John Jardine Sr. Diary, 1872-1879


John Jardine Sr. Diary, 1872-1879


John Jardine Sr.


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph






19th Century, Essex County, Tilbury West Township, Ontario

Date Created

October 4, 1872

Is Part Of

John Jardine Sr. Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


October the 24 1872

flour to notia the blacksmith two hundred of flour

$ cts
at 3 50 a hundred 7 00
a cord of wood to the blacksmith 1 00
October the 24th
one hundred of flour to Godfaw 3 50
Trembly and a 11 pounds of pork 60
September the 22 1873
seed wheat sowed this year
is 19 x 1/2 bushels at a $ 1 x 10 cts pr bus $21 45
17 bushels of wheat sold $21 62 1/2
26 this bushels of wheat taken and ground for flour $1 x 10 cts $28 60
16 October the 16 ------ 1873
took one load of wheat to Chatham and sold it there
was 39 x 49 bushels it fetched my $43 75 cts
January the 13 --------- 1874
I went to Chatham with a load of wheat & sold it for $1.80 cts a hundred
bushels 39.52 lbs came to $43 05
12 1/2 bushels sold to St John came to $13 75
20 bushels ground agin in flour for my one use at $1 x 10cts per f came to $22 {illegible}
6 bushels of wheat sold to st John agin March the 31 1874 comes to $7 20
April the 28, 1874 ----
20 bushels of wheat I took to mill agin for my one use and got ground into flour
April the 28, 1874
sold 4 bushels agin it came to $4 38 1/2
May the 19 1874
I went to Chatham with a load of wheat & sold it for $ 1 18 per bushel
bushels 27.9 p came to $27 85 cts

April the 1, 1872

1 Monday it is a btful day cold wind James jardine drawed out ties black ash in the forenoon. John Jardine made black ash in the forenoon in the afternoon maid white Oake ties nine at the railroad frend of old Trembly

2 Tuesday James and I maid ties J John Jardine went to see Shampan in the afternoon about som Oats a fine day

3 Wednesday James and J Jardine maid ties all day 12

Gold King in a guinea{illegible}

A man without manners and wearing fine clothes is like a {illegible}

So Tilbury West April 3rd, 1872

Before you marry be sure you tarry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Received from John Jardine for M{illegible}

The sum off $125 payment in full up to date

James Jardine

March 28th 1872

Six months after date: promise to pay {line stroked through} or Bases the sum of Value Received

Six months after I promise to pay

the sum of

value received

in the {illegible}

Command you may your mind from play {illegible}

Danube is the name of a river in Turkey (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Oh! never mind the weather but get ou off Double Trouble Believe {illegible}

Oh! you mind the weather but get it not off Double Trouble{illegible}

Oh! never mind the weather, but get {torn off}

C Command you n{torn off}

{from page turned upsidedown the following appears}

On John Jardine Tilbury West

Tindell Post Office

Mr John Jardin W. Pembroke

County of Pem{illegible}

Province of Upper Canada

Ont. $

Command You Marry Your Mind

I lay every moment

13 Wednesday I plowed in the afternoon it rained a little i fixed som fence
14 Thursday I plowed killed two pigs at night
15 Friday I plowed all day
16 Saturday I plowed to day
17 Sunday we went to here Mr Armstrong it rained
18 Monday I went to the shop with the harrows to get the teeth it is raining to day the ground is wet
19 Tuesday I choped of to cuts John Benwa comence to ditch this afternoon it is raining the ground is geting pretty wet the ditches is geting full
20 Wednesday in the forenoon John and I ditched in the afternoon I went to Stony point for Henry Richardson A load of goods the rods is very bad it is raing
21 Thursday John and I ditched all day
22 Friday John & I ditched all day
23 Saturday John & I ditched in the afternoon I went to the shop for the harow I got two shoes on John horse
24 Sunday we went to here Mr Armstrong
25 Monday John & I scraped the dirt into the old ditch
26 Tuesday John & I finished scraping this forenoon in the afternoon we drawed rails
27 Wednesday John made ditch I went to Stony point for Richardson drawed a few rails
28 Thursday John drawed rails Old man Trembly and I put up the fence for the oat feild
29 Friday I sowed 11 1/2 bushels of barley
30 Saturday we finished harrowing and furrowed the peice all up --
Mr John Jardine Tilbury New Tindel P. Office
John Jardine Tilbury West Nov 20th 1871

May 1st 1870

1 Sunday we were at house all day no church
2 Monday plowed all round the house
3 Tuesday finished ploughing in the feild at the house
4 Wednesday I sowed 7 bushel of barley and finished harrowing it and furrowed it up
5 Thursday pulled out stumps in the new field
6 Friday I plowed in the afternoon it rained
7 Saturday I plowed all day in the new feild Johny went to Chatham on his own business
8 Sunday we went to church
9 Monday I ploughed in the new field
10 Tuesday I ploughed John durt from the ditch
11 Wednesday I ploughed John throwed durt from the {cut off}
12 Thursday I finished ploughing in the new field
13 Friday John B harrowed in oats I sowed
14 Saturday old Trembly and I planted my potatoes John B finished harrowing the oats to day
15 Sunday I took Lizzey to her mothers to goy to the dockter
16 Monday I furrowed the new field I plowed about two acres for Mr Tre{cutt off} in the afternoon Mr Trembly and J cleaned about 40 bushel of oats and 22 bushels of wheat
17 Tuesday I went to Mill to the blacksmith shop I got two shoes on dan in the afternoon finished ploughing the little field at the ashery sowed some flax and two bushels of oats John Benwa went to lawtrel barn raising
18 Wednesday I commene to plough for corn in the old meadow
19 Thursday I ploughed for corn
20 Friday ploughed for corn
21 Saturday after dinner it rained a little shour ploughed for corn
22 Sunday I went to church lizzy is in Detroit yet
23 Moonday I went down to Detroit to sea lizzy hugh is harrowing and plouging there is a very heavy shour to day
24 Tuesday I came home to day noon afternoon I went round for money for the society
25 Wednesday nooon finished ploughing for corn afternoon John Benwa harrowed Mr Marchel and I cliped the wool of the shee
26 Thursday I finished harrowing for corn
27 Friday forenoon I forrwed the corn ground in the afternoon Henery Gracy and his Wife came to see me I had just begun to plant corn Lizzey is in Detroit yet
28 Satuerday forenoon we finished planting corn in the afternoon I took my plow to the shop get a new landslide and the point sharp
29 Sunday I went to here Mr Cottoms no Lizzy
30 Monday I fixed a place for the chickens on and drawed lgs for two bridges in the afternoon I mad the two bridges
31 Tuesday I roled my corn in the afternoon I went to Truell raising the grainrey
June 1870
1 Wednesday forenoon I went to the shop for my plough in the afternoon I ploughed for Edward for corn the ground is very hard and dry
2 Thursday forenoon ploughed Edward Trembly in the afternoon I piled some manure very dry and hot
3 Friday forenoon piled manure in the afternoon I went to stoney point to meet Lizzey she has come home from Detroit
4 Saturday forenoon playing my self in the afternoon I piled up manure washed the buggy
5 Sunday we went to church it rained a nice sh{ower}
6 Monday forenoon piled manure in the afternoon fixed the old fence back of the wheat field
7 Tuesday I piled manure all day
8 Wednesday I went to whitewash the church it began to rain about 9 to night it thundred and lighting here it rained a butful shour
9 Thursday I loged for Mitchel Trmbly to day
10 Friday I piled a little manure it is raining very near
11 Saturday I loged for hugh Gracy
12 Sunday we went to church at ten O clock
13 Monday I pulled weeds & thistles out of the barley
14 Tuesday I puled weeds out of the potatoes & oats
15 Wednesday I spread dirt on the lane in the afternoon I pulled weeds out of the oats
16 Thursday I finished piling manure and puled some weeds out of the oats rain every day the crops are looking better of the rain
17 Friday spread dirt in the afternoon cleaned wheat
18 Saturday I spread dird in the afternoon I went to Tomy Atksons to raise a stable
19 Sunday we went to church at 4 Oclock
20 Monday I went to mill with the last of my wheat
21 Tuesday I cultivated my potatoes and bean ground and harrowed the bean ground and planted my beans
22 Wednesday I comenced to hoe my potatoes
23 Thursday I hoed potatoes to day
24 Friday I am hoeing potatoes to day
25 Saturday forenoon howed potatoes in the afternoon we went to here Mr king preach
26 Sunday we went to church at eleven Oclock
27 Monday champaing and I howed potatoes to day
John Jardine
28 Tuesday champain and I finished howing potatoes in the forenoon in the afternoon howed corn
29 Wednesday tomey and I cultivated corn champain howed corn
30 Thursday champain edward and I howed corn to day to night it rained heavy shower
July the first 1870
1 Friday it is a drizzling rain most of the day I done nothing but cut a little grass at the doore
2 Saturday I went to help boby vickerman at his shed to make shingels for it
3 Sunday we went to here Mr Armstrong
4 Monday I commence to cut my hay to day
5 Tuesday I mowing hay round the fence
6 Wednesday cut hay with the machin drawed in one lode of hay comence to rain to night
7 Thursday it rained this forenoon it faired a little while it rained a heavy shower about 5 Oclock
8 Friday Theodore and I turned over hay till about three O clock we gatheredup four rows of hay
9 Saturday Theodore and I comenced to draw in hay about 10 O clock Richard dodd com with the horse rake and raked up all my hay we drawed 8 lods of hay
10 Sunday we stayed home today no church to day
11 Monday it rained heavy all forenoon it rained some this afternoon I went up to Mr Pools about my trees apple trees
12 Tuesday it is raining it is very wet this afternoon we commence to cut my wheat
13 Wednesday we Mitchel and Theodore and me cut wheat all day, Marsheal finished cutting my hay
14 Thursday Theodore and I cut wheat all day
15 Friday Theodore and i finished cuting wheat to day at supper time we put up a few hay ricks in the evening

{page is a duplicate of pdf 06 John Jardine journal 1870}

16 Saturday Theodore and I gathered hay and drawed in 4 lods
17 Sunday we went to church at 10 O clock it came up a big shour it rained a vey short h{cut off}
18 Monday I went to east tilbury in the forenoon in the afternoon we cut brley
19 Tuesday mowed barley and drawed in two lods of hay
20 Wednesday mowed barley til supper time after supper we gathered up two row of bar{cut off}
21 Thursday we gathered up 4 acres of barley in winrow
22 Friday we drawed one load of wheat and two lods of barley till noo it came up a h{cut off} wind and rain after the rain shook up barley
23 Saturday we gathered up barley in the fore in the afternoon we drawed in 4 1/2 lods of barley and 1 load of wheat
24 Sunday we went to church it came up a heavy of rain about noon
25 Monday this morning at 2 Oclock a very heavy rain and wind storm Theodore and I got in one lods of barley after supper
26 Tuesday we raked up last of the barley we wanted to get in the last load of barley but the rain beat us it did not get dry the rest of the day another big shour tonight
27 Wednesday it rains another shour about {cut off} O clock another between 4 and 5 this afternoon great deal of lightning and thunder with the shour
28 Thursday it rains this morning another shour 8 or 9 O clock another shour about half past eleven O clock another shour about 2 O clock nothing done to day
29 Friday I straitened up the wheat and pulled weeds in the corn

{ page is a duplicate of pdf 07, John Jardine Journal 1870}

30 Saturday we untied 3 lods of wheat and drawed 4 lod of wheat 1 load and half of barley and half load of hay
31 Sunday we went to hire Mr Armstrong
August the first 1870
1 Monday we finished drawing in my wheat and barley I plowed Theodore cut weeds in the co{indecipherable}
2 Tuesday I plowed Theodore cut weeds in the corn in the afternoon Theodore went to Mitchel to make hay
3 Wednesday Theodore mowed for Mitchel in the afternoon cut weeds in the corn I went to the blacksmith shop got dan[?] shod bought a plo[cutoff]
4 Thursday I shoveled out the croos furroes Theodore worked in the corn
5 Friday I cut a few oats I comenced to[cutoff] again in the afternoon Theodore in the co[cutoff]
6 Saturday plowed again Theodore in the co[cutoff]
7 Sunday I went to church lizzy stayed hom[cutoff]
8 Monday I finished plowing [indecipherable] rice Theodore[cutoff]
9 Tuesday we comenced to cut oats to day
10 Wednesday we cut ots to day
11 Thursday reaped oats to day
12 Friday richard x mitchel x Theodore mowed to day and I reaped ots to day
13 Saturday it rained all day
14 Sunday I went to church at 4 oclock[cutoff]
15 Monday Theodore x I bind oats to [cutoff]
16 Tuesday out som Mitchel x Theodore dr[cutoff] in oats Alik and I gathered oats[cutoff]
17 Wednesday Theodore went to help Mit[cutoff] stack his oats John B and I reaped o[cutoff]
18 Thursday in the forenoon Theodore in[cutoff] mitchel to finish his oats we reaped in [cutoff]

