Nathaniel E. Leeder Sr. Diary, 1854-1858


Nathaniel E. Leeder Sr. Diary, 1854-1858


Nathaniel E. Leeder Sr.


Courtesy of Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre






19th Century, Bruce County, Saugeen Township

Date Created

November 5, 1854


Scanned Manuscript


1854 P.S.

Day book and Memoranda

November 5th. Sunday This day I commence keeping a Memoranda of weather work and {Cu--ess?} transactions. Cold with a thin layer of snow.

Monday Raining all day. 3 1/2 dozen herrings at a York shilling per D.

Tuesday 7th. Forenoon rainy but cleared off in the afternoon.

Wednesday 8th. Fine weather. 2 white fish from 9 Iden Goble at 7 1/2 each. Cow sick.

Thursday 9th.

Friday 10th. Cutting corn stalks. 43 pounds of {--ork?} from Thurner. 11 lbs of candle fat. Cow improving

Saturday 11th. Digging potatoes and odd jobs. 2 doz. herrings at 7 1/2 d and P.d. and 8 lbs. of white fish at 3 cents per lb. Began to rain at night.

Sunday 12th. Cloudy all day with a sligh fall of snow in the evening.

Monday 13th. Sleet and snow from the South-west. 87 1/2 Dox. herrings at 7 1/2 p. Doz. from Iden Goble which we had him pack in a pork and whiskey barrels.

Tuesday 14th. Cold with snow. Cut a few logs for the oxshed. Shelled corn &c.

Wednesday 15th. Morning wet but cleared off at noon. Cutting logs for ox shed: sawing clapboard lengths and digging trench for potatoes. Trout from Iden Goble 1 shilling cur

Thursday 16th. Cold and cloudy. A light coat of snow on the ground Getting out clapboard stuff. Digging trench. Filling up a manger in ox shed. Fred hunting oxen all day

Friday 17th. Morning showery, sunshine at midday and rain in the afternoon. Fred after oxen all day. Boiled some pumpkins digging trench for turnips and splitting Clapboards.

Saturday 18th Snow falling all day in intervales and thawing. putting oxen-cogs on ox shed and getting them oats


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Nathaniel E. Leeder Sr., “Nathaniel E. Leeder Sr. Diary, 1854-1858,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 11, 2025,

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