William Beatty Diary, 1880-1883


William Beatty Diary, 1880-1883


William Beatty


Courtesy of Leeds & Grenville Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society






19th Century, Leeds & Grenville County, Yonge & Lansdowne Township, Ontario

Date Created

June 5, 1880

Is Part Of

William Beatty Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


{modern computer generated page}




April 1880


March 1883

{illegible} care Tomas Tanton Esq

St {word stroked through}

{printed table}

Herschel's Weather Table The following Table constructed and confirmed by the experience of many years actual observation, furnished the observer with the knowledge of what kind of weather there is the greatest probability of expecting, and that so near the truth that in very few instances will be found to fail
Moon Summer Winter Weather Table
If it be New or Full Moon or the Moon entering into the First or Last Quarter at 12 noon or between 12 and 2 Very B day Snow and Rain
2 and 4 afternoon Changeable Fair and Mild
4 and 6 evening Fair Fair
6 and 10 Do Fair, if wind at N.W. Rain, if wind at S. or S.W. Fair and Frosty, if wind N. or N.E. Rain and Snow if wind S. or S.W.
10 and 12, night Fair Fair and Frosty
12 and 2 morning Fair Hard Frost, unless wind S or S.W.
2 and 4, do Cold frequent showers Fair and Frosty
4 and 6, do Rain Do do
6 and 8 do Wind and Rain Stormy Weather
8 and 10, do Changeable Cold Rain; if wind W; Snow if E.
10 and 12, do Frequent showers Cold with high winds
June 5 took Pet cow to Ab McNiels Bull
7 D Killee Do to A Cornetts Do
8 Do White Do Do Do
18 John Johnstons Bull got over our fence was with the cowns all night Killee took him again and I think the Duck 2 year old
19 the Bull is still here youngs Cow took him and Petts yearling & her 2 year old
21 the Bull is still here
26 took the Bradley cow to A Cornetts Bull
_________________________________________________ 1881
June 12 again Duck cow took Bruce McNeils Bull
13 again Petts Cow Do Do Do
17 Petts 2 year old to John Cooks Do
25 Bud 3 year old Bruce McNiels Do
Bradey cow Do Do
July 19 Younges Do Do Do
{line illegible}
June 25 Line Back cow {illegible} Bruce McNeils Bull
26 Duch Cow took Bruce McNiels Bull
27 Bud Do again Do July 16 Do
28 Petts 3 year old Do Do
Killee cow Do Do
July 7 Youngs cow took John Johnstons Bull he came into our field yesterday was here all night
8 Grea cow took Bruce McNeils Bull
9 our two year old Do Do Do


January 6 took the sow to Wm McNeils Boar


April 1 Ad, Wallace & Ezra worked at the {illegible} they got the rest in {illegible}
2 Ezra went to the {illegible} I split some wood
3 I took the fram of the old hotbed & some of the earth of it is frozen yet rain last night
4 Mr {illegible} preached in the Methodist Church the morning Revd Mr Matthews {illegible} at night
5 Ad & Wallace went to the funeral of Mr Haigs of Gananoque he was buried at the semetry
6 Ad paid John Jonston the oats that Ad borwed last fall we put out a lot of straw in the Barnyard
7 Ezra split wood & put it into the shed fine day Billie came from Delta last night
8 Ezra drew stons for the bottom of the milk shed then he brock them up
9 Ezra drew loam from the gravel pit to cover the stones in the shed it is a good job
10 he put in 6 bails for the cows in the east side of the shed I got the hotbed made and the sash on them in a driseling rain most of the day with a little snow
11 Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Garnett at night there is about 4 inches of snow this morning very cold with high northwest wind
12 Bisie went to Kingston the Express she is going to attend the Medical College there
13 I put Cabag & Tomattoe Seed in the hotbed the snow is nearly all gone frost at night
14 Ad & Ezra is working at the road Tuesday
15 Ad and Ezra came out and began to dig a ditch from the house far to take the water out of the seller there is a foot of water in it
16 they finished it the water runs finely there is 15 or 19 inches of fall they put plank box in for a drain pipe to the south side of the house James & Robson Beatty came on the Express


April 17 rain most of the day Ezra helped Wallace to {illegible} I finished a pair of sliper that I was at yesterday
18 Revd Mr Houston preached this morning Mr Matthews at night
Ad went to going on the Express with Robert & Jennie 19 Ezra went to the south west corner of the farm I was with him for to bore post holes & put in posts for a board fence after seting the stakes we put in 3 posts the ground is so wet that we could not set the posts for the lane fence
20 Ezra & me made the lane fence from the road to the house Ad got home on the Mixed
21 Ezra & me made the lane fence from the house to the Barnyard a good job
22 I planted out over 100 Strawberry plants in the garden heavy rain this forenoon the ground wet again it will stop us from begining to sow Ad intended to begin this morning
23 they all worked at there fenced at the road Billie is working at the Wallaces house
24 Ezra & Ad is working at there fence Billie went to Delta this afternoon
25 Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Garnet at night
26 they are working at there fence at the road yet
27 Ad began to sow and sowed 12 bushel of oat at the road the ground is in fair order
28 they finished the draging & cutlivating the there and out here at noon Ad sowed 3 1/2 bushel of oats in the midle field where he brock up last fall
29 Ad sowed 1 1/2 bushel of peas same field Wallace worked his colt and Ads draging Ezra cultivated with the old horses he sowed about of oats that he got of Ab McNeil whom he had wheat last year it is on the East side of the center lane here rain most of the afternoon
30 the ground is too wet for to do my work today Ad & Ezra is helping Wallace to {illegible}


May 1 Ezra read up the lain & fence split some wood
2 Revd Mr Huston preached this morning Mr Matthews at night cold day with a little rain
3 Ad & Ezra cleaned up a grist & other chores
4 they all worked on Wallaces place with both teams they all done that they could do
5 Ad & Ezra scraped what dirt was thone out of a grass ditch in the northeast field and down the East line to north ditch
6 Wallace & Ezra is working in the northeast field they plowed draged and sowed 9 bushel of oats the ground places hard fine day
the Woods begin to look Red 7 Ad and Jennie went on the Express for Hosc{illegible} Ezra plowed in the same field fine day
8 Ezra & Wallace worked in same field they sowed 6 bushel of oats
9 Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Houston at night
10 Wallace & Ezra finished the Northeast field sowed 4 bushel of oats Ezra plowed part of the garden on the East side a fine showr in the forenoon A Miss Snider came this afternoon to help Ellen to do the work
11 Ezra & Wallace worked at the road expect a little that Wallace did here with the cultivater in the garden where Ezra plowed to break the lumps
12 I planted a bushel of potatoes in the garden & 2 quarts of multiplier onions
planted more potatos and some Beets seed Ezra & Wallace worked at road
14 Ezra & Wallace worked at the road
15 Ezra & Wallace worked at the road very dry time with wind I sowed timothy & clover seed on the peice where Ad put Abs oats I sowed grass seed in the Northeast field
16 Revd Mr Huston preached this morning Mr Matthews at night