{page is a duplicate of pdf 08, John Jardine Journal 1870}

19 Friday MitchelxTheodore xme finished cuting all my oats we got in one load it came up a shower of rain stoped us of getting to do any more
20 Saturday I finished cuting my flax in the [indecipherable] Theodore went to stoney pooint to get some [indecipherable]
21 Sunday I went to church
22 Monday Theodore and I finished binding oats in the barn field and drawed them all in
23 Tuesday Theodore harrowed in the forenoon I bound a few oats in afternoon it was weet
24 Wednesday I went to the poling for the [indecipherable]
[cutoff] Thursday I went to Dunkens for one of the [cutoff]irls I did not get one of them in the after [cutoff]noon Theodore hrnessed I shook hay in the [cutoff]
[cutoff] Friday in the forenoon Theodore harrowed I was looking for a agirl cannot find one i[cutoff] [cutoff]fternoon we drawed in the last of the oats and Theodore finished rolling the orchard field
[cutoff] Saturday Theodore drawed manure to day was looking for a girl all day to day got none
[cutoff] Sunday I went to church to day
[cutoff] Monday Thodore manure I went to Ainslie for 1 baggieI drawed manure in the afternoon
[cutoff]Tuesday Theodore and I drawed manure
[cutoff] Wednesday we drawed manure
September 1870
[cutoff]sday I plowed and Theodore showed his [cutoff] [cutoff]y I plowed in the forenoon and helped for[cutoff] [cutoff]ting thrash afternoon Theodore drawed manure
[cutoff]ursday it is rainy I thrashed the flax

{page is a duplicate of pdf 09, John Jardine Journal 1870}

4 Sunday we to hear Mr Armstrong
5 Monday I thrashed for Maning Theodore hauled manure
6 Tuesday I finished atThrashing for Maning in the forenoon thrashed for Boby in the afternoon
7 Wednesday I thrased for Boby Vickersman
8 Thursday I thrashed for Mitchel Trembly
9 Friday I thrashed for Edward Trembly
10 Saturday I thrashed for John Jardine
11 Sunday we went to Church in the afternoon
12 Monday finished thrashing for me at two Oclock
13 Tuesday I plowed for fall wheat
14 Wednesday I plowed all day
15 Thursday I plowed again all day
16 Friday I plowed again Mifachogno was cutting corn
17 Saturday I sowed 4 1/3 bush wheat and cultivated it in [cutoff] [indecipherable] Jackson finished cutting the corn
[cutoff] Sunday we went to church at 10 O clock
[cutoff]9 Monday I sowed 1 1/2 bushels of wheat
20 Tuesday I furrowed it up
21 Wednesday I shoveled the barrowes
22 Thursday I comence to plow around the house
23 Friday I finished plowing around the house in the afternoon harrowed in to two bushels of wh[cutoff]
24 Saturday I barrowed it up and shoveled it[cutoff] I bought two calvs from Richard dodd and fetched them home
25 Sunday we went to church 4 Oclock
26 Monday I drawed manuer to day
27 Tuedsay I drawed manure to day
28 Wednesday I loged for Richard dodd
29 Thursday it rained alittle I trhashed my beens Mr Trembly and I cleaned up the beens I fixed the buggy
[cutoff] Friday it rained all day it was a splendid rain the ground was very dry

{page is a duplicate of pdf 10, John Jardine Journal 1870}

October 1870
1 Saturday I plowed all day
[blotted] Sunday we went to church at 10 ocloc[cutoff]
3 Monday raining till 10 oclock I plowed one band this forenoon in the afternoon I went to the society meeting
4 Tuesday in the forenoon I drawed th[cutoff] lods of manuere cleaned 6 bushels of whea[cutoff] for Marchel and 4 for me
5 Wednesday i sowed 3 bushels half of it and harrow it in and barrowed it and shoveled the croos furrowes
6 Thursday I went and plowed for Licks
7 Friday I ploughed for Jackson
8 Saturday in the forenoon boby [indecipherable] me [cutoff] altred my pigs and calvs in the afternoon I ploughed for Jackson
9 Sunday we went to church 4 O clock
10 Monday I plowed for Jackson
11 Tuesday I dug my peatchblows in the afternoon I cleaned grain for the fair
12 Wednesday we went to east Tilbury fair
13 Thursday we went to our own fair in west Tilbury
14 Friday I went and fetched home my pig in the afternoon I peened them all up [indecipherable]
15 Saturday I comenced to dig my Patoes
16 Sunday we went to church 3 Oclock
17 Monday I went and plowed for Jackson
18 Tuesday I plowed for Jackson
19 Wednesday I dug potatoes it rains a little this afternoon
20 Thursday forenoon it rains a little I dug potates in the afternoon
21 Friday I dug potatoes and drawed one load of corn after sundown
John Jardine

{this page is a duplicate of pdf 11, John Jardine Journal 1870}

[first portion of page is cut off]

[perhaps this page is not in the correct order? the month in the middle of the page reads "October 1869", while the previous page was in October 1870]

20 Meonday I moved John Marnie
21 Tuesday I rained most all day I thrashe[cutoff] my beans I was sick
22 Wednesday I was very sick
23 Thursday the same
24 Friday the same [indecipherable]
25 Saturday Alick x hugh came down and plowed and harrowed for me
26 Sunday I was in bed most all day
27 Monday Hughy + Alick sowed all my fall wheat and harrowed and hartily waterfurrowed it & am some better to day
28 Tuesday Alick and I shoveling furrow
29 Wednesday Alick shoveled furrowe[indecipherable] I skined the little hiefer
30 Thursday we went to the picnic east
October October 1869 [indecipherable]
1 Friday I went to mill with a grist
2 Saturday I took bill lickman wife flour and mutton it raines hard all day
3 Sunday went to here Mr forest
4 Monday I drawed ashes for sharaw in the afternoon I drawed up some firewood
5 Tuesday Mitchel and I cut corn
6 Wednesday Mitchel and I cut corn
7 Thursday I plowed for Mitchel all day
8 friday I plowed for Mitchel all day

{page is a duplicate of pdf 11, John Jardine Journal 1870}

{top of page is from two pages previous}

{page torn off} Wednesday we went {page torn off}
14 Thursday we went {page torn off}
15 friday sharow helped me to clean a load of barley
16 Satuerday I went to crews with a load of barley sold for $1.29 cents 22 hundred 17 pounds
17 Sunday we went to here Mr forest
18 Monday Mr trembly and I cleaned a load of barley in the afternoon mary and me dug potatoes
19 Tuesday we went to the picnic
20 Wednesday dug potatoes marey and me to day
21 Thursday I went to chatham with a load of barley sold for $1.23 cents I had 22 hundred and 60
22 friday Mtichel and mary and I finished diging my potatoes
23 Satuerday it is raining and snowing to day
24 Sunday we went to here Mr king
25 Monday I fixed the hog pen
26 Tuesday I tied corn straw and drawed one load of corn
27 Wednesday I husked a little and drawed a load and a half of corn
28 Thursday I took the last of my barley out to Mr Crow I got prise $1.22 cts per h{cut off} I had twelve hundred and sixty pounds
29 friday I loged at home
30 Satuerday I tied corn straw all day
31 Sund went to here Mr forest
A November the 11 month of the year 1869 November 1869
1 Monday Mary and I drawed to loads of corn and cleaned up my barley
John Jardine

{this page is a duplicate of pdf 12 John Jardine Journal 1870 - already transcribed}

2 Tuesday Lizzie and me went to chatham and to blenhiem for seed barley
3 Wednesday we stayed in blenhim all day
4 Thursday we came home from blenhim
5 friday it rained and snowed Sam and me cleaned 25 bushels of wheat and I went to mill
6 Satuerday I bought one hundred bushel of corn from beatise leanard prise 40 cts per bushel brought home two loads of corn
7 Sunday we wnt to here Mr forest
8 Monday I banked the house and covered my potatoes Deeper
9 Tuesday I loged for William cornwell Alick and sam husked corn all day
10 Wednesday Samuel and Alick and me husked corn
11 Thursday Alick and I drawed in the corn straw
12 friday Alick and I drawed in two loads of corn and husked a little corn
13 Satuerday it snowed very hard all day
14 Sunday we stayed home all day snow agin
15 Monday took two logs up to the mill I fixed a place for to feed my pigs on
16 Tuesday I drawed Mr Trembley hay home for him it snowed very heavy to day {in left margin - Alick commence work to day 16}
17 Wednesday it snowed very heavy and rained Alick and me cut of a pice of the stack
18 Thursday I cut wood and Alick drawed it
19 friday Alick cut a little wood and dun the chors it rained hard to day I run around
20 Satuerday it rained this forenoon this afternoon Alick and me drawed in them shocks of corn to the barn
21 Sunday we stayed home

{this page is a duplicate of pdf 13, John Jardine Journal 1870}

22 Monday in the forenoon Alick and me cut hoop poles it snowed very heavy you could hardly see Alick and me husked corn
23 Tuesday we took hoop poles to henery in the afternoon Alick and me cut hoop poels
24 Wednesday Alick and me took another load of hoop poles to henry the hole was 1.16 poels in the afternoon fixed sheep pen and calf yard
25 Thursday Alick and me choped dogs of wood
26 friday moring I went and got my horses shod in the afternoon drawed up wood
27 Satuerday Alick drawed wood I choped
28 Sunday we went here Mr forest
29 Monday I went after albert to fix the stable in the afternoon A & me husked corn it rained all day
30 Tuesday the snow is gon it raines hard Alick and me finished husked corn to day
D D December 12th month of the Year December 12th Month
1 Wednesday Alick and me fixed the shed for the cows ad choped som stovewood
2 Thursday we drawed corn straw into the barn yard commenc to chop cord wood
3 friday Alick drawed up wood for the machine I choped it
4 Satuerday it snowes and raines very hard to day
5 Sunday we went to here Mr King
6 Monday Alick and me drawed up wood for the machine
7 Tuesday hugh sawed stovewood for us
8 Wednesday hugh sawed stovewood for us
9 Thursday we moved logs and burned brush for Shore to ditch
10 friday I nailed the batens on the Stable and the kitchen

{page is a duplicate of pdf 14, John Jardine Journal 1870 - already transcribed)

11 Satuerday we split wood in the afternoon it rained Alick and I cleaned up 25 bush of wheat
12 Sunday roads is bad it rains we stayed home
13 Monday shrowo Alick and I kiled to pigs split wood
14 Tuesday alick & I split wood at the dore
15 Wednesday it rained all day nothing dun
16 Thursday I went to mill with 25 bushels of wheat Alick stayed home and kept batch alone
17 friday I choring and spliting some wood at the door
18 Satuerday I went to mill and fetched the rest of my grist home
19 Sunday we stayed at home all day
20 Monday I was choring and spliting a little wood
21 Tuesday forenoon spliting wood afternoon Alick & richard edward and old Mr Trembly put up my stable
22 Wednesday I was choring and spliting wood
23 Thursday I put dung on my potatoes piled up wood
24 Friday I was spliting and piling wood and choring
25 Saturday Christmas day - Went to Mrs Gracey's to dinner Came home alone and after feeding the stock went to a raffle at Richardson's store
26 Sunday In the evening we went to hear M King preach at 7 O clock
27 E Nondurn Helped Bobby Vickerman to clean his flax seed done the Chores
28 Tuesday afternoon helped the boys to say wood
29 Wednesday I helped sam to split wood
30 Thursday I was choring in the afternoon helped Edward Trembly to draw logs for the machine
31 Friday I helped richard dood drawing logs For the machine to day all day

