [unclear]

17. Meade a lot-washing. & sugar 25

18. B. had [unclear] over, Roy went to Lancaster.

June 1899

16. T. Cavenage 20, News 24.

17. Fine day done a little weeding in onions.

18. Marion & Murdie went to Cornwall to the School Games. Cornwall won on Lacrosse and is ahead of Williamstown. Grace Marion 10.

19. Done some weeding and planted Beans. Murdie hoed potatoes & corn. Beef 52 cts.

20. Fine day but cool. Mr. McKay of Summerville preached. Mr. Matheson in evening.

21. Monday, washed.

22. Jimmie drove Kate to Murdie's buggy to Cornwall to the Jubilee. Murdie and Ran the cow in the star in account of an earthquake in Mexico. Bonfire on brick yard. Some boys stole the cannon from Martintown last night.

23. To 100 plants at Welles 2.20.

24. Baked in oven. To sugar 25.

25. To Cavenage 20 cts.

26. Marion drove to Apple Hill for Murdie. Flora McGimmon from Kingston came with her niece Nora Ann to try the Celebrance began next week. Mrs. Stanley & Mrs. Kennedy spent the afternoon here. I canned apples 16 cts.

27. I went to Mr. Tatum's preaching. He had communion. To 1/2 c. raisins 20 cts. occasional droughts.

28. To Mr. 18 Cavenage 25. Gentle rain. J. P. Mr. Tatum last night – Mrs. & Mr. McLeavy left. Baked in oven. To 22 lbs butter 40.

29. 4 pm in afternoon for Flora Ann.

July 1899

1. Saturday, Murdie & I went to the U.F.M.S. meeting at John Knox. My offer 25 & $10.00. Paid the Registered fee 10 each. 35.

2. To 2 1/2 roller 44, beef also 27. 71.

3. To sugar 25.

4. Very hot. Mercury up to 84, Mr. Green at home and preached.

5. Washed in morning. Got 14 lbs butter 24. corn starch 10 cts. Murdie, up to 94.

6. Jimmie, D.D. and a Mrs. Ferguson called on their way to Lancaster and took Murdie with them. Jimmie went and took Marion. The District Council met there. 22.

7. Killed a lamb. Commenced with the potatoes. Mrs. Ferguson. Murdie to McLennie to see Misses. Graceley & McLennie.

8. Very hot Mr. Green preached long fee in church.

9. To Mr. McGilloway in church Mr. McGill. preached. To 5 tins 5 lbs butter tickle to arm. 1.1. Got 14 lbs 15 4 lbs claw. 1.24. 39.

10. Jimmie Brown came this morning on a bake. Mr. McGilloway preached and served the table. Mr. McGilloway preached a sermon to the Proctor at 3 & 7. Mrs. John Marsell was buried at 4 & 7. Turned back and rain again fell. The collection was for French Evangelization.

11. Rain to farm Broad 125.

12. Rain to farm Broad 20. Rain again.

13. To 4 lbs claw 20. Rain again.

14. More rain.

15. Fine day both a little dry. Weeding. 11.

16. Another fine day. From Rosie 62 lbs beef. 39.

  • 2 lb Cavenage from Mr. Irwin. 15.

July 1889

16. W. Potter, 48 lbs., Farquharson put in black bay.

17. Fine day. Far. two loads hay. Had a paper from Far. Mexio Herald.

18. A pretty good congregation. Alicie Scott preached. Mr. & Mrs. Far. Robertson called.

19. Bride washed. Brie 5 lb. Nise 30. 70 1/2 pm. Bread 20. yeast 5. sugar at 4 per lb. glass 0.

20. Our young folk went to Temples Re. Noe.

21. Hot day for farm. Bread 20. starch 10.

22. Heavy rains for two or three hours. 70 1/2 pm. Angus 25. Two cans salmon 25. Kate Hay Jane 87 was here to dinner. I gave her 50 cts for butter. She will bring it on Sunday.

23. There was very heavy rain today. Had a letter from Mrs. Kerr Alexandria. Uncle Don and family were here. 78 & Mrs. New Burns. Dr. & Mrs. Rogers called. I baked in oven. Got pine yesterday at Willie 2.25.

24. Rain all forenoon. Called up at 3 P.M. Dr. King's brought the butter. Jamie gave me per.

25. Cloudy day. For average congregation. Morning and evening. C. E. of South Branch were down.

26. Fine day. Jamie cut some meadow. Bride washed.

27. Quite bright. 1 doz eggs 10. 2 lb cheese 25. butter 12. Hello Blakie here 25. sugar 25. molasses. Cast oil 44. M. drank 35 cts. salt 10. Miss Clark & Dr. son in. Mr. Hamilton took wine here. Mrs. Kerr & daughter Jessie & Mr. McPhee came at 2 P.M. to remain over night. Angus put in heads of hay from our meadow.

28. Fine morning at 5 A.M. Nov 4 P.M. Still rainy. 7 1/4 lbs black at Moore 45 cts. Day eggs 25. The Alexandria guest here yet.

29. Wrote our guest are merry. They cannot 11. 7 1/2 lbs butter 30. Farm bread 20. 2 cans 25. Donald Robertson called.

August 1887

1. Sunday a good many in church

2. Getting Pa ready for the Springs.

3. Pa left at 5 A.M. Mr. Jeb B. left for Kennedale

Monday for Toledo. Mitie went to a C.E. picnic at Lone Star point.

4. Rain last night, dull all day. Took Jasper to Johnson's. Sent $2.00 by Tassie Smith

to Eutown for shoes for the girls.

5. Went with Mr. Grim to Woman Meeting at Miss Drenguolls My Glowing 25. Pants 10.

6. 7. M. cheese 30.

7. Jimmie took Mamie to Lancaster to dentist.

8. Fine day. A large congregation.

9. Mrs. Fisk, Mr. Harmon & Mr. Gray broke two watchmen.

10. 7. Mayes 25. cheese 20. Paid Tassie 25 for Express on girls’ shoes.

11. Rain all day.

11. Rain all night. Pa came home.

12. All are going one way, went to the Sabbath. pic mic. took my book to Mary & had one of the girls. Temp was low and turned the primus 25th to a prout. Entertainment in D. C. Hall.

13. D. Angus 25. Pa is not well since he came home.

14. Fine day. Boys working at farm. Salary for L. in train of hay. 9 cheese cost 35.

14. 6 L. Large Lummins one 15, one 25. Sent a letter and some papers to F. on Wednesday Friday we came & Maudie from L. from Moon 25th.

15. We had a good many in church.

16. Wished it looks like rain. 7 of farm load 6 to farm 5.30. killed an old hen.

17. Miss Drummond & Miss Drummond were here visiting. the ground for the State. W. L. Maroon are to tea at Town Rd. I can preach so Pa is not. any better. D. Bottle Fragrent 5.

18. Pa came today. 9 cheese 30c. 75. B. Bottle. 1.74

August 1887

19. Thursday

20. 7 Anger 25.


22. I stayed in Smythe. Pa is not doing well

+ Bought 2 lbs of bread. 9 tart. 20.

23. Washed today. 7 lbs butter 45c. 45.

24. Rain in evening. Baked. 9 butter.

25. Rain all day. Monty went to North St. Bird & I washed the old buggy. Pa is still in bed. Bird, Monty & I [aimlessly] went to the Manor.

26. Cloudy all day. A pic mic on the fourth I M Brunch. All our boys went but [J. F. Drunk] [appeared still] fine day. Met a harvest day, to [sawmage] and [risk]. 75c

28. Fine day. 7 galls coal oil 18c. 1 lb butter 45c. 60 D. F. McDonald paid $2.00 for rent. Pads [gun] married [took] [name] was ill made sick with toothache that is talking from far

29. Very fine day. La Mint $2.00 for organist [fund]

30. Very fine day. Bird & I made a large washing J. E. Brown visited [Drummond] yesterday. Pa is around today and eats heartily.

31. 7 Anger 25. 2 lbs tea 25. cakes 3 pies 15c. 40 [Buy Mr Drunk] get any good sheets from Emily 25c. 25 Got 7 lbs of beef from M Hoven. Pa got a bottle of tonic from [Tanny] 50c 50

Wednesday, this is the day of the Sons of Scotland

1. The [Nie at Hamiltons Island]. And it is all that can be desired. Our girls and boys went to London today. Fine day. Meeting there was off.

2. [Index 10]. 7 sugar 25. Cheese 29. The maintenance [bo] of J. took the [former boy] update 1 [Ramp] broke two prizes.

3. Pa & I went to Kenyon spent a very pleasant day. [Ann Willow, Duncan M Lemon, aged 87] Pa and big [Able's] workers gave [Baird] for R. 2 40

4. Fine day

5. Another fine not a large congregation

6. Getting ready for the exposition making [flower] [Actron Fanny, Ellen, [Drove], Funnel, Pass, [Auguest] [Word torn] 7 sugar 25. 20 25 lbs flour 75c

7. Tuesday, not many at the fair. Today very fine.

8. Hot between 3:30 & 20.00 at the fair my ticket 25 Kids got 3 [large Monies] 30 for fat [Nannie 2d] for 3 years Milken cow

9. Pa & I went to [Dande] Douglas's. After dinner [and] Mary E, went to the front to call on Mrs [Me Eery] enjoyed it very much

10. Hot 6 measure. Gathered 80. today 90. Pa and I went in afternoon to Donald Rey. got butter 7 lbs at 6 lbs - 56. Had [Henril] for day 25 - 81 7 & 25 stock 35. Donald Kennedy died today his wife died in January. Hally M [Shadden]died yesterday. She went to school here.

11. The [land who went Thursday to Jan Kent Hill]got home at 6 p.m. M Richie is very kind.

12. Turned cool. A very pleasant day.

13. Bird, Marion, Jamie & myself are sick. A cold old late laugh.

14. Mr Brown left for Toronto. He will not be back until next summer. Monty went

September 1879

To Alexandria, to a Conservative Meeting to select a candidate for the Local House. Dr. McDonald was chosen. Tinder paid up 6 months' rent. 1 1/4 M of tea 25 & 2 lbs 8oz 37. 7 1/2/gall wool oil 1/0.

16 One day

17 To John aged 24. Burried.

18 William Campbell died at 1 A.M. Father Rob & I went to the buriel.

20 Made a washing.

21 A large funiral, Service in the Church. no.5 boxes 30.

22 2 quarts vinegar 20 mixed spices 5. 2 lb brown sugar 8 Marvin went with Mundy to Alex andina 1 pair boots 25.

23 2 1/2 yards ribena 15 1/4 blue lung 15 3/4 canvas 37. 2 1/2 yard water & 1 pint paint oils 1 pint turpentine 20. roll gran sugar 25.

24 2 100 lb & 30. worm broom. 2 lemons 12. quart 5 3 lb sausages 20. justices direckment got for Mrs. Carins 14. 1/2 pint brandy 30 Harry Roy brought 2 lb butter 30.

25 My family & I baked my oven.

26 Fine day forenoon began to rain at 2 P.M. did not rain much. Mr. McLean, student, preached.

27 I washed. turned cold.

28 Frost at night. Sent letter to Sandy for Fe.

29 went off for Marrville today. the fall fair.

30 Went to Admin Yesterday 29th Muddy went to Ex. McGill got home the same day. patriarch of Mr. Conman Chicago yesterday. Very fine day.

October 1879)

1 Friday. Very fine and warm. Jamie went to Marthas town to the funeral of Mrs. McShaden. Murphy went to the S. Branch to trim a horse for a Mr. McKley. & made a deal at 3/26.

2 Another fine fine off again. drew wood was funeral in Fornow, Walter from Fats.

3 Fine day frost last night. L & Mr McLachlan from Pineville preached fine out back 24 4/0 P.M.

4 Same day. made black dye sugar 25 6 adues 5 30 mining 5.

5 Died & Christy Cattarnach arrived at Marguis. Johnson (his right knee) was killed in Cornwall today by a derrick falling on him. The death of Neal Dow is announced in today papers 28 aged 94.

6 Dull day The husking corn —

7 Fine day but cold. Thompson remains were brought home last night and buried in Lancaster today 1/7 Mr. Went & measures sent mention.

8 Fine day Friday before communion Mr. Methown preached to a small congregation. Got the pigs, many.

9 Rev D Temple preached to a small congregation.

10 Large Congregation. Offering for Home Mission put in £3: 15/- of seeds & grapes on Saturday from Virdiky fire from Lancaster 3/5 35.

11 Received the grapes, Fruit on Sunday see french.

12 Jamie got 3 1/2 of sugar at R. McDoug also 2lb 1.00.

13 Enman McRae was buried today. Many laughed at wine down shovels were reserved from.

9 Fine day uncle Donald was sent yesterday Ev a dismortal took place, was he is no danger.

16 Frinse for wine bottled. sweet plumed prairs for aund Jella & Mundy at E. Hotthes. 2 1/4 lb bice 25. 5 2 lb forsc. 2 D. J. Algie. for bores ced for.

October 1879

14 Very fine day. Rob went to Montreal for 2 g of brandy & 5/7 got 10 1/2 lb McCameron butter from Lancaster. 3 pairs of boots and slippers 30 32.

15 The K. of F. trial last night was good my ticket 15. Presbyterians took the day and Lady 7 3/4 lbs sausages 30.

16 Warm summer heat.

17 Cold wind.

18 Cold and raw. Belgiom Bg. 82. Mrundy went.

19 Very fine day, quite warm. We washed the windows on Monday.

20 Fine day high wind. A. C. McDonald’s Brush is on fire under the marsh, and there is lots of smoke.

21 Another warm day. 24 lbs sausages 25. 15 lbs long hams, went to Lancaster. They washed the windows came home at 4 P.M. closing up.

22 Dull day Saturday, no congregation. R. Tho. G. Gray preached and practiced a disappoint occasion.

23 Fine day. Large congregation. Rev. McCabe called to the Missionaries.

26 Reverend Mcalister at Vankham & Ferguson and Thomas at Blakerstown.

27 Wednesday windy day, frost tonight. Fine day, quite warm, worked a little in the forenoon.

28 Fine cold wind, cold at Walker, turned. Thanksgiving dinner and went to the F. Mc. 14 yds.

30 Friday the heat at night. Mrs. E. McKaysktones, later in Montreal & other occasion of

31 Very fine day. Started to S. Craig. Auction of Mr. Bennett’s assets and furniture. Mr. Archer’s papers.

32 Large Congregation. Mr. Carter preached a moving meeting, very good.

November 1879

1 Monday drizzled all day. Panning done.

2 Covered were turkeys with spareribs sent to N. McKenzie, got the 5/1 first rate.

3 Fine day. Traveled all day yesterday, roads are pretty bad. Mr. J. E. Kaysher from Cornwall came back today. Duncan Robertson of Montreal was due for communion drove home to Lancaster.

4 Fine day and bright 12/9. Mr. S. Metcalf & John’s call my offering 10.

5 12 lb peas & vegetables and corn, sugar 15 0 46

6 Gale late 3/0. 16 1/2 lb butter 6 1/2 turnover 17.

7 Saturday. Fine day.

8 Cold day not many in church. Good sermon.

9 Fine day. preached and answered. there was more enough to value the weeds.

10 Covered 12 to Mr. Milliken and it was a letter for $25 for a visit. Richmond British Columbia.

11 Snow about 2 inches it melted away quickly.

12 8 took the day, took place preaching. felt cold.

