File #41770: "JohnJardineSr_Diary2_071.pdf"


21 Wednesday I am drawing wood to day I went two trips to baptistcrick and moved one load that i had in the planes down to the crick the snow turning into water to day it is very fogey to day we cold not see twenty rod ahead of the teem it commenced to rain as I was on my way home, and it began to rain about 4 Oclock and now it is going on 8 Oclock the sleighing is about gon the ditches and every place is ful of water
22 Thursday this morning the snow is all gon in the fields the ditches is all runing over, the water is deep around the house it is running all over the land my wheat there is about 2 akers that i cannot se for water
23 Friday it is snowing and raining a little to day the water is going down fast William Spice & I went over to Tomas Jackson shop & got a pair of long whipple trees fixed for my mairs and took the head pice of my mchine over to Robert Vickerman to have it fixed this evening it is frezing hard
24 Satuerday it is very blustring to day it is cold William Spice & I slit wood here at the door by starts it is a wild day with snow flying around James Jardine went to stoney point
25 Sunday we are all at home to day no church
26 Monday James & William is sawing logs for me this forenoon for to draw to the house for stovewood James went out south William Spice & I is cuting logs for the same
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