January the first 1870

1 Satuerday I was about the store most all Day
2 Sunday was a heavy snow storm
3 Monday Done the choers and went to the township meeting with boby
4 Tuesday I was choring in the afternoon & hitched up my colt
5 Wednesday I drawed cordwood out o the bush and piled it at the road side
6 Thursday drawed wood out of the bush
7 Friday I was choring and went to Mr Pool to visit a little to day
8 Satuerday I choring and tok home James shu and fetched home cder
9 Sunday went to hear Mr --------
10 Monday I went to henderson for the barl and went for potva to kil my pigs
11 Tuesday I went to tomey atkson helpe kil pigs in the afternoon kiled my pigs commence to rain
12 Wednesday it rains all day the snow is nearly all gon the water is nearly up a foot deep
13 Thursda it has snoed a little it freezing it is windey and cold I am choring to day
14 Friday I went to chaham with my hogs and sold them they weighed 9008 witch fetched $77.18cts
15 Satuerday it rained hard all day
16 Sunday we went to here Mr ---- raing agin
17 Monday moring raing agin it is a lake all over the land the ditches is runing all over my land the water is runing past the house
18 Tuesday I went to William henderson for two pigs
John Jardine
19 Wednesday I went to Mr pools {pen scribble ^v^v^v^v^v^}
20 Thursday I was choping and piling brush to day
21 Friday I helped boby to cut sawlogs all day
22 Satuerday I went down backous in the afternoon I fell a big oak in the field at home
23 Sunday we stayed home all day
24 Monday I was cuting railcuts and sawlogs
25 Tuesday in the forenoon I was cuting rail lumber in the afternoon we commence to saw cordwood
26 Wednesday we sawed wood today
27 Thursday we sawed wood today
28 Friday we sawed wood today
29 Satuerday wefinished sawin this forenoon in the afternoon Samuel and me split wood
30 Sunday we went to curch to day
31 Monday Samuel and me split wood
February 1870
1 Tuesday I went to the shop to get two shoes on my hores they ran away and broke vry near every thing sam split wood
2 Wednesday Samuel and I split cordwood
3 Thursday Samuel and I split wood
4 Friday Samuel and me finished spliting wood this forenoon in the afternoon cut a load of wood for notty
5 Satuerday Sam and I went down to baptest creek in the afternoon sam & me took notty the wood fetched home the sleighs
6 Sunday we went to hear Mr Allen
7 Monday Samuel and me commence to chop cord
8 Tusday we choped cordwood fine weather
9 Wednesday we choped cordwood no sleighing
10 Thursday sam and me quit chopping wood
11 Friday sam went home and I put new pins in my bobsleighs
12 Satuerday I fixed the bridge in front of the old man
13 Sunday home to day no minister to day
14 Monday hugh and me went to the store I bought 1 pair of mockoson I fixed pins to hang up the harness Hugh and I settled up about the sawing machine paid all up
15 Thusday I went to goodro got my hores shod up
16 Wednesday I went up to William Alan I got a hayfork mended it is like spring weather
17 Thursday it began to rain about 8 oclock to night it is soft and sloppy
18 Friday I went to a bee at Old Mr Latrilles
19 Satuerday done my chores and hauled some rails
20 Sunday we went to hear Mr King preach
21 Monday we went to the congregation meeting
22 Tuesday I hauled 2 loads of cordwood to the Bapteste Creek
23 Wednesday the same very poor sleighing
24 Thursday the same
25 Friday I had a bee five teames very bad roads
26 Satuerday one load for Dick and 1 load for me
27 Sunday it is raining we stayed at home
28 Monday hauled two loads again and began to cut a road through the bush with Dick and Alick
O Erin dear: beyond the sea fair country of my s{illegible}s {illegible}ies March 1870
1 Tuesday finished cuting the road and took 2 loads
2 Wednesday one load for McEwan & 1 load for me
3 Thursday I took down three loads
4 Friday the same
John Jardine Tilbury West January 10th 1875
5 Satuerday I took three loads
6 Sunday we went to hear Mr Armstrong preach
7 Monday I took two load
8 Tuesday the same, very poor sleighing
9 Wednesday I took three loads
10 Thursday the last of what wood I have cut took two loads the road is almost bare the ice on the creek not very safe
11 Friday I choped cordwood snowed some in the afternoon
12 Satuerday I choped wood snowed some and rained sleet is turned colder to night
13 Sunday we went to here Mr armstrong in the morning
14 Monday I took two loads of wood to baptist creek
15 Tuesday I took one load for mitchel and one load for me to baptist creek
16 Wednesday I took two loads to baptist creek
17 Thursday I took 1 load and choped in the afternoon
18 friday I took one load for Mitchel trembly in the afternoon choped for my self two cord and a half
19 Satuerday I took to loads to baptist creek it is thawing very fast this afternoon
20 Sunday we stayed home all day it is mudy
21 Monday I went to Bapteste creek with Richardson measure my wood shad 85 3/111
22 tusday I took my cow up to taylor I got 2250 cts
23 Wednesday I went to the sail at gorg helmon
24 Thursday I was spliting sovewood at the door
25 Friday I went for my new waggon and split the rest of my wood at the door
26 Saturday in the forenoon I cut a few rails in the afternoon I went to the store it rained all afternoon the roads is very mudy
27 Sunday we was home all day for it rained all day to night it is snowing
28 Monday moring there is from two to three inches of snow to night it is all gon the road is very bad it is cloudy to day
29 Tuesday I drawed railes with flora and dan in the afternoon i was choping William Allen came I paid him $20 on my waggon and gave him my note for the balance fine weather
30 Wednesday I drawed rails with flora and dan in the afternoon I sold flora for $100
31 Thursday it is a drizziling rain very near all day in the afternoon Mr trembly and I cleaned 36 bushels of oats
{written in pencil in a different hand -"mide the weather but yet but of double trouble"} April 1870
1 Friday we went up to Mr pools with the waggon I think the roads is the worst I ever saw them it is raining tonight
2 Satuerday I went to the store and got my money for my wood
3 Sunday we stayed home to day
4 Monday we went out to the store and bot some things
5 Tuesday I went and bot the John horse
6 Wednesday furrowed the corn field with Top Dan
7 Thursday I went to franks house raising
8 Friday I picked my potatoes took them into the stable
9 Satuerday we went to William Mcdowell funeral to day
10 Sunday home all day to day
11 Monday it rained a little this forenoon in the afternoon I fixed a little pice of the lane fence and sold half a tun of hay it is fine night
12 Tuesday I commenced to plow to day


APRIL the first 1872

1 Monday it is a fine day cold wind James Jardine Drawed out ties black ash ties in the forenoon John Jardine Maid black ash ties 12 in the forenoon in the afternoon Maid white ash ties in the at the railroad frunt of old Tr{cut off}
2 Tuesday fine Jame and I maid ties I went to se Shampan for Oats
3 Wednesday James and I maid ties all day maid 8 white oak 4 red oak
4 Thursday James Jardine and I drawed ties this forenoon 31 we maid 14 this afternoon of red oak ties
5 Friday we drawed ties in the forenoon in the afternoon we maid 12 ties it is a fine day we herd the frog sing
6 Satuerday James and I went to the mill with a grist and the ploughto the shop in the afternoon we maid ties 12 Oaks and 2 black ash and drawe them out, about half past 4 Oclock
7 Sunday morning it is raining a little all day home to a
8 Monday forenoon James sowed grass seed I was riddling grass seed in the afternoon I commenced to plough James went to the mill for the grist and did not get it
9 Tuesday James sowed grass seed and went ot the mill this eving for the grist I ploughed to day
10 Wednesday James Catherine & Mary went to Chatham and I stayed home and fixed up the gats and the fence
11 Thursday we got our Oats home from Champan I ploughed after supper James piled lumber at the gra{cut off}
12 Friday morning there was a big thunder shower before daylight it rained a little this forenoon I plough this afternoon James got whippletree riged for his team
13 Saturday I ploughed with Jane & cat all day James went for shepard with the teem to move is stable
14 Sunday we went to church to here Mr fine day
15 Monday forenoon ploughed dan and black James Jardine put up the fences that blowed down with the wind on Satuerday the 14 it begins to snow at a quarter to twelve it snowed very heavey for about two hours it a little all afternoon I ploughed in the snow
16 Tuesday I ploughed and went to John Warnock a little while after dinner to put the top logs on his house
Mr John Jardine Tilbury West T. P. O.
17 Wednesday I went to James F dodd raising his driving house and stable and a lean to his grainery
18 Thursday I ploughed this forenoon it rains considerable I went to the store after diner and ploughed after supper with dan and cate round the apples trees
19 Friday I plowed to day in the Orchard field fine day James Jardine is working on the railroad this is three days and a half this week one day last week
20 Satuerday I plowed in the forenoon in the afternoon I went to Mary Jane Arkson funeral
21 Sunday we went to church in the forenoon in the afternoon it rained a heavy shower
22 Monday I plowed all day finished plowing in the Orchard by the house I plowed 4 lands by the barn
23 Tuesday I commenced to harrow in the lower field next the concession for oats I sowed 6 bushels to night
24 Wednesday sowed 9 1/2 bushel of oats finished the lower field sowing and harrowing
25 Thursday forenoon I furrowed it James harrowed the Orchard I in the afternoon sowed the orchard with barley twlve bushels and a peck
26 Friday I shovled the furrows in the lower fiel by the concession James Jardine plowed in the field by the barn
27 Satuerday I furrow the orchard and plowed one land in the field by the barn in forenoon in the afternoon I shoveled the orchard furrows James plowed in the field by the barn all day
28 Sunday I stayed home James & Cathrine went to church
29 Monday I plowed in the field by the barn Ja ro'd
30 Tuesday I plowed to day James is on the railroad
MAY the first 1872
1 Wednesday forenoon it rains I went to the council meeting James plowed in the afternoon
2 Thursday I finished plowing the field by the barn in the forenoon in the afternoon I harrowed in a five bushels of barley 5
3 Friday moring we are all siting in the house it is raining pretty heavy it fairs up about 10 Oclock it turns out abutful day I harrowed in the field by the barn sowed 3 bushels barley this afternoon
4 Satuerday I sowed 4 bushels of Oats and 2 bushels of barley in he field by the barn and I furrowed about half of the field it is a butful day I have finished sowing grain this spring
5 Sunday went to church to day at half past 10
6 Monday I sowed my flax and finished furrowing the field by the barn and shoveled the furrowes and took my patoes out of the pit
7 Tuesday forenoon I planted my patoes in the afternoon I went down to detroit I went to Mary {illegible}
8 Wednesday in detriot and sandwich to day
9 Thursday I came home to day this eving I began to plow in the new field east side of the barn for corn
10 Friday plowed in the barn field to day for corn
11 Satuerday I plowed in the new pice of ground east side of the barn for corn
12 Sunday we went to church in the forenoon at half past ten Oclock
13 Monday plowed in the barn field for corn
14 Tuesday plowed again for corn it is very dry
15 Wednesday plowed in the forenoon in the afternoon it is a butful rain
16 Thursday I plowed agin
17 Friday in the forenoon I finished plowing in the east field by the barn for corn in the afternoon Archey Gracy and I planted corn James harrowed for me to day
18 Satuerday Archey and I planted corn till about 4 Oclock it began to rain James finished harrowing the corn ground for me in the forenoon went and got dan shod
19 Sunday stayed home no church it rained all all Satuerday night D it is splendid rain
20 Monday it is showery James is at home to day he brought home 40 bushels of Oats and helped me to clean grass seed I planted 3 X 1/2 lands of corn
21 Tuesday I finished planting my corn & fixing rails from the fence and drawed som stones out of the field with geney on the crutch and sowed the Orchard field with grass seed it is a fine day but cloudey looks very like rain the ground is prety sappy every thing is growing very fast
22 Wednesday it rained to day
23 Thursday James Jardine ditched with Richard dodd I ditched for Richard in the forenoon in the afternoon I went to tomas Jackson shop raising
24 Friday in the afternoon I went to the graveyard and fixed up lizzy grave
25 Satuerday in the forenoon I whitewashed the shed in the afternoon I went to William henderson for the sawing machine fine day
26 Sunday we went to church half past ten it came up a thunder storm in the night
27 Monday this moring the ditches is full of water the ground is very sloppy and wet James and Potruf helped me to saw wood at the door for the stove there is a heavy wind from the west the water has dried up very fast the ditches is pretty low to nigt
28 Tuesday James Potruf me to saw wood to day
29 Wednesday James went to the railroad to day and I & Gorge cambel we split wood at the door it rained to night
30 Thursday James is home this forenoon we sawed up the skids and put the machine in the barn in the afternoon Gorge & I split wood this afternoon
John Jardine
31 Friday Gorge cambel and I split wood to day at the door we had lots of victers to day
JUNE the first 1872
1 Satuerday I went to Mr pools in the forenoon in the afternoon Gorge & I split wood at the door till suppertime it begins to rains I went to the store and got $10 pound of tea
2 Sunday we went to church in the afternoon at half past three O clock
3 Monday Mr Marchel and I shore my sheep Gorge split wood at the doore thee old mair foled this morning fol cant stand
4 Tuesday split a little wood planted my beens and fed the colt and examened the corn the grubs is cuting the corn all of at the top of the ground
5 Wednesday the colt died this morning we split wood at the door to day agin we burried the colt
6 Thursday this morning Gorge and I split wood at the door this forenoon I in the afternoon went to Mr Jonston stable raising in the afternoon it began to rain to night about 9 O clock it rained prettey near all night James is gon to Muldon
7 Friday it is raining prettey hard this morning the ground is geting very wet this afternoon is fine till 4 O clock it is a heavy shower of rain thunder and lighting this afternoon I split wood at the door my wheat is begining to head out June the 7
8 Satuerday I went to the shop with my plow and harrow this forenoon James is spliting wood at the door in the afternoon James and Gorge and I is spliting wood at the door the roads is very slopy and wet
9 Sunday we went to church at half past 10 O clock
10 Monday James and Gorge and I planted the corn all over agin and pulled dockens out of the barley
11 Tuesday in the forenoon Gorge and I is weeding in the barley I in the afternoon I went to James Miller barn raising
12 Wednesday Gorge cambel and I cultivated the patotes and puled dockens out of the barley
13 Thursday began to hoe my patoes it came up rain so James & Gorge and my self cleaned all my wheat up there is 24 bushels there is 10 bus to goe to Mill for flour and 10 I amd goeing to take to Chatham when I goe
14 Friday we howed our potoes this forenoon I in the afternoon went to John Mcdool shead raising
15 Satuerday Gorge and I piled manuer and mowed the frunt walk to day
16 Sunday no Church to day at home
17 Monday Gorge and I piled manuer fine
18 Tuesday went to mill with a grist Let potruf have a 11 bushels of wheat at one $140 cts per bushel wheight 6"60
19 Wednesday I in the forenoon piled manure I in the afternoon I went to Same Wellet barn raising
20 Thursday in the forenoon Gorge and I piled manuer I in the afternoon went to Jackson stable raising very hot to day
21 Friday Gorge and I finished piling up the manure in the afternoon we began to cultivated the corn
22 Stuerday moring Gorge and I was looking for the read cow and her calf then we cultivated the beens and howed som of them
23 Sunday we went to church half pa 10.
24 Monday John & Gorge Camble and I howed corn this afternoon Gorge & I cultivated corn in the forenoon, it is a fine day
John Jardine
25 Thuesday Mr Camble & Gorge & I finished cultivated the corn and got it all howed to fine wather
26 Wednesday I went to the lake for a lode of sand I fixed wagon wheelels
27 Thursday James & Gorge & I went to the lake and fetched home two loads of sand I in the afternoon went to church after supper we killed buges of the patoes fine wheather hot
28 Friday James & and Gorge & and I went for two loads of sant to stony point
29 Saturday morning I plowed my patoes and went to church at half past 10 O clock James & Gorge picked the bugs of the patoes & howed them
30 Sunday we went to church sacrament sabath
July the first 1872
1 Monday ground our scythe and commence to cut hay here by the house this afternoon
2 Tuesday cut hay in the forenoon James and I went to John Manan sable raising in the afternoon
3 Wednesday James & I drawed two loads of hay in the stable loft Gorge & James drawed in hay this afternoon I went to Potruf barn raising in the afternoon
4 Thursday Gorge & I got in two lods of hay and cathrine & I went up to Mrs pools to se Mrs cantlan in the evening
5 Friday I helped James to plow over at dodds
6 Saturday James & I went to chatham to day
7 Sunday we went to church to day at 3 O clock
8 Monday Gorge & I ground our scythes this forenoon Marchel comence to cut my meadow this afternoon with the machine
9 Tuesday Marchel & us finished cuting my medow this forenoon Gorge & I covered the ashery well with new logs and bark this afternoon
10 Wednesday Gorge & I raked the medow with the horse raked this forenoon I had Edward Trembly & John Camble cocking hay all day Gorge & I drawed in this afternoon five loads of hay it is very hot and dry
11 Thursday we got in three loads of hay this forenoon it came up a shour of rain we could not draw any more to day, we have cambel to day
12 Friday Gorge & I is raking and turning over the hay this forenoon Gorge and his father & I got in all the hay out of the medow
13 Satuerday Gorge went to the sop with the cradle Mr camble & I reaped wheat this forenoon in the afternoon Gorge drove the machine in the barley and Mr Cambl and I folowed behind the machine pushing the barley out of the way of the horses
14 Sunday we went to church at half past 10 O clock it is very hot and dry it looks a little like rain to night James Jardine commenced work for Jonson on Wednesday at noon July the 10 1872
15 Monday Gorge & Mr Camble cocked barley and I went to the shop to get a peice of my machine mended drawed in two loads of barley
16 Tuesday Gorge & I drawed in 4 loads of barley and three or 4 dusson of wheat and it came up a shower of rain and we cut the hay round the Orchard field and mowed a little next the road
17 Wednesday we mowed the rest of the barley in the Orchard this forenoon in the afternoon we cocked barley
18 Thursday forenoon is wet in the afternoon
cocked barley and drawed in three loads
19 Friday drawed in all the barley and the field orchard field dun at 4 O clock cut a little wheat this evning
20 Satuerday three of us in the wheat to day
21 Sunday morning it is raining I did not goe to church to day
22 Monday it is a fine day I cradle wheat and bound it Gorge Camble and I drawed in two loads of wheat after supper
23 Tuesday it rains to day till about 4 O clock this afternoon Gorge and I cut ten dusson stooks of wheat
24 Wednesday I am cradling wheat agin to day till 5 Oclock Gorge and I dawed in two loads of wheat this evening Tomas Marshaw began to bind wheat for me to day at noon
25 Thursday forenoon I finished cuting wheat and sirprise Oats this afternoon I bound wheat with Tom Marshaw we got in one load wheat it came up showe of rain spoiled the evening work
26 Friday Cease Marshaw & Tom Marshaw & I cut the barley by the barn this afternoon
27 Satuerday Tomas Marshaw & I drawed in the wheat to day I bound the surprise Oats and drawed them in after dark
28 Sunday we are at home no church to day fine day
29 Monday Gorge & I began to gather the barley it came up a big rain sorm about 10 O clock it spoilt our barley for to day
30 Tuesday forenoon I mowed the hay round the wheat field and the strip of hay at the head of the Oats field in the afternoon Gorge & I turned over the barley to dry
31 Wednesday it is raining to day dowing nothing it faired up in the afternoon a little I cut my fax seed and tie it up
John Jardine