13 Muddy left for Pepield 5 P. M. Mr. McLeod took home, Mr. Indigo, in the afternoon for home, come from Charlestown 2.

12 18 bags flour from Milliken 27 1/2. soft wood all 2/15. clay rough, saw 3 1/2 with 6 1/2 butter 27 1/2 7 15 furs in storage.

14 Fine day Wednesday. we wrote some home. made him very sick at Montreal with two days rest.

15 We heard the Committee of yesterday the original date was 5 years and then took it by surprise he saw Mr. Mundy at Thomas. the rest stood 7-8.

16 Old man on Cragsfield again. 13 1/2 letter from Mr. McK. also small in Wall.

17 Sunday Judson was clear.

18 Apple congregation good. Disley hear the people in town said a fine sermon. 33.

19 Very fine yesterday.

November 1894

16 Monday. Made a small washing

17 Very fine day. Took in the nets

18 A very cold day. 2/5 lb butter 25 cts. R got $3 in votes for the academy 157.

19 Very cold in the room.

20 Cold. The river is good. I’m able to do it. Monday was at Mr. McKim’s. Jennie was at Glencoe. Donald the middle of the week

21 Cold and snowing a little tonight.

22 Mild day. Ground wet. 1 gal coal oil for matches 25 cts

23 Called J. C. O. in the evening. Mr. Shaw was there.

24 Fine day. I wrote Mrs. McKenzie 2 ½ lbs of beef straight through the cutter made entirely. Birdie was training and came home on a horse sent to the stables by noon at Murdock’s. This was late coming out on the way. The mill and bridge were very fine in the middle. Killed the cow, Ohad Monday, Dunbar's funeral at 1 o'clock. Mr. Morchison and Mr. Snedick were present, not many out. A man fell about 9 am, turned to rain. Brick foundations are very poor tonight. A pleasant evening. Went to the camp all day. Uncle Donald McDonall. We are trying to build a small house. About 42. The cow that was on Saturday week is down over.

28 Sunday. Cold and bright. Temperance Sunday. Dr. Emerson preached from Isaiah 28:8. Subject from I Chronicles. A splendid address.

29 Done the washing. Very fine day.

30 A glorious day. Fine day. Things going on as usual. Harry Snowdon rode to Marlathion to consult the C. of the academy. 2 ½ lb butter 25 cts. Received 2 lbs mackerel 50. Moved two pints of apple sauce from barrels.

December 1894

1 Saturday. Began to snow about 8 a.m. Mr. Gorman

2 Sunday. Fine day. Mild, moon full tonight.

3 Monday. All day Monday went to Cornwall as far as Martin’s. Arrived home at 2:30, not paid.

4 Very fine day. Mild, moon full tonight.

5 Tuesday night. Edwin McCrum came to visit.

6 Uncle Donald and Mary were out. They brought a small sleigh of pork from market to Collins. Edwin McCrum spent the afternoon and evening here. The old crow was 102 years.

7 Ethel T. paid 25 cts. B. paid for frames 80 cts. Began to rain about 6 a.m. Mr. McCormick and I visited all day. Had a letter from Ferguson.

8 Drizzled all day. Had a letter from Ferguson at 9 p.m. from Lancaster.

9 Cold day (no more rain or frost) not many home for lumber.

10 Fine bright day. Cold for lumber.

11 Dull day. Frost (no more rain or frost) not many for lumber.

12 Wednesday. Cloudy day. Took some things to the house.

13 Uncle Sam or way back from the West. The T.D. church is going on nicely. Small crowd.

14 Sunday. The meeting was held in the Mission House, a large congregation and many people.

15 To paid Aunt Kate 2/6. Took it home from the bank.

16 The paid Aunt Kate 2/6 for last year's pears.

December 1894

14. Coloured up 26 1/4 lbs. cod oil

15. Munday left this morning for Van Camp's Mill to see the temperance advocate, to take Chester to Montreal tomorrow if it continues. Horse will be alright tomorrow, I hope.

16. Fine day. Cold.

17. Munday went to Lancaster to meet the boys, Nills & Munday came home this evening with nothing to eat. George came home this morning from Chesterville. David got a team for Charlie tonight. Drove Charlie home.

18. Roads very bad.

19. Drove to Thos. Markell's along with the other stock. Snowed about 5 in. Snow deep.

20. Wrote to Miss Annie Chester.

21. Moved in the oven today, the roof today. Munday was at Mr. Brisson's yesterday. He drove past again this afternoon today.

22. Monday cold. Saw John Brown in the evening. I was trimming a boy's overcoat.

23. Several men were out this way. Mr. Robertson got a load of shingles, took the fifth to some other farm.

24. Mr. Connor's took turkey 18 lbs $2.65. Fine day for Christmas. All were at church except for the Donald & Louise. Paid $2.65. Ethel went for Edward & Kate.

25. Nice warm day. Not many in church. Victoria Duncan in Montreal (Mr. Rose) was sick this morning after a week's illness. Ruby paid 3 months' board.

26. Fine day for traveling, 12 inches snow at 2:10 a.m.

27. Done the washing. Very fine day.

28. Finished all at home. Had supper. Sold 2 1/2 lbs. 1.50.

29. This night was fine but a large number made a party from John's this day. Munday went to Bryan's with Munday.

January 1895

1. Saturday. Uncle Marion & Munday went to Maxville. I & Marion went up to Munday's room, comfortables & blankets, & talked New Year. Dr. Ferguson & James on.

2. Munday got some meat at the shop today, steak, some beef & pork.

3. Fine day. Snowing tonight. Munday went to church, Mr. A.C. Thomas & Ferguson for Massie. There is no meeting at the St. Andrew’s church.

4. Munday saw Miss Nellie Murray. Marked 26 ft. 1st. M.P. McIntyre, Douglas’ child did not get a chance. James Ferguson was born.

5. Fine day. Munday went up to Uncle Donald's. Mr. G. B. Tanner is reading. Some beautiful songs at Miss Mallory's.

6. This day Munday heard about Mr. A. Stewart, Postmaster of Mallorytown, who was there today. Ethel bought some apples. Mild, frosty. Moon good roads. Fine today. William, Elizabeth, and Mr. Gillard & wife in from Kenyon today.

7. Another fine day. Thomas Selling, Miller of Martintown was there here today.

8. Very nice day. A large congregation, Mr. Donahue preached a fine discourse. The meeting in the hall was very well attended.

9. Fine day. Good moonlight. Little longer in the evening.

10. Mild, fine day, but rough. The gable ends about added on to the corner of the house yesterday by Jim Glover. Snow falling.

11. Snowing very fast, and quite cold. Margaret & I did not get home from Braggards, but he gave me the ride home.

12. Mild day. A great crowd in attendance at the club meeting this evening. Snow deep.

13. Mild day with rain. More snow & drizzled all night. Ferguson got home from his drive about 9. Drove to Lancaster. 6/6.

14. Rain & frost. Came on 8:20. Munday went to the club meeting at 8 o'clock. The roads are in fair shape. Gray branches are standing.

January 1895

14. Munday got home yesterday and I off for home today. I stopped at G. Markell's, got a few things, and got home early, not feeling well. Maria.

15. Sarah’s first day at school. Nice day. Began to snow at night. Robert H. Markell's child ill. Munday called at R. McDonalds. Mary J. called in. Ethel came here for a ride. Mrs. D. took tea. Mr. McMaster returned this evening from Maxville. Munday went home this evening. Had a letter from Agnes and one from Mr. Rutherford. My cold is getting better.

16. Nice sleighing today. Very calm and bright.

17. Cold, my cold is better. Religous, $2.06 for rent.

18. Brought calf at 7:30. M.P. at home of the sick. Tomorrow we are to take the children to Mrs. Macpherson’s. There in the evening were the McLellans, Dan & Mrs. Falconer, where were the southern skies of the night on his arrival.

19. A woollen collection was this night. Mr. E. went to Alexandria this morning. Got home at 5 P.M. Heavy time.

20. Nice day. Very cold. Eunice came home Friday at 3 P.M. Munday & Daisy came to Maxville. Went to Sunday School. It is snowing. Marion came at 6 P.M. Munday got 1 kettle.

21. Saturday, snowed all day. Large work to Lancaster.

22. Fine day. Quiet, many in church, long walk.

23. Storm ceased. James went out with Owen’s plough.

24. Got the water on Saturday as per Mr. Kit’s.

25. Sunday service. Did not finish, but went to bed. Got home very late. Mr. Munday went to Cornwall. 20.

26. A little rain. Roads bad to the end of the water.

27. Went to Fitzpatrick's for Mr. Wille called.

28. Munday got the house built. Ethel got a letter from Mr. D. after dinner. We had a nice supper.

29. Nice day. Munday got home at 9 P.M. on the way. Mr. Munday came to Maxville. 21st a Sunday.

30. Mild, pleasant day.

31. Very mild, but cloudy. Harry McMaster came here last night. He went to Alexandria for the mail. The weather was fair at the school.

February 1895

1. Friday, Eunice & Harry both left for Toronto.

2. Finished some flour and bay for winter weight $6.50.

3. Munday & all went to St. Mary’s for lumber & $10.00 and saw the fence.

4. Men on the ground at midnight.

5. Very fine day, not cold. Eunice here about 4.

6. Snowing this morning. Very bleak. The furnace pipe is very smoky.

7. Nice day. Robert McLellan in our garden all day. I began to repair & stop from 2:30 until 25. 2.86

8. Fine day. Ethel, Kenworthy & Lizzie McLellan are in for an evening visit.

9. Agnes & Munday were here this afternoon for a visit.

10. The Presby. Don’t understand. Were $3.26 or $3.27 11th & 13th.

11. Saturday evening. Munday went to Lancaster to break a road to E.L. Fraser. Signed Horton’s book.

12. Fine day. Total amt. $99.94. Received 3.02.

13. Mild day in the community. Sent to Mr. May, Trustee.

14. Not many in church. Church kept up well.

15. Fine day. Mr. Donald preached on his return.

16. A large congregation. Offering for F. Mudge was $2.18.

17. Hardisty is getting ready to go to the Klondyke today. Very fine day.

18. Kenworthy left this evening. Brittle had a nice sermon for the church, reading of Teniers. Got home at 10.

19. Nice day.

20. Rough. Left this evening, I write this.

21. January 25th 2 1/2, by butter 3.06

22. Rough storm. Began snow last night.

23. Blowing all day. J. M. Wallace gone. 3.

24. This day was quite nice. Eunice & Catharwood are getting married. This evening is Mr. Day's promotion. He is from Monaghan.

25. Munday brought a nice treat from his father.

26. A fall could be seen. Had a letter from the Donald. He is not doing well with his work at Niagara Que.

March 1892

16 Wednesday, fine day, dull in morning. Sent a letter to Landcroft, Jim, have a load of manure home from Tyers house, Jim went with us to Lang's sale.

17 Fine, some snow going fast. The water is high over the West Bridge. I think the water is higher than I ever saw it.

18 Another fine day. The Bruce Company of Canada come in the Hall and had George Trotter of Belleville give them $3.00 we had 1,748.25 tons.

19 Fine day, the water is one 1 1/2 ft from the letter board.

20 Fine day, sold 3 doz. eggs 2.25, to Angus 25, paper, 7 calamus and cash.

21 Another fine day, not many in churches, loads are the result, not running.

22 A fine day, all work in the shanty, much talk by the look of things from Downley.

23 Wet forenoon in the shanty, gave table and coffee to the company last meeting, it was a great success.

24 Lovely weather. Drove team of colts.

25 W. & J. Fennell are invited to J. Dugnell tonight. Went to a little party, got home at midnight.

26 Another fine day, the water observing nicely on the flat, some sows out all morning, took them to the party, took the team at bargain.

27 Fine day, took hay, came home fine, got fish.

28 It made a new nest.

29 Mr. Burns is away, went to hear Mr. Falcom.

30 Lovely weather again, I made some money off of it, my horse.

31 Fine day.

April 1892

1 Friday, fine and cold, 2 1/2 ft from the mark.

2 Cold, hard new, like more. 20 lbs. to sale 32

3 Cold and fine, not many in churches.

4 Hard frost last night, sale 320 eggs, 89 & new.

5 Fine morning, got 6 doz. eggs, commenced to mud stove, 9 lbs. 20 $2.50

6 Cold wind, 10 pieces bread 26.

7 Fine day at Bellwood, saw Aunt there, June in 2, walk to [illegible] in the Hall all day.

8 Fine, have to write letters, Mr. Douglass sent me some seeds.

9 Fine. Have to write letters, Easter sermon.

10 Very fine day, an Easter sermon.

11 Fine day.

12 Fine.

13 Fine.

14 Mrs. [illegible] told me Mary M. Philips up at her time at last, Mr. Weaver

15 Went and bought a bee today.

16 R. and went to Lancaster, I had from Mr. Yeoman, fair wind to shop. No. 10. No. 13. Morning 9.20.

17 S. N. 16 loafs, 15 from bread 24.

18 Cold from 2.75, got coal oil 5.

19 Pretty good congregation.

20 Fine, better, in good, clean [illegible]

21 Muddy left yesterday for Panama.

22 B. S. from the P.R.C. to County.

23 10 lbs. in pantry. Mary in [illegible]

24 Drizzling a little, repaired wagon.

25 Fine, most dry.

26 Nothing unusual.

27 A fair large congregation.

28 A cold but fine day. Very cold wind.

29 Mr. Duncan in Bolton did last night.

30 Broke the wooden box up at the hall. The [illegible] found Mr. Gourlay, all well, back tomorrow.

April 1892

25 Monday, fine, B. P. went to the funeral. The largest funeral ever seen here. Father measured 47 by 44 steps. Mr. Fessenden, others from different places were here. Came with me to dinner.

26 Wrote a receipt.

27 Cold day and blustering, spent the afternoon with company from Peterboro in the house. Called upon E. the editor's wife.

28 Fine day, the wind is chilly. Sold a hen, the[illegible] paid 10 for him.

29 The weather has been unpleasant good,and cool for reading.

30 Fine day, Annie went to Peterboro, went to K. to visit M. First funeral.Mary M. Fahey went to see Peter and the Murrowsons.

May 1892

1 Sunday, Rev. Hastie of Cornwall preached in the morning, Mr. Leatherworth in the evening. Mr. Finn here in the evening.

2 Fine day, home some washing.

3 Baked in the evening, sent bread.

4 Cold, 12 1/2 butter 50.

5 Wrote and done at Woman's Meeting at Lough's in the evening. Walk my feet sore.

6 Fine morning, stormy, went to Hurst's.

7 Done a little in garden, took down oats, carrots, mangels, pease, some onions. The raspberry strawberry came.

8 Fine day. Planted it.

9 Fine day. Home wood keeps told.

10 Mary left today for Napanee, the old man Smith came for her.

11 She started the post office extension of post[illegible] today.

12 A warm wind, warm in the evening, spring was over.W. went to see J. O. after supper.

13 Cold and a little windy, went to D. W.Bought seeds for the season, 30 lbs, $2.20.

14 Worked in garden.

15 W. & E. Hugh brought [illegible] Uncle Donald and

16 Worked in school in garden, 1 at [illegible][illegible] planted beans in a bed. Annieout at meeting, [illegible] many, A. and [illegible] at Mr. Anderson's marriage.

