File #41632: "Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1861 Diary 7.pdf"


the man that hurt my ox. Brought the ox home he considering him able to come. He paid all the expenses for keep and attendtion & agreed to pay whatever was fair afterwards. Bought of Calder a few lbs of Oatmeal also length enough of rope to make two halter p.d. Settled with Christian Schwendker his A/C against me for Tailoring $57.37 cts. My a/c against him $42.97 which leaves a balance due him of $8.42. A/C received of Rinsie against me of $23.00. Interest on the same for 15 months $1.80. Churn & Stramer 2.00 Work by Sister Lizzie 5.25 cts. His total against me after Balancing our A/Cs, is $40.45 cts. To settle this I have given a Note to Brother Fritz Schwendker for $25.00. bearing six per cent Inter. for one year. Also a due bill on myself to Christian for $15.45 cts. this squares our A/Cs. to this date. Philip half day working for me. W. 15th. Th. 16th. F. 17th. S. 18th. S. 19th. N. 20th. sold my Lotm No. 30 Lake Range Saugeen also My Oxen, Cows, heifers, and calves: Sheep pigs, Wagon, plough Cooking stove, Hay, Straw, Turnips, and Lumber 161/2 Bushls. of wheat, 12 Bushls. of pease for the sum of
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