May 17 Ezra came and began to plow in the sod in the middle field for peas
18 fine sower last night Ezra worked at the road till noon he plowed sod and finished it
X left the cows out of the stable at night 19 sowed 4 bushel of peas on the sod Wallace helped him I sowed the flax seed that Ad sent from Toronto on the head ridge next the ditch and Browns sample of Early oats on the South East corner and a sample of Swiss Early oats on the south west corner of the flax all on the head ridge
20 Ezra went to the mill with a grist Jennie went to the Instue with him fine day Tom painting
21 Ezra worked at the road that finished there work except the potato ground
22 Ezra & me fixed up the fences at the gravel pit and round the church field and the lain & paster field
23 Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Huston at night
24 Ezra cultivated rolled & draged the garden I planted 1/4 lb Moons Eryrly Sweet Corn East side
25 Ezra & me planted 1/4 lb Mammath sweet corn on this side Ad cent them down from Toronto the rest of the garden planted in potatoes & beans
26 Ezra went to plow the potato ground at the road I sowed grass seed North of the house down to the oak tree where Ezra sowed a bushel of oats yesterday it missed seeding last
Billie & Davison came this forenoon to work Ezra worked at the potato ground at the road I tosed up the old straw that covered the turnip & burned it
28 Ezra finished the potato ground at the road I painted & reglazed one of upstairs windows
29 Ezra took some hefers to the 6 Con to paster in the forenoon we washed in the afternoon
30 Revd Mr Garnet preached this morning Mr Matthews at night
31 Ezra & Wallace worked on the Roads for this place {illegible}


June 1 Ezra & Wallace finished there worked on the roads in the forenoon they the worked at the potato ground
little frost in the morning 2 Ezra & Wallace & me planted the potatoes where they had them last year in the swamp
3 the ground is in fine order fine day they planted about an acre of corn there to
4 Ezra came here & began to work at the lump ground we picked up 4 loads of stones of it
5 plowed draged and ridged up part of it & planted Bisie & Miss Smith came from Kingston in the Boat I met them at Gananoque
6 heavy rain last night & this moring Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Garnet at night
7 worked on the roads with the team
8 Do Do Do
9 Ezra & me worked on the roads this forenoon for him we put in 2 days for him worked at the turnip ground in the afternoon put in 1 rows of horn carrots & 1 row of the Red sumer carrot then 4 rows of White Cilican sugar beet, 2 Mammoth Mangol 2 rows of the Globe Mangol and 15 rows of Rennie premium P.J. Swedes
10 sowed the remainder of 2 3/4 lbs Rennies seed it came to 1 row west of the Maple tree Waites Hebrews then some sugar beets Ezra went to road to sow some mangols in the swamp holes
11 Ezra finished sowing what seed he had sowed Millet on the rest of hole he came here took some {illegible} out to the road sowed Millet on our piece he took Charley to Mortons shod him that finished our spring work very wam in afternoon
12 Rolled part of the Northeast field there was a fine shower that stoped the Rolling Ezra went home
13 Heard Mr Garnett preached this morning there was no Meeting at night Mr Matthews was at the assemble in Montreal
14 I rolled part of the Northeast field till Ezra came for the horses he went out the road in the forenoon & went out to the shanty in swamp he has a London young man help him


finished the east field in the forenoon and drew in Billie helped them that finishedthe haying
18 Rev Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Huston at night {several lines illegible}
19 we mowed at the road Bruces man helped we finished cuting the west front field in the forenoon on Bruces team drew in I went to to the North field and mowed till tilled it rained
20 finished cuting the north field & drew in the most of it
20 Rev Mr Matthews had communion this morning in the church in the afternoon at Mr {illegible} hei s sick there was 14 there & 42 in the morning
21 Ezra & the man went to the shanty this morning I took Jennie to her school
22 {illegible} on our scool section for to divid it Mr Bigg & {illegible{} they to 270 ac of an assessment {illegible} with Escot
I went to Delta this afternoon I took excursion {illegible} with me arrived {illegible}
{illegible} gathering of Peopel got home after last {rest of page illegible}


July 16 finished the east field in the forenoon
17 finished the east field in the forenoon and drew in Billie helped them that finishedthe haying
18 Rev Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Huston at night
19 we mowed at the road Bruces man helped we finished cuting the west front field in the forenoon on Bruces team drew in I went to to the North field and mowed till tilled it rained
20 finished cuting the north field & drew in the most of it
21 finished cutting Wallaces and drew in that finished our haying for this year the hay it too ripe we aught to have began a week earlyer
21 Ezra & the man went to the shanty this morning I took Jennie to her school
22 Bruce and Wallace riged up the reaper and cut a good lot of the fall wheat it is about half a crop it was winter killed
23 finished the fall wheat Wallace & Ezra bound I stacked some of it Ezra cradled some grass in the distant field
24 Billie came home in the night Ezra took him to gananoque this forenoon he is going to Parnaham to work for J Miller superintending the buildings for him I intend going to Young for Bissie & Jenie
25 I heard the Revd Mr Richards in caintown Mr Matthews preaching at night
26 came home this forenoon all well Wallace & Ezra got in two loads of the fall wheat there was a fine rain this afternoon Ezra worked at the turnips
27 Ezra worked at the turnips fine day
28 Ezra finished the turnips they look well
29 I went to Delta with Bruces old Maire left here at Mr Floods all night and took {illegible} took to Mr Stevens he is going to try and heal here sholder
30 got home this afternoon very warm day Wallace finished cuting the oats at the road they are a fair crop
31 I raiked up the bundles that the reaper left there Ezra & Wallace drew in 4 loads & Bruce 2 they were very large loads & got 1 large in here of the oats that we got {rest of line illegible}


August Revd Mr Mathews preached this morning
{two lines illegible}
{illegible} after breakfast he took Bruces Bull out & left him there
3 got in the rest of the oats that Ad got of White and the peas that was Sowed early they are very heavly loaded & good Ezra cradled oats in the North field
4 he finished the south part of the field & cut part of the midle field I attended the Council
5 Ezra finished the oats in the midle field then he went to cradle Wallaces Wallace & me drew in the oats of the south part of the northeast field had 3 good load they were very thisley
6 Wallace & me drew in 1 load of the oats of the midle this forenoon and 4 in the afternoon
7 we all worked at Wallaces oats to day I raked Ezra and Wallace drew they are a good crop
8 Mr Matthews preached in St Pauls Revd Mr Greer preached this morning Mr Atkins preached at night Mr Matthews is in Montreal
9 Ezra cut the oats in our field nearly I went Lydenhurst with potatoes. Stacie & I came part {illegible} & get the cornmeal grout help for {illegible} they organized to do somthing for it
10 Ezra finished cuting we then raked & drew in 2 loads they are a fair crop
11 we raked and drew in 1 large oad & 1 small load
12 I pulled some of the flax I am not well Ezra finished pulling the Peas {illegible}
13 We drew in the peas there was 2 large loads in the spare room Ezra went to the road & began to cut spring wheat {illegible} in a load of oats in his {illegible} very high wind
finished our harvesting here last night 14 Ezra is working at the wheat I got Charley shod at Fullertons Jennie went to Gananoque this afternoon Mis Innis of Farmersville with her