17 Fine day, planted 3 rows left soon with [illegible] 1 row. E. [illegible]

18 Thursday, a general day, the crops hold on, but clean. And the work could not remain without. There was a thunderstorm last night. A great deal of grain fell, and the day before a span of 18 rows was sent to the dump.

May 1892

18. No sign of muskrats or ploughing.

19. W. went to Campbell by train. Freight from Boston to the Cape. He got the statues but took them at [illegible].

20. Looked curiously and moved (8 p. 10 p. B).

21. Sweet breeze, 6 lbs sausages 13.

22. Sold on Saturday 3 doz. eggs 30 doz. butter 2 lbs, butter 30, 30 sugar 5, paper 3, lamp oil 3, the drain.

23. Sunday, 5, 5 lbs warm, wrote to McCallum,

24. Fine day, boiled 20, 5 1/2 lbs paper.

25. Coal oil 20, 16 loaves bread, late.

26. E. Howe came last night, will remain until Monday.

27. Fine day. Did not go to church.

28. Ironing all day, Bridie washed, bike coat. Mrs. Thorn came for tea.

29. Tuesday, warm with long rain all day, some rain, we wrote.

30. Fine all day, had a letter from Hanaby, mailed at Glamis, B.B., written on the 19th.

31. Sent a letter to Hanaby, Lizzie calls to converse. N. visited with coal, 26 lbs for 25.

28 1/2 lbs coal, $1.00 for fine 3.4.

21. Mrs. E. sent cloth piece to Lindsay, by little McRae. 57 [illegible]

22. Rained a little shower in afternoon.

23. A very large congregation.

30. Dull day, road had a [illegible].

31. 9 1/2 lbs sausages 30, paid for cloth got, Maddy, 9 cwt. ham, 8 lbs for 7 with a load of rails from west of the Westbrook, 10 goats.

June 1892

1. Wednesday. Annie has just left for the west with 33.

2. Thursday, Thunder meeting in society, not many present, May 9, 10 [illegible].

3. Got the money from Cornwall butchers.

4. Four times in the past 26 butchers 36.

5. Sunday, carriage 15, 1 whole week, bread 20 80.

6. A very large congregation, collection for union.

7. Fine day, warm.

8. Paid Mr. Hanson for butter 10 1/2, sugar 2 cwt. 3 1/2, bread 10, lamp, window glass 16, 2 1/2.

9. Planted two rows of onions, black and yellow, day 20, long table, sale 2 1/2 of five from 3-39.

10. Fine day, 5 shovels, 5 1/2 miles E.

11. Rain this afternoon. Ann writes to Chifton that a calf yesterday.

12. A heavy shower and a severe gale of wind about 9. Mr. W. had a telegram from Her, she is leaving for home, it was a bright one.

13. Mending till the ice left. Milk 17, 44 to August, 15 to raining, 5, 30.

14. Mrs. Barker took the train for Point Day. M. W. Music 10. Had dinner after, cold tea.

15. All the young folk went to the K.

16. Music festival. Meeting till 5 in the morning. The fair one was all clouds.

12. Church, [illegible] a small congregation.

13. Done some sowing. Went to Morrison in the morning, got 1 pound [illegible].

14. Done the same, sown 2 1/2 lbs [illegible].

15. W. drove home at 1.30 p.m. in a [illegible].

16. Paid 3, 2 1/2 Myfore morning, June 1 to Hyde 10 9, 4.

17. W. H. M. [illegible] 25 August 25. Cream for two 30.

June 1898

14. Laid useless 10, 2, raisins 25, 3 lb butter 34. Henry and Maddy, Fred, Elsie, and [illegible] at Hampton, Mr. Lank, Maddy left for Kingston. We got a telegram from Far the day before the people came.

15. Laid out cream, she looks fine.

16. Fine day.

17. Rain. The folk went to the picnic.

18. Warm day. Five 7s, my 7s unused.

19. Warm day. Fine day. Mr. Wood left for home.

20. Mending in garden, finished. For congregation.

21. Mending preparation for a trial—The K. Ry. Alex. got some of the school teachers.

22. 22 of eggs, butter 25, sugar 25, 2/10 matches 15-16, 2 to 3, raisins 9, 2 lb 25, sugar 23. 44.

23. Laid.

24. The Friday before tomorrow. Mr. Burnet—Mischief is completed, a baby of [illegible] [illegible].

25. The middle is finished.

26. Turned the McLennan turned library. Died on Friday. A large congregation. Henry sung in the choir for B. E. Chug. Ref. W. 8/12.

27. Rainy.

28. Fine day, heavy rain.

29. Went to Devon, vegetables, 1 ice cream at Woodlawn House, Chesterville & ice cream. The intelligence came, Graham, is Ex. at Depot.

30. Fine, warm weather, Alice in Toronto. 2 doz. shirts, 3. We put at Deposit 20 James. For Fred went to Cornwall. Some. A good deal of mending in garden.

July 1898

1. Friday. Wedding. Annie will be home tomorrow.

2. 2 lb loaf, eggs 28, 2 lb butter 34, 9 pk vinegar. 68

3. Sunday, 5 eggs, bread, Monday. P.E., clean clothes, there was a thunder shower.

4. We got no Montreal paper since Friday, mending indoors, 1 was cold. I washed, 1 for bread.

5. Fine day, 3-4-6, 4 lb coffee 24. The picture for 29 9/16.

6. 1 pot of bread, 5 1/2 bottle of molasses, 1 2 lb sugar, 1 2 lb coffee. Mended clothes, had home linen.

7. 1/2 lb 25, 5 loaf bread 25, 2 lb butter 34. 34.

8. Put in the clover from the village meadow. A slightly cloudy day, no tornado. Maddy went to the garden, did not return. Mr. R. Marion painted the kitchen floor yesterday. Earn, paint pipe, 9.20, flour 2.31.

9. Fine, picked up near clean count 35-36, went to the kitchen another coat.

10. Far gathered seven times, this afternoon. A very large congregation, the Methodist long word, was buried, at North Branch Cemetery, ring of rope, and the putting up of a form, had free.

11. Rained last night—Marion got 2 gals of raspberries.

12. Finished tuning for Mr. B's, father of 7 yrs. Mrs. Darragh. Uncle Donald’s family went to Alexandria.

13. Another fine day, rain at night. Marion went to Cornwall.

14. Fine warm, Mrs. in evening.

15. The butter spoiled, comes warm. Lizzie Brown came on the evening train.

16. Rain, went to Cornwall, [illegible].

July 1898

16. Fine day, fine day, beef, pork, and mutton 83

17. I went to Lancaster and Cornwall in afternoon. Very large congregation. Mrs. Goods.

18. We went to Caledonia Springs.

19. All our young folk went for picnic. Got beef 10 lbs. Had Mr. Finn and wife and Mrs. Tate spent the evening here.

20. Hot day. 90 lbs. tea 30, sugar 25, 70 lbs. sugar 1.50. Canned the berries. Mercury over 90.

21. Very hot day. Mrs. Burton and Minnie Cameron spent part of the day here on their way to the Island.

22. A shower in the morning. 5 lbs. brown sugar. Paid subscription to Skymarron yesterday.

23. Fine day. Very hot. 5 lbs. 5 lbs. pork 60, beef 60, mutton 65, 1 lb. beef.

24. Large congregation. Rev. A. McGilloway preached in morning. Rev. S. Dummitt in evening.

25. Hot favorable evening. Had wind and rain.

26. Hot. Paid McEwen $50 for tailands? beef, had an evening 30 for balance due on Sunday last.

27. Hot again.

28. Jessie went to R.Y.'s meeting with Lizzie and Marvin.

29. Hot.

August 1898

1. Monday, Mary McIntyre was here all night. We think to go to J.R. Robertson’s today. 2 lbs. tea 48, sugar, 1 lbs.

2. Jessie went to Alexandria to a meeting to organize for the plebiscite. Munday went North yesterday. We paid $30 to McEwen for Saturday beef. Bismark died 30 July. Archbishop Walsh of Toronto died Sunday night - 31st July.

3. Minnie and Bruce McEwen were here last night until midnight.

4. Fine day. 2-3 lbs. steak at brown 30. F. McRae of N.P. took dinner here. Jessie Brown came too. Mr. I out in.

5. Baked in oven. Jessie and Marvin drove to Lancaster in afternoon. Had a shower.

6. Fine day, 2 lbs. tea, 60. Paid the sugar I got on the 1st 10 sugar 25, rice 15, cheese 5, 1 lb. soda 5. Sent cows to Smith's. D. McGinnis.

7. Fine day, large congregation. Rev. T. Dummitt conducted the evening service.

8. Mrs. John McGibbon was buried today. Funeral left from H. Calder and Lancaster.

9. 1/2 lb. tea 33 cents.

10. Fine day, 70 sugar 25.

11. Another fine day.

12. Munday left for Caledonia with paper.

13. I took the train for Caledonia. 70 lbs. tea 24 cents.

14. Fine day, Rev. R. Scott preached in morning and evening.

15. Fine day. Peter and Jessie went to the funeral of Mrs. Russell, who was killed by the car on Saturday. 78 lbs. tea 25, vanilla 40.

August 1898

Tuesday. To Alex, sugar 13 lbs, cornstarch 10 lbs. Mr. Angus Gillie went out 20. Sugar 15. Got the car 40 lbs. I am making a cake and it is not doing well. Far went to see Alice, Maggie. Hot day. The men on the harvest today.

Bride working for the big man.

Far went to Hamilton Island. Killed in the [???]. Mandy got home. To 60 sugar. Broke the dinner.

All our young folk went to the picnic.

We came home today.

To Alex 57. corla. 2 bread 12.

Had an offering for Organist. Paid 10.

Lizzie and I went to Alex. McLaren drove. Left home 8.30 A. M. Got to McEwens at 9.30 A. M. Took dinner there then went to Loders and had tea. To sugar 25. McEwen came too.

Began to rain. Got the piano tuned. To sugar 1.00. Mandy went north. Rainy day. I went 80 for paid the 7 cts to Peter.

Rains all day. Far went to Montreal today. Left home for Lancaster last night. Issued McEwen. Over Lancaster. Was buried today. 76 lbs flour at Lancaster 6 cts lb.

Showery night. P. M. Christie, Jimmie McEwan took tea with us. Lizzie & Marion going to a meal on Sat. 7 March 96 bush apples. Georgie.

Cool showery day. 2 months at B. Liz. 5 pay Cornwalls. I drove today.

A large congregation.

Rain all day. Far left for Cornwall to gather annual. To sugar 25. Washed the white clothes.

Fine day. To Alex. 42. work 15. 66 [oats?] [???]. Jimmie Lizzie & Marion went to B. McEwen.

Mild rain. Lizzie & Marion went to Martintown to E. E. [???]

September 1898

Thursday. Bride & Marion remained in Martintown. Wrote a letter in the valley. May off 10. 26 lbs pot tea.

Lizzie left for Toronto today.

J. R. B. left for Toronto today and sent a letter to Far. To sausage 25. Sugar 60 cts tea & kettle.

Hot. Mercury up to 90 in shade. Mrs. McCallum of Glen Sandfield preached.

Fine day. Not so hot. Got sugar 2.00, tick. 6 making jelly all morning.

Jimmie went to Alexandria to the fair. Marion went with him. She took her golden bantam parsnips, carrots to pickles, jelly, flowers. Marion $2.00.

To sugar 25. vinegar 15. rice 10. coal oil 20. coffee 20. E. E. [??] [pinnies?] of literature, fine.

Fine. Got home last night. I am not well.

Jimmie & Marion came to play until Sunday. I went to restless night with a severe pain in my right side. Did not get up until 10 A.M. To sugar 60. 4 work 75 cts tick 10.

Fine day. A large congregation. I did not go to church.

Fine day. Feel pretty well. To 100 flour tick 2.00.

To Alex 25 cts tick. Funeral. D. D. came to stay a few days.

Jimmie went to Alexandria for Marion. Got home about 6 P.M.

Fine day. Jimmie went to Maxville for the fair tomorrow. Bride drove Jimmie to D. D. McEwan this evening.

Mandy left for Dalkeith at 6 A.M.

To sugar 25 cts. Hannah Dunn called today.

Fine day. Small congregation.

Rain. D. D. gave a very good sermon on temperance.

Bride made the washing.

September 1898

20. Tuesday. To Alex 6 cts tick. Moved it to 1.27 P.M. J.B. tea 25 cts. J.B. tea 15. Coal oil 20. The T.E.C.W. will meet in St. Andrew's Hall tomorrow in convention.

21. Fine day, not many delegates at afternoon session; five are all. Had a good meeting at night—Temperance was the theme.

22. Two more delegates today. We got them—M. Sinclair & M. Langald of St. Elmo.

23. Began to rain last night—land is raining still, our guests left at 10 A.M. in the rain. Bride went to J. Donald. Cleared up a little, does not look settled. To sausage 25 cts paid.

24. Dull & cold. Mr. McLean of Lancaster preached. Margaret McRae of Kingston will be buried today. She was on a visit in Montreal and died very suddenly.

25. Cold raw day. Temperance meeting at A. Wells.

26. Washed a few things.

27. Fa and I went to the North Branch. Busy fine day. Our evangelists went to Glen Donald to a Temperance meeting.

28. Very fine day. Far worked for Bride, got the majority for Barlston. Rodebert took it.

29. This month the Empress of Austria was assassinated in Switzerland by an Italian anarchist.

October 1888

1. Saturday. Snider paid $3.00 rent.

2. Children's Sunday, 132 in Sabbath School.

3. Far & Jimm went to Cornwall. Began to rain and about noon poured.

4. 7 1/2 mps. Lorne 12.60; paid the 1.27. 239.

5. Dull day. Munday went North to Greenfield.

6. Very fine at prayer meeting. Fine night. Baked in oven. Got 30 lb flour 1.15. 10 1/2.

7. 2 lamps 12. 1 gal. coal oil 20. yeast 5. 32.

8. Very fine day. Went to T.P. M.C. at morning. I walked over to late. Preached. May & Daisy. We rode back. My opp.

9. Friday before Communion. Leland Smith preached. To buy salt-10 lb.

10. Another fine day. Graham preached. Snider painted. Uncle D. brought a piece of pork. To buy 3.25. 53.

11. Large Congregation. R.E. Mont. presided. Mr. Jimm offered for Home Mission. Col. 2.00.

12. Far is cold. We made the washing. Pa went to Abraham to bargain for wood. Jimm drug for load of wood.

13. Munday went North. To Alex 18 cts.

14. Rain began 9.30. Busy cutting wood.

15. I took to bed Wednesday and was not up until today. I had a light attack of bronchitis. Called Dr. Mont on Saturday. He told me to remain in bed for some days. Got bottle medicine.

