Dec |
18 |
Sam went out {illegible} going to {illegible} did not {illegible} |
19 |
Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Garret at night |
20 |
Sam took 3 {illegible} they finished thrashing the oats {illegible} Sam quit making when the thrashing was done |
21 |
I atended to the cattel I am lame with my back |
22 |
Ad brought the B. pig out here this morning |
{illegible entry in left column} |
23 |
I split some wood went well Rev Mr Matthews to {illegible} Mr Hepworth {illegible} stopd Sunday & night |
24 |
Atended a meeting in the church I gave Mr {illegible} ten dollars for Mr Matthews that makes up my $20 David & his wife & children came from Delta after dark John Omar came with him |
25 |
David & Ad & Wm was here for dinner fine day I tended the cattle & split some wood |
26 |
the Revd Mr Houston preached this morning Mr Matthews at night |
27 |
I split wood took care of the cattle cold day |
28 |
Ellen & me went to Ads for dinner John Beatty and his wife from Pembrook Mary Jennie and Duncan came with them from Young stoped all night |
29 |
they all went home this morning fine day fine day Ad and his wife went home & Jennie all went to Young they intend to got to Lyn |
30 |
I split wood {rest of page illegible} |
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