File #41769: "JohnJardineSr_Diary2_070.pdf"


13 Tuesday I sold my load of wheat for $1.80 cts a hundred and we came home this afternoon snowed all the road home
14 Wednesday morning I took Mary Gracey home & went up to Mr Pool & in the afternoon I took a load of wood into the plains below Sam arkels & throughed it of the roads is blowed full of snow it is very cold
15 Thursday forenoon am shoveling the snow from about the machine to let it frize so i can saw in the afternoon i skided som logs
16 Friday I went & drawed ties for trudell to stoney point
17 Satuerday Baptist Trembley helped me to saw stove wood to day it is pleasant weather
18 Sunday I am at home to day it looks like a thaw it is a little soft, there is no frost in the bush under the snow except where it is broke up rain this evening at 4 Oclock
19 Monday this morning it commenced to rain about half past 7 O and rained all forenoon the snow has setled a grate deal there is a grate deal of water the ditches is all ful James & William & I took up my machine out of the bush this afternoon & put it in the old bilding it is windey this evening and beining to frze
20 Tuesday this morning the roads is froze hard I took two loads of wood to baptistcrick and went and got a shoe on Jane at Tom Jackson shop to day Edward Trembly croosed over baptistcreek this morning at the lorer side of shampang bridge in the plains I croosed after him Mr St John next us three was the first to croose over that crick this year
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