16. Rain rough weather.

17. To Alex 32 cts. Munday got home last night.

18. The girls expected Hattie last night. She did not come. Mrs. Gunn so very poorly. Bride was there this afternoon.

19. A very wet in Church. We got 100 apples from Dunlop the beginning of last week.

20. There came a letter from Kennedy on 2.25.

October 1898

24. Buddie washed and today, Monday, went North.

25. Fine day. Pa put in the carrots and beets today.

26. To sugar at J. A. & E. A. (5?), out meal 25.

27. Pa put in the mangolds. There was snow today. Charlotte M. Gunnan passed away. D. R. McDonald’s M.P.P. wife died last night of consumption.

28. Fine day. To pipe brush 10. Hose flasher 5. Marvin went to visit at Sandy Burns. Murdie got home about 7 P.M.

29. Very fine bright day. Mr. D. R’s funeral was large. To 1 gal coal oil 20. 4 lbs stew 24. Mill & May walked to call on Dr. Fraser’s wife.

30. Sunday Cold & raw. Not many in church. I was at home.

November 1898

1.Tuesday, All Saints' Day. Charlotte was here last night until 10.

To Rib tea 25; one 6 ct. sample, Black tea 30

To also 8 sausages 63. 16 raisins 31 1/2 lbs molasses 10

2.Pa went to Palawang. They are breaking leaves today. Sometimes bright, again chill & damp. 7 1/2 lbs cheese 30, ginger 5

stone prunes 5. Murdie went to D. Con from Trent.

3. Fine day. W. T. M. I. met here today

two ladies from the Branch Pure two Mrs. Grants

4. Another fine day. Got through Threshing at Palawang.

5. Fine day. To buy 35 cts. Have asked J. M. McDonald & Mr. Robertson H. P. Hackers, to tea tonight and Mary McDonell.

6. Fine day. Uncle D. & Mary were over to church.

7. Bright day, cold wind. Brides washed D. H. McDonald got the key of K. kitchen

Pa & Murdie went to Cornwall.

8. Bright cold high wind, To 42 lbs stew 28.

9. Fine day. Had fine yr doing digging the garden. Pa covered the strawberries.

Far went to the post office, walked.

10. Began to snow with east wind about 9 A.M., the ground is covered.

Got medicine from Mornet – two bottles & box of pills.

1 P. M. still snowing. To 1 gal coal oil 17.

D. H. McDonald retrieved the key, he went into Dan Gould’s house. Filled the cows.

11. Frost with a little rough. Aunt 3 black ducks to mill.

12. Got over the fence, got hens picked.

November 1898

12 Mr. Donald Cameron died last night—was 80 years. Marvin got another bottle of medicine from Morvet. On the Milla (?) settled one 25 cts.

13. Fine day, Uncle Donald & Mary Ed. were over. Jilly, Bride & Murdie drove there in church.

14. Fine day, Murdie washed.

15. Soft day, Murdie went to Mrs. Cameron’s funeral.

16. Still threshing, killed a hen. There was an awful accident. Happened on the C. P. rail road on Tuesday R. R. McL (?) & sixteen persons killed.

17. Fine day. At Range Meeting arranged for Christmas entertainment.

18. Murdie still boiling.

19. Cold but dry.

20. Some rain. Killed two hogs.

21. Wet & raw. Took part Uncle Donald’s wood.

22. Fine day like Indian summer. To 1 gal coal oil 17.

23. Another fine day. To 42 lbs pork 25; 9 lbs stew 30. Got two eggs. The first for over three weeks.

24. Fine day. The meeting of the Aerial committee Thanksgiving day. Auntie Campbell & Uncle Donald were there. Lorrimore practiced in evening.

25. Done little cleaning in the dining room.

26. Turned damp snow. Done 4 days. Laid 50 over Gable (?) S.

27. Cold day. Turned warm. Put over over a month. The Riddle (?) met tonight.

28. Mild day, I worked. Pa went to Abraham’s threshing on the river.


1. Thursday. W.F.M.S. met at R.C.E. Murdie and I drove today. Our offering 20 cts.

2. Fine day. Got wood yesterday

3. To show 20 cts ticket. Borrowed $3.00 from Bird. Got 7 yds calico at 14 cts. Canned 7 quarts "ge gone to the table." Jimmie came home. Murdie went to Fair Castle for him. Murdie bought 1/2 bu. corn & 9 1/2 lbs apples

4. Fine winter day. A good congregation. Mr. Tatum at night came up to preach. Heard that a son of Black McPherson R.N. died 4 A.M. after a short illness. I made soap today

5. Fine day. Jimmie went to Martintown with 10 1/2 bush. wheat and got 3 bags of flour. Murdie got sugar 25 lbs

6. Murdie went North today. The R.R. had an entertainment last night.

7. Fine day. Made a small washing.

8. Done nothing but cooking. Had two of F.D.’s girls & 2 of Isaac McCulloch's girls to tea last night. Murdie came home tonight.

9. Jimmie, Mr. Fann & R. McCullough’s horseshoe.

10. Jimmie, I did not go to church.

11. Cold, 2 degrees below zero, washed. Mrs. Calder & Bella D. Roy called with her little girl.

12. Murdie went to Cornwall by train to Pont

13. Cold, 14 degrees below zero.

14. Got coal oil 9 lbs church. Turned summer.

15. Baked in oven. Turkeys – dress – parched raisins – 36 1/4. Bunch of oats 12 1/2 wheat – 2 bushels. 20 potatoes.

16. To Mr. 25, sugar 25 cts. Murdie got home at 7.

17. Mr. Abraham brought 1 bush. apples. Paid $1.50. Mrs. Martha sent last night.

18. I did not go to church. I had toothache.

19. Cold wind. Murdie went to Cornwall. Baked. Jimmie shared two bands of wood & mended.

December 1888

20. Tuesday. Practicing, practicing for Christmas concert.

21. High school has a kind of an entertainment tonight. The medals will be given to the parties who won them at the summer examination.

22. D.B. McLennan & Charlotte were here last night to tea. Jimmie sold 35 bush oats at Lancaster, sugar 25.

23. Murdie went to Cornwall. Got at Nelle's 1 gal coal oil 14. 3 gals molasses. 3 pks 13. 4 spools thread 18. 2 lbs raisins 24. 2 lbs currants 16. Candy & raisins 25.

24. Fine day. Good sermon.

25. Fine day. Jimmie came in afternoon and I went to the concert at Munro & Bred's.

26. Halley & Birdie went to Dr. Roy's.

27. Far. came home today. Halley & Bird visited at C. Co's.

28. Donald R. Grant was buried at Pine Grove today. Jimmie drove Halley to the funeral. Widow Alick French was buried today aged 81.

29. Jimmie got hay from S. Hislop. Sold one load wood. Took the grain to the grist mill.

30. Drove to the manse to take the time for the minister. Sold 2 days egg 3 lbs, got 7 lbs sugar @ 16, cream candy 13.

31. Church cold, very slippery. Halley did not turn up yet.

Here is the transcription of the diary page from January 1889:

January 1889

1. Sabbath. Halley was in church. She gave Ben the pants. Murdie, Jimmie went North for the evening and came round by the Depot and waited until the train came at 10, and brought Murdie home.

2. Election of Councilors. Jimmie poll clerk. Week of prayer. Meetings tonight and tomorrow at Hephzibah. Cold day.

3. Fine day, mercury 25 above zero at 8 a.m. Birdie & I went this afternoon to Dr. Roy's.

4. Rain all day, ugly day. Meeting at Mr. Fallon's hall. People falling it was so slippery.

5. Very mild day for January. All through the W.C.T.U. M.E.L. formed. My efforts were [three] bushels of clover, 33 cts.

6. Jimmie took Marion to Lancaster to the Dentist and she went to the harness and got the back fixed, cost of dressing it 85 cts. Turned very stormy about noon. Angus still storming. J.P. McLellan called for an hour this afternoon.

7. Stormy all day. Snider By Cash $6.00 for rent.

8. Sunday. Dull day, neither good for sleighing or walking, not many in church. Mrs. William Burnett died last night. She was ill for over a year.

9. Murdie got to Wilson Front. 10 p.m. mercury down to 12.

10. Murdie down today at 7 a.m. Sold 5 dozen eggs 110. lbs sugar 25; molasses 22 1/2 cts. Got a ball for 10 cts. Marion & Murdie went to Lancaster, she got some cloth for Jimmie. The girls Murdie and myself went to the children’s social. Had a very pleasant evening.

January 1899

11. Meeting of Y.P.A. Murdie went to 2nd com. from Front. Pa & Murdie got beef from Shields 90 lb at 5½ c per lb. Turned soft in evening.

12. Morning 10. Below at 7 a.m. Murdie borrowed a horse from J.A. and drew one load of wood.

13. Murdie drew two cords of wood.

14. Rain all day. To 2 lbs tea 3 bags 3 ct nails for taking up of church bell - 60 cts.

15. A pretty large congregation.

16. Made a big washing, boys dried wood.

17. Murdie went to Alexandria. And will go to Van Kleck hill to Sabbath convention. Mary McIntyre came yesterday at noon to remain a few days.

18. Fine day, no snow yet. The roads are icy. Father Champagne died. Murdie went to the funeral Thursday. Murdie got home last night at 10:30. Tonight there is a vocal in St. (?) Drew hall. Tonight all our young folks went.

20. Fine day.

21. Rain. Got 4 doz eggs, got coal oil 17. Due Bill for Sullivan's.

22. A large congregation, both morning and evening. Rev. Tamlil of Martintown led the young armie.

23. Fine bright day. Made the washing, Pa & Murdie came to Aunt Kate Comings. Jessie McPhee died this morning, will be buried on Wednesday.

24. Pa & Murdie getting ready for the funeral. 25. Got up early. Pa & Murdie went to Mr. McPhee to meet the corpses.

Here is the transcription of the text from the image:

January 1899

25. Jos. and Osbold, it was not here. Hugh & John Robertson, Uncle Donald & Dan, came to the funeral. The Robert sons remained until 2:30. Pa & Murdie filled in the grave. The Sons of Scotland have a concert tonight to celebrate Burns' birthday. Most of the talent is imported: Mrs. McLean, Toronto, Mrs. Craig, Toronto, James W.H. D, Toronto, Miss E. Gleesman, Montreal, James J. G, Halifax, McG, Montreal, Edith DeLamarter, Col. & Minnie McG, Instrumental. Murdie got receipt for the balance of the eggs, 6 sets. All our young folk were at the concert.

26. Dull day. Snowed a little. John McDonald Murray, born to 3rd laborer and wife. A. D. McLennan was buried today in Lancaster. Pa and Murdie went to Jacques & Lehans.

27. Dull day. Sold 3 doz eggs, got sugar 25 cts, raisins 25 cts, rice 8 cts.

28. Not a very large congregation. Another death in John McDonald family, his aunt will be buried tomorrow.

29. Cold day. I washed. Pa went to Cornwall by train.

31. Fine bright day. Mercury 10 below at 8 a.m. The Y.P.A. are having a masquerade tonight. Millie D.'s boy called. Their people are getting better. The mail was opened. The ground rent of McRae lot. Allie sent it for Aunt Kate.

February 1899

1. Wednesday, fine day. The annual meeting at Dunfermline. The annual meeting of St. Andrew’s church. Going to sell some of the Glebe. John A. McDonald Sr. appointed trustee for the church in place of A.J. Grant. The C.E. had a rally last night.

2. Fine day. The C.E. had a rally last night. They expect visitors from Martintown tomorrow. South branch, Kilmarie Grove. Murdie is sick of sore throat. I got coal oil 17¢.

3. Very fine day. I was out in church. Marion is sick. Pa went to the North Branch.

4. Another fine day. Murdie is some better. Marion is not. Sold 2 doz eggs, got sugar 5¢. McIntosh girls are home 12 p.m.

5. Pa took charge of pump. It froze up.

6. Murdie is better. Marion is not. Sold 2 doz eggs, got sugar 5¢.

7. Murdie is better. Marion is not. Sold 2 doz eggs, got sugar 5¢. He went out. Pa went by mail to Martintown. I came home. D.McLennan drove him.

8. Snowing & blowing. Jimmie is sick. He went on sleigh to Alexandria and must have got cold. Pa went by mail to Martintown.

9. Jimmie was bad last night. Now 2:30 p.m., cold drifting. Our sick are some better. Pa got a sink from Raymond's yesterday 23¢.

10. One of our cows is lame & Pa is trying to doctor it. It is very cold, snow is 20 inches deep.

11. Still cold. The cow better. Jimmie worse. 3 1/2 gals coal oil 17¢. Sugar 25¢. Lemons 24. Candy 2.

12. Still cold. Not many in church. The new Elders announced. Sandy S--- L. Brown, H. Monroe A.P. Ross will be ordained on the 26th. Pa came home. D.McLennan drove him.

13. Not so frosty. About zero. Boys took home about 2 loads of wood. Murdie 3 1/2 lbs butter 36¢.

14. Murdie is getting the grip.

15. Marion is better. Cold.

16. Fine day.

March 1899

1. Wednesday, Marion’s birthday. Fine day, all were today.

2. Murdie went to Woman’s Meeting & Jim Dougal H. R. sent my H. yoke, she paid her fee 1/25 and got her off. 10 lbs. of flour at Wilson’s 2¢.

3. Fine day, thawing. Baked in oven.

4. The C.E. had a class before our communion, and Mr. Kellers of Martintown preached. I did not go to church.

5. Dr. McLangley of Martintown preached. Pa and Amy went to Lancaster yesterday. Pa paid W. Stewart, Bar. $1.27, for some trouble with Maigon. But at Campbell’s in Wilkie, 1 piece gray cotton 20 yds. ½ yd = 2.10, 15 yds of yellow. Pa got Lancaster whip stock 40 cts. 4 yds of guipure 3.

6. High wind all last night. Calmed towards morning. Murdie went to the Green Valley. I washed.

7. Hard high all day. Began to snow about 6 p.m. Pa went to see Kate, and found that Kenneth was severely hurt; was driving to or from Lancaster when there was an accident. Supposed that he was brought home insensible. Dr. Macnette was called, and Dr. McLennan from Martintown. 3 ½ gals B. snap 22, Mr. Butler 22, 4 gals coal oil.

8. A good fall of snow. But it drifted it may help the yards more. Kenneth Robertson is a little better, and is able to talk. Pa went home. There is a nurse for him.

March 1899

9. Thursday. Fine day.

10. Fine, fine day. Pa went to Cornwall by train. Pa bought 2 white shirts @ 45¢, 2 ni [illegible] 50¢, 2 pair braces 25¢, 2 lbs raisins 16¢, 1 [illegible] apron 1/25, The got legal advice from D.B. McL. 50¢.

11. Sold 2½ doz eggs, 16 per doz. Got 2 lbs butter 25¢ per lb. 2 lamps chimneys 17¢. Went to L.R., 1 lb tea 25¢ 2 pints oil, 10¢. Smoked some calls today. Murdie got home about 10 last night.

12. Communion at Hop [illegible], Albert left, bought it.

13. Fine day. Murdie went to the today.

14. J. Liddle [illegible] store, Simon Fraser called today, Pa got a knee in Lot Sleigh. Got $1.30. I made a feed cake, Jinie drew up wood.