AUGUST the 1 1872

1 Thursday Marshaw & I began my Oats we turned over the barley at noon to dry and went at the Oats rest of the day
2 Friday Tomas Marshaw & Charley shampang & Gorge Camble & I stacked the barley to day
3 Satuerday us fore are at the Oats to day in the lower field by the concession we cut and bound 97 sooks
4 Sunday I at home Cathrine went to church at half past three O clock
5 Monday in the forenoon cut Oats in the field by the barn in the afternoon Charley Champan & I drawed in 4 loads of Oats out of the field by the concession
6 Tuesday in the forenoon cut Oats and drawed in one load, finished cuting oats this afternoon and bound about 10 dusson to day
7 Wednesday election day I went to the shop with my Cultivater in the forenoon in the afternoon I went to the town hall and give my voat for Rankin
8 Thursday Gorge & I finished drawing in my Oats to day finished harvist to day
9 Friday Gorge & I cuting weeds in the corn to day
10 Satuerday Gorge & I was cuting weeds in the corn
11 Sunday we went to church at half past 10
12 Monday James & I cut weeds in the corn
13 Tuesday this morning it rains heavy it is showery to day we began to draw dung this eving and cut weads in the corn
14 Wednesday we finished cuting the weeds in the corn and drawed out 4 loads of dung
John Jardine
15 Thursday mistake in Wednesday work in place of finishing the corn on Wednesday it was to day Wednesday there was very little dun for it is a wet day it rained a good deal the ditches has considerable water in them and the ground is very soft
16 Friday Gorge & I hawled manure out to day we hawled 12 loads into the wheat field intending to put wheat there agin this fall
17 Satuerday I plowed with dan & blak & Gorge haled manuere it is fine weather
18 Sunday we went to church in the afternoon at three O clock to here Mr Mealmon
19 Monday we drawed manuere today
20 Tuesday drawed manuer agin
21 Wednesday we went to Mersey to a picknic
22 Thursday I am alone plowed to day and halowed three loads of manure
23 Friday went to thrash for Shampan
24 Satuerday finished thrashing for Shampan at noon this afternoon I haled out 8 loads of manuer fine weather
25 Sunday we went to church at half past three O clock in the afternoon
26 Monday morning I plowed two lands and haled manure the reast of the day it came up a thunder showe about 4 Oclock
27 Tuesday forenoon we finished halling the manuere in the afternoon Gorge Cambel haled dirt from the asherrey in to the barn yard and I plowed for wheat
28 Wednesday Gorge is haling dirt and I am plowing to day fine weather
29 Thursday we are dowing the sam to day
30 Friday I finished plowing the field by the ashery a little before noon I helped Gorge to hall dirt the rest of the day in to the barn yeard
31 Satuerday I went to thrash for boby Vickerman Gorge is drawing dirt in the yard agin to day
SEPTEMBER the 1 1872
1 Sunday James & Cathrine went to church at half past 3 O I stayed home it is dry weather agin looks a little like rain this evening
2 Monday I finished thrashing for boy vickerman this forenoon in the afternoon I cultavated and James went to the shop with the horses to get shod and did not get it dun
3 Tuesday James went and got the hores sod this forenoon I cultivated in the field by the barn to day Gorge hrrowed in the field by the ashery for wheat
4 Wednesday Gorge & I fine cultivating and harrowing this forenoon in the afternoon I went to the shop and got the lampers out of Jane mouth and got my cultivator fixed fine weather
5 Thursday we are doing nothing this forenoon it is raining I plowed in the afternoon in the field by the barn
6 Friday morning looking for one of the cows I got one land plowed in the afternoon I went to Jackson to thrash
7 Satuerday thrashed for Trembly
8 Sunday we are at home to day
9 Monday forenoon finished the thrashing for Edward Trembly in the afternoon commenced to thrash for my self
{in a different handwriting} A merchand not over conversant with Geography on hearing that one of his vessels was in Jep Jeopardy exclaimed, "Jeopardy, Jeopardy, where's that?" James Jardine
10 Tuesday thrashed for me to day agin
11 Wednesday forenoon finished thrashing fore me about 9 Oclock in the afternoon James sowd 5 bushels of wheat and I cultivated it in Gorge is brakeing lumps
12 Thursday morning James got about 6 bushels of wheat sowed and it came on rain and we got no more dun to it to day I plowed in the field by the barn in this afternoon it is raining to night agin the ground is pretty soft geting to night Charley Champan is cuting corn to day and James and Gorge is helping him to cut corn this afternoon
13 Friday forenoon I plowed in the field by the barn in the afternoon I cultivated in the rest of my wehat James finished sowing the field by the ashory
14 Satuerday I finished furrowing up the field of wheat in the forenoon in the afternoon I & Gorge shovled the furrows out James is thrashing for Rd Charley Shampan finished cuting the corn to day
15 Sunday James went up to Mr Pools I & Cathrine stayed home to day
16 Monday in the forenoon James went and helped Richard Dodd to thrash I plowed in the field by the barn Gorge is sick to day
17 Tuesday James is gon to Henery Morrice to plow I am plowing in the field by the barn for wheat Gorge is burning stumps out of my way
18 Wednesday I am plowing in the field by the barn Gorge is at the stumps
John Jardine
19 Thursday it is wet this morning Gorge & I cleaned 9 bushels of wheat and then it faired I commence to plow about half past 9 O clock I finished plowing the barn field for wheat about half past 2 Oclock I began to sow & Gorge began to harrow I sowed 5 bushels to night in the barn field
20 Friday I sowed 4 1/2 of wheat to day wich finished sowing the field by the barn Gorge finished harrowing it to night it is a butful day very warm
21 Satuerday I finished forrowing my wheat field by the barn this forenoon Gorge & I shovled the furrows this afternoon and drawed in the beens into the barn it is a butful day
22 Sunday home to day it rained this morning very heavy there was heavy lighting and thunder about half past 4 O clock
23 Monday showery this forenoon I thrashed my beens to day they ar very tuf
24 Tuesday James and I plowed for Edward Trembly to day for his wheat this is a fine day very like rain to night the wind is south
25 Wednesday I went to the store this forenoon James made a handle in the afternoon I went out and helped Mr Ricardson to sow wheat
26 Thursday we are fixing the skidway to day and we took the mchine to the bush we have got it readay for staking to night
{in a different handwriting} What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment and once in a man's life? The letter M.
27 Friday this morning staked the mchine and began sawing James is helping me to day and Gorge Camble fine day
28 Satuerday Gorge and I is alone to day sawing cordwood we don big days sawing James went moving ties fine day it rained alittle in the night
29 Sunday this morning the wind is very high this it is like to blow the house over some times
30 Monday Gorge & I crosscuted som hickery logs this forenoon in the afternoon James & Gorge & I sawed cordwood with the mchine
OCTOBER the first 1872
1 Tuesday Gorge & I sawed cordwood to day with the mchine
2 Wednesday I went to the shop with cate on Jane and cate shod all round it is weet to day Gorge & I cleaned 17 bags of barley this afternoon for to go to Chatam
3 Thursday it is very like rain this forenoon the roads very slopy Gorge drawed three loads of punkins & I sharp my saw, in the afternoon Gorge & I sawed cordwood
4 Friday i went to help Sameul Gracey to rais his graineary
5 Satuerday Gorge Camble & I went to Chatham with a load of barley
6 Sunday we went to church half past 10 O clock this morning in the afternoon it began to rain at half past 2 O clock rain till night the road muddy
7 Monday I did not do much to day I choped down a hickory tree fore cordwood
8 Tuesday thrashed for mr pool to day fine wheather to day

