== February THURSDAY, 18 (49-317) 1904 ==
-20. 2 loads..
== FRIDAY, 19 (50-316) ==
-10 2 loads Frank came over, & we had a foxhunt. I put both dogs on old Krugub trail coming up the river, started him in Greenlees bush, & ran him up across {Lubic/Tubic?}, back to McLeod's west to little lake S. to & swamp back to McLeods & back of school, don t know the rest. I got after another dog & saw his fox 4 times, Rattler came home at 6:30 p.m. & {Tark/Lark?} went to {Cty?} him, met Jim who took him home.
{Author draws a map of the foxhunt trail under entry on left side of page.}
== SATURDAY, 20 (51-315) ==
-8 Got milder towards noon. 2 loads.