File #41748: "JohnJardineSr_Diary2_049.pdf"


I plowed in the field by the barn on the east side of the barn
16 Friday plowing to day the ground is very soft
17 Satuerday plowing to day agin fine weather
18 Sunday no church to day it is a butful day the weather is dring up the water fast
19 Monday I have began to harrow for Oats I have sowed 5 bushels & Archey Gracely has hrrowed them in this forenoon in the afternoon I sowed 6 bushels & half & harrowed them in
20 Tuesday I cleaned the furrows out and plowed the rest of the day & Archey Gracey shoveled the cross furrows
May the twenty in 1873 the canada southrin raiload past through the line with the first passinger train each way daly
21 Wednesday I finished plowing and sowing & harrowing my Oats to day
22 Thursday I planted my potatoes to day
23 Friday I roaled my Oats this forenoon in the afternoon I began to plow in the field by the concession for corn it is dry & hot
24 Satuerday plowing for corn
25 Sunday I am at home to day I am very sick to day Cate went to here Mr Scot
26 Monday I am sick yet not able to work H Honsberger came along & I got him to plow
27 Tuesday Mr Marchel & I shore the sheep to day H plowed in the lowe field by the co{cut off}
28 Wednesday H Honsberger plowing for corn this forenoon & he is roling it the rest of the day
29 Thursday finished roling this morning will harrowing the rest of the day
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