{duplicate of page -036}

19 Thursday it is weet this morning Gorge & I cleaned 9 bushels of wheat and then it faired I commence to plow about half past 9 O clock I finished plowing the barn field for wheat about half past 2 O clock I began to sow & Gorge began to harrow I sowed 5 bushels to night in the barn field
20 Friday I sowed 4 1/2 of wheat to day wich finished sowing the field by the barn Gorge finished harrowing it to night it is a butful day very warm
21 Satuerday I finished forrwing my wheat field by the barn this forenoon Gorge & I shovled the furrows this afternoon and drawed in the beens i to the barn it is a butful day
22 Sunday home to day it rained this morning very heavy there was heavy lighting and thunder about half past 4 O clock
23 Monday showery this forenoon I thrashed my beens to day they ar very tuf
24 Tuesday James and I plowed for Edward Trembly to day for his wheat this is a fine day very like rain to night the wind is south
25 Wednesday I went to the store this forenoon James made an ax handle in the afternoon I went out and helped Mr Ricardson to sow wheat
26 Thursday we are fixing the skidway to day and we took the mchine to the bush we have got it readay for staking to night
{in a different handwriting} What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment and once in a man's life? The letter M.

{duplicate of page -037}

27 Friday this morning staked the mchine and began sawing James is helping me to day and Gorge Camble fine day
28 Satuerday Gorge and I is alone to day sawing cordwood we don big days sawing James went moving ties fine day it rained alittle in the night
29 Sunday this morning the wind is very high this it is like to blow the house over some times
30 Monday Gorge & I crosscuted som hickery logs this forenoon in the afternoon James & Gorge & I sawed cordwood with the mchine
OCTOBER the first 1872
1 Tuesday Gorge & I sawed cordwood to day with the mchine
2 Wednesday I went to the shop with cate on Jane and cate shod all round it is weet to day Gorge & I cleaned 17 bags of barley this afternoon for to go to Chatam
3 Thursday it is very like rain this forenoon the roads very slopy Gorge drawed three loads of punkins & I sharp my saw, in the afternoon Gorge & I sawed cordwood
4 Friday i went to help Sameul Gracey to rais his graineary
5 Satuerday Gorge Camble & I went to Chatham with a load of barley
6 Sunday we went to church half past 10 O clock this morning in the afternoon it began to rain at half past 2 O clock rain till night the road muddy
7 Monday I did not do much to day I choped down a hickory tree fore cordwood
8 Tuesday thrashed for mr pool to day fine wheather to day
9 Wednesday thrashed for Mr pool this forenoon in the afternoon I got two shoes Jane came home and went back to Mr pool agin with James papers
10 Thursday Gorge & I cut a cord of wood and split it and took it up to the blacksmith and I drawed 5 loads of punkins up to the fence Gorge went to bobys to a husking be this afternoon James Jardine came home to sine the papers
11 Friday this morning James & I went up to Mr pools and sined the papers in the afternoon James went back to hooks corner Gorge & I cleaned 21 bags of barley to to to Chatham
12 Satuerday Mr Pool & I went to Chatham and put 300 dolers in the bank got a check for it and sent it of to toronto to Mc and took a load barley to chatham with {in a different handwriting} - Every person who shall willfully admise, or order other persons to admise with
13 Sunday we are at home to day no minister these times {in a different handwriting} any articles
14 Monday morning diging potaoes for to take to the fair on the 15 in the afternoon I went to help Edward Trembly rase his stable and shed
15 Tuesday we went to the fair surprise Oats first prise 50 cts barley first prise 50 cts beens 2nd pris 25 cts potatoes 2nd prise 25 cts
16 Wednesday Gorge & I cut a cord of wood with the mchine for Mr Melegan and took it up to him & Go we kiled a pig this afternoon
17 Thursday forenoon Gorge & I is looking for my sheep and cleaned a grist of 25 bus
{in a different handwriting} Beauty is a fading flower a rose it will fade in an hour 123456789
in the afternoon I went out to the store
18 Friday forenoon found my sheep in the afternoon I husked a little corn
19 Satuerday I went and thrashed for William Jackson with my horses to day it is a fine weather
20 Sunday this is a beautful morning thre is no church to day
21 Monday I took 25 bushels of wheat to the mill in the afternoon I drawed timber for shepard for a culbart on Trembly
22 Tuesday I worked for shepard drawing rails on John were place
23 Wednesday plowing and scraping on William from place for shepard
24 Thursday plowing and scraping for shepard on Jackson crosing and on the sideline at Gracy
25 Friday it is raining a little all day Gorge and I husked a little corn, in the afternoon we drawed up two loads of punkins and two lods of corn
26 Satuerday it rains a little all day agin Gorge and I husks a little and drawed in 42 bushels of corn it is mudy to day
27 Sunday it rains alittle yet is is slopy and nasty about the roads this moring
28 Monday plowing & craping for shepard
29 Tuesday plowing & craping for shepard
30 Wednesday I drawed in my corn
31 Thursday plowing & craping for shepard
1 Friday plowing & craping for shepard
2 Satuerday I went to chatham
3 Sunday we are at home to day I am sick
4 Monday this forenoon I am not doing much I was on the railroad looking at the men laing the ties for the iron
NOVEMBER 1875 January 10-1875
mistake Tuesday the 5 October I hade a ride on the Canada CSR across edward Trembly lot up to sideline 18 & 19
5 Tuesday I went on the railroad to see Mr Curk about a Job of wood that all I dun for it bgan to rain Cathrin & I cleaned up about 12 bushels of Oats
6 Wednesday forenoon worked for shepard in the afternoon I went to baptiscreek with a railroad gentleman for a dollar and a half
7 Thursday I went to stoney point this morning for my appletrees and went up to Samuel Gracy to help him to thrash the machine did not goe well we got nothing dun only a little buckwheat thrashed to day
8 Friday thrashed for Samuel Gracy to day fine wheather
9 Satuerday thrashed for sam to day
10 Sunday home to day Cate went to east tilbury with Mrs Gracy
11 Monday thrashed for Sam Gracy till about 1 Oclock we finished it rains a little this afternoon
12 Tuesday plowing & craping for Shepard today fine weather
13 Wednesday this forenoon working for Shepard on the grade at Trembly is crosing in the afternoon James & I was drawing in my corn straw fine
14 Thursday forenoon James & I cut some corn hills that was left, in the afternoon we drawed it in and the remainder of the shoks that was in the field it is dry but cold it is very like snow
15 Friday James & I is drawing ties acrose the railroad for the company at home here that is in tilbury west on lot 19 in the forth concession between a little snow to day
16 Satuerday Charley Champan & I drawed ties to day agin a little snow to day agin
17 Sunday it is a beautful day but cold & raw winds it has frose very hard these last few nights back James & Cathrine has gon up to the Mrs Graceys this afternoon
18 Monday James & I drawed ties to day
19 Tuesday Jame & I is drawing ties to day
20 Wednesday drawing ties to day
21 Thursday drawing ties to day
22 Friday we are drawing ties to day
23 Satuerday James & I is still drawing yet
24 Sunday Cathrine Jardine & I went to chruch this moring preaching at half past ten O clock this morning
25 Monday James & I is at the ties agin to day
26 Tuesday drawing ties to day
27 Wednesday William fin & I were over to the townline to draw ties there over the railroad for the company
28 Thursday William & I is drawing ties to day
29 Friday drawing ties at the townline
30 Satuerday drawing ties to day
1 Sunday it is snowing very heavy all day
2 Monday this forenoon we ar drawing ties at the townline came home snowing this afternoon very heavy
3 Tuesday drawing ties James & I to day
4 Wednesday Jame & I is drawing ties
5 Thursday drawing ties to day
6 Friday we finished drawing ties this forenoon for good this time
7 Satuerday I went and got my horses shod at the black smith
8 Sunday we went to church to day
9 Monday we did nothing this forenoon
in the afternoon we sawed a few blocks of wood and lifted the machine it is a very cold day
10 Tuesday sawing for Richard dodd to to
11 Wednesday sawing for dodd to day
12 Thursday doing nothing to day only my chores
13 Friday choring to day cold weather
14 Satuerday choring cold and dry
15 Sunday no church to day
16 Monday William fine & I went to the sale at tefare
17 Tuesday finnie & I went out to see my bush farm and to se Mr Mossie for a Job of timber
18 Wednesday the same
19 Thursday William & 1 went to see the roads where w will draw lime
20 Friday John finnie & I killed a pig to day
21 Satuerday John finnie & I fixed a bunk on the lumber sleigh went to Stoney point for Shamp{cut off} in bobsleighs
22 Sunday James & I went to church
23 Monday finie and I went out to se James Mossie about dawing timer and did not se him
24 Tuesday we went out to se Moscie agin we saw him and maid a bargan about the timber drawing
25 Wednesday William & John finnie I went to the bush to began to draw timber this afternoon
26 Thursday drawing timber out of the bush to day
27 Friday drawing timber to day agin
28 Satuerday darwing timber to day we went to the lake this afternoon with a big stick
29 Sunday at home to day the snow is about a foot & 1/2 deep it looks like rain to nigh
30 Monday I took the pot to H Honberger to melt snow William went to the shop it snowed most all day nothing dun to day
31 Tuesday John finnie & I drawed timber to the lake to day
Januery the 1 Newyearsday
1 Wednesday we drawed to the lake to day
2 Thursday we drawed to the lake to day
3 Friday I began to skid H Honberger timber and William finnie drawed out to the townline
4 Satuerday William & I drawed to the town line this forenoon in the afternoon I skided timber on H place Wi drawed to the townline
5 Sunday we went to church to day
6 Monday I skided timber all day William drawed to the townline
7 Tuesday I skided timber all day I finished skiding H Honberger timber to day William drawed to the townline this forenoon in the afternoon James & William finnie began to draw to the lake
8 Wednesday James & Will is drawing to the lake to day I am drawing to the townline
9 Thursday James & William is drawing to the lake to day I am drawing to the townline
10 Friday James & William is drawing to the lake to day I am drawing to the townline
11 Satuerday James & William is drawing to the lake to day I am drawing to the townline
12 Sunday at home to day
13 Monday William & Samuel Moffat drawing to the lake to day James & I is drawing to the townline I went to the shop & to mill I took out 1 stik this afternoon
14 Tuesday Wi & Samuel M drawing to the lake James is skiding Funnf{Finnies??} timber to day I am drawing to the townline
15 Wednesday William & Samuel is drawing to the lake James finished skiding David Dewket & Jo Fanuf timber this forenoon in the afternoon James helped to finish I drawed H Honberger timer to the townline
16 Thursday we are all idle to day it rains hard all day there is lots of water now
17 Friday John finnie & I commenced to draw funuf timber to the townline
18 Satuerday John & James & I is drawing funuf timber to the townline to day
19 Sunday at home to day
James Jardine X
John Jardine commenced to drawed timber in 1872 cristmas day we worked way at roadcutting and drawing squaretim up till March the 7 in 1873 then I drawed rails cuts and wood for H Honsberger and sawed wod up to March the 15 in 1873
Now I am home choreing takeing care of my horses & cattle I rite this in March 1873 on Friday the 21 I am choring yet I have been making posts for a shed and taking care of my catle and horses and planting apple
trees and peach trees and goosberies bushes and willow trees and diging around my plum trees and curn bushes and piling manure around them here by the fraunt of the house and doing a little of my walk from the frunt of the door to the road and ploughed one day in the back field by the concession I have been doing work like this up to May the third 3 and it is not fit to plow yet the ground is weet and soft it is a cold weet spring I am feding the cattle yet a little hay night and moring I writ this the 3 day of may it is raing this morning it is cold to day it is so weet and cold and backward weather that us farmers can not do any thing to adgvantige this spring this day is plowing that I rite about was dun in April the 30 1873 I had to stop because the ground is to soft to plough
