Cecil Swale Diary, 1904


Cecil Swale Diary, 1904


Cecil Swale


Courtesy of Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre






20th Century, Bruce County, Amabel Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1904


Scanned Manuscript


{Front Cover}

{Printed Title} Daily Journal 1904

Note to transcribers: Please do not transcribe these printed, published pages.

Dominion Diary

Daily journal




64 &66 Front street west, Toronto

Sterling Exchange

For Customs House purpose sterling Exchange is rendered into Canadian MOney at 9 1/2 per cent. Advance. this is called the Par of Exchange. The following Table will give the desired resutls:---

{The Table is printed onto the page}

{The table from the previous page continues on this page}

Legal wieghts and measures in Canada

The legal weights and measures of Canada are the Imperial yard, Imperial pound, avoirdupois, Imperial gallon (of 277'27384 cubic inches), and the Imperial bushel. The Imperial gallon is equal to 4'54174 litereswhile the gine gallon, use in the United States, is equal to 3'785 litres.

By Revised statues of Canada (1886), Chap. 204, it is provided that in contracts for sale and delivery of any of the undermentioned articles, the bushel should be determined by the wieghing, unless a bushel measure be specially agreed upond, the weght euivalent to a bushel being as follows:--

wheat, 60 lbs. Indian Corn, 56lbs. Rye, 56 lbs Peas,60 lbs. Barley 48 lbs. Malt, 36 lbs. Oats, 34 lbs.

{After a vertical line marginalizes the paragraph}

Beans 60lbs. Flax seed*, 56 lbs, Hemp 44lbs. Blue grass seed 14 lbs. LIme: 70 lbs. Castor beans 40 lbs. potatoes 60 lbs. Turnips, 60 lbs. Carrots, 60 lbs, Bituminouss coal, 7 lbs. Clover seed, 60 lbs. Timothy 48 lbs. Buckweat, 48 lbs.

By the same Act the British hudred weight of 112 pounds ad the ton of 2,240 pounds were abolished, and the hundredweight was declared to be 100 pounds and the 2,000 pounds avoidupois, thus assimilating the weights of Canada and the United states.

Changed from 50 to 56 lbs. by Act of Parliament, 1808. Changed from 60 to 50 lbs by Act of parliamet, 1808. Added by Act of 1808


The summer of 1903 was quite cool, not at any time were we wanting ice. Crops of roots were good, while corn was poor. The most remarkable thing was that November to the 17th and October were entirely without rain, and the wheeling at this time exceptionally good, then snow came in hard frozen ground & stayed & stayed.

January NEW YEAR'S DAY (Dominion) FRIDAY, 1 (1-365) 1904

In bush. about 14 below zero.

SATURDAY, 2 (2-364)

Snowed again. Went north for a foxhunt in morning with Rattler {dog?}. followed two to a hole E of sideroad. Found a shefox back of A Greigs, & shot it edge of {Greenbers?} creek at 12.10. Dog was about played out. Heavy snowshoing. wants a thaw. Skidded cedar in afternoon with Queen {horse}. Cut a length of ironwood for cant handles {diarist has drawn a map in the bottom corner of the page of where he shot the fox.}

January MONDAY, 4 (4-362) 1904

Election Day. Went to town to vote. In bush after noon. Robinson Reeve {diarist lists and brackets the following} Councilors{:} Bunie Ottawell Davidson Armstrong

TUESDAY, 5 (5-361)

Cold. but prospects of milder weather. Some snow. S W. strong gales of {in?} the south

EPIPHANY (Quebec) WEDNESDAY, 6 (6-360)

Mild. N. Found all apples in barn were frozen. Those in pit are all right.

January THURSDAY, 7 (7-359) 1904

Mild S W. Swamped out some ties with horse.

FRIDAY, 8 (8-358)

In bush

SATURDAY, 9 (9-357)

Milder. Saw a fox on ice near sheep, could have shot it only for {Turk or Luck?} who saw it & ran in, fired b.shot at it at 100. it went to Rankin straight down Boat Lake, did not follow.