August Revd Mr Mathews preached this morning Mr Garret at night
Jennie took {illegible} Innes to Young 16 Ezra is working the wheat & oats at the road Ezra finished the cuting I got 2 of the tires set on the truct waggon in the forenoon we then drew in 2 loads of oats that {illegible} & 1 load of wheat
18 I took Jennie to her school Henery Webster helped Ezra to load a load of wheat & brought out here & brought out the other load
19 A little rain this morning I went out to the road about 10 oclock helped Ezra to draw in we drew in the rakings & peas were there was all is in to Wallaces raked his oats & drew in 2 loads Bruce boy helped that finished our harvesting I sent six dollars to Mr Rennie of Toronto for 2 bushel of Silver Chaff fall wheat a sample of the victor Fitz & Hedge{illegible}
20 Ezra went home tis morning I did chores
21 I fixed fence to keep the sheep in
22 Revd Mr Staunton preached this morning Mr Mathews at night
23 Ezra came back this morning he began to plow in the south half of the west center field ground very hard and dry he is cross plowing
24 Ezra went through the turnips with Charly and cultivator at noon very warm day
25 Ezra is plowing in the midle field there was a fine showr last night very cold this morning
26 Ezra is plowing very warm day
27 Do Do I mended the childrens shoes after chores
28 Ezra is plowing it is very heavy hard work I thrashed part of the flaxx seed
29 Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Garrat at night
30 Ezra plowed very warm day
31 Ezra finished the field this forenoon & then began to draw away the straw from behind the Barn to the edge of ditch below the old house


Sept 1 Ezra finished drawing the straw in the forenoon he then began to rake where he plowed
2 Ezra drew 7 loads of sand for Wallaces house. and 4 for Singelton I helped Revd Mr Mathewsto move to S Johnstons house very warm day
3 Ezra drew 4 loads of sand for Wallace he then rolled where he plowed very hot day I got the clason & silver chaff wheat at the station paid 57 cents as fraight
4 Ezra rolled & then cultivated the wheat ground
5 Revd Mr Garrat preached this morning Mr Matthews at night
6 Ezra cultivated and & then rolled the wheat ground I am not able to anything in bed had a cold chill & dirahaea
7 Ezra is rolled and cultivated the wheat ground he sayes he is geting the turnips conquerd I am better
8 Bruces thrashing machin came to day they had to get J Stace to fix it thrashed fall wheat had bushel & bushel s of sping Wheat
9 thrash the grass seed had a bushel of Abs ats & bushel of other oats
10 Ezra scraped a ditch acroos to side {illegible} helped Wallace to clean out there well we cleaned up 10 bushel of the fall wheat
11 Wallace & Ezra fought fire on his place where the GTR set the ground afire I went to Gananoque with 10 bushel of wheat I got a bag of salt Sugar 2 24 oatmeal 46 c tacks 15 c dinner 25
12 Revd Matthews was at palmerston on mission town Mr Staunton preached at night
13 Ezra scraped the ditch across the south half of west center field
14 Ezra rolled the center field in the forenoon John G{illegible} came this morning to load dung he is to bring it out of the sheepbarn Ezra is drawing in the afternoon with 2 wagons
15 Ezra & {illegible} is at the dung I intend to go to young this afternoon for to get seed wheat
16 I went to young yesterday Stoped {illegible} night went to {rest of line illegible}


Sept 17 Stopted at John Youngs all night Ben went with me came back to the fair bought a dung fork & a hay fork from George Young at Addison paid dollar got 4 bushel of wheat form Bob Beatty gave Margret 10 dollars did not see Rob
18 fine rain this morning Ezra & gemmet has been drawing dung gemmel worked 1/2 da on account of the rain
19 Revd Connor Staunton preached this morning Mr Matthews at night
20 heavy rain in forenoon Ezra thrashed the Beans & some peas in the forenoon he drew dung in the afternoon Gemmel helped the finished drawing the dung that Ad bought from Revd Mr Cornett they had 18 loads
X 21 Ezra plowed J Gemmel spread dung I went to Kingston to the Presbytry
22 Do Do Do got home on the Express the presbytry promised to give us the $200 two hundred the was promise us
23 Ezra plowed J Gemmel spread in the forenoon him & me put in some of the straw stack it was hurt on the top I could do very little with my side
24 Ezra plowed Gemmel Taylor & me put in the rest of the straw stack in the forenoon Gemmel spread dung after
25 Ezra & Gemmel dung in the afternoon rain this morning Ezra draged I sowed the 2 bushel of wheat that I got from Toronto next the road on the first five ridges the rest is Robs wheat nearly 5 bushel the ground is lumpy
26 Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Houston at night
27 Ezra plowed J Gemmel spread dung in the afternoon rain last night & a little this morning
28 Ezra & J Gemmel drew some dung they had scrape it up to finish the field
29 Ezra plowed he finished the field all to a couple of rounds of the last ridge he left off work took the horses out to the road he says his time is up & that will stop no longer
30 I got John Gemmel to come & drive the horse & drage I sowed 4 bushel of wheat nearly that Wallace came & took the horses & finished the draging & cleaned out the furrows bwtween the ridges & Gemmel mixed lime for him.


October 1 I made a hod for Wallace to carry morter in he began to plaster to day John Gemmeel atended the plasterer this afternoon Wallace finished {illegible} out & plowing the headridge I sowed it the first 10 ridges of it is sowed with the Toronto wheat the rest of it is sowed with Robs wheat all but the 3 east ones they are planted with
2 John Gemmel shoveled the furrows on the fall wheat this morning I went to Gananoque to Mr Hasslap Ezra entered acomplaint for wages Hasslap says he can do nothing he has not put in his time
3 Revd Mr Garrat preached this morning Mr Houston at night we had no meeting Mr Matthews is on a Mission tour
4 I made a register box for Wallace heavy rain most of the day I went to the council about our School rate
5 I split wood & other chores fine day
6 I went on the Express to Kingston this morning acted as Judge on South downs Merinos & fat sheep there was a good show did not get time
7 finished our Job got hom on the Express this afternoon John Gemmel John Johnston dug potatos at the road the ground is very dry it is fine diging
8 I fixed up the bin for potatos in the center put 2 loads in
9 they finished diging brought load here to day that is 3 home in all we have more than we had last year
10 the Revd Mr Matthews preached at half past two this morning he dispenced the sacrament there was 45 communents partook that was members there a large {illegible}
11 John Johnston began the fall plowing in the north field south east corner we got the plow point & colter laid
12 John plowed in the north east part of the north field the southeast part is too dry
13 John plowed in the same place I got the iron plow share & colter laid
14 John plowed X
15 in the same place it is easier plowing
16 John plowed in the forenoon rain in the afternoon he thrashed some peas & cleaned them that Ezra thrashed


Oct 17 Revd Mr Garrat preached in the morning Mr Matthews at night
18 rain & snow this forenoon I took Jennie to her school got very cold & wet John thrashed peas
19 John plowed in Northeast part of the north field
20 John finished that part of the north field & began the southeast part it plows very hard yet
21 he plows in the same field fine day
22 John finished plowing in the north filed the north head ridgeand the center head ridge and cleaned out the cross furrows
23 John began to plow the garden this morning put the cows in the stable at night rain in the afternoon he thrashed peas
24 Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Houston at night there was about 6 inches of snow on the ground this morning there was very few at church this morning first snow to lay on the ground
25 John thrashed peas this forenoon he went to Ab McNeils for aload of wood with the waggon in the afternoon our wood is done {in left margin} the factory staked this morning
26 John went for another load of wood this morning it rained in the afternoon he thrashed the snow is nearly all gon I have been fixing the stables
27 John Brother came in his place he is going to Michigan we pulled the beets Mangels & carrots the Surray Carrot is the largest & best the sugar beets is good the yellow globe mangle is good for the table and yield
28 Fred Johnston plowed & scraped part of the garden he then went out to the road & took the plows to work there I went to Delta with Vince & the children I had Paragon & Charley the roads is bad
29 got home this afternoon from Delta fine day Fred is plowing at the Road Revd Mr Green had the Bible meeting in our church very few out he stoped here all night
30 Fred plowed at the road he is plowing where the spring wheat was sowed & seeded down I took Mr Green to Escott this afternoon heavy rain
31 Revd Mr Houston preached this morning Mr Matthews at night