15. 8 yr old buried. D.M. Cranmer had a sale of cattle and farm implements. The heavy fall of snow at 1 p.m. then rained for over three hours, Sandy & Anne’s wife were here for a short time.

16. Murdie got home about 10 last night, when we had rain last night – they had snow in Montreal. The papers say 8 inches of it stopped traffic for some time. Very fine day. The snow is cold. The boys drew 6 cords of wood home. Pa sent 6 Doz.

18. Snowing all day. I baked in oven, Murdie pouting a dishpan. The boys drew two cords of wood. Claire Ferguson cut 20 cords.

March 1899

1. Wednesday. Marions Birthday. Fine day, all were today.

2. Mother went to Woman's Meeting at Mrs. Dingwell's. H.K. sent my H.Y. oats, she paid her fee. 7.25. Mrs. Anderson sent her off 10.15. 70. 100# flour at Tillies 2.10.

3. Fine day, thawing. I spoke in oven. This is the last day before our communion. Rev’d Mr. Keller of Marlintown preached. I did not go to church.

4. Rev. Mr. Langell of Marlintown preached. Pa and Ginny went to Lancaster yesterday. Pa paid W. T. Stewart, Barr, $4.27 for some trouble with Major. Bot at Campbell’s in Philips. I paid gray cotton 30 yds. .06 per yd = 2.10, 15 bleached yellow 3.10. Bot at Lancaster 4 prs black socks. 4 yds yellow. 64.

5. Dull day, some rain, very few in church for Sunday of Sacrament. None from here but Mirkle, Jennie & Mandy. Offering for Missions, Poo off 1.00.

6. High wind all last night, calmed towards morning. Mandy went to the Green Valley to wash.

7. Wind high all day, began to snow about 6 P.M. Pa went to see Kate and found that Kenneth was severely hurt; was driving to or from Lan Castle when there was an accident. Suppose that he was brought home unconscious. Dr. Marnette was called, and Dr. McCrummen sent for. Sarah & Dr. Mrs. McCrummen ½ yd. B. strip 21, MB. Butter, 22, 4 galls, wd oil 4.

8. A good fall of snow. But it drifted it many high, yards were kneed. Robertson gave 2nd letter, and is able to talk. Pa went home. There is a mare working.

Here is the transcription of the diary page from March 1889:

March 1889

7. Thursday. Fine day.

10. Fine day, P.M. Went to Cornwall by train. Halley bought 2 white shirts 70¢ each, 2 negro dress shirts of flannelette 50¢ each, 2 gray flannel shirts 75¢ each, 3 bars of soap 30¢ each, 1 neck tie 25¢, 1 1/2 yd of brace 25¢, 2 lbs raisins 10¢ per lb., 10¢ per doz. for eggs, 33¢. She got legal advice from D.B. McL. at 9 p.m. F. Coombs' wife and Sam Haslam were charged with the murder of her husband last summer.

11. Sold 27 doz. eggs per doz., got 20¢ butter, soap 20¢, 2 lamp chimneys 17¢, bought at J.C.L. 1/2 lb. tea 25¢, 2 spools thread 6¢. Made some calls today. Heard Jimmie was very sick. Called on Rev. White, Mr. Thieman, Hephzibah, Mr. Fallon. Had a word this evening from the P[illegible] commission at Hephzibah. Halley left tonight.

12. Fine day. Murdie went North today and D.M. Cummings had a sale of cattle and farm implements.

13. Jimmie got a tree in the sleigh. Bought 30 at 1:30. F. McLeod's wife died. Jimmie drew wood.

14. Fine day, made a good call. Jimmie drew wood all day.

15. Fine fair, mild. D.M. Cummings had a sale of cattle and farm implements. He had a heavy sale by 1 p.m., then rain for over three hours. Candy, bread, and wife were here for a short time.

16. Murdie got home about 10 last night. The papers say 8 inches of snow in Montreal. Taffie has been stopped for some time.

17. Fine day, top sleds. The wind is cold. The boys drew 6 cords of wood (home today). To Gerald 6¢.

18. Storming all day, I baked in oven, made pudding and birthday. The boys drew two cords of wood. Steward Farquharson cut 20 cords.

March 1889

18. Saturday. This is the largest storm we had this winter. We had a bad one in December. 18¢ for butter, sold 20 lbs., 65¢ for cream, 40¢, sugar 25¢, sold 5 doz. eggs, 65¢. Marion is on the mend.

19. Still storming, snow, and showers. Not many in church. Jimmie’s Birthday.

20. The wildest day yet. High west wind and drifting, sun shining beautifully. The account of a terrible fire which took place in New York on Saturday. The Windsor Hotel was burnt in the afternoon. The clearest day, over thirty had perished.

21. Fine bright day, the news in today’s papers that Donald Robertson of Quebec was at the Windsor Hotel in New York on Wednesday. Got 6 lbs. of butter, 48¢. Willie and I took oats, bought alt. 20, 120, for value received, by D. Farquharson.

22. Storming again, Jimmie went to Mr. Campbell’s sale.

23. Jimmie bought a sleigh at Vail’s yesterday, gave $13.25.

24. Fine bright day, Marion sold 32 doz. eggs at Marion, 1½ bushels, 40¢, and got a pair of shoes. Hat and bag from Blach Bros., B.R. 100 lbs., 5.80, 5.50.

25. Jimmie went to Cornwall to an officers meeting and saw a doctor.

26. Fine day, good sleighing, large congregation.

27. Jimmie went to Cornwall as a witness for Dr. Dingwell's R.R.

28. Dull day, 600 barrels at 1.10. Bride went to Martintown to a C.E. Rally, took buggy. Jimmie McGinnis went with us. Farquharson was to tea yesterday.

29. Storm all day.

30. Thursday. Prayer meeting, Dunn there. 70 1-gall, coal oil, 20¢.

31. Fine day, but cold. Sleighing better than it was all winter. Jimmie got home from Cornwall. Mrs. Duncan McEwan let Jimmie and Brenda have $90. Here is the transcription of the diary page from April 1889:

April 1889

1. Monday. Fine day. Cold with wind, roads good. Boys took home a load of hay from the D.J. farm. Sold today 290 eggs, 60 cts, ½ lb. butter, 12 cts. Sugar 25 cts, calf 13.

2. Fine day, though cold wind, a large congregation.

3. Done a small washing. After dinner, Mrs. A. E. called on the way to Donald King’s and took me for a drive. Cattle boys do not gain any; the roads are pretty good. L. Baltimore is sawing our wood.

4. Finished the wood at noon. They drilled the well yesterday and stopped work at 3 PM. Began at 6 AM. Mr. Earley charged $8 per load, 2 loads oats. Jim, Uncle Donaldson, on field, took $30.00 out, borrowed money on Sunday.

5. I made a few calls. Jimmie & Marion were all day on the 3rd of Lancaster running a line.

6. Fine day, got 1 gallon of syrup from Farquhar yesterday. The W.F.M.S. met at Elders today. My off 25 cts.

7. Fine day, Farquhar 2 gallons syrup.

8. Snow and rain, sold 6 lbs. beefsteak, 28 cts., mustard. I was working at a pair of pants for a fee. He brought the cloth. D.M. Cummings 2½ yds at 65 cts, 1.63.

9. Very fine day, wind and bright, not many in church, roads very bad.

10. The Anniversary of our marriage 37 years. Paid Dr. Munot for attendance for 1888 & 1889, $7.00. Ordered two big saws from Raymond, cost 50 cts each.

11. Very fine day, got 7 gallons thin syrup. Well boiled it. Made a little butter, finished bed plants.

12. Fine day.

13. Made a window box and put it on the verandah.

14. By myself again, very fine bright day, but cold.

April 1889

14. Friday. Some rain, no appearance of vegetation in February. People were planting; they would have to wait some time, as it is keeping cold. Wrote in April 1881 on the Morning Light.

15. Fine day, roads good; good day for the workers. Took S.M. and W. to Cornwall to a Home [and] Meeting. Jimmie went to a sale at Druid farm,Jno W. (Horse) there, not many.

16. Very fine bright day, roads very bad, not many in church.

17. Went up to the Run to fetch for Maysburg; the water is nearly over.

18. A call in vain for a fence, Jimmie got through with Farquhar.

19. Farquhar brought 2 gallons of syrup.

20. Sold today 29 eggs at 12 cts, butter 12 cts, sugar 2 cts.

21. Fine day, 4 eggs today, 24 lbs. butter, 12½ cts. Made a good congregation.

22. Jimmie came to the Run to search for May McGinnis. This week had Words to do Irish news from Belfast.

23. Another very fine day, rain.

24. Fine day, rain. Came from service early, will be in on Sunday P. & I. drive out to the sick man. In afternoon, found the family very comfortably. The roads are still very bad, particularly between the village and the hill. Went to a prayer meeting. To McKeon and Mecoos selling two dwelling houses.

25. Jimmie got 2 gallons of molasses, the wood was short. Started the Axle today.

26. Sold 23 eggs at 12 cts, butter 18½ cts.

27. Very fine day, sold 16½ lbs. butter, 15½ cts. Sent to London.

28. Very fine warm day, more like May than April. A very large funeral, all the **Farquhars turned out**. It was a large funeral. [illeligible] McGinnis were there. Mrs. Jackson came to the funeral.

29. Saturday. Warm, 80 in shade.

30. Sunday. Very warm. Not many in church. The last day of April and warm enough for July.

May 1899

1. Monday. Fine warm day, a gentle drizzle all afternoon. We took off the storm windows today. Bridie went to the Glen to teach for Mary. Marion is fixing for the welcome home to J. & L. McDowell and his wife. They were married in November and took a six months court amongst in New York State. I am making a head dress.

2. Another fine day. R. L. is gone.

3. We were all at the W.H. but R.A. I went about 8 and got home 20 to 2. Bird came a little earlier. The rest stayed until 4. I was at prayer meeting only 16. R. bot 2 gals syrup 40, 1 gal mol oil 64.

4. Marion meeting in Centre. I paid my fee and my offering 25. Much cold yesterday.

5. Fine last night. 2 lbs 3 oz butter 20 cts, 40. Done some work in garden. Trimmed the bushes, saw a few neighbors. Young red currant bushes.

6. Fine day. Baked in oven.

7. Rather large congregation.

8. Fine day. Planted 6 black currant bushes. Done some work in garden, Mrs. Burnie went while Currants bushes.

9. Worked some in garden.

10. The village was horrified to hear that Janie Hennan hung herself this morning. She had been ill for some time. We sowed some white carrots and turnip beet, planted strange turnips and turnip beet. We sent 2 stalks 4½.

11. Worked all forenoon in garden, buds made 5 long July 5. 2 oz sugar 25 cream tartar.

12. 70. 25 lbs flour at McLaren’s 50, 2 lbs butter 36, 1 loaf bread 5, 2 pairs 15 cts, 1 lb tea 30 cts.

13. Baked in oven, rain in afternoon turned cold.

14. Cold, not many in church. Nancy Roy, Ellen, and Wesley.

Here is the transcription of the handwritten text from the image:

May 1899

15. Monday. Cold bright day. I washed G. H. McGilloway read a good paper last night at the C. T. meeting.

16. Cold. Nancy Roy was buried today. Aunt Donald and Mary were over. Sat a long time.

17. Keeps cold, 2 lbs butter 26 cts, got vinegar 10 46.

18. Sold Golden Tankard & Yellow Globe, rained all afternoon. Fan & Annie went to Cornwall. Mostly worked for E. Dingwall. Prayer meeting tonight. Rec'd Kenneth late at. Sat out 10 cauliflower.

19. Dull and cloudy, trying to get a black hen to 107 of lime.

20. Cool day, drizzling, put out 4 tomato plants magnolias out.

21. Sunday. A pretty large congregation. Red Graham of Lancaster conducted the prayer meeting. Mrs. Gavin went to Lancaster. Collection in church 62 cts, 50 cts.

22. I was cutting potatoes. Bird washed. Marion began to clean the hall. Annie took down the porch at front door. Got 2 lbs butter 24 cts.

23. Fine day. Planted some corn & some potatoes on past office lot. Planted beans in garden. Dr. McLennan took tea with us. I bought a lawn mower from Millett, $6.50 to be paid in June. Mary McGummin, sewing and tea.

24. Fine day. Village very quiet. Mary went to Montreal. Mr. Killen came to remain until tomorrow. There is a strike on the G. T. R. & the track men if it won't be settled it will interfere with the travel.

25. Very fine day. Mr. Killen left in afternoon. Gave Black Candles to a bunch of oats.

26. Fine & warm. Put down melon seeds, cucumber, pumpkins, citron, gourds & musket melon. Lettuce & melon out, took 7 to plant 5.

May 1899

26. Hope has been a new holy day, kept this summer for the first time in Canada called "Empire day" to be observed by schools & colleges, to teach children the history of their country and to be patriotic. The 26th to be kept on the 23rd of May. The day before the Queen's birthday. Their long been nothing said about the day, when Victoria dies it will likely be dropped the day before her successor's birthday. It was celebrated in fine style in Montreal on the 23rd, over 1000 children engaged, chiefly the Protestant schools. Mary came home last evening, heard Sousa's band.

27. Fine day, 2 lbs tea 25 cts.

28. Not a very large congregation.

29. Bird washed. I was cutting potatoes for Landers. Looks like rain. Got 1 gallon cod oil 18 cts. Afternoon rains, Dr. left.

30. Sold the white cow, the last of mother's troop, to Mr. Noustin from York for 34 dollars. Annie went to Lancaster with the bishop.

31. Fine day. Magnolias very bud. Mary went to North Lancaster yesterday morning. Got 2 1/4 lbs butter 26 cts.

Here is the transcription of the handwritten text from the image:

June 1899

1. Thursday. Fine day, high wind. I went to the T. meeting at John Dingwall’s. It was filled as far as long cattle come at the turn of the road when Mrs. A. Cocksworth met and gave me a ride. Paid off 25 cts for Willie to my presbyterial fee. Gave 25 cts to Mrs. Jim Dingwall for C. C. T. U. Called on Mrs. McGillis.

2. Fine day, 2 cabbages 26 cts. Lillian McLennan called at gate. Planted beans, pole & bush.

3. Fine day, looks like rain.

4. Not many in church. Heavy rain last night.

5. I am not feeling too well, Birdie is sick. Sold 19 ½ lbs sugar 53 cts, 2 lbs butter 32 cts.

6. Done a small washing.

7. Tackled some blankets. Went to Calvons for some things, 2 pair gloves, 1 pair boots, 2 pair stockings. Got a button for me 6 ½ cts, 6 cts in shop & rain yesterday. Killed a hen, had one die. Rain & storm.

8. Fine day turned very cool.

9. The L. T. L. gave a small picnic today in the grove. They report a good time. Got 2 lbs butter 16 cts, 5 ½ lbs bacon 12 cts, 19 lbs tea 30 cts, lemon biscuit 10 cts.

10. Fine day. I was in church. Rev. S. E. Lattison preached. Mrs. McDougald and Mary of Alexandria came to stay overnight.

11. Monday. Left at 1 A.M. for Glen Robertson. Mrs. McDougald & Mary left at noon. Picked raisins & carrots and salmon 35 cts. Canned tomatoes 10 cts.

