File #41766: "JohnJardineSr_Diary2_067.pdf"


Tlbury West Ont Nov 20th '73 To Mifs {name scratched out} You will please excuse the liberty I take in writing to you, but as I have met you several times and being pleased with your acquaintence and appearance I have taken the liberty of writing to you to ask the liberty of waiting upon you i some me more favoured has not already been granted that permission. Hoping this May meet with your approval and knowing that a knowledge of my request is in good hands and will go no further, and looking for an imediate reply either favorable or unfavorable I will subscribe myself your respectfully and watchful with respect and would be admirer J Jardine {in a different handwriting} You will please excuse the liberty J I take in writing to you, but as I have met you several times and being pleased with your acquaintence and appearance I have taken the liberty of writing to you toask liberty of waiting upon you if some one more favourable has not already been granted that permission. Hoping this May meet with your approval and knowing that a knowledge of my request is in good hands and will go no further, and looking for an imediate reply either favourable or unfavourable I will subscribe myself. Yours with respect and would be admirer John Jardine {in right hand side} Please 189w20
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