January MONDAY, 11 (11-355) 1904

In bush forenoon. In afternoon took 200 bus turnips out of 1 pit. Foxes paddled round sheep a lot last night. Must be 2 at least. {lured} p.mice but altho' mice go there are no d. foxes. think birds must get mice first. Mild.

TUESDAY, 12 (12-354)

E & S finished turnip pit in afternoon. Mild. L Wright came here after spiles for {dock?}

WEDNESDAY, 13 (13-353)

Went to town, got bill of poles, attended agricultural meeting, spoke on Farmers asst. pd L Buckland 1.00 for sow service, Subscribed to the Canadian & {lotter?} Echo', got an axhandle for G. The Sugar Beet {las?} bonds are now being called in by U. Bk, and there is quite a fuss in Wiarton. George Carson died this afternoon at 4 brain trouble.

January THURSDAY, 14 (14-352) 1904

Much colder. N. Cut some poles for cement Co & swamped out some ties. broke road all through swamp with team Set 2 traps at sheep scented with a Rhod. T anise. These foxes are evidently old stagers as they are as suspicious as they are made. ordered a No 44 Ideal Stevens 22.cal rifle from Jhe Falls, to use as a target rifle at matches.

FRIDAY, 15 (15-351)

33 ties out to town swamped in afternoon.

SATURDAY, 16 (16-350)

2 loads ties to town. I went to F {Farmer's} Institute afternoon. Set 4 traps for fox at sheep.

January MONDAY, 18 (18-348) 1904

Caught toe of a fox yesterday, but it froze so hard that the fox twisted it off. The other three traps were buried in snow. Must see another time that all are near surface, the dressing of oil Rhod {oil of Rhodium attracts fox} + oil of anise seems to work alright. Fox went a little way in big swamp + lay down I went after him with {Turk or Luck} + {I or J} put him into a hole in Clemens bush. 2160 of chop to town, 1/2 back.Cut some poles. 30 ties Very cold.

TUESDAY, 19 (19-347)

2 loads ties to finish Getting milder. Sugar factory meeting. Got Jess shod behind gave G. 1.00 owe some 75cts

WEDNESDAY, 20 (20-346)

Quite soft all day. but not thawing much. Roads are cutting off. Fetched bal. chop home. Two loads ties to finish making

178 No 1

110 No 2 3 cells

288 and about 12 to come.

$69.63 21 posts.

January THURSDAY, 21 (21-345) 1904

1 load logs

FRIDAY, 22 (22-344)

2 loads logs

SATURDAY, 23 (23-343)

Went to Cement Works with first load of spiles 8 pieces. Took 5 hrs to do round trip. Saw a fox on river this morning, but crust prevented dog from running him. Drew 69.13 from ties " 10.54 from logs.

January MONDAY, 25 (25-341) 1904

A howling west blizzard yesterday. Caught a shefox at sheep. Today a little better but zero. In afternoon went to town & pd a note of 46.00, and had to break road, too. Mr McNeill wants me to join Board of Sugar Factory directors. refused. Storming again tonight. No trains into Wiarton for 5 days now Worst storm in 27 years so Y.M. says.

TUESDAY, 26 (26-340)

No mail through. Cutting in bush. Zero.

WEDNESDAY, 27 (27-339)

Caught another shefox this morning at sheep. Evidently himmiy {likely meaning to himmy or jimmy your way out), two double spring traps, hindleg broken Took a photo of her. Took picture of Harold & George also. Cut all day. Mail comes now by stage from Owen Sound as G.T.R. is blocked. Worst winter since 30 years ago.

January THURSDAY, 28 (28-338) 1904

8˚ below zero. Cut till 11:30 loaded first load for this week 6 spiles took in in afternoon. I put a hook on canthook & put on a door knob Snowed 5 in today

FRIDAY, 29 (29-337)

1 load of spiles morning loaded for morning Takes 4 1/2 hrs to make round trip. 10 below zero. Snowed a little. George says there was one foxe fox moved at Clemens, & two at quarry, while I saw a track on Jordan Bay.