12. Heavy rain last night between 7 & 8. Dr. D. D. and wife called at F. L. McR. Put out some turnips on D. Corn farm. Came home early to eggs in shackle.

13. Hot sun. Mercy hot, 86° in shade. Looks like rain. Got 10 flour at McEwenmill.

This name I had not caught at that time of the record.

June 1899

15. Heavy rain last night, drenching and showery. Things are putting up and turn today. Annie went to Martintown to the L. T. games.

16. Kind of lowering day. Florence Ross, Lizzie H. came to visit—Marion until Monday. Dr. Gillis, Fa & Annie went to a lawn __ at the H.C. Grove. To day from Lachine tick 57.

17. Fine day. Rolled ground.

18. Another fine day. Mr. Truett—Summersdown preached. Pretty large congregation. Annie & Lizzie went visiting at Aunt Katie's.

19. Very fine day. The volunteers left this evening for Niagara, to camp. 2 butter 33. I called with Miss Annie McLennan to see Mrs. Haddon. There is a nice new side walk of thick planks along Warren St. which adds to the appearance of the place. Mendy put Paris green on the potatoes. Some have blossoms on them.

20. Showery all day, and very high wind.

21. Mendy left for Glen Robertson this morning. Mrs. Donald Roy & her granddaughter spent most of the day here. Annie McLennan (spins?) I had the afternoon and late fire. Yesterday Fa paid the Martintown butcher $7.15, coal oil 2 gal. paid 54, 20 lbs. Bride is cleaning the sitting room.

22. Looks like rain. Put out a large washing. Paid $15.60 to McIntosh for insurance. Out to day mail to Moose Creek.

23. Mendy got home last night at 10:30. I baked and done some ironing. Bride dusting curtains. A sack of salt at McLaren's tick.

24. Killed a rooster. 2 gal. coal oil 25.

25. I went to hear Mr. Watson, he led communion and the Masons. Marched to the graveyard. Here is the transcription from the latest image:

June 1898

26. Fine day. Done the washing.

27. Fa paid the flour $2.00, had 3 call[s] 30 at McLennan.

28. Began to rain about 5 A.M. and rained until 6 P.M. It will do a great deal of good. Libby McLennan came yesterday for a visit. Canned two cans of Red and 17 of strawberries.

29. Very fine day. Mendy went North, quite cool, mercury down to 53 at 10:30 P.M.

July 1899

1. Saturday, fine warm day, 92 in shade. All our people who were at the lawn social last night were well pleased. The volunteers came home last night instead of today. This Dominion day they were let off. A dry shower Annie did not come.

2. Fine day. A large congregation. All glad to see Mr. James back.

3. We are busy preparing for the District Council, which meets here on the 4th & 5th. Got $5.00 from Munday. Pd. at McCrimmon 2½.

14 gal molasses 1.2, 10 lb sugar 50, yeast cake 5, lard 30. 1.19

12 lb blue 20, ½ lb glue 15, 1 cake soap 5, 40

7 cans pumpkin, he did not know the price Pd. for 4 yds of floor oil cloth 60 cts per yd 2.40

4. Fine day. The first of the guests arrived in the room of Mr. Campbell from Van St., Ralie, Bella & Annie McLennan, And a Mr. Bruce from the Front. They were here for dinner. A Red Shawl of [name] came to tea and to spend the night. He got 5 lbs of butter from Brownie.

5. To get 7.50 from Snider. Paid for oil cloth $2.40, pumpkins 10, 2 rolls of felt 45 cts per yd and also nails. There was a good meeting last night. The Convention closed at 5 PM and it began to rain at 9 P.M.

6. Sunday. Mr. Hand left about 9 a.m. It rained all day. There was a wild storm of lightning, thunder & rain last night.

7. This is Friday before Communion, Mr. Urquhart from the E. of Lancaster preached. Mr. Campbell left in the afternoon.

July 1899

8. Rained all night and showery all day. Mr. Langill preached. Paid 29 cts to Martintown butcher for last week and took 2 loaves sugar 22, ½ pan bread 24 cts.

9. Rained all last night and poured most of this day. The people were all soaked.

10. Been fine all day, made a large washing. Got 27 lbs butter 9 cts from Bird.

11. Bella and Murdie went to F.D.M.C. with the Buck tomorrow. Murrin went to Cornwall with Daisy, by train. Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Taylor went also. Uncle D. sent 6½ lbs of cheese by Aunt Kate Craig. Lizzie Brown & our Minnie came by boat from Toronto to Cornwall, then by Macassar to Summerstown. Lizzie brought her wheel; she can ride well.

12. 7:45 p.m., S met in St. Andrew's Hall, 1⁄10th.

13. Fine day, kind of showery. Done a small washing. ½ lb tea 30 cts.

14. Minnie sent 5 lbs steak, ½ butter 25 cts, 1 loaf.

15. Fine day.

16. Done the washing.

17. 100 looms at McCrimmon.

18. Baked an oven, Minnie cut the meadow.

19. Murdie went to Lachine. Murrin & I went for berries. Got 2 quarts.

20. Looks like rain. Butter at Willie’s 23 cts.

21. Stormed all last night. Thunder, lightning, and rain. Rain all this day.

22. Dull. Not very good drying. 3 galls oil 30 cts, 4 lbs blue 40. Murdie got 10 lbs of flour.

23. 2 cans estimated by 20 galls oil to take to Crimmon for to make it. Cleaned it.

July 1899

23. Fine cool day. A large congregation. A good sermon from Rev. A. Patt.

24. Muncie and I went to pick berries at Lander's. Got 7 quarts. Very hot. Marvin and Lizzie walked to D. B. McLennan and got home about 11 P.M.

25. Very hot. I washed.

26. Got 7 lbs butter at McCrimmon's with Annie. Muncie came at 8:30 A.M., was on foot. Annie passed Lancaster, taken by Colledge. Came back on McCague. Wheeled here. Muncie went to meet him at 6. Hot, very hot.

27. Rain storm this morning, now 11:40 A.M. Muncie bright with high wind. We put icecream out at McCrimmon's. Turned over butter twice, 13. Cod oil 20. Lye 20. Sugar 25 7/20 + 25 7/20 + 20 + 8 = 3.35. Tin lye 10, cream tester 10 = 20.

28. Fine day, pretty warm. J. R. B. got 2 loaves from a Mr. Jellybaby. Came in bright. We all sang on Sunday. Got 2 lbs slices ham, 1 box of starch 15, sugar 25, R. sold some oats to McCrimmon. Got matches and soap, white blakings 5. Bottle Edron pills 20 = 35. Lizzie and Muncie went to Stanley Island with a few of the village folk.

29. Got a black from Bessie 40 cts. Fine day. Butter 16 cts. Wap & Wetcakes (?), 18 cts.

30. Fine day. A large congregation.

31. Was up early, T. M. left for Caledonia Spring. Dr. Dunlop called and took Muncie to the class. Got at McCrimmon's 8 lbs molasses 13, 5 lbs sugar 25, colts 5 = 49. Two members of parliament were with us. Mr. Longmore got word from Rockfield at the family gathering. Captain Edgar, speaker of the house, died in the 70s.

August 1899

1. Tuesday. The Ran girls and Bruce were here last night, and we enjoyed their company very much.

2. Sold some hen feed 23.26. Got sugar rolls 56 cts. Rained in night, shower, 23 from Mundy.

3. Our folk and Lizzie went to the F.P. picnic. Jamie Brown did not go. Donald McLachlan's head was buried today. Mr. Jack McPherson moved into old post office building.

4. Fine day, pretty hot. Met at McCrimmon's 4½ gal. check. 86 cts per gal 31. 2 lbs catfish 2 cts. 1 white bowl 60 cts. Hatty, Effy, Gordon, and Effy, Sandy, Sant, were here to have a home meeting today. Mrs. F. 25, Bridie's 10. Profit to Lizzie 5, Mundy to cheese 27 cts.

5. Fine day. 22 lbs butter 376 cts. T. to Lancaster 58.

6. Large congregation. Rev. Mackay... preached morning & evening.

7. Fine day. Young folk had a picnic to Hamilton's Island. Lizzie, Marvin & Mundy went. R. came home in the evening. ½ 2 cts for bread 12. 10 lbs flour at McCrimmon's 12. 20 lbs butter 20 cts to 40, yeast 5 cts.

8. Fine cool day. R. paid the flour $2.00. Finished at Dingwall's.

9. Rained a little but settled. ½ grain sugar 50 cts. 2 lbs butter 40 cts. 2 doz tomatoes 10 cts. 2 lbs raisins 12, nutmeg 2, ½ lb cream tartar 34, 1 bottle vanilla 10 cts. Louisa McGill's called 10. Lizzie had a gum boil, kind of middle.

10. ½ lb tea 31, 1 qt molasses 13, sugar 5 cts 48. ½ lb butter 30, 1 qt vinegar 10, 3 lbs salt 30, 1 gal coal oil 1.10. Crack 5 cts.

11. ½ sugar 25, 2 lbs butter 40 cts. Mundy went to Lancaster and took McCrimmon's butter and cakes. David Fraser of Lancaster & Kingswood died.

August 1899

13. is to be buried here today. There was an accident happened on the C.P. R.R at T.P. camp in which seven persons were killed & ten injured.

14. It was 12.30 when we got from Hamilton. Then our party arrived at the church at 7:30, we had dinner with tea about six. Then went on board a small steamer called the *Belleville,* Captain Woods, & went to St. Regis. We found the members of the church. Then to Cornwall. After dark, a few minutes there to stop, not far from McCrimmon. We left just after sunset, then we returned to the boat at one of the mills and worked on some crops, returned in 30 minutes for the rest of the party. We arrived at Hamilton's Head at 10:30. We spent a very pleasant afternoon & evening."

15. Fine day. The Mr. Elders of East Gwillimbury preached in the morning, and in the afternoon, one of Mr. McElduff's people were there. The singing was very strong.

16. Fine cool day. Made a washing. To butter 10.

17. Very fine day. Walked to F.P.'s in the forenoon.

18. Another fine day. Got 5 lbs of suet on Tuesday from Martintown. Buttered. And on Tuesday, got honey 90. John & Jane McDonald were to tea on this day. Lizzie & Marion went to see Mary McBride and called on Florence, we paid 2.25 for rent - for 3 months. Finished letters to Dr. Swain, Eagle on Thursday morning, an empty gal. 2.33 at 20 cts. Very fine day, many at F.P.'s.

Here is the transcription:

August 1899

18. Sugar 25¢, rice 25¢, 1 lb tea 30¢, R. bot 4 lbs steak 40¢, from Marlinton butcher 40¢. Annie got her wheel yesterday and left today for Halifax, meeting R. is not well, he got a bottle of medicine from Morell yesterday, 50¢.

19. Fine hot day, mercury up to 88°.

20. Another hot day. The roads are very dusty.

21. Took the reign from us, Pat trying his oats. I did two washings, rolled 10, 1 can 6, 22 gals syrup 16.

22. Slightly showery, not enough to make an inlet in the cistern.

23. Dull day. D.B., McL took tea with us.

24. ½ lbs butter 4¢ cts.

25. Fine day but little settled weather. Mrs. J. & P.M. all our young folk went to church social at Hugh Fraser 25¢. Corn 7½ lbs, sausage 45¢, 2 lbs steak 20¢, ¾ lbs settled with rice 35¢.

26. Fine day. There is a picnic at Hamilton Island. Richie, Marion & Daisy drove. D. Ladders have Mr. McCrimmons to hire in their family. Mrs. B.L. not over. Janie took a wobble, Jessie Brown had 2½ ozs rump alt sup, R. Jolly lent oil 18 cts, 1 lamp chimpy 28¢, 1 lb butter at McCrimmons & sugar 25¢. We took a loaf.

27. Fine day. I was not in church. It is natural. H. Robertson called to see us, Susie Coulter & Lilly Jones called. D.B., M. Gemme & Charlotte were here.

28. Another hot day. Lizzie had a letter from Uncle R. He will not be down this fall. Rasp 50¢, butter and sugar at McCrimmons and got $1.00 off, sugar 2.66.

29. Another hot day. Called at McCormons, got a fair bunch of redheart. ½ of rings 21 cts, sugar 50¢, 71.

30. Fine day. ½ lb butter 30¢, 4 lbs bacon 57¢ at McCrimmons.

31. 45 lbs sugar $3.75, 2 gals vinegar 22¢, 2 wood 4, cloth brush 95¢, saddlery 1.20.

September 1899

1. Friday. Fine day. 4 cans of crab apples 30¢, 30.

2. A dull day.

3. Fine day. Got home this morning 4 bu. oats 15.

4. Fine day. Maud and I went to church.

5. Fine day. I baked in oven. Two gals bottle ketchup. Baked in oven, 8 cts yeast, sugar 25 cts. Wm. Hill and fam are all through to fill jars. Collection of some plants for room. Am busy fixing up for winter. We lost one of our nice Jersey heifers this afternoon. Nancy Roy, Ellen and I picked tomatoes. I lost my offering 25. Nancy bought butter 8 lbs 20 cts, 6 lbs. cheese 60 cts, 30 years sugar 1.50.

6. Fine day. Cold bright. Fine cool morning. Changed rooms. Did not get to the fair until 10:30, Ellen Mc. & boys and J went over. D.B. Demarres was here this a.m. Helped fix baker.

7. Fine day. Prices at the fair was al– D.B. Mc. C busy got some crab apples 5.

8. Damper but no rain. Very busy, too. Cleaning the cellar. Marion received a letter today from Robert Mayhew. Bought sausage 4 lbs 20 cts, 2½ lbs cheese 31 cts, 12 lbs lard 60 cts.

9. Cold, cool day.

10. Fine day. Completed rooms. Nancy, Davy, John went to the harvest thanksgiving service.

11. Cold, damp. G. Hillman & P. S. came to pick pears.

12. A dull day. H.

13. Cold. We received our 5 lb. sack filled with flour from C. C. Commens 10 cts.

15 cts for dinner. Bread 10 cts, butter 10 cts, ½ lb cheese 10 cts.

14. Fair, cool. Yesterday had light rain.

15. J. and Marion got home at 10 P.M. Yesterday Maud was at a picnic at N. Lancaster. Yesterday got home I was at Uncle Donald's.

16. Lovely day. Maude & I went to call at Hugh Camerons. 7 ½ lbs butter at McCrimmons, 5 cts on leather.

17. I was not in church in the morning.

18. Maud is not working for Christina.

19. Rain all day, night and east. 7 ½ lbs, 50. Maude teaching, Maggie F. D. getting married. Went to Jennie K., 7 ½ lbs,

20. Dull, not drying.

21. 7 ½ 25 cts fine at McCrimmons, 1 box yeast, 5 cts. Maud went to Masterson's to mill, 11 bush wheat, got 350 flour.

22. Baked in oven. Maude went to Markland to see H., to get vinegar to make chow-chow.

23. 7 ½ lbs butter at McCrimmons, 10 cts. Dr. R. McDonald had a sale of cattle today. He went to see the potatoes we dug. I can prove crop. Killed 2 white woolers, 1 black hen.

