File #39795: "Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1854-1858 Diary 9.pdf"


Wednesday 31st. Mild, cloudy, fine. Shelling corn. Phil and Robert fetched the Sleigh home and began to break a row in the line. Iden Goble mending Roberts Boots 3.9 per pair. February Thursday 1st. Blowing from the west, cold and some snow. Robert and Fred clearing the house and chopping wood. Phil and ne breaking a row to the line. carried some corn to Staffords on the way to the vollage paid 7 1/2 d. Friday 2nd. Cold and blowing. Went to sawmill got 100 feet of lumber at 1 Dollar not paid. Making sleighbox. Getting Sweeds in 8 tubfuls and 9 bag fuls. Saturday 3rd. Cold and storming in the evening. very cold. Carried 26 bushels of corn to Loynes received in payment 19 1/2 Dollars. 4 pounds of coffee, 2 yds of [[portsethy?]] and one crock 10 shillings. Broke crockpot coming home. 12 dray teeth and 1 [[?]] 1 .11.0d Paid. Brought leather for Iden. Brought 1/2 hundred of Sugar for Kennedy from Spence's not settled. Brought 1 hundred of flour from Staffords for Stuart. Sunday 4th. Very cold wind in the east. Monday 5th. Intensely cold all day. sunshine wind east North East. not much of it. Doing a few odd jobs in the house. In the afternoon cutting firewood, grinding corn Phil to Kennedys 1/2 gallon oil 2 oz ginger, 1/2 oz nutmeg not paid. Tuesday 6th. Extremely cold. little or no wind. Plastering a few of the worst holes in the old shanty cutting firewood. Wednesday 7th. Cold but more moderate. Cutting cordwood. Father came home in the evening. Thursday 8th. More moderate, sunshine. Making axe handle finishing sleigh box making stool cutting cordwood.
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