Nov 1 Fred plowed at the road I took Jennie to her school heavy rain this afternoon we have had the cows in the stable every night since the 23 of last month
2 Fred is at the road I fixed the bin for the roots in the celler & toped most of the carrots white frost
3 Fred is plowing at the road fine day
4 Do Do Do I toped the Beets & mangols and the remainder of the carrots
5 heavy rain so that Fred could not plow the ground is so wet he came out here he went down to the north field & shoveled out the furrows and cross ditches the ground is very wet
6 McKays boys came and helped us to pull the turnips we got them all pulled they area poor crop we drew in the carrots and Beets into the celler 3 loads
7 Revd Mr Matthews this morning Mr Houston at night very heavy wind it blew over the fairground fence carried part of it across the road over to our fence while we were at church
8 Fred began to plow in the field next to the norht cross road Northwest corner the ground is very soft
9 Fred plowed all day we drew of two stones to the road that was in his way the Annual plowing match was on A Cornells {illegible} field there was 14 plows Men and Boys the ground was rather wet
10 heavy rain last night & most of the day Fred thrashed some of the peas and split some wood
11 Fred opened the ditch across what he had plowed it is sod he then finished thrashing the peas
12 we drew in 2 load of turnips I have been toping and fixing the horse stable so as to get Paday in the stable all the horses has been here
13 got all the turnips in had one load to day they are very small & poor
14 Revd Mr Galbraith preached this morning Mr Matthews at night
15 Fred plowed there is about 3 inches of snow on the ground
16 Do Do I fixed the stables to day
17 Fred finished plowing the garden this morning where {illegible}& cleaned up the peas had three Barrels & a bag full


Nov 18 the Ram brock out yesterday to Coplands sheep they came home We fixed the hog pen & sheep pen there is about 4 inches more snow Fred went to the road & got slough riged for to draw wood
19 Fred went to Ab McNeils for wood with the slough this morning fine day
{many lines illegible}
23 Fred drew sand all day to the house I {illegible}
24 Fred went to the sixth consession for a load of wood he has finished the drawing from { illegible}
25 Fred went to the shanty for wood he brock the king {illegible} out of the slaugh he went out to the road for the other slaugh it had the frount pice of the Shoe brock had to get that fixed
26 Wallace went for Jenie Fred got his load of wood home after he got the slaugh fixed
27 Fred drew a load of wood from the shanty Miss Rogers & Miss Parker came from gananoque with Gilles last night {illegible} went to gananoque with Miss Hogan & Fisher Fred went for wood to the shanty drew 2 loads that is that there is cut fine day
28 Revd Mr Houston preached this morning or rather at night
29 {illegible} went to gananoque with Miss Roger and Parker Fred went for wood to the shanty drew 2 loads that is that there is cut fine day
30 stormy day Fred finished the wood in the {illegible} we cleaned up 7 bushel of fall wheat it is all that is here we have 27 bushel left here the rest {rest of entry illegible}
30 Fred drew dung at the road {rest of entry illegible}


Dec 1 stormy day wind & snow Fred split wood in the shed I got Charley horse shod all round 3 sharp
2 Fred went {line illegible} I split some wood
3 Do Do Do
4 Fred helping Bruce to thrash Wall got home yesterday o his horse {illegible} went to {illegible} the Wife is at {illegible}
5 Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning stormy day snow & rain
6 Fred helped Bruce to thrash I took Jennie to her school got Bruces cabbage & took Wll Lizie & Bessie to Delta we fixed her chair in the slaugh sot that she could lie in it is it a fine day hard frost last night
7 I got home after dark Lizzie stood the Journie well Fred helped Bruce to thrash fine day
8 Fred helped Bruce they finished very stormy day snow fell al day and very fast
9 the snow fell twelve inches yesterday & last ight Fred went to the sawmill & brought the fence stuff that was there I finished the bottom in the slaugh J Lattimer put a new knee & raine on it cold day I fixed a Pl{illegible} for Paddy
10 Fred went to Gananoque with his {illegible} I went for Jennie with the double slaugh very cold day
11 Fred split wood in the shed most of the day very cold with wind & drift I fixed the harnefs
12 Revd Mr Garrat preached this morning Mr Matthews at night
13 Sam drew dung to the garden & went with Jennie to her school
14 I went to Gananoque with 7 bushel of fall wheat that was all that we had here 6 of mixter of spring & fall it snowed & rained most of the afternoon
15 Jonnie Beatty came up from Young last night he is going to make a pair of bob slaughs for {illegible} Sam took him out to road and my bench he working in the old house there Sam went to the shanty for a load of wood there was more cut he brought some {illegible}
{illegible entry in left column} 16 Sam went to Bee of John Hannes this afternoon
17 Sam drew wood and took the {illegible} along and to the road put it in the station there he is making {rest of entry illegible}


Dec 18 Sam went out {illegible} going to {illegible} did not {illegible}
19 Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Garret at night
20 Sam took 3 {illegible} they finished thrashing the oats {illegible} Sam quit making when the thrashing was done
21 I atended to the cattel I am lame with my back
22 Ad brought the B. pig out here this morning
{illegible entry in left column} 23 I split some wood went well Rev Mr Matthews to {illegible} Mr Hepworth {illegible} stopd Sunday & night
24 Atended a meeting in the church I gave Mr {illegible} ten dollars for Mr Matthews that makes up my $20 David & his wife & children came from Delta after dark John Omar came with him
25 David & Ad & Wm was here for dinner fine day I tended the cattle & split some wood
26 the Revd Mr Houston preached this morning Mr Matthews at night
27 I split wood took care of the cattle cold day
28 Ellen & me went to Ads for dinner John Beatty and his wife from Pembrook Mary Jennie and Duncan came with them from Young stoped all night
29 they all went home this morning fine day fine day Ad and his wife went home & Jennie all went to Young they intend to got to Lyn
30 I split wood {rest of page illegible}


{none of page is legible}


Ad drew loads of wood {rest of entry illegible}
20 Ad was at home fixing his Bob slaughs I atended the cattle
21 Ad went for a load of wood & to {illegible} in the road he has drew all the dry wood that he bought of Robert Johnston fine morning but about 3 o clock it began to blow & Snow snowed and blowed all night and very cold
22 the roads is all blocked up there is drifts 3 and 4 feet deep {illegible} Johnston and another boy came up the road on horseback Sam ploughed {illegible} through our fields I went to the church there was to be a meeting of session no one came
23 Revd Mr {illegible} preached this morning Mr Matthews at night
24 Ad went to gananoque this afternoon I split wood and atended the cattle cold day
25 Ad went for a load of wood he left it here the roads is very bad I went to Fairfax to a {illegible} meeting only one member & a few others the Revd Mr Greer of Gananoque spoke on {illegible} there was very {illegible} at night
26 Ad drew load of & banked rest {rest of entry illegible}
27 Ad Do 1 Do took it home
28 Ad Do 1 Do took it home Wallace went for Jennie and brought her home very cold time
29 bought a stack of hay from {illegible} paid fifty dollars 10 dollars per ton drew 2 loadshome took one home very cold
30 Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Huston at night
31 Ad drew 1 load of hay here & took one home Billie brought Jennie home from Young