SATURDAY, 30 (30-336)

more snow two loads spiles to Cement Works I tried to get a shot at a fox in swamp ahead of Cross' dog, but it kept under cover till 2pm when dog left it. Several foxes still about. When snow is as heavy as now, foxes like to circle in the thickest place they can get, the dog can only walk, so that they have the best of it.

February MONDAY, 1 (32-334) 1904

-10˚ A howling blizzard yesterday & today. One trip.

TUESDAY, 2 (33-333)

One Trip -8˚

WEDNESDAY, 3 (34-332)

George one trip forenoon. -10˚ Stormed all afternoon. Vern Fowler married Today

February THURSDAY, 4 (35-331) 1904

Skidding. 41 poles. -5˚ One of the wildest storms all day. West.

FRIDAY, 5 (36-330)

Milder. Zero. No roads broke E. to town with chop. Skidding & cutting. Tried to get mail but no trains into Wiarton since Monday. Sent Fire Ins. money by cheque 6.20.

SATURDAY, 6 (37-329)

A thaw. Snow settling, falling off bushes. wind S.W. Drew up wood & turnips. Made a rack for {Jumper or Juniper}. Dug out canvas canoe from 5 ft snow.

February MONDAY, 8 (39-327) 1904

Changed yesterday to severe cold. N. Temp this morning 20˚ below zero. Hard to keep warm working in bush

== ==
3 caps.
1 16 to cement works
1 18
Fox barking along lakes at 5 pm. Loaded for morning {squiggle mark} Roads like iron & a heavy crust in bush.

TUESDAY, 9 (40-326)

Reid here today for hay, gave him 1/2 ton bought sleigh from him at 12.00 G. 2 loads. -25˚

WEDNESDAY, 10 (41-325)

Reid here Said to be 35 below zero today in Wiarton & yesterday.

February THURSDAY, 11 (42-324) 1904

-20˚ E. Went for chop - 20˚ George 2 loads.

FRIDAY, 12 (43-323)

-18˚ one load. A Reid fetched new sleigh yesterday. 2 loads Turnips.

2 SATURDAY, 13 (44-322)

1 load forenoon. In afternoon got stuck, couldn't get out in time This week there has been no snow but very low Temperatures.

Yesterday a bizzard from noon

February MONDAY, 15 (46-320) 1904

-22˚ Beastly cold, & NW.howling blizzard Hocked in Swamp, 20 pieces. job to keep warm. Wind blew snow off traps, so fox saw them.

TUESDAY, 16 (47-319)

-20 In forenoon G & S cut up 2 trees for 4 ft wood. E drew up afternoon In afternoon cut 9 pieces. Not as unbearable as yesterday but still too cold for fun.

ASH WEDNESDAY (Quebec & N.W.T.) WEDNESDAY, 17 (48-318)

-25˚. Skidding one load No trains into Wiarton till tonight since Saturday

February THURSDAY, 18 (49-317) 1904

-20. 2 loads..

FRIDAY, 19 (50-316)

-10 2 loads Frank came over, & we had a foxhunt. I put both dogs on old Krugub trail coming up the river, started him in Greenlees bush, & ran him up across {Lubic/Tubic?}, back to McLeod's west to little lake S. to B.rocks & swamp back to McLeods & back of school, don t know the rest. I got after another dog & saw his fox 4 times, Rattler came home at 6:30 p.m. & {Tark/Lark?} went to {Cty?} him, met Jim who took him home. {Author draws a map of the foxhunt trail under entry on left side of page.}

SATURDAY, 20 (51-315)

-8 Got milder towards noon. 2 loads.