May the third Gorge finnie & I split cordwood in the afternoon it is fine weather this afternoon John Jardine
May the 4 1873
4 Sunday Catherine Jardine & I went to church in the forenoon & in the afternoon
5 Monday Gorge finnie comenced to work on the railroad & I John Jardine loged for boby Vickerman may the 4 it is fine weather
6 Tuesday I commenced to plow in the east field by the barn it is fine weather to day plowed all day
7 Wednesday in the forenoon I plowed while I am eating dinner it is raining
it has rained all afternoon and very near all night
8 Thursday morning it rains a little not much it is a cloudy all day no plowing to day the ground is very weet the ditches is very near full
9 Friday forenoon William Gracey & I was fixing the walk frunt of the house in the afternoon planting aple trees & locust trees it is fine all till night about 6 O clock it is a heavy rain with lighting & thunder the land is very weet no plowing yet
10 Saturday in the forenoon I went over to B vickerman had my dinner with him in the afternoon I shoveled the furrows acroce 6 lands that I had plowed to let the water of the ground it is very soft it is fine this afternoon
11 Sunday we are home no church to day it came up a shour of rain and hale about 12 O clock it maid the ground weet the water lays on the ground
12 Monday there is white froste this morning it is a fine forenoon the ground is very weet this afternoon i split cordood it looks like ran it did rain a shour in the night
13 Tuesday forenoon it is a butfull forenoon I helped Edward Trembley to make tow log heap and split som cordwood I split wood in the afternoon to
14 Wednesday the ground is very soft in the afternoon I roald the grace around the house
15 Thursday I went to the store and up the railroad in the forenoon in the afternoon
I plowed in the field by the barn on the east side of the barn
16 Friday plowing to day the ground is very soft
17 Satuerday plowing to day agin fine weather
18 Sunday no church to day it is a butful day the weather is dring up the water fast
19 Monday I have began to harrow for Oats I have sowed 5 bushels & Archey Gracely has hrrowed them in this forenoon in the afternoon I sowed 6 bushels & half & harrowed them in
20 Tuesday I cleaned the furrows out and plowed the rest of the day & Archey Gracey shoveled the cross furrows
May the twenty in 1873 the canada southrin raiload past through the line with the first passinger train each way daly
21 Wednesday I finished plowing and sowing & harrowing my Oats to day
22 Thursday I planted my potatoes to day
23 Friday I roaled my Oats this forenoon in the afternoon I began to plow in the field by the concession for corn it is dry & hot
24 Satuerday plowing for corn
25 Sunday I am at home to day I am very sick to day Cate went to here Mr Scot
26 Monday I am sick yet not able to work H Honsberger came along & I got him to plow
27 Tuesday Mr Marchel & I shore the sheep to day H plowed in the lowe field by the co{cut off}
28 Wednesday H Honsberger plowing for corn this forenoon & he is roling it the rest of the day
29 Thursday finished roling this morning will harrowing the rest of the day
30 Friday H Honsberger has finished harrowing & furrowing the corn ground he went home to day about 11 O clock and left my work for I am very it is fine weather cold & dry
Saturday I plowed all day it is dry weather
June the first
Sunday I am at home I am very sick to day it is hot & dry
Monday I am sick to day agin not able to work H Honsberger came along on a visit and he said he would plough for me and he did plough for me this afternoon
Tuesday I am prety sick to day not able to work H Honsberger ploughs for me agin to day it is hot & dry
31 Satuerday I am sick nothing doing at my corn ground to day
June the first
1 Sunday James & I went to church to day at half past 10 Oclock James took me in the buggey to church
2 Monday Tomas Vickerman came & and planted my corn to day I am geting a little beter I roaled my corn ground to day H Honsberger shovled the furrows H Honsberger & I cleaned 24 bushels of wheat all I have to clean
3 Tuesday I & Henry went to the mill with the grist and the blacksmith shop with the plow in the afternoon we went out to Henery with 10 bushels of Oats
4 Wednesday forenoon took my old waggon to the shop to get fixed in the afternoon I took the teem out to H Honsberger to plow
5 Thursday I went over to Robert Vickerman I saw a spicel train go west it went very fast I was pretty sick to day Henery has the teem
6 Friday I not well yet I went out to the store this eving I am tired & week Henery has the teem yet
7 Satuerday I am a little beter to day I am killing bugs on my patoes to day Henery has the teem yet to day
8 Sunday Catherine & I went to church this forenoon to here Mr Scot
9 Monday forenoon I am killing bugs on my potatoes this afternoon I went down to east tilbury where bradly was working on the railroad to sea about som money did not get any H. Honsberger has the horses yet
10 Tuesday this forenoon I went ot the shop & got two shous on Jane I am not very well to day we had a nice little shour this afternoon H. Honsberger has the horses
11 Wednesday this forenoon I kiled som bugs on my potatoes in the afternoon I took Jane the yong mare & drawed slepers & plank for a bridge acrose the ditch to draw manure into the corn field by the concission H Honsberger has the horses yet
12 Thursday this morning Henery Honsberger fetched home my horses about 8 O clock I went rite up to the blacksmith shop and got 4 shouse on them & fetched home my old waggon this forenoon in the afternoon I went after Mr Marchel to com and see my horse
13 Friday I got my horse dockered & sold my steers for $97 this forenoon in the afternoon I bilt a bridge acroose a ditch to draw my manure
14 Satuerday Cathrine & Gorge & Mr Brite & I went to Chatham it is hot and dry I bot myself a new buggy in June 1873
15 Sunday we went to church in the afternoon at half past 3 O clock
16 Monday H Honsberger commenced to draw my manure I am in bed most of the day with a sick feaver
17 Tuesday I am a little wors to day with the feaver H Honsberger drawing manure
18 Wednesday H Honsberger drawing manure to day I am still worse to day with the feaver
19 Thursday H Honsberger is loging for William Hons{cut off} I am not so bad to day as yesterday
20 Friday henery is drawing manure this forenoon this afternoon he is plowing two lands here in the orchard for beens I am fealing first rate to day very little feaver only pretty week W.A.C.K. Jaus{possibly added later}
21 Satuerday H Honsberger & Gorge finnie planted my beens to day picked the bugs of my potatoes & howed them a little to day
22 Sunday we went to church this afternoon at half past three O clock {in a different handwriting} Command You May Your mind from play every moment in the
23 Monday H Honsberger & Gorge finnie drawed manure to day { in a different handwriting} Day John Jardine
24 Tuesday in the forenoon Henery & I went up to the mill in the afternoon Gorge & Henery drawed manure big rain to night
25 Wednesday Henery went to the mill and this afternoon & went home in the afternoon
26 Thursday Henery & Gorge finnie helped me to loge on the concission cleaning the way for the fence
27 Friday Henery & Gorge finnie are
drawing manure for me to day
28 Satuerday Henery & Gorge finnie finished drawing out my manure to day and Gorge took my horses to Vanbusker for his trunks
29 Sunday went to church and herd the Rev H Gracey preach today the Rev H Gracey dispence the lord supper
30 Monday forenoon it rains it a butful rain in the afternoon the Rev Henery Gracey and his Lady came and paid me a visit this afternoon
July the first 1873
1 Tuesday Henery Honsberger & I plowed the potatoes and I took Gorge finnie over to the tank he is bound for St tomas this forenoon in the afternoon Henery & I finished howing my potatoes
2 Wednesday Henery & I cmenced to draw the posts for my shead I finished drawing them this afternoon
3 Thursday in the forenoon Henery & I howed beens in the afternoon we fixed the mchine and comenced to cut clover hay here in the orchard
4 Friday Henery he finished cuting the strip on the southside of the appletrees this moring at 9 O I cut hay round the fence corners and thissels on the railroad Henery went to a ditch sail
5 Satuerday Henery drawed rails this forenoon in the afternoon Henery & I raked up one load of clover hay and took it in the barn out {in a different handwriting} Mr John Jardine Tilbury West
6 Sunday we went to church at half past 10 O clock in the forenoon I went to the dockter I feal worse
7 Monday I am sick Henery cut the rest of the clover in the orchard on the south side of the house and then mowed the fence corners of the and around the house to day
8 Tuesday Henery began to cultivate the corn and I mowed a little patch frunt of the doore & shook it out this afternoon
9 Wednesday Henery is cultivating corn this forenoon in the afternoon we are raking up hay we got in two loads
10 Thursday Henery & I skined the cow & dug a hole & put her in & burred hir this forenoon in the afternoon Henery is in the corn
11 Friday Henery Honsberger finished cultivating my corn & beens to day I am geting a little beter now it is fine weather
12 Satuerday Henery Honsberger is cradling in the wheat field by the ashery cradling a road round the field for the mcheine reaper
13 Sunday I was home to day cate went to rawley with bradley to day
14 Monday there was a greadel of thunder & lighting & heavy showers of rain all day
15 Tuesday Henery drawing rails this forenoon in the afternoon Henery is cradling wheat
16 Wednesday we comenced to cut the wheat in the field by the barn in the afternoon about 2 O clock it came up a very heavy rain stoped us cuting this afternoon
17 Thursday we are cuting wheat in the field by the barn till about 5 O clock it came up a big shower of rain
18 Friday Henery Honsberger & Henery arenell cradled wheat till to day about 0 O clock Frank Parmer came in with the mchine he cut about one aker in the field by the barn
19 Satuerday we finished cuting all my wheat to day about 10 O clock and got it all bound & set up at noon I had Henery arenell & Henery Honsberger & Gorge finie & robert Roland & my Self that is John Jardine foling the mchine binding & shoking up the afternoon of this Robart holan & H Honsberger cut the hay around the field the barn sets in that is the wheat field & Oats field
20 Sunday I went to the english church to day
21 Monday robart holand H Honsberger mowed this strip on the east side of the house down by the granery and comenced to draw in my wheat
22 Tuesday drawing wheat to day agin
23 Wednesday H Honsberger took the mch & began to cut my hay in the field by the consission for alittle while this forenoon we turned in and drawed wheat we got all my wheat in to day & one load of hay in to the barn from here close to the granory
24 Thursday robart is mowing the fence corners Henery is cuting hay with the mchine I have old dan in the horse rake rakeing the hay in winr{ows} robart & henery is drawing in this afternoon
25 Friday Henery this morning finished cuting my hay about half past 8 Oclock
I drove the buggy out to H Honsberger came back and I was Just eating my dinner when the Mr Stanton came in with my wifes headstone I had to hich up agin I lost this days work from the harvest
26 Satuerday Henery & I was up and at it this morning by 5 O clock we got the rouf of the hay in the barn before the rain came up then took the hand rakes and raked the field all over and we got it all in the barn tonight made a finishe of the hay
27 Sunday we went to church this morning at half past 10 O clock in
28 Monday I have no company to day I am not doing much I am howing alittle tobaco & beens
29 Tuesday I commenced to cultivate corn to day
30 Wednesday cultivating corn to day
31 Thursday I went out to cultivate & it commenced to rain I had to com back it rained heavy this forenoon in the afternoon I commenced to plow for wheat in the field by the barn
August the first 1873
1 Friday plowing agin to day for wheat
2 Satuerday plowing for wheat
3 Sunday we went to church in the afternoon at half past 3 O clock
4 Monday plowing to day agin for wheat
5 Tuesday I finished plowing to day the field by the barn west side & went had a ride on the hand car this evening
6 Wednesday I doing much to day I went up to the blacksmith with my waggon and got the boten fixed