{top half of page is illegible}
9 the Road is so soft that there is no loads going on the them I went to the funeral of a son of John Red he was buried at the Union church there was 24 rigs
10 it is still thawing the snow has gone{illegible} the ground is in a swim warm day with rain
11 fine day still thawing it is the only thaw the we've had this winter the {illegible} is beared in them
12 no meeting this morning in {illegible} this morning but {rest of entry illegible}
{several entries illegible}
{illegible} took him to Young to see his {rest of entry illegible} & Billie went with {illegible}
17 Ad came home this afternoon on {rest of entry illegible}


Feb 18 Ad went for a load of wood took it home there is a drisling snow most of the day
19 Ad went for a load of wood he left it here it snowed about 6 inches yesterday & to day still drifting
20 Revd Mr Houston preached this morning Mr Mathew at night
21 Ad went for a load of wood he took it home
22 Ad went for a load Do Do
23 Ad went for wood Ab McNeil and his Man went with him they lfet there loads of wood here
24 Ad and Ab McNeils man brought 2 loads of wood here very cold day the pump is frozen
25 Ad and Abs man brought 2 loads of wood they left them here
26 Ad drew in one load of wood left it here he cut some wood in the afternoon I have a pain in my side so that I cannot saw it
26 I went to church the Revd Mr Matthews preached tomorrow is to be our communionthere was very good congregation for a work day
27 Revd Mr Matthews preached John Shelds was recivd as a member in our church there 35 members partook of the sacrament there was a large attendance of people
28 Ad took Jennie to her school there is quite a thaw last night with rain in the morning & snow in the afternoon


{a lot of the page is illegible}
the snow is very soft {rest of entry illegible}
7 Robert Beatty and his mother came up this afternoon they are all well
8 Ad went to Delta with Ellen and her two children Jennet went with them they went to see Watts wif
9 Ad came home from Delta this afternoon Watt got hme Sabbath morning Lizie is no better slaughing is nearly gone he bought 4 bags of he Crown peas and Som Erley Rose Potatos all for seed with
10 Ad to the shanty to bank out wood fine day
Ellen went home on the Express today Bessie went to Brockville with her they stopt at Mrs Scotts at night 11 very hard frost last night and to day Dan Harisson finished Wallace house Last night he went home to Delta this morning Ad came from the shanty this evening he banked out a load of wood
12 Ad worked at home I sawed wood most of the day
13 Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning a stormy day it snowed about 5 inches last night is still snowing
14 Ad took Jennie to her school this morning I went to Gananoque on the Express Revd Mr Matthews went with me we went to the Revd {illegible} Mr Matthews & there Eldermen apointed to tabulate the state of religion on the Presbytery there was only 4 returns sent in so then very little to do
15 Stopd at Mr Grace all night we went on the Stage to Kingston the presbytery met at 3 o clock there was a large attendance of members & Elders {rest of page illegible}


{first third or so of page indecipherable)
21 Ad got new saw {illegible} fixed it and sawed some wood {illegible} & B{illegible} helped with some teams the {illegible} is very bad we put {illegible}
22 finished sawing the wood by noon Ad drew two loads of sawdust & put it on the track
23 Ad went to Delta with Billie buggy for Wat frost last night with cold wind
24 Ad got home at night all is well at Delta Jennet gathered sap and they are boiling it down
25 I split some wood very hard frost last night I took the skin of Dutchs calf it is a bull
26 very hard frost last night the white cow had a bull calf this morning I split wood took care {illegible}
27 Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Garret night Mr Matthews read his resignation this morning
28 I went out to the road to help to saw wood we burst the big driving wheat just after beginning Ad took it out to McDonald at the village & got him fix it cold day hard frost
29 Ad went to Abs to help him to saw with the drag saw I tended the cattle there was a meeting of Presbytery the church {rest of entry illegible}
{couple lines illegible}
It began to blow and snow this evening {rest of page illegible}


{first third of page illegible}
very heavy frost last night {illegible} wind all day I split wood and {illegible}
6 cold day I tended the cattle & split some wood
7 Do Do
8 it is a great deal warmer this afternoon I took the skin of fine warm day the snow is going fast I took the skin of Kitties calf {illegible} day old
fine warm day the snow is going fast I split wood and took care of the cattle
Revd Mr {illegible} of Gananoque preached our pulpit {illegible}
{rest of page is illegible}


{top 1/3 of page too faint to decipher}
21 {illegible} bushel of the same oats {illegible} sowed in the North field put in the {illegible}
22 Ad {illegible} the straw that we had down in {illegible} to East of the fall wheat he spread it on where he sowed the oats he sowed {illegible} clover seed {illegible} on it cross furrow William marked {illegible}
23 Ad worked at the road most of the day I went with Charley to Young to the funeral of {illegible} She died at Port {illegible} Sam Gilberts and was buried in Caintown graveyard Revd Mr Richards preached the funeral sermon the church was well filled
24 there was no meeting in our church we stoped at Robs all night came home today
25 Ad worked at the road I fixed some fence round the church field {illegible} warm day
26 fine rain this morning it is very much needed the ground is very dry very little {rest of entry illegible}
27 Ad has been working at the Road yesterday and today Wallace & I came out & {illegible}
28 I went out to the road and {illegible} fixed the gat at the road front of the barn
29 I fixed the {illegible} harness & buggy & oiled them {illegible} came home from Kingston the class is not {rest of entry illegible}


{top third of page is too faint to decipher}
4 {illegible} where Ad cultivated {illegible} day the ground is hard and damp {illegible} we have had no rain I might say this spring yet
5 I dug a little more in the {illegible} and planted some {illegible} the ground is very hard very hard frost last night
6 fixed more of the garden {illegible} some dung to the gooseberrys and Rubarb and cleaned {illegible}
7 Sifted some of the peas that Ad got at Lydenhurst they were thrashed with the Machin and were a good deal broken
8 there was no church here this morning Revd Mr Garrat and Mr Huston preached at night
9 Ad came here at noon they have got done at the Road he plowed in the North field south west corner for peas Wallace came and draged I sowed 3 bushel of peas in the afternoon Ad went to the {illegible} to look for {illegible} Sowed 3 1/2 bushel of peas they are all the {illegible} peas I sowed better and {illegible}
{in margin - fine shower at night about 11 {illegible}
{rest of page too faint to decipher}


May 15 Revd Mr Garrat preached this morning and the Revd Shane preached at night for the first time Hugh McKay took Mr Shane with Charly to Fairfax
16 rain most of the day no work done and the cows in the stable a very cold with north wind
17 very cold day with north wind a little rain
18 James Bradley began to work this morning Ad hired him to work this summer he laid up the lain fence and other fences round the pasture
19 Bradley split wood at the house Ad is working at home I went with Revd Mr Shaw to see some of the members
20 Bradley ewnt out to the road to ditch so as to let the water of the potato ground I picked the sprouts of the potatoes Ad & Wallace took them out of the seller on the 19th & put them in the Room
21 I went with Mr Shaw to see more of the members
22 Recd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Garrat at night
23 Ad rolled the Buckwheat I cobled mothers shoes
24 finished sprouting the potatoes worked in the garden Ad took the White cow & the 2 yearlings to the Shanty the Revd Mr Shane moved from here to W.A Cornetts this morning the girles is helping to get them fixed
25 Ad & James picked up stones of the New Meadow put them in the Barn yard I cut some potatoes
26 Ad & James picked more stones put them in the Barnyard the draged & furrowed out the garden in the forenoon Ad went home & me planted 1 1/2 bushel of potatos some beans pop corn & some sugar cain seed that finished the garden
27 James drew dung to the field back of the Barn for beets & turnips
28 Ad dissmissed James he is no good
29 Revd Mr Shane preached this evening no meeting this morning
30 Ad spread dung back of the Barn & plowed draged & furrowed up 20 rows for Beets & roots
31 I sowed frist & 2nd the yellow Mangels 3 rows long {illegible}


