File #39801: "Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1854-1858 Diary 15.pdf"


less one day = 12 Dollars. Cash for Balance for rest of the month 17 Dollars which is one months wages at 30 Dollars. Fred chopped some fire wood. Brought home pigs 3 -- at 11/2 Dollars each paid. Sunday 25th. Cold and dull fine in the afternoon. Heavy fall of snow the night previous. Monday 26th. Wind south east blowing hard and snowing heavily nearly all day. Went to J. Turners. Paid him 30 Dollars for which I was to have a cow 48 pounds of Timothy seed and a Coly dog. Brought the cow home with me. Father and boys chopping in the morning. Tuesday 27th. Morning cool, changeable during the day. Father and Boys chopping. Myself thrashing. Bought Roberts hen of him for 1.3 d and paid him 1.3 d as pocket money. Phill is paid and Fred has 3d due him yet. Wednesday 28th. Cool and dull all day. Thrashing. Chopping. Phil drawing home firewood. Fred chopping firewood. 2 whitefish from Iden Goble 1.3 d. and half a bushel of potatoes. Thursday 29th. Cold in the afternoon. fine and pleasant. Father Robert Fred chopping. Phil drawing firewood. Thrashing. Bought Freds hen 1.3 d. Friday 30th. Morning cool, beautifully fine and warm all day. Father Robert and me finished chopping the piece [[?]] out by Robert. Fred thrashing Kennedys in the afternoon. Coffee 3 lbs, 3.9 and jug 2.0 d paid Letter from Aunt Edmund Leeder. another from Bircham and two Newspapers from Woodson 1. 10 1/2 Paid
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