7 Thursday I commenced to cultivate in my corn agin it is very hot wheather
8 Friday it rained god shour this morning I went to the blacksmith with my mairs and got 4 shous on them in the afternoon I finished cultivating my corn
9 Satuerday I commenced to harrow in the field by the barn about half past 10 O clock I run the harrow tooth in my big toe that laid me up the billious fevour came back on me agin I was very sick
10 Sunday my toe is very painful and the fevor make very sick to day
11 Monday forenoon I am sick yet in the afternoon I got a good deal better
12 Tuesday I am alittle beter this morning I got help this morning & throwed my horse & cut that wort of dan I am not able to doe anything yet Sept
September the 11 1873
11 Wednesday I am thrashing for my self to day
12 Thursday I finished thrashing to day for my self about 3 Oclock this afternoon
13 Friday I am thrashing for boby vickerman to day
14 Satuerday thrashing for vickerman
15 Sunday I took James out as far as H Honsberger as he is going back to work to tomas Mosey
15 Monday thrashing for John Manan to day it is fine weather
16 Tuesday finished thrashing to day for John Manan
17 Wednesday thrashing to day for Tomas Atkerson
John Jardine
18 Thursday finished thrashing for Tomas Atkison to day
19 Friday thrashing for E Trembly to day
20 Saturday finished thrashing for E Trembly to day at noon this afternoon I pulled my beens and cut my tobaco
21 Sunday we went to church
22 Monday I sowed 5 bushels this afternoon it rains to day
23 Tuesday I cultivated wheat this forenoon in the afternoon I sowed 4 1/2 bushels of wheat to day agin Shepperd is plowing this afternoon
24 Wednesday I finished cultivating the field of wheat on the west side of the barn and furrowing it out Alonzo plowed three quarts day to day
25 Thursday I shovled the croose furrows out Alonzo ploughed to day and I 5 bushels of wheat this afternoon
26 Friday I harrowed in 5 bushels of wheat to day and Alonzo ploughed to day
27 Satuerday I dug my potatoes to day and I sowed 2 bushels & a half of wheat Alonzo ploughed & harrowed to day three quarters of a day I harrowed the rest of the day
28 Sunday we went to the en english in the forenoon in the afternoon we went here Mr Scotes farewell serman to day at three O clock
29 Monday morning it rains it is a butfull rain I kiled a sheep & went to the shop with my plough point this forenoon in the afternoon I finished plowing the field on the east side of the barn for wheat
30 Thoday I finished sowing my wheat & harrow harrowing & furrowing & shoveling in the field by the barn finished all complete to day
Octoer the first 1873
1 Wednesday I am helping Shepherd to day to hall rails on the hanacar and carrie from Gracyes down to my farm for the fence on the railroad
2 Thursday helped Mr Shepherd to fence this forenoon on the railroad in the afternoon I went & helped Samuel Gracy to thrash
3 Friday thashing for Sam Gracey to day all day
4 Satuerday working for Shepherd to day at the railroad fence
5 Sunday we went to church this afternoon at three O clock
6 Monday working for Shepherd to day
7 Tuesday working for Shepherd to day
8 Wednesday worked for Shepherd this forenoon in the afternoon I got my horses shod on the forefeet
9 Thursday I went & helped Mr pool to day to thrash
10 Friday I am helping Richard dodd to thrash to day
11 Saturday I am thrashing for Richard dodd to day agin
12 Sunday Mr Wardon preached here to day he came from bothwal
13 Monday James & I cleaned grain for to take to the fair and I thrashed my beens to day
14 Tuesday we went to the east tilbury fair to day
15 Wednesday we went to west tilbury fair I took first prize on my wheat first prize barley first prize Oats and second prize on carrage horses to day
16 Thursday I went to chatham with a load of wheat
17 Friday I went and helped Richedson to thrash to day
18 Satuerday this forenoon it rains in the afternoon helped Richerdson to finish his thrashing
19 Sunday we went to church and herd Mr brown preach
20 Monday Cathrine Jardine & I went up to Mrs Pools to day it is very winday to day it begins to rain to night about 6 Oclock
21 Tuesday this morning it is very stormy it rains & snows this forenoon there is two or three inches of snow fell it rains this afternoon there is a greatedeal of water fell
22 Wednesday James & I fixed the pig pen for the littlepigs & big pigs to faten them
23 Thursday it is wet this morning James Jardine & I borded up the cow shed & killed a sheep to day it is fine this afternoon the roads is muddy
24 Friday I aint doing much these time and I though I would goe with John skantlen to detroit
25 Satuerday I am in detroit this afternoon
26 Sunday I am in detroit to day it rains most all day
27 Monday I am in detroit yet it is weet & cold to day agin
28 Tuesday we came home to day & it snows very heavy & rains alittle while we are in windsor the roads from stoney point home is very muddy
29 Wednesday James & I took the sawing machine to the bush & sawed alittle cordwood to day it is a fine day
30 Thursday it rained all day nothing dun
31 Friday it snows very heavy this morning in the afternoon I banked the houe & cut logs for a crib for the cows & drawed them to the yard
November the 1 187
1 Saturday Jame & I drawed the corn & straw to day into the barn& bilt the cow crib fine day
2 Sunday we went to church it commenced to rain to day noon & it rained heavy till 4 O clock cleard up fine this evening
3 Monday James & I is cuting cordwood to day it is a butful day
4 Tuesday James & I cuting cordwood to day agin with the machine it is a butful day agin
5 Wednesday James & I is cuting cordwood & stovewood to day it is fine wheather yet
6 Thursday James Jardine & I went helped Mr Lang with the church at sheating & shingling to day fine weather
7 Friday I am furrowing out my corn ground it is very soft and weet & James is helping Mr Lang at the church to day agin
8 Saturday James went to stoney point with a load of ferls for Mr Richerdson & I stayed home & put in a gate in the fence below the ashery where I have to pas through so often for wood this winter
9 Sunday we went to church to day it is fine wheather
10 Monday I commenced to plough in the field by the house in the Orchard in the afternoon I went to the blacksmith and got my horses shod on the hind feet and the ploughpoint sharped & James went to the bush to make ties for Tomas Mosey
11 Tuesday I ploughed this forenoon in the afternoon it is a grate snowstorm I husked a little corn in the barn
12 Wednesday I drawed stovewood out of the bush on the sleigh in the afternoon I ploughed agin there is about two inches of snow on the ground
13 Thursday it is frosen hard to day I went to stoneypoint with a load of ferls for Mr Richerdson to day it is cold
14 Friday I went to stoney point with a load of perls for Mr Richerdson & fetched back a load of shingels & lath for Mr Lang for the church it is cold to day
15 Satuerday it is frosen hard this morning but it is butfull sunshine I commenced to plough about half past 9 Oclock the ground dos not plough very good this forenoon but in the afternoon the ground ploughs well the snow is nearly gon this evening
16 Sunday James & cate is gon to the Methodist church it is a butfull day
17 Monday i am ploughted the orchard to day fine wheather
18 Thursday i am ploughing the Orchar to day it is cloudy it looks like a storm
19 Wednesday it snows all day it is a terrible snow storm shurry thre is about 10 inches of snow fell to day gorge Cambel & I husking corn in the barn
20 Thursday gorge camble & I is shovling the croose furrowing in the Orchard to day
21 Friday Gorge Camble & I finishe sovling the croos furrows this forenoon this afternoon we killed a pig and filled the stall with straw in the stable
22 Saturday traided three sheep with R Marshaw for a steer took them and fetched the steer home in the forenoon in the afternoon I am visting with Mr Pool here at home this afternoon
23 Sunday no church to day rained this afternoon
24 Monday Gorge cambel & I is bilding a shed for my sheep it snows a little today but it is soft snow
25 Tuesday Gorge & I is working at the sheep shed this forenoon in the afternoon Gorge Cambel went to soney point & I went to a meeting of the church it is a little colder to day there is som showers of snow
26 Wednesday I went out to the store and finished fixking the sheep yeard this forenoon Gorge Camble is gon home this afternoon I am spliting wood at the door this afternoon there is a little snow flying around to day
27 Thursday in the forenoon I went to Not ta to se if my sleghts was dun in the afternoon I finished spliting stovewood at the door
John Jardine
28 Friday this forenoon atending to the stock in the afternoon I am spliting cordwood in the bush
29 Saturday I am spliting cordwood to day
30 Sunday we went to church to day
December the 1 1873
1 Monday I am geting a load of wood out of the bush & the cettle from E Trembly fixing for kiling my pigs tomorrow
2 Tuesday Edward Trembly & I killed 4 pigs this forenoon in the afternoon I am dowing my chours about the place
3 Wednesday I cut up the hogs & salted the pork & husked a little corn to day it rains all day & very near all night James cut his leg this afternoon
4 Thursday this morning it began to blow about 4 Oclock I thought it would blow every thing over it blowed down a good deal of my fence dowy I went to combe for the Docker for James leg to day
5 Friday i went to the store this forenoon in the afternoon I am choreing around the place & paid my taxes also it is fine weather agin
6 Satuerday I am working for the rail crosing by Vickerman farm on the canada southern railroad
7 Sunday we are all at home to day no church
8 Monday worked on the crosing this forenoon in the afternoon it rains I am husking a little corn in the barn
9 Tuesday morning it is very muddy weather I am choring at home & and spliting corn wood alittle to day
10 Wednesday I went to Mrs Gracey sale to day I bought 1 sleigh & scope shovel preice $112 1/2 sleigh price $625
11 Thursday it is raining agin I am shoveling the little ditches in the barn yard & husking the last of my corn & I took my buck saw over to Robert Vickerman to be sharped I came back & put up some rails on the fence by the wheat field & cut som stovewood at the doore
12 Friday it is raining yet to day the land is very weet it is covered with water it is ankle deep it is drizzeling rain very near all day I am in the bush spliting cordwood I am pretty weet to night it is rainingn yet it is now 7 Oclock there is no frost this week yet
13 Satuerday morning it is snowing this forenoon it clears of in the afternoon and frezes this evening this week has been a very storm one with wind & rain & snow & mud & water it was very disagrable weather
14 Sunday I went to church to day but no minister came I suppose it was imposabil to get here on the roads it is froze some but not a nuf to bare a man
15 Monday I helped Edward Trembly to kill his pigs this forenoon in the afternoon I split cordwood in the bush this is a fine sunny day
16 Tuesday i am working at the railroad crossing cloos to Vickerman fine day
17 Wednesday i am working at the railroad croosing to day agin fine day
18 Thursday it is thawing it is muddy to day I am working at the coosing to day agin
John Jardine
19 Friday i am working at the croosing to day agin finished it to day it is a little colder to day
20 Satuerday i am dowing choring at home to day I went to Mr henderson store this afternoon it is froze alittle it is kind araw wind this afternoon but it will freeze hard to night
21 Sunday Mr Scoot preaches this forenoon half past 10 O clock cate went to church i stayed home it is fine to day but
22 Monday I went to Edward Trembly choping be to day
23 Tuesday I got my horses shod at tomas Jackson & went to stoney point for cate box fine wheather hard frose
24 Wednesday choring & helping Mcadam at my crossing to day fine wheather hard frost
25 Thursday James & I went to comber to day cate went to Mrs Gracey
26 Friday I am choring this forenoon in the afternoon I went and moved a culbert for Mcadam upon Richard Dodson farm close to No 12 line snow
27 Satuerday I went to Tomas Jacksons choping be to day
28 Sunday James & I went to church to day at three O clock to here Mr scoot
29 Monday this forenoon I went to the bush to split cordwood and hurt my back that I could not split wood to day snow this afternoon
30 Tuesday Mary Gracey & John Mckey came down here to day my back is no beter yet
31 Wednesday my back is a little beter to day I am Just dowing my chores
John Jardine

