File #41562: "Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1859 Diary 10.pdf"


Fred working. S. 23rd Fred working. Two pigs to Iden at 75 cents each. Two pigs to James Stewart at 75 cents each By MacLachlin, mending spade. Roberts boat from CF Schwendker. M. 25th. A pig to Margerate Stewart for half a Dol. Cash. A block cleaner cleaned our old block and fixed mothers old watch paid him in cash one Dol and a half. borrow half a Dol. from Mrs Stewart & another half from Uncle Iden. Working at Road work. commenced this morning. S. 30th. Finished road work We have worked eight days for myself, five for Robert two for Father, and two for Fred. Two pigs to William Davidson. Trout from Iden Goble 6 d. July M. 2nd. Commenced logging. W. 4th. Mr J Goble killed the fatted Calf. Th. 5th. Mr J Goble went to Southampton with the Calf and sold it for Six Doll. and two shillings and four pence. Bought hooping & rivets two Shillings and eight pence. Left the skin with J. George it weighed fifteen lbs. at nine cents per lb. this goes on his a/c Mr. Goble is paid. F 6th. A pair of Coburgs for Robert from J. George $2.75 cts. M 9th. Sold two male pigs to Martin Eby for one Dol. Paid. T. 10th. Settled with Uncle Iden Goble to this date that we might be able to get the proper writings on the land I purchased from him for
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