June 1 went to Brockville to see Watt met him at the Ren{illegible} house and signed Bondes for his government work Ad drawing to the back of the barn
2 I planted the Early Bassano Beet 4 row 5 & 6 rows in the Red Surrey Carrot 7 row the red Castelby Beet more than half of the 8 row then the rest is Suttons student parsnip
3 planted 9 & 10 rows long red mangles 11 & 12 rows is Imperial Sugar Beets 13 & 14 long Red Mangel and between 50 & 60 tomato plants fine rain this morning Ad has been working at or preparing to mo{illegible}
4 I raked the ground for to sow 6 rows of turnips Ad and all hands is moving H Webster Barn to there place Tennent is doing it fine day
5 Reverend Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Garrett at night
6 Ad got the Barn to its place I worked on the roads with the teams we drew gravel out of Johns Johnsons pit 5 teams drawing on the snap road
7 I was at the roads John Moore was on for us that made 5 days that I did
8 Ad is drawing dung to the little field east of the Barn I sowed 6 drills of turnips of the seed that I raised last year John Moore is helping I went to Kingston on the Express as one of the commissioners to the general assembly from our Presbytery
9 Ad plowed and planted some corn
10 Ad plowed and planted the potatoes where they were last year the ground is in good order
{in margin} I was bileted on Mr Robert McCannon Mr Guthrie the Reverend Mr Chambers was there first rate place 11 Ad helped Bruce to move a Barn I got home on the Express this afternoon there was a large attendance and some fine speakers they do not expect to get through before thursday next
12 Reverend Mr Garrett preached this morning Mr Shane at night
13 I took Jennie to her school and pulled thistles out of rasbery and strabery bed
14 planted corn east of the Barn John Moore helped he then went through the potatoes and corn with the cultivator {illegible} paid them


June 15 I planted {illegible} of 5 rows Johnston corn next the Barn put the corn in drills Ad is working on the roads he is pathmaster
16 I worked at the garden Ad is working on the roads
17 I worked on the roads for Ad he has to go to John Coates in the forenoon I went to a meeting of congregation & Sesson in the church Reverend Mr Greer was here I was appointed pastore Income
18 I got two shoes on Charly by McDonald made out lists of those that had not paid their subscription for Mr Matthews there is over 50 dollars at Fairfax
19 Reverend Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Craig preached at night he is new Methedes minister
20 I am fixing the truck waggon I have to make a bolster and stakes hounds and other things
21 working at the truck waggon
{in left margin} I went to a strabery festival of the church of {illegible} 22 I helped Wallace to lay out his Stables
23 Do Do Do in the morning
{in left margin} I took two veale skines and 5 Deacons skine to Colmans to he taned one of the veal skins And ours was the best 24 I went to Delta in the afternoon stopped at Lizies went saw Mr Rodrick about shingles he will have them in a fortnight or 3 weeks he is to send postcard
25 I got home this morning Bessie came with me Lizie is a good deal better she can rise and walk through the house with two stafs I helped Wallace at his stable he raised it this afternoon it is just East of the church shed I atended A meeting {illegible}
26 Revd Mr Craig preached this morning Mr Shane at night
27 I worked at the waggon after taking to her school very heavy rain this afternoon
28 got some more fixed at McDonalds he fix the waggon went to strawberry festival at church of our church in the Showgrounds very heavy rain this afternoon
29 got the chair and table that was at hall then helped Wallace at the rafters got them up Ad helped too
30 I went to gananoque got Gillian {illegible} papers filled by P Stanley got wine for the communion took some butter to Brooughs got sugar one half bushel of salt paid for a bag of fine salt


July 1 Ad fixed the Barn that they moved made a partition and boarded the underpinning John Gemmel helped me to draw the horse through the potatoes in the garden & hoed
2 Ad began to mow and mow the orchard Gemmel hoed I went to the church Reverend Mr Shane preached there was a good meeting
3 Reverend Mr Shane preached the church filled to this over flowing there 54 partook of the communion Mr Craig preached at night
4 I took Jennie to her school and Wallace took in the hay in the orchard had 3 good loads I helped to fix the waggon at McDonalds shop in the forenoon I was taken sick at night
5 Ad mowed in the second field fine hay day
6 Ad & Wallace worked at the hay in the forenoon John Gemmel and Wallace worked at the turnips and Beets in the afternoon
7 Wallace drawing in this afternoon Ad mowed for Wallace in the forenoon Bessie raked with Charley
8 Ad & Wallace drew in hay from the 2nd field Bessie raked fine hay weather it is very warm day
9 Ad & Wallace finished drawing in what was cut here this morning they had 10 loads in the 2nd field and 2 off the peice north of the ditch they left to draw in that that was cut on Wallaces place on Thursday very warm day with a little wind
10 Mr Hall preached in the Methodist church this morning Reverend Mr Shane in hours at night very day
11 Jennett came home from Young this afternoon she went home with Mary on Saturday Bessie went with them Ad mowed at Wallaces I am a good deal better
12 Ad is mowing at home this morning and drawing in the afternoon {illegible}
13 Ad cut in the field next Calhouns and finished mowing in Wallaces hay
14 finished cutting Calhouns field and drew in part I helped to {illegible} warm day
15 Ad cut the six acer field and finished drawing in the calhoune field I raked with the horses
16 I raked Ad & Wallace drew in the {rest of line illegible}


July 16
21 Ad began to cut East field in the forenoon Drew 4 loads of the hay north of the Barn and 1 out of the East field {illegible}
22 we drew in 5 loads of hay {illegible} had to the East field and one from north of the house I raked
23 Ad began to cut in the north field went to the road I raked Wallace & J Gemmel cut in the afternoon till tea Ad brock a bolt of the mower He had to go to the shop fine shower at tea time
24 Mrs Amos Gilbert was buried this morning the Revd Mr Huston preached in his church it could not hold all the people Mr Shane preached at night
25 Ad finished the cuting we then began to put up stack Bruce Mc{illegible} stacked Ad went up to {illegible} to cut a peice that Wallace has there Henery Webster helped us with his team then he went away
26 Ad & Wallace went to Abs to cut {rest of page illegible}



