File #41610: "Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1859 Diary 58.pdf"


S. 3rd. Posted an answer to the D.A.G. Gave Margerate Davidson an Order on L. & Ruby for Two & a half Dolrs. this pays her for Twenty days Sewing. S. 4th. M. 5th. Goods for James Davidson of L. & R. to the Amount of Six Dolrs. Childs wagon from Mr. J. Goble. T. 6. James Davidson not working. Boots from James George 56 cts. W 7th. Th 8th. Commenced cutting Roberts fall Wheat. F. 9th. James to Borns loging Bee. Rob helping me to harvest my little patch of Fall wheat near the Barn half day. S. 10th. Cutting Rob's wheat.
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