S. 15th Agreed with Christian Shantz to thrash all my spring wheat for the Sum of Eleven Dollars. John Zant & his horses, Born, James & Moffat Craig, John Goble, Iden Goble, James Stewart, James Salter & his Son Edward. Mr John Davidson, & his Sons James & John, helping me to thrash. Thrashed the whole day.
140 lbs of Pease to James Salter Novb. 20th. & since. This is a list of pease received by Salter 3.16 lbs. 4. Bushls, 10 Do 36 lbs.
M. 17th. 8 Bushls of 6 cts of John Zant at 22 cts per Bushl. $1.76 cts. Thrashing Zant with his horses, Born, James & Moffat Craig, John Goble, James Stewart, James Salter & his son Edward, Davidson & his Sons John & James helping, half day, James Davidson half day helping in with the Straw. Robert & I gave James Davidson an order on L & Ruby for clothes to the amount of $10.80 cts. this is so much payment on rails he is to split for us. Pease to Davidson 126 lbs.
Received from MacLachlin One [[?]] Staple and Ring $1.25 cts. Also a [[bail?]] on my water Bucket .75 cts.
Sold Salter my Straw cutter for the sum of Four Dollars.
T. 18th. 15 lbs of Flour to Davidson
W. 19th Mr John G. half day
Th. 20th. Mr Goble half day