February MONDAY, 22 (53-313) 1904

The regular blizzard from north today with snow. Must have blown up trar railroads again Shovelled 3 1/2 ft. snow off evaporator house. Cut 11 sticks today. Not cold today about 20˚ all afternoon. Tries to manage mild weather, but can't do it.

TUESDAY, 23 (54-312)

15 below zero Mail trains blocked again.

WEDNESDAY, 24 (55-311) 10 below zero. Load of spiles to town

February THURSDAY, 25 (56-310) 1904

Shovelled snow all day off barn & chained the most of the split posts. Must have been 4 1/2 feet of snow on SE side of main barn. Mail Got through tonight first since Saturday.

FRIDAY, 26 (57-309)

2 loads today about zero Skidded all the logs but some long ones Sent E. in with a load.

SATURDAY, 27 (58-308)

Milder 2.26. 3.18. 1.16. to Cement works Skidded all the logs cut. Only one load left now to fill bill. Thunder & lightening tonight & some rain

February MONDAY, 29 (60-306) 1904

A howling blizzard West cut 4 ft woods

March TUESDAY,1 (61-305)

Last load of piles out of bush {Dr/D?}

WEDNESDAY, 2 (62-304)

In town in afternoon at cementworks Mild & picked up piles along road. quite soft. Split 4 ft in - Drew in turnips. Thunder at night

March THURSDAY, 3 (63-303)

A howling blizzard from north. Put pins in rack changed pigs. Made a p. trough

FRIDAY, 4 (64-302)

In town all day. Zero Got settled up with Cement Co Collected Cameron Lake dues. from Cross. {Junyor?} Kartner, Seaman & Leef. Paid for 22 rifle. Drawing dung. a fearful crust, got to be shovelled. Pd 150 on 230.00 note of yesterday, and renewed 81 for 3 mos.

SATRUDAY, 5 (65-301)

Drew Dung. Had to shovel a road to patch as snow is so hard horses can't go in it. also it is 3-4 ft deep on the level.

March MONDAY, 7 (67-299) 1904

Sent up cheque to H Pettigrew for Cameron Lake taxes 26.36 Drew dung forenoon Rained like everything in afternoon. Clearned 35 bus. oats.

TUESDAY, 8 (68-298)

Went to town forenoon about ins.prem.{insurance premium} of last Novr will arrange to borrow amt. on that policy. Drew dung.

WEDNESDAY, 9 (69-297)

Finished far patch 20 loads Shovelled road to center field & drew in one load. This is the worst winter I ever saw for getting on fields, we had a cut to make into field through ice in many places.

March THURSDAY, 10 (70-296) 1904

Bitery East wind & snow Drawing dung

FRIDAY, 11 (71-295)

Eastwind cold about 18˚. Drawing dung. G & I went after a handsleigh load of Masons' cow 2 eagles there, but wild. Took Rattler out after noon, shot 4 rabbits & 1 fox fox was one I caught in a trap a month ago. a ewe lambed 2 good lams today No mail though yet. none for 2 wks. either in or out of Wiarton. None out for 3 wks.

SATURDAY, 12 (72-294)

Fine & mild. Drew dung forenoon




In afternoon tried a rabbit hunt, but too many tracks.

March MONDAY, 14 (74-292)

Strong east wind, turning in afternoon to a S E blizzard Train got through yesterday Post office open yesterday with 4 engines. and Trains were coming in today again but will be blocked by tomorrow again. About 3 1/2 ft of snow in bush We cut 2 1/2 cords 18 in. & 1 cord 4 ft today. making 1 1/4 + 2 1/2 {added in right hand corner:} & crust wh. will carry a man anywhere.

TUESDAY, 15 (75-291)

Cutting wood. More snow.

WEDNESDAY, 16 (76-290)

Cutting wood. Borrowed 250 from Canada Life Co on my 3000 policy. to pay premium of last year. J Robinson here.

