File #41633: "Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1861 Diary 8.pdf"


Two Thousand Dollars, I have to give him a free Deed. The purchaser is a Mr. John D. David of Woolwich. He signed an agreement to the effect that I give him possession on the Fourteenth day of February of the year of our Lord 1862. on the condition that I receive Two hundred and fifty Dollars down and Seventeen hundred and fifty when I transfer the lot to him. Witness C.F. Schwendker and Jacob Traflet. I received the above named sum and depositted it with L & Ruby taking a receipt for the same. Paid to D. MacTavish 14 Dolrs. being part payment of a note due him by Robert Memorandum 53.5860 Bushls. of Fall wheat @ 75 cts. $40.47 116/34 Oats, .28 4.13 Making a total of $44.60 the wheat was Roberts and is paid on a Note L & Ruby hold against me Dated Feb. 1st 1861. Also received from L & Ruby the Sum of Fourteen Dolrs. Seventy five cts. in cash which added to Eleven Dollars I borrowed from them for Mr. John Goble makes a sum total of $25.75 this amount is raised from a load and bag of fall wheat which I delivered for Robert. Took wheat to mill part for a grist and part to Store. Stored five bags of Fall Wheat with Brother Christian Sch. T. 21st. Stored five bags of Fall and Four of Spring wheat with Brother C. F. Schwendker. Paid L & Ruby the sum of Six Dollars on Roberts a/c for Donald MacTavish and Received Roberts Note of hand payable on the 1st of Janry. and Dated Saugeen Novbr. 6th. 1861. Traded with Philip for his Watch Gave him the old gun I got of Fred my Pick grubbing hoe two small chains for binding, and old red box. Paid Robert One Dolr.
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