August 17 Ad helped Bruce with his horses Wallace went to help Ab with his hay is all done
18 Ad {illegible} part of the hay to the east stack & asked hands to help him to thrash tomorrow
19 Dan McNeil Mr Landon came this morning with the machin they thrashed over 100 bushel of fall wheat D Cowan & Cornett & Richardson Curie helped. Cowan Cornett & Richardson had ther horses
20 finished thrashing had 135 bushel of fall wheat 15 of spring wheat 220 of oats 20 of barley 29 of peas they did not thrash all the peas I went to Gananoque with Sam Cook to see Mr Greave on church business
21 Revd Mr Crage Preached in the morning Mr Shane at night
22 Ad went to Gananoque with 5 bags of peas oats & barley got them ground for the horse I cleaned the barn {illegible}
23 Ad & Wallace began to draw dung to the north field for fall wheat dry & very warm
24 Ad and Wallace drew dung to same field
25 they finished drawing what dung we have except what is in the sheep house it is so dry it is of no use to plow in the first time they scraped a hole in the pit for the cattle
26 Ad & Wallace drew dung from Charles Stewarts to Wallaces place in the forenoon they then began to cross plow in the north field the ground is very dry
27 Ad went to Gananoque with Bessie & to lay out a road at South Lake Wallace helped D Cowan to thrash with the team
28 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Houston at night
29 Ad plowed in the north field I took Jennie to her school very hot day
30 Ad helped Alex Cornett to thrash with his team
31 helped him this forenoon that was ll that he had in the Barn he then plowed in the afternoon in the north field I took 6 bushel of wheat the Escott mill got it ground


Sept 1 Ad plowing in the north field very warm day he draged the peice where the peas was on
2 Ad Rolled the peice and draged it again
3 Ad in the corner part of the same field I atended an {illegible} at {illegible}
4 Revd Mr Houston preached this morning Mr Shane at night very warm day
5 Ad laid the ridges in the south part of the north field & ridges in the south part of the norht field & ridged up part of it
6 Ad started to plow with 3 horses in the north west corner of the north field it does well
7 Ad plowed with the 3 horses I got the tines sett on the Milk waggon yesterday afternoon & one tine of lumber waggon by McDonald
8 I went to Delta fair Bessie went with me I acted as Judge on sheep stoped at Watts
9 I got home at 8 oclock to night Ad plowed or ridged up for the fall wheat the ground is very dry and the are is full of smoke
10 Ad is plowing with 3 horses in the corner field
11 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Huston at night
12 Ad is plowing with the 3 horses he has finished the corner peice and is rolling it is very lumpy
13 Ad sowed 4 1/2 bushel of fall wheat on the south west part of the North field I sowed a peice of the head ridge with the wheat that came from Mr Rennie last year it is 7 pace in width and 21 paces in lenth southwest corner
14 Ad Rolled and draged the part of the northwest field that he crofs plowed with the 3 horse team
15 Ad took out some big stones in the corner field
16 Ad worked at a large stone in the corner of the field it is very large one Bille came home from Parry Sound this morning he helped Ad to scrape a hole in the gravel pt for water in the {illegible} very warm day
17 Ad and Wallace is plowing & scraping ditch with {rest of


Sept 18 Revd Mr Crage preached this Mr Forest night
19 Robert Cornett began to work {illegible} him he draged & plowed in the corner field & I went to the sixth Con to fight fire with B. McNeil & his man
20 Ad went to fight fire Robert plowed I went to Kingston to the Presbytery Mr Shaw went too
21 Ad did not come home Wall & all hands out to the fire it is on the rear of there lotes
22 I got home on the Mixed this morning the Presbytery closed yesterday afternoon we have to pay Mr Matthews his arrears if we do not we will get no Home Mission grant all arrears must be paid then we will get two dollars per Sabbath untill we get a settled minister
23 Robert finished the plowing in the corner field this forenoon a fine rain last night that is the first rain for over two months Rob shoveled the furrows of the first sowed wheat
24 rain this forenoon I sowed 5 bushel of wheat on the corner field Rob draged Ad has been fighting
25 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Houston at night that is last sermon he is going to {illegible}
26 Robie & me cleaned up 12 bushel of wheat and 16 of peas and oats for feed for the hogs
27 I went to Escott with the grist a little rain Robie helped Ad to cut up the corn at the road
28 Robie plowed out the furrows of the follow and shovled out the cross furrows
29 I atended out Fair I was in the Hall we took first on Cow and on Boar 2nd on Sow 1st Ram {illegible} last 2 parts & one to on fine work
30 Robie & me husked some corn that was in the barn fixed up some fences got four Sheep from Coplands Ad has been most of his time fighting fire at the Shanty


October 1 fine rain last night & this morning Ad went to the fire Robie drew dung at the road
2 Revd Mr Crage preached this morning Mr Shane at night
3 Robie drew dung at the road Ad out to the pine
4 Do Do Do
5 Robie drew dung in the forenoon he helped Bruce McNeil to thrash in the afternoon
6 Robie helped his Father to thrash at N Websters Ad and Alic went to Kingston on the Boat from Gananoque he took a horse to Gananoque I have been helping at the church most of the week we are white washing the roof and other alterations they have taken down the pulpit and lowered the platform
7 Robie & Ad dug potatos brought a load here put them in the seller fine day
8 Robie thrashed Buckwheat & thistles rain most of the day I helped at the church
9 Revd Mr Shane preached in the Methodist church this morning Mr Crage at night
10 Robie is thrashing Buckwheat Ad went to the shanty the fire is still burning A little rain
11 Ad & Robie dug potatoes he brought a load here put them in the celler
12 the dug 2 loads of potates brought them here
13 they dug 1 load it rained in the afternoon Robie finished thrashing the buckwheat
14 they dug 2 loads put them in Wallaces seller they have got them nearly all dug
15 rain most of the day Robie & me husked corn that he brought from the Road Ad went to Young with his Mother to see Rob
16 Revd Mr Crage preached this morning Mr Shane at night in the Methodist at night Mr Houston this morning in his own church
17 rain we cleaned som of the Buckwheat and killed a yearling {rest of entry illegible}


Oct 18 Pulled and drew in two loads of Beets they were Blood Sugar and yellow mangels we have only 3 loads altogether
19 I helped at the church in the forenoon I dug in the turnips in the afternoon and some carrots Robie began to plow in the North field NEast corner
20 Robie plowed I helped at the curch there was Mrs Cornett & 2 Daughters Mrs McMullen Mrs H McDonald & Jennet
21 Robie finished plowing that field this afternoon I finished pulling the carrots and parsnips
{left margin} Revd Mr Green held his Bible meeting to night rain most of the day 22 Robie began to plow at the Road they are plowing the center or old paster field where the well is
23 the Revd Mr Grean preached this afternoon Revd Mr Grean dispensed the sacrament to day
24 Robie is plowing at the road Ad & Wallace is working at there stable cold with rain
25 Robie is plowing Ad & B Kirker is working at the stable I went Wallace & Revd Mr Shane to Mrs Crawfords funeral she was buiried at the Ebanzer buiring ground there was a large number at it officiated at the grave he will the sermon on Sabbath morning at Fairfax he had to Kingston on the Express
26 Robie is plowing they working at the stable I helped to quill some hard frost these last two nights we have had the cows in at night for some time back and fead them corn stalks
27 hard frost last night Robie is plowing Ad and Alic is fixing Wallaces house this afternoon
28 Robie is plowing at the Road I worked at a cedar log to make a Beam for Jennets loom fine day Ad & Wallace is working at there stable
29 heavy rain this forenoon no work done
30 Revd Mr Crage preached this morning Mr Shane at night
31 Ad & Wallace brought out a load of cornstalks I helped to clean up 8 bushel of wheat for Bruce McNeil he is borrowing it