Tlbury West


Nov 20th '73

To Mifs {name scratched out}

You will please excuse the liberty I take in writing to you, but as I have met you several times and being pleased with your acquaintence and appearance I have taken the liberty of writing to you to ask the liberty of waiting upon you i some me more favoured has not already been granted that permission.

Hoping this May meet with your approval and knowing that a knowledge of my request is in good hands and will go no further, and looking for an imediate reply either favorable or unfavorable I will subscribe myself your respectfully and watchful with respect and would be admirer

J Jardine

{in a different handwriting}

You will please excuse the liberty J I take in writing to you, but as I have met you several times and being pleased with your acquaintence and appearance I have taken the liberty of writing to you toask liberty of waiting upon you if some one more favourable has not already been granted that permission.

Hoping this May meet with your approval and knowing that a knowledge of my request is in good hands and will go no further, and looking for an imediate reply either favourable or unfavourable I will subscribe myself.

Yours with respect and would be admirer

John Jardine

{in right hand side} Please 189w20

January the first 1874

1 Thursday John Mckey Alexander Gracey came to my place to day in the evening I went out to Richerdson store with them
2 Friday I commenced to split wood agin it is fine weather it is thawing very fast to day no snow
3 Satuerday I am spliting wood agin to day it is still thawing the frost is about all out it blows pretty hard but warm it is a drying wind no rain yet
4 Sunday I went to church this forenoon I stoped at Mr Gracy for dinner it began to rain about 2 O clock this afternoon it was showery till evening it began to freze to night
5 Monday Tomas Vickerman & I is spliting wood to day and we fixed a little at my croosing it was a little to high it is a butful day it is thawing to day agin
6 Tuesday forenoon it snows I am in the bush a choping down trees to skid for the Machine to make wood for the house in the afternoon cate & I went up to Mrs Graceys it is still snows it clears up about 10 O clock to night
7 Wednesday I am choping in the bush agin this forenoon it is raining alittle after dinner I took the horses and drawed up two loads of wood it begins to rain prety hard Alexander Gracey & Mary Gracey John Mckey & Miss lang all came to my place this afternoon it is raining
yet and it still rains very heavy till about 11 O clock to night it turns rite around and snows @ it is ver stormey the folks all went home this evening about half 1 O clock it still snows there is no frost in the ground in the bush it is lots of water
8 Thursday it quit snowing this morning at 8 Oclock there is 14 inches of snow & water it took me this forenoon a feeding stock & shovling snow from about the house in the afternoon I sawed a little stove wood at the door it is abutfull sunshine day it has thawed considerable to day
9 Friday I am choring around the bilings and sawing wood at the dore for the stove it thaws alittle to day the snow is setling a little there is quite a shower of snow this afternoon it is soft about half snow rain
10 Satuerday I hitched up my horses and went into the bush to brake the roads to the wood piles to let them freze and went to the shop for my sleighs this forenoon in the afternoon cate & I went out to Henery Honsberger for James Jardine & William Spice to fetch them home it is mild to day
11 Sunday no church we are all home here to day there is some showers of snow to day it is a little colder
12 Monday William Spice & I cleaned a load of wheat this morning to take into Chatham & hitched up my fly colt this forenoon for H Honsberger she went first rate Catherine Jardine & Mary Gracey & I went to Chatham this afternoon with a load of wheat
13 Tuesday I sold my load of wheat for $1.80 cts a hundred and we came home this afternoon snowed all the road home
14 Wednesday morning I took Mary Gracey home & went up to Mr Pool & in the afternoon I took a load of wood into the plains below Sam arkels & throughed it of the roads is blowed full of snow it is very cold
15 Thursday forenoon am shoveling the snow from about the machine to let it frize so i can saw in the afternoon i skided som logs
16 Friday I went & drawed ties for trudell to stoney point
17 Satuerday Baptist Trembley helped me to saw stove wood to day it is pleasant weather
18 Sunday I am at home to day it looks like a thaw it is a little soft, there is no frost in the bush under the snow except where it is broke up rain this evening at 4 Oclock
19 Monday this morning it commenced to rain about half past 7 O and rained all forenoon the snow has setled a grate deal there is a grate deal of water the ditches is all ful James & William & I took up my machine out of the bush this afternoon & put it in the old bilding it is windey this evening and beining to frze
20 Tuesday this morning the roads is froze hard I took two loads of wood to baptistcrick and went and got a shoe on Jane at Tom Jackson shop to day Edward Trembly croosed over baptistcreek this morning at the lorer side of shampang bridge in the plains I croosed after him Mr St John next us three was the first to croose over that crick this year
21 Wednesday I am drawing wood to day I went two trips to baptistcrick and moved one load that i had in the planes down to the crick the snow turning into water to day it is very fogey to day we cold not see twenty rod ahead of the teem it commenced to rain as I was on my way home, and it began to rain about 4 Oclock and now it is going on 8 Oclock the sleighing is about gon the ditches and every place is ful of water
22 Thursday this morning the snow is all gon in the fields the ditches is all runing over, the water is deep around the house it is running all over the land my wheat there is about 2 akers that i cannot se for water
23 Friday it is snowing and raining a little to day the water is going down fast William Spice & I went over to Tomas Jackson shop & got a pair of long whipple trees fixed for my mairs and took the head pice of my mchine over to Robert Vickerman to have it fixed this evening it is frezing hard
24 Satuerday it is very blustring to day it is cold William Spice & I slit wood here at the door by starts it is a wild day with snow flying around James Jardine went to stoney point
25 Sunday we are all at home to day no church
26 Monday James & William is sawing logs for me this forenoon for to draw to the house for stovewood James went out south William Spice & I is cuting logs for the same

January the 27

27 Tuesday this morning it began to snow & rain at 7 Oclock there was a butful expres train went west this morning at twenty minets to 9 Oclock the cars look to be full of peple Canada Southern
28 Wednesday I am coring ing round the place this afternoon I took my colts and drawed two loads of wood up to the house and fetched home the head pice of my sawing michan from Robar Vickerman there is a little snow to greace the ground
29 Thursday I am cuting cordwood on the north side of the canada southern railroad this forenoon in the afternoon I went and gave my vot for Mcgriger to day it is thawing to day I thought we would have rain but it began snow this evening about 7 O
30 Friday it did not snow much last night but began to snow this morning about half past 8 Oclock snowed all day
31 Satuerday I started to hall wood to baptistcrick but could not get through the plains for water & ice I took two lods to the plains I think the ice will carry soon it is cold
February 1874
1 Sunday I am home it is frizing to day but it is abutful day the sun is shining a good deal to day but there is som snow fallan once & a while
2 Monday I intended hall wood to baptist creek but it began to snow very heavy and I did not go I halled 4 drages of wood


up to the door and put my horses in for it snowed so heavy till about 3 Oclock then it did not snow so hard I cut som stovewood at the door this afternoon about 5 Oclock I fetched up aload of wood to the stable ready for the morning to go to baptistcreek
3 Tuesday I commenced to draw wood to baptist creek the ice carryis prety good to day
4 Wednesday halling to baptistcreek to again
5 Thursday halling to baptist creek to agin
6 Friday halling to baptist creek to day agin 3 loads it snowed most all day
7 satuerday I went to the blacksmith this forenoon and in the afternoon I went to trips to baptistcreek with cordwood
8 Sunday haome all day no minister
9 Monday halling wood agin to baptistcreek 2 loads to day
10 Tuesday halling to baptistcreek agin to day the roads is good
11 Wednesday halling to baptistcreek agin to day the sun thoughs som to day
12 Thursday i got all my wood to the creek that i have cut this forenoon this afternoon Cathrine & I went up Mr Pools with the horses & buggy it is thoughing very fast we came home this alittle after 6 Oclock it begins to rain about 7 Oclock
13 Friday this morning the snow is all meted in water there is quite a flud of water over the land I am choring around home to day for there is lots of mud & water around


14 Saturday I went to baptistcreek my wood to measure my wood with Richerdson he has bot most of the wood at the creek it is a fine day it is like the month march clear sun shine
15 Sunday we are home to day no preaching it is a fine day agin it is cold and winday the water is drying up very fast
16 Monday James Jardine & I went to Chatham to day by the western and came home agin the same day it is very cold and high winds but fine drying sun shine
17 Tuesday I am atending to stok & cuting a little stove wood at the door it is fine agin to day the water & mud is drying up very fast it is frezing hard at nights
18 Wednesday I commenced to draw logs up to the house for stovewood in the afternoon I broke my cruch & I had to hunt timber to make another it is another fine day sun shine
19 Thursday Cathrine Jardine went to visit at Honsberger to day and I made me a cruch to day and fixed some of my fences on the farm to day it is cloudy very like rain but butful wheather it is nic & dry about the place now there is no snow yet
20 Friday I am choring & cuting a few logs for the mchine for stovewood for the house it is fine soft day it is thoughing pretty fast it began to rain to night about 8 Oclock it rains pretty near all night
21 Saturday this morning it is raining yet it begins to snow with the rain the roads is splashing wet with water and mud it is not frezing it is now 7 O clock tonight it is not snowing now but the ground is white with snow
22 Sunday it is fine wheather but cold and winday to day we are at home to day no church in the presbtren church
23 Monday it is cold and stormy to day now I am cuting a little stovewood at the door and atending to my stok in the afternoon William Spice & I went to the townline station between east & west tilbury
24 Tuesday William Spice & I is drawing logs to the door to saw in stovewood with the mchine there is no snow but the ground is frozen hard
25 Wednesday we are drawing logs agin today for wood it began to snow about 12 Oclock to day we did not work this afternoon i went to St frances for my boots that i got mended it is very cold and windey today
26 Thursday William & I is drawing wood agin to day it is splendid sliping for drawing logs James Jardine is making pices of timber for aculberts t the frunt of the house at the road
27 Friday this forenoon William Spice & I finished drawing logs to the door for stovewood James & William & I maken timber for my culberts
28 Satuerday this was a butful day Just like spring the ground this frozen hard this morning but it is thoughing this afternoon in the forenoon William drawed chips & bloks to the door James & I is making the last stick for my culbert ground axes & cleaned a grist to go to mill this afternoon

March the first 1874

1 Sunday it is a fine day it is thawing, there is considerable mud we are at home to day there is no minister yet
2 Monday I went out to see my farm in the eight consision Tilbury West lot 13 south half Mikel bradly went with me considerable water & mud this afternoon
3 Tuesday I am choring to day and went to Richerdson store it commenced to rain this afternoon about 4 O clock and about 7 Oclock it thundred & lighting hard & rained heavy
4 Wednesday it is a fine day after the rain the wind is quite raw & cold I am atending the choors to day agin
5 Thursday I am atiending my choars Mr St John bleed my horses to day I went to Mr henderson store this fternoon for rawson for the mairs fine wheather to day agin
6 Friday I went to see Mr Gracey & Mr Pool the roads is very mudy it rains all day a small fine rain
7 Saturday I am atending my horses & cattle to day & I went to Goodroe for my saddle & to the shoemakers for my boots it is very winday to day it is drying up the water fast
8 Sunday it is froze to carry to day it is very high winds & cold we are at home to day
9 Monday it is winday & cold agin to day frezing to James Jardine & William Spice & I John Jardine we are all bilding rail fence to the corner of my lot on the concession fenceing in my farm


10 Tuesday this morning I went to Peels mill with twenty bushels of wheat got it ground into flour & got home with it at noon William Spice & James Jardine is working at the rail fence all day I in the afternoon help them it is windy and cold to day agin still hard froze
11 Wednesday James & Spice & myself set the sawmchine at the door & began to saw stove wood it is very windy & cold to day
12 Thursday us thre is sawing stove wood at the door to day agin it is still very cold & windey it is frezing cold to day I had to put on my Oil cloth to keep the wind out
13 Friday we are still sawing at the door here is a little snow this morning and it is Pierceing cold to day fezing all day
14 Saturday it is frose hard this morning but it is a butful morning about 10 or 11 O clock it begins to thaw it is a butful day sunshiney day it is like spring all at once we are still sawing wood at the door to day agin
15 Sunday we are at home to day it is a butfull wheather the roads is drying fast
16 Monday we finished sawing wood at the door aard drawed manure to the appletrees and we piled chonks and brush 2 or 3 by the railroad fence to day it is a butful day
17 Tuesday James & Spice & I bilding the rain fence between reiney & I it is a very warm to day there is thunder & lighting but the rain past by
18 Wednesday we finished the fence this forenoon as far as I had rails in the there was quite a shoure of rain this forenoon


James & Spice & I went to piling the brush by the railroad I & James & cate went to stoneypoint started from about 8 Oclock the roads is very bad for a teem had to stop at the point all night James & cate went to bellriver to get the express for tornto
19 Thursday I came home from stoneypoint this morning the roads is very bad but it is a butful sun shiney day the roads is drying some this afternoon
20 Friday William Spice & I John Jardine is piling brush agin to day close by the railroad fence south side of the Canada Southern railroad on lot 19 consison 4 in the township of Tilbury West in the year of our lord 1874
21 Satuerday Spice & I is piling brush this forenoon agin in the afternoon we dug round my appletrees and put manure around them it is fine weather the land is drying fast Mr T Akson commenced to plough march the 20
22 Sunday Spice & I is home here alone to day it is abutful sunshine to day but it is windy the wind is cold but drying the land fast there was quite a frost last night and a little snow anuf to make the ground white this morning
23 Monday it is cold and dry William Spice and I commenced to spred and draw that heap of manure that I had in the south east field by the consis James Jardine and Catherine Jardine is in Toronto


24 Tuesday James Jardine came home this morning from Tronto on a frait train by the southern road he got here about 2 Oclock this morning William Spice & I is drawing & sprading manure to day it is very cold the wind is so high but it is drying the country water up fast
25 Wednesday William Spice & I finished spreading & halling the pile of manure that i had in the field by the consision this afternoon about 4 Oclock we hitched up the plowed got 1 land this evening it is cold to day agin & windey and it came up a big shour of snow this evening about 5 Oclock this is mistake
26 Thursday William Spice is plowing to day James & i commenced to make milk house timber in the bush this afternoon it came up a big storm of snow about 5 Oclock wich lasted about half our it is very windy weather and cold two
27 Friday William Spice is ploughing this forenoon in the afternoon he let the mairs rest for Satuerday to goe to chatham James & I worked at the milkhouse timber to day & Spice was with us in the afternoon
28 Satuerday James & I went to chatham with the mairs & buggy the roads is prety good all the way only apice through the plains Spice split wood at the door to day it is a cold & windy day
29 Sunday James went to Mrs Gracey & Spice went to comber & I am home alone this a butful sunshiney day but high winds the rods and the land is geting dry & dusty

Transcription Progress





John Jardine Sr., “John Jardine Sr. Diary, 1872-1879,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,

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