File #41580: "Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1859 Diary 28.pdf"


W.24 Finished cleaning up fall wheat for Ruby Carried him Bushls. A Pig to James Davidson for 3 Dolrs to be paid in work. Omitted yesterday. I received a letter from Uncle Henry. Th. 25th. Received from Henry Hilker the Sum of Two hundred and Ten Dolrs and a half, this being the sum total due by him to me for fall wheat. Paid to Delamond Bricker the Sum of Nine Dolrs & a half the same being due to him for Clover Seed. Obtained Post Office Orders for the Sum of One hundred & forty Six Dolrs Twenty Eight cts at Southampton for Christie & Corbett of Owen Sound Cost of Orders One Dolr Twenty cts. Paid Postage Paid Three Dolrs Twenty five cts to John Eastwood which is the balance due on Davidsons Noye Paid Lehnen four Dolrs which was borrowed from him. Paid to James George Ten Dolrs. F. 26th. Paid to Iden Goble the sum of Eleven Dolrs Sixty four cts. Paid to John Goble the following sums on Due bill Thirteen Dolrs Twelve & a half cts for Interest on land money and other Two Dolrs Sixty seven cts. for Sink and drawer for Table. One Dolr Sixty. Commenced to dig potatoes. dug 36 pail fuls. S. 27th. Dug 39 pailfuls of potatoes. M 29th. 114 lbs of flour of Stewart with the bag. Dug forty pails of potatoes.
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