March THURSDAY, 17 (77-289) 1904

Sawed wood. Sold Ja Reid John Reid 1/2 ton hay

FRIDAY, 18 (78-288)

Renewed 1363.40 for 1 month Estate note. Jos Davidson & wife here. Holmes 1/2 ton hay pd Mild {for?} Seven lambs from 4 ewes to date.

SATURDAY, 19 (79-287)

More snow.

Transcription Progress

In Progress


Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 1.pdf
Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 2.pdf
Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 3.pdf
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Cecil Swale, “Cecil Swale Diary, 1904,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 6, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/479.

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  8. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 8.pdf
  9. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 9.pdf
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  13. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 13.pdf
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  17. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 17.pdf
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  19. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 19.pdf
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  22. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 22.pdf
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  37. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 37.pdf
  38. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 38.pdf
  39. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 39.pdf
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  48. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 48.pdf
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  54. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 54.pdf
  55. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 55.pdf
  56. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 56.pdf
  57. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 57.pdf
  58. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 58.pdf
  59. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 59.pdf
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  64. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 64.pdf
  65. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 65.pdf
  66. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 66.pdf
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  75. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 75.pdf
  76. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 76.pdf
  77. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 77.pdf
  78. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 78.pdf
  79. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 79.pdf
  80. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 80.pdf
  81. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 81.pdf
  82. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 82.pdf
  83. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 83.pdf
  84. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 84.pdf
  85. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 85.pdf
  86. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 86.pdf
  87. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 87.pdf
  88. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 88.pdf
  89. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 89.pdf
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  91. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 91.pdf
  92. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 92.pdf
  93. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 93.pdf
  94. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 94.pdf
  95. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 95.pdf
  96. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 96.pdf
  97. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 97.pdf
  98. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 98.pdf
  99. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 99.pdf
  100. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 100.pdf
  101. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 101.pdf
  102. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 102.pdf
  103. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 103.pdf
  104. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 104.pdf
  105. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 105.pdf
  106. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 106.pdf
  107. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 107.pdf
  108. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 108.pdf
  109. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 109.pdf
  110. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 110.pdf
  111. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 111.pdf
  112. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 112.pdf
  113. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 113.pdf
  114. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 114.pdf
  115. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 115.pdf
  116. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 116.pdf
  117. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 117.pdf
  118. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 118.pdf
  119. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 119.pdf
  120. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 120.pdf
  121. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 121.pdf
  122. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 122.pdf
  123. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 123.pdf
  124. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 124.pdf
  125. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 125.pdf
  126. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 126.pdf
  127. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 127.pdf
  128. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 128.pdf
  129. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 129.pdf
  130. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 130.pdf
  131. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 131.pdf
  132. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 132.pdf
  133. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 133.pdf
  134. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 134.pdf
  135. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 135.pdf
  136. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 135.pdf
  137. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 137.pdf
  138. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 138.pdf
  139. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 139.pdf
  140. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 140.pdf
  141. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 141.pdf
  142. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 142.pdf
  143. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 143.pdf
  144. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 144.pdf
  145. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 145.pdf
  146. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 146.pdf
  147. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 147.pdf
  148. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 148.pdf
  149. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 149.pdf
  150. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 150.pdf
  151. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 151.pdf
  152. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 152.pdf
  153. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 153.pdf
  154. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 154.pdf
  155. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 155.pdf
  156. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 156.pdf
  157. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 157.pdf
  158. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 158.pdf
  159. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 159.pdf
  160. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 160.pdf
  161. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 161.pdf
  162. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 162.pdf
  163. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 163.pdf
  164. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 164.pdf
  165. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 165.pdf
  166. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 166.pdf
  167. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 167.pdf
  168. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 168.pdf
  169. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 169.pdf
  170. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 170.pdf
  171. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 171.pdf
  172. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 172.pdf
  173. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 173.pdf
  174. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 174.pdf
  175. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 175.pdf
  176. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 176.pdf
  177. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 177.pdf
  178. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 178.pdf
  179. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 179.pdf
  180. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 180.pdf
  181. Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 181.pdf
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