24. Rain.

25. Rain. Jennie went to Alex and had a 1st swing.

26. Made a small wash, 7 ½ lbs vinegar, 3 cts.

27. Mr. McGinnis & Maude are leaving tomorrow for Canada, Michigan, to spend the winter with Lou. Mr. R. G. called to see her.

28. Fine day. The two days of cold rain. They are making a road on the E. side kitchen & East end, finished it and collected the wood. Paid the plain butter 5 cts. 10 ½ cts butter, 10. Paid for pies 5 cts this week.

29. The H. & S. Extension ran on a rock at Bath. The passengers had a hard time.

October 1899

2. Monday. Frost and ice last night. Some flakes of snow this morning. Murdy went north.

3. 7 ½ lbs butter 25, 1 lb tea 30. Jennie went north.

4. I went out 22. The month came in on Sunday, not Monday.

5. Lovely day. Annie & John paid 12 & 3.00 for two months' rent. W.T. & M.J. met in testing me off to 42 lbs sugar 25. Made a few cakes.

6. Another lovely day, 10, west 30, am away 20. Pa let some sheep go to paint old black. Jessie & Lizzie cut & sent the picture from last book. Tea 7 ½ lbs butter 30 cts. Murdy came about 5 ½ P.M.

7. 7 lbs 3.46, paid rent 30, 4 ½ gum sugar 25. Hattie came about 6:30 P.M. on a wheel. Murdy had a letter from Pa.

8. A pretty large congregation. Mr. Fargel at opening of the day.

9. 7 ½ lbs tea, made a washing, raining not heavily all day.

10. 7 ½ lbs tea, 2 lbs of soap.

11. Fine warm day. 10 west, warm, 65. 9 gallons molasses 23, 7 oz 10. 8 yds flannelette 24, 4 yds oil thread 4 ½. Received some tea from Belgium.

12. Rained some today.

13. Friday. Our Sacrament will be on Sunday. Mr. John McGinnis of Oct-De-Songe preached today, a good sermon. Maud came later on, brought letters for 16 ½ lbs tea & 40 cts butter is lovely. The youngsters are to have a happy pull on the R. & L. lodge tonight. Murdy got home.

14. Another fine day, Rev. Scott of St. John preached. 10 ½ lbs butter 60 cts, Hogue sale today, Maud & Jennie went. Paid on nothing.

15. Fine but cool wind. A large congregation. A good sermon from the pastor.

16. Fine day. Maud left early. Murdy went north alone. A big washing. Called at Mrs. H.'s at 7 ½. M.J. and Mr. John went with a friend to paint.

October 1899

17. Paid 20¢ for a pan of bread I got in September.

18. Fine day. 7½ meat 25; 1 gal lard oil 20. Got at McCrimmons butter 50¢, yeast 2½, hitch. Killed two black hens. Mary D.R. came to stay all night.

19. Lovely day. Thanksgiving. Had preaching after for the Cornwall Synod. Not so late. Murdy and Annie Brown went to Montreal to hear a grand opera. Lint Leye paid for Smiths & Off.

20. Fine day. Cold wind. Murdy left at the noon. Last night Mrs. Finn & Mrs. Yates went to Montreal. The boys came home from Montreal with plans for the opera. 7½ lbs sausage.

21. Hattie came today and remained to dinner. Our boys & brides were at a large wedding at the "Fat Mac" Grove last night. 7½ lbs butter 50. Killed two B. hens. Cold, hard frost.

22. A large congregation for the time of year.

23. Cold and snow in morning turned to rain. Jennie left for Ottawa.

24. Pa & M.T. went to Alexandria on legal business. 1 lb lard from Bechthier 2½ hitch. Mr. Lemmery's wife is dying.

25. Had a letter from Mrs. Harry Stone (Mrs. Hump). I went with her to call at Walrins, to two butter, got mine with 2½ hitch. She went for groceries.

26. Sent a letter to Willie by Annie. Very fine. 2 of frozen rain. I renewed the letter yesterday morning. Pa pulled the cart.

27. 7½ lbs sausage 40.

28. Rain. Murdy had a letter from Jennie.

29. Rain. Mr. Reid of Buffalo Soldier as announcer. Two pages of guest book yesterday as Col. Scott talked about the restaurant at 7 P.M.

30. Very fine day. Made a washing.

31. Murdy got home. Maud & Willie Flora here. He paid for butter, got more. 7 ½ lbs butter 12 (one cheese).

November 1899

1. Wednesday, just after Marion and I got home last night about 5:30, it began to rain and rained all night and all today until about 4 P.M. 7½ lbs butter 37; 6½ meat 35; chocolate 10; 1 gal lard oil; wool 25.

2. Fine bright day. Cold wind, freezing. We dug in the shade at 4 P.M. and had three of my pumpkins, 18 with Birdie and myself, myself off.

3. Fine cold day. 7 to P.O. beef 6½.

4. 7 to McCrimmons. Butter 47; 2 lbs cheese 25; 2 lbs raisins 18. 5 lbs McClery of 7 wants peaches in afternoon. Jennie McCrimmon spent noon & evening with us.

5. Fine bright day. Made a washing.

6. 7 to from Board 20¢, Minnie D. was here for a short time. Worked tired.

7. Very fine day. Uncle Donald sent us two letters. Black friar & received doll yesterday. Angus McClellan (J.B.) was buried today; he died after a long illness Monday 7 A.M. 18½ gal molasses 25¢, 16 lbs currants, 9-7 gal gray cotton cloth

36. Pa was fixing fence on 2nd farm.

8. Fine, we were digging our garden. Larch McGinn died. Pertha Manuel (Charley) was buried today. Pa paid the account at McCrimmons, Angus got enough oatmeal. 9 to P.O. 7 inches butter 24; milk ticket 14.

10. Murdy and Pa put up the porch. Hand gave a wild plant. Maud and I went to Apple Hill. It is very cold.

11. Fine bright day. Turned cold in afternoon and began to snow about 2:30 P.M. Pa went for the cheese while got down. Then they are wild. 10 lbs tea 25¢, 7½ butter 12. at John’s.

November 1899

12. Sunday, fine and bright. The ground is covered by snow. No service in our church. Paid 5. Murdie went to Hephzibeth.

13. Fine day. Fixed the pig pen after a catch.

14. Another fine day. Murdie went North early. Got 2 lbs. Amadego 20 cts. Kate McCrimmon & Roy & Ella at Job’s. 62. Got some logs sawn yesterday. Lavallette drew the lumber today. Charged 1.00 for four loads, Stewart Ferguson took 6 (unk.) of wheat to Martintown and got it ground for us. Charged 30.

15. Fine day. Gave Albert Roy 25 cts. My little Joe, for 3 hours’ work at the new mill. 25 cts.

16. I was working up stoves. Murdie cleaned the furnace pipes. Jamie Brown & James Clark gone home about 3 p.m. Meeting since Tuesday.

17. 9 ¾ lbs steak 30 cts. 4 lbs sugar 25 cts. 53.

18. Fine day, thawing. There was a long sermon in Martintown last evening. Darling. 9 lbs. tea 35 cts. 2 lbs raisins 20 cts. 4 lbs cream tarts 11. Butter 23 cts. 2 qts milk & bread. Murdie got home this forenoon (on Wednesday the 16th). He was in the Danesville. Not progressing as favorably as the doctor expected.

19. Fine day. Annie started baking. Dr. McDonald was digging. 12 lbs butter 23. 42. Drank 25.

20. Sunday, very fine day. James Clark left for home. Birdie went with Apple Hill. Rev. McLeod preached a union sermon in the afternoon in St. Andrew's on the Centenary. Gave collection 5.

21. Very bright in the morning, turned cloudy. Papa has not been well for more than a week. Mild day as we were, making a small pot of soap. ½ gall coal oil 20, oatmeal 25, calls 3. 30.

November 1899

22. Fine day, slight frost every night. Sir William died. Hugh McLennan of Montreal, formerly of Lancaster, died suddenly yesterday. It was a shock to his friends. I sent a letter to Jamie & one to Stanley. Pa got an answer from D.H. and a postal order for $65.

23. Fine, cold day.

24. Murdie went to Kenyon. Took little reins, got the P.O. cashes.

25. Marvin sent for some things to Eaton's. Sent for two sets of under wear 2.82 & for etc. etc. Her order was $3.35. 7 lbs tea 30.

26. Cold day. I was not in church. Pa is not well.

27. Murdie went north, a long mild day. The sheriff called. Our taxes are $3.21. 26 lbs butter 5 ½ cts. Mrs. Clarke paid $2.00. Colville’s order 23. Codfish 20.

28. Favorable news from N. Dist. ¾ gal alecia 3, 1 spool 13, thread 4.

29. Fine day.

30. Murdie left for Apple Hill yesterday and got home today with the things. The annual meeting of the Bible Society. Mr. Reid the agent gave a good address. My hay. This has been a very exciting month for the British nation. They have a great number of men in Africa, they fought several decisive battles with the Boers, they are confident of success, and have taken three out of ten places. But in the Bronx they have a different foe to fight more like themselves.

December 1899

1. Friday. Very fine. Mercury up to 49.

2. Fine warm rain. Calm, like spring. Nothing much about the war, the Canadians continue to go in Tuesday. 7 lbs cheese 70 cts, 21 lbs butter $2.26, 55 lbs turkey. Called at E.J.'s this evening. Mrs. McVicar and Mr. Taylor were well. It began to rain and blow fair.

3. Not many in church.

4. Fine day, kind of hard. 7 ½ gal coal oil 20. Bird & I made a large washing.

5. Snow this morning, but not enough for sleighing. 29 ½ lbs butter 65 cts, 7 ½ gal molasses 25 cts.

6. Some snow today. Little rain. Mercury was up to 6 above zero this morning and it is rising. It is about 40° and a fine day for butter. 25 lbs of tea 30, 27 lbs butter $2.04½, 33 lbs ¾ gal coal oil.

7. Pretty cold, mercury down to zero. Had a letter from Jamie today written on the Bohemian. Mailed on Nov. 16th on a steamer they met on the other side of Cape Slate islands. 7 lbs tea 30, 27 lbs butter 2.04½, 33, ¾ gal coal oil.

8. Cold damp day. I was out in church. I have a bad cold.

9. Made a washing, hung the clothes in hall. Began to rain, rained all day.

10. Rain all day. The snow is all off. Murdie went north yesterday, did not get back yet. 7:30 P.M.

11. Fine mild mercury up to 30. Jessie and Edith McRae, E. J. Laland called. Jessie, McDonald. McRae is very still. Turned up in the afternoon. Murdie got home about 5:30.

January 1899

1. Monday Fine day.

2. Cold Tuesday 11° above zero at 8 A.M. M.K. got 2 gal milk Mr. Robertson here to tea.

3. Fine day. Made a large washing. 7 lbs butter 40, 20 yds cotton 15.

4. Woman's Meeting at Mrs. Meers My fee for offering 1.75, kind fee 25¢, for 10.

5. 7 lbs butter 40, 1 gal coal oil 25¢.

6. Fine mild day, just a particle of snow although it looked like it. To sugar 25¢, 2 lbs raisins 20¢. Birdie and Marian drove to the store in the afternoon.

7. Fine and mild in the morning. Pa went to Lancaster on some small business. Began to rain at noon. You & Minnie milking.

8. Cold day, high wind. Birdie and Mandy went to Smiths to welcome home Charley and wife. Pa left for Lancaster. Orders: to 6 lbs sugar 25¢, 7 lbs butter 40 & 35¢, bills for Kate 1.55, Jennie Brown wheeled from Lancaster. The oldest inhabitants say that they do not remember such a fine winter. It is not good for trade, wheeling is not good for heavy loads, and it is so cold riding high.

9. Very fine day, no snow. Mary McIntyre came, she is looking well. Rolled out 25 eggs.

10. Some rain last night, and more today. About 10 a.m. McEwen brought milk, windy. To 7 lbs butter 71¢, 18 lbs 30. Marian went with Birdie Dingwell, widow Mrs. McLaughlin to Jennie Dingwell's. Kings went to spend the evening.

Here is the transcription of the image you provided:

January 1899

11. Looks like a change of weather. Mary left to make some calls in the village.

12. There was snow this morning. It began to fall last night about 9 o'clock. It did not drift much. Mandy went to meet the 12 o'clock Lancaster, was $40. P.M. fine and bright. Pa came by D.R., warm.

13. Fine day. 10 lbs butter 60¢, 6 lbs raisins 20¢, sugar 25¢. Mandy got Harris in the morning. I got at Mr. Crummond 2 yds red cloth $1.50, ½ gal molasses 25¢, towels little owed 25¢.

14. Fine day, snow enough to make light sleighing. A large congregation. Off to L.

15. Girls talking for social tonight. Marian went to Simpson’s Toronto on Saturday for little, to make a want for herself and Birdie sent $3.50 for bridge & post order sold.

16. Had a good social last night. Very fine myself and girls. Cream butter 10¢, thread 10¢, braid 5¢. Mandy cleaned furnace pipes.

17. Cold day. Pa went to Alexandria to special burial meeting. To 1 gal coal oil 23¢, 2 lbs butter 45¢.

18. Fine day.

19. Looks like rain.

20. Rains. I went to Herman’s. Got 3 lbs butter 60¢, 2 qts milk 10 paid.

21. Slippery roads. Very few in church. My Sunday off 8¢.

22. Fine and mild, mercury up to 39°.

23. Cold this morning. Sleighing all off, roads are kind of siege.

24. 10½ lbs butter 75¢, sugar 25¢.

25. Cold and windy. Mercury down to 6 below.

26. Looks like snow or rain. It is rain. Mercury up to above freezing at home.

January 1900

26. "Began to storm and snow, very wild. 7 ½ lbs tea 30 cts, 3 lbs butter at Hemming’s land 2 qts milk 10 cts paid. 1 gallon coal oil 25. 80

27. Saturday. J.C. had a letter from Jennie today, it was written on the 21st Dec/99, she was well. ½ gallon molasses 27 cts. The storm is over and it’s a very fine day. Bright sunshine. 24

28. Fine day, a pretty large congregation. Made fire through rough.

29. Another fine day. Done a small washing.

30. Pretty cold until, Middie & Murdie, went to Cornwall, drove to Summerstown, took the cars to 5 lb butter at 15. Butter at Hymans 1.00

31. Fergushie’s Birthday.

February 1900

1. Thursday. T. M. C. met at John Dingwall's, Middie and I drove Lady. Very cold day, people froze their ears and noses. Murdie got one ear nipped while coming home. Paid off 25 cts

2. Friday. 6 a.m. was 21 below zero, raised to zero. Very fine day. To 2 qts milk at Hemman 10 cts. To 6 lbs sugar. A valley tonight at W. A. Hall. To sugar 25 cts, to corned 15 cts. 40

3. Fine day. J.C. left for home. We went last night. Murdie got some furniture for his bedroom in Cornwall. It came here on Thursday by a cutter. He and Middie are putting it in today. To 5th drink at Ferrie's 50 cts. Valentine 10 cts for Murdie's trunk.

4. Began to snow in the morning, snowed P.P.M. turned to soft drifting.

5. Monday. Murron left by morning train for Ottawa to attend the St. Ladies College. To fare 8.00. 8 P.M. This has been a very fine day 100. I was down to Hemman and got 3 ½ lbs butter 1.15.

