File #41604: "Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1859 Diary 52.pdf"


M. 3rd. Fred One meal. 1/2 day sowing Oats for Robert. These are the first we have sown this season. A childs chair of Mr J Goble. T. 4th Letter with Christina Davidson for 16 days work. at 11 cts per day 1.7 cts. Left an old A/C due her 21 cts. A/C against her, for apron stuff & Mending shoes 100 cts. Gave her a due bill on Messrs L & Ruby for the sum of 97 cts. Fred two meals. W 5th. Logeing for Salter. Fred two meals. Florence of a Male Calf. Th 6th. Fred One Meal. S. 8th. S. 9th. Fred one meal. My old sow to Hilker's Boar. One Dolr. not paid. M 10th. Fred two meals. I sowed Oats for Philip in Roberts field & he hauled rails for me, So we let the one job against the other. My Oxen drg. 1/2 day
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