File #39713: "Cecil Swale 1904 Diary 113.pdf"


== Thursday, August 25, 1904 (238—128) == Tremendous wind. Called round Isle island. Drove in oats all day. Dr. & Harle taking in Stokmar’s bay. == Friday, August 26, 1904(239—127) == Sent teams out today. Jas & G. & Ernest drawing in. Breakfast—Bert two fat ducks, only got two. Is 4 at noon. 17 loads. About 3 acres of this field will run 30 bus, and the rest 40. == Saturday, August 27, 1904(240—126) == Stocked up rest of oats—did 2 acres. Picked 2 bags harvest apples at bridge. Jim & George tried Boot Lake for ducks but say there are few—did not get any. G. harrowed 1 ½ each swamp for wheat.
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