We got mail from Jennie, Murron, myself, & Murdie. He was well when writing in January.

6. Snowed in morning but cleared up by noon. Murdie went to Lancaster and closed the land which we sold to Mr. Gregor. Got 375 dollars for this land. Paid 50 cts to boy to drive her. Paid at Mr. Crummins $6.00 6 lbs raisins 25; 1 gallon coal oil 25; 1 lb currants 9; 1 lb raisins 9; 1 gallon molasses 1.00; 1 gallon coal oil 25. Miss M. Murdie, who is going to sing at the S.F. concert tonight, is here to remain until tomorrow.

7. Fine day. We were all at the concert. Our tickets were renewed. To paid for pin I paid for Miss O. Entires

February 1900

8. Thursday. Rain. Uncle Donald brought us a novel of Mrs. Southworth. Miss Cotton left home. Kates baby hurt itself. A strong wind S. P.M. raining hard very sloppy.

9. Friday. Preparatory to the sacrament. Mr. Farles of Cornwall preached. Not many in church. The roads are very bad, wet, wet. We bought a small fore quarter of beef from John for 7 1/2 cts per lb. 53 lbs, $3.53. I sold a pig to Jipeny, he done to the table spoon 30 cts. I got milk at Hemman 10 cts. All tea at Mr. Crumman's 30 cts.

10. Fine day. Not a large congregation. Mr. Langly of Martintown was to preach but did not come. Mr. Gunn preached.

11. Very fine day. A large congregation. Offer for Foreign Missions, $60.

12. Very fine in morning, turned mild in afternoon. Began to rain at 7:30 P.M. Uncle Duncan and Duncan D. called in evening. Foreign Farquhar D. called in evening. Very soft and rain rained all day. Mr. Gunn cannot cross the bridge, it is flooded. To feed oats 25 cts.

13. Very high wind all last night and today. Very little snow, only on corners and on the roads. Not much work now.

14. Thursday. Dull day, trying to snow. To Handy m's corn from Beaver 25 cts. I sent a letter to Jennie, done to Sandy, postage 3 cts.

15. Fine day. McKee put one cord in the shed. To 6 lbs butter from Hemman 1.10. I got milk 10 cts. 1/2 lb of butter at Mr. Crumman's yesterday 20 cts. 1/2 off butter 80. I got flannel 20 cts, 1 gallon coal oil 25 cts. 3 pm writing 20 cts on the butter.

16. News last night heard. Kimberly has been relieved. A church was there, bless.

February 1900

19. Monday. In the morning, dull & snowing, now 2:30 P.M. fine and frosty.

20. Tuesday. Fine day. Exchanged oats for meal at the mill. Re[illegible] went to North March with Kenneth Robson. All there were well. Sold 33 doz. eggs at White's and Drew Bill for $18.60. Word today of a sad encounter of Canadians with Boers, on the 18th. No particulars. 13 killed, 60 wounded, 2 missing & prisoners.

21. Wednesday. Storm of snow & wind from the east. It is not cold but very wild.

22. Thursday. Fine day turned warm. Paid Humson 2 ½ [pence] for 2 lbs. 8 weeks' worth of milk at 30 [pence] per week, 10 ½ gal. milk, and 20 [pence] for sausage & butter.

24. Saturday. To P.O. 36 lbs butter, 70 lbs sugar, 25 - 26 rain, 1 lb molasses 3 [pence], ginger 5 [pence], mustard 5[pence], cheese 25 [pence]. I gave 2.50 [pence] to give Halquorn for fixing boots. The boots cost 15 [pence].

25. Sunday. Uncle Sandy came this morning and it was pouring rain.

26. Monday. Stormy. Snow & rain. Mary McLennon came to stay all night. Mercury below 12.

27. Tuesday. Stormy and cold. Mercury down to 12. 70 lbs raisins 20 [pence], 2 doz. herrings 50 [pence]. Paid Shruby 1 dollar for two tickets for son W.J. Comart for freight on box from Eaton.

28. Wednesday. Fine day. Uncle Sandy made a few calls today. This is Ash Wednesday. B [illegible] at Easton: 5 yards beige at 40 pence, $2.00, 3 yards more, 1.10, 13 gimps 25 pence, 2 yards poplin 18 [pence]. 10 yards gray sheeting 2 pence, 5 yards white sheeting 20 pence, 22 canvas at 22 pence per yard, lining and sheets.

March 1900

1. Thursday, It began to snow last night. Then commenced to storm about 3:30 P.M. There are big drifts and will drifting very until it is through, and such a storm we have not seen for some years. 2 gallons coal oil 23.

2. It stormed and drifted all last night and what a night! The kitchen window to the north was covered on the house east and a point up to the roof. A large drift from the west through the gate to the south end of the wood shed. Murdy had to make a road between it and the shed before the cow got to it. Primary, from the front door to the road was one big drift, and one very large one in front of the church. The drift across the road is about 6 feet high. We got no mail today, and it is quite fatal that there was no movement on the road today. 2 quarts milk 10.

3. Still moving & blowing, no sleighs on our road 7.5 lbs sugar 25, 2 lbs raisins 20.

4. Snowing, not many in church.

5. Ladysmith was relieved on Feb. 28th by Lord Dundonald.

6. Storming, 7½ lbs butter at 24 cents.

7. Uncle Sandy and Murdy went to call on Dr. Band.

March 1900

7. Lard, meat, La plaire, Tartar paper. On the 8th got 100 lbs of flour from Mr. Cameron 1.90.

8. Uncle Sandy, Band, Murdy called to see Charlotte last night, and the will go off tonight. Mrs. Donald Rey came this evening to make a short call.

9. Lovely day, Mrs. D.R. went to see Aunt. The Masons Ed Foster stuck at Bruce. (Got over on the 5th)

10. Fine day, paid Herman 1.14 for butter, 10 for milk 1.20 yesterday. Mrs. Roy has today. The snow drift was dug out today from our gate to the Minister’s lane, and it took 3 men with two horses.

11. Fine, bright day. Murdy and I were at J.R.M.’s. A cold east wind blowing. A pretty large congregation.

12. Monday. Murd & I made a large washing. To F.L. butter 25¢ per lb. Sent the due bill. Got 10 lbs sugar 25¢, molasses 33¢. Cold wind, and drifts again. A wind through the barn yard. Had to drive wood with a shovel. A disappointment in the lane to the barn yard gate. Sent grain to the mill for provender. Had two cards from Annie, one on the 3rd Feb to be. The other on the 7th Feb. to Bridie, she was well.

13. Stormy, through tonight. 9 lbs steak 60¢.

14. Pretty fine day. Baked in oven. 7½ lbs butter 45¢.

15. Snowing most of the day and drifting. Wouldn't March so far that been wild & cold. Fine stormy. It looks like January weather more than March. I had a letter from Sandy on Saturday; it was mailed at Devon on the 20th. It was well.

16. Stormy, all our walks are filled up with snow and St. Patrick’s day never was as much snow before. Red D.D. broke shingle bars.

17. Sunday, not many in church. Think owing to the roads. Mr. Kenneth has a sermon today.

March 1900

19. Monday. Cloudy, looks like rain. Murdy and I to town with the sleigh. The sleighs to be put away. This is the first time Kitty was plaited since mine went off. There has not been a sign of the cow yet. 7 ½ lbs butter 30¢, clover, honey 20¢.

20. Still cold. Long dress and 3 loads of wood. No news from Montreal. The Capital of the Orange Free State is surrendered to Lord Roberts. Everywhere a little fire.

21. Got home a small load of straw. Kitty has sprained her shoulder. The weather cold.

22. 7 ¾ lbs butter 60¢.

23. ½ gallon milk 10¢.

24. Fine day, bright but cold. High wind, 1½ gallons molasses 23¢.

25. Very fine day, but still cold. Collection for India famine fund. Myself and A.J. to church.

26. The first spring working day. Washed. Murdy drove 6 loads of **wood**. Had Frederick with him. Kitty had a heifer calf last night. 7½ lbs butter 35¢. Heard that Mrs. Simpson went to Cornwall today to have an operation for appendicitis, and died under the operation. Old Mrs. Donnald was buried today. Duncan Grant (Carpenter) died today, aged 88.

27. Fine day, no news from Annie. Posted a letter to Kincardine to Sandy, postage 10¢.

28. Fine day. A card from Annie.

29. Drawing wood in the morning. Got the first milk from the cow. Lauder cutting hay and sowing corn. Mrs. Murdy was [illegible].

30. Still cold, the weather good. They were out picking up stones. Little but snow scattered about.

October 1905


Monday, two funerals in our cemetery. Mrs. Bell & D. Corn, Co., Fairb. from Mansey, he died out west. 2 tickets for Mrs. McLeod’s entertainment – 1.00. 1 gal. coal oil 20, perfum. 1.00, bread knife 15. Mrs. Brown to tea.


Mailed 15 for Holborn, Rum Hall 7½, day 25. Domville ½ day.


Mrs. Owen came at 8 and went away 5 P.M. To Methodist. Pa & I were at the entertainment last night – it was good.


Thanksgiving. King fern in Church. The off. was for Cornwall G. Hospital. Pa & Ja. Domville not working. Bot. apples 1.00.


Dull day. Hard frost. Bottle in all the flowers. Annie came home yesterday. Began to take up roots & re-till by barn. Pa took all garden roots on Tuesday. Maud, up the banks yesterday and today. Brought Rachel home, she got a sight in her breast.


Dull & damp. Sent box off. Put in soaking 3 days to go bath. Murray went to Green Valley.


Fine day. Murray. John hired boys from and primed posts. Annie out up fire & made cake. Murray away. Pa & Annie put in front of the posts.


Rachel cold, hope like a gillay hope. Took home the team and put Rachel back. Domville is done painting. He is going to Cornwall. I settled with him, paying him $3.50 and $6.00 on the rent.


Dull day. Ironed. Mrs. Brown at Birks. Heard the will challenged. Eliza Duggan & daughter from Ireland. Place to Murray.

November 1906


Wednesday. Very fine in early morning & a little rawish. Killed an old rooster yesterday. Alec McDonald & French mangel came to the same ground house yesterday. Sent $7.50 for Miss mine clamping. Mrs. Brown called.


Cold today. Alice Monday boiled plum house for winter. $3.50, and we 25½ for ice. Met at Milles. Flour 20, sugar 15, meat 4½ 22, currants 10, raisins 10, lamp 10, lamp wick 5, soda 5. Domville left our house.


Fine day, frost at night.


Fine in morning. 7 1 cattle laid 1.15, butter 37½ lb 40, 1 pan bread 20, plate 25. Killed an old hen 45. Rev. Jamet preached at 3 P.M.


Began to snow at 9 A.M. Donald McCannon paid $7.5 on the H. W. for ground rent. Gave receipt for the ½, and other paid before. Mrs. St. Thomas paid 2 dollars for old rent. Rain in evening, I boiled the ½. Mrs. Pilgrim paid 13.2 for old time. Murray went to Domville down the river, Mrs. Brown in. Mrs. Wilson called in afternoon.


Murray got home 7 P.M. 7 pan bread 20, meals outfit, 2.32 lb steak.


Did not put up flag until 2 P.M. and I think it is a little over ¼ mast. It is raining and blowing wind from the west. Some died on the fence from the minister’s lane, Alice Monday putting up a wire setting along the lane by the Manor. Killed two old hens.


Cold but bright, fine ploughing. Heard results of the Alberta Election, Liberal government for them.


Threat of snow. 7 enbal 20, bread 20, ½ buf 42. Annie cleaned the furnace pipes.


Fine dull day. Rev. Mr. Parkinson preached at 3 P.M. So far Nov. has not been cold but dull and threatening. Snow and drizzle.


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Christina McLennan, “Christina McLennan Diary, 1897-1905,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 7, 2025,

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  47. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 47.pdf
  48. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 48.pdf
  49. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 49.pdf
  50. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 50.pdf
  51. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 51.pdf
  52. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 52.pdf
  53. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 53.pdf
  54. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 54.pdf
  55. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 55.pdf
  56. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 56.pdf
  57. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 57.pdf
  58. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 58.pdf
  59. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 59.pdf
  60. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 60.pdf
  61. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 61.pdf
  62. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 62.pdf
  63. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 63.pdf
  64. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 64.pdf
  65. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 65.pdf
  66. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 66.pdf
  67. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 67.pdf
  68. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 59.pdf
  69. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 68.pdf
  70. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 60.pdf
  71. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 69.pdf
  72. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 61.pdf
  73. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 70.pdf
  74. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 62.pdf
  75. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 71.pdf
  76. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 63.pdf
  77. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 72.pdf
  78. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 64.pdf
  79. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 73.pdf
  80. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 65.pdf
  81. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 66.pdf
  82. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 67.pdf
  83. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 68.pdf
  84. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 69.pdf
  85. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 70.pdf
  86. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 71.pdf
  87. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 72.pdf
  88. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 73.pdf
  89. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 70.pdf
  90. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 71.pdf
  91. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 72.pdf
  92. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 73.pdf
  93. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 74.pdf
  94. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 75.pdf
  95. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 76.pdf
  96. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 77.pdf
  97. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 78.pdf
  98. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 79.pdf
  99. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 80.pdf
  100. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 81.pdf
  101. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 82.pdf
  102. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 83.pdf
  103. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 84.pdf
  104. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 85.pdf
  105. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 86.pdf
  106. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 87.pdf
  107. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 88.pdf
  108. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 89.pdf
  109. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 90.pdf
  110. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 91.pdf
  111. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 92.pdf
  112. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 93.pdf
  113. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 94.pdf
  114. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 95.pdf
  115. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 96.pdf
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  119. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 100.pdf
  120. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 101.pdf
  121. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 102.pdf
  122. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 103.pdf
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  128. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 109.pdf
  129. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 110.pdf
  130. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 111.pdf
  131. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 112.pdf
  132. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 113.pdf
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  134. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 115.pdf
  135. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 113.pdf
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  137. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 115.pdf
  138. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 116.pdf
  139. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 117.pdf
  140. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 118.pdf
  141. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 119.pdf
  142. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 120.pdf
  143. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 121.pdf
  144. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 122.pdf
  145. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 123.pdf
  146. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 124.pdf
  147. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 125.pdf
  148. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 126.pdf
  149. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 127.pdf
  150. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 124.pdf
  151. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 125.pdf
  152. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 126.pdf
  153. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 127.pdf
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  155. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 129.pdf
  156. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 130.pdf
  157. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 131.pdf
  158. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 132.pdf
  159. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 133.pdf
  160. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 134.pdf
  161. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 135.pdf
  162. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 136.pdf
  163. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 137.pdf
  164. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 138.pdf
  165. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 139.pdf
  166. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 140.pdf
  167. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 141.pdf
  168. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 142.pdf
  169. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 143.pdf
  170. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 144.pdf
  171. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 145.pdf
  172. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 146.pdf
  173. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 147.pdf
  174. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 148.pdf
  175. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 149.pdf
  176. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 150.pdf
  177. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 151.pdf
  178. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 152.pdf
  179. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 153.pdf
  180. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 154.pdf
  181. Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 155.pdf
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