Nov 1 I husked some cornstalks for the cows we put them in every morning & sometimes at night
2 Husked more corn Robie is plowing at the road
3 rain most of the day Jennie went to Farmersville to the Teachers Instute she went with Wm Cornett
4 Robie is plowing I split some wood some other chores
5 rain most of the Robie helped Wallace to draw stuff for grouting his stable I husked some corn Ad ditched at the Road
6 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Crage at night I took Mr Shane to Fairfax roads very bad
7 I finished husking the corn Robie is plowing Ad took Jennie to her school
8 Ad brought a cheese out this morning they are drawing gravel for grouting Robie is plowing
9 Ad took an ash log to Greers saw mill got it sawed & squared for a beam for Jennets loom
10 I worked at the beam Ad is ditching at the road
first snow fall 11 I went to McCormicks Mrs Kirkers & Mr DArling on church business and brought Jennie home
12 there was about 3 inches of snow this morning little Watt from Pembroke came here last night Express it rained & snowed al day snow all gone
13 Revd Mr Crage preached this morning Mr Shane at night
14 I took Jennie to her school Ad is ditching Robie is picking stones of the headridge so as to finish the field he has been three weeks it is a large one
snowed 3 inches to night 15 Ad finished ditching the field where Robie was plowing and cleaned out ditches where Robie in the north field before he went to the road Jennet went to Delta this morning Lizies girl is going to leave here Jenet is gone to try & get one on the road
16 Ad Wallace & Robie went to the Hays land an got slepers for his Stable got two for ours off Brun{cut off} they are 28 feet long we took out the shiprocks {sleepers would make more sense}
17 I helped Wallace to put in some his sleper in the stable Jennet got home she got Miss Acton at Somers to go


Nov 18 Ad and me put the long sleeper in ther place in the sheep pen in the forenoon he helped Wallace to Shingle in the afternoon cold day (Ad went to B. Youngs for the raising
let the Ram to the sheep 19 rain and snow or rather sleet I split wood
20 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Crage at night
21 Ad helped Wallace to shingle they got it finished then was off them at it prety cold day
22 Ad killed 3 spring pigs he brought one of them here it weighed 210 pounds I taped my shoes
23 Robie finished drawing the dung at the road Ad is beging to move the thing
24 they are moving all that they can drawing wood loose lumber very cold time
25 Robie is helping Bruce to thrash Ad is moving all he can I split some wood
26 I fixed up some of the fence this forenoon went to a Agriculture meeting at Deans snow & rain
27 Revd Mr Crage preached this morning Mr Shane at night
28 Ad moved out the Family to day they are all in bush they have a good deal to do yet
29 Ad & Robie is buisy drawing things & fixing up the house
30 Robie is helping Bruce to thrash Ad is giting thing fixed in the house


Dec 1 Ad & Wallace buried the sleeper for a stable in the New barn Robie Ditched out at the road
2 Ad & Wallace fixed Wallace stable & took some hay from here to it Ad went for Jennie
3 Wallace & Robie cut dow an Ellem tree on the line North of the ditch East line Ad drew 2 16 feet logs of it to the Mill for plank for the stable
4 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning & Mr Ferguson at night
5 I took Jennie to her school Ad went for a load of stuff to McCreadys mill then they thrashed Wallaces oats of there Barn floor they 200 bushel in this afternoon
6 Ad & Wallace worked at the floor in the stable snow & rain most of the day very little frost
{in margin} the dogs killed 14 Geese last night for Ellen they are all torn & eaten 7 we all worked at the Stable in the New barn we got the bails nearly all fixed snowed about an inch last night
8 worked at the stable cold day
9 Do Do got it finished so that got a place fixed for the sow pig & put her in it
10 we got 4 of Ads cows in the stable this afternoon the two yearling heffers and 4 calfs there is 3 of there cows in our Stable & Tillie cow is the new stable we are fattening her
11 Revd Mr Matthews preached in the Methodist church in the morning Mr Shane at in ours at night
12 Ad went to the 9th consession to see his lot there the fire has run all over it he sold it to Running for
13 heavy rain all day the ground is geting very wet no work out of doors
14 Still raining the frost out of the fields Ad overhalled the mainger in the hors stable
15 Ad was fixing at home they dug a ditch for to let the water of the church field I quiled some
16 Ad brought there hens & geese from the road and other chores I split wood


Dec 17 split wood & primed the window sashes for up stairs windows fine day Bessie came home from Kingston
18 Revd Mr Shane preached this morningI took him to Fairfax Thomas Kingston A Cashman a report that I had wrote to send to Kingston to Dr T G Smith of our {illegible} with Mr Matthews he signed it
19 I sent Dr Smith on the train gave him the report Ad & Wallace & me we worked at the cow stable grouting it in the afternoon fine warm day
20 worked at the stable all hands fine day
21 Do Do got it all grouted but the part between the door and the cattle heads
rained most of the day 22 we changed the door of stable the width of it self to the East Wallace cut two small basswood trees in the woods for his bials top & bottom
23 I split some wood Ad fixed some fixings in the stable fine day
24 I split wood and did other chores
25 Revd Mr Crage preached this morning Mr Austin at 3 oclock in English church Mr Shane at night in ours
26 Ad Lowered the floor in our cow stable behind the cows I had a chill did nothing
27 Ad took a 100 of flour to vanornam his is choping for him at the 6 consession Jennit Bessie Jessie & Phillo went to Brockville on the Mixed this morning they came back on the Mixed
28 rain Most of the day very little done Ad drew some snow from there Barn to Wallaces stable
29 I split some wood & gruted a little in the henhouse
30 put some the wood that is out in the woods they are all at the church fixing a New year tree for the Sabbath School Children
31 Ad and Bessie went to young to them there is some of them sick Aunt Margret has got her ribs brock a very stormy day


Jan 1 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Crage at night
2 very heavy frost last night there is no slaughing Ad came hom from Young this afternoon on the Horse the axel of the Buggy brock between Leaders & Margrets the horse got away & cut the two back sinews of his hind leg he went to Brockville veterian Doctor he would not {illegible} it till wednesday Ad had done it up with a bandage before he went to Brockville
3 we Killed the two old hogs to day it is very cold with snow in the afternoon
4 Ad went to Young on the Mixed this morning for to see how Charley is he did not get home tonight
5 Ad came home to day Charley is well as can be expected he went to Brockville to see the Dr he thinks he is doing well I did the chores & split wood
6 snowed about 4 inches last night & today Ad drew some sawlogs for Wallace from Bruces for Wallaces stable ther is some sliping with the slaugh
7 Ad drew two loads of hay for Wallace they put if over his stable it is quit warm
8 Revd Mr Crage preached this morning Mr Shane at night
9 the snow is all gone it is quite warm Ad went to Gananoque Bissie went to Kingston on the Mixed this morning to atend the College fine day
10 Ad and Wallace cleaned up his oats that was in there Barn in the field front last night I got what wood was out in the shed there is no truck
11 Stormed most of the day I got wood split & atended the cattle
12 I atended the Annual Meeting of the Agriculture Societie in Dickes Hall there was a large atendence of Members Ad drew a load of wood from the Hays land that Wallace has
13 Ad went to the Chanty for a load of wood
14 McNiels Machin is thrashing for Ad it is oats that they are thrashing


Jan 15 Revd Mr Roberson preached this morning Wm J Turner took him to Fairfax in the afternoon Mr Crage at night
16 Ad drew a load of green wood Hays land it is small blue {illegible}
17 we killed the Killie cow we have stall fed her since fall Ad went to the Shanty for a load of long wood brought home
18 Ad went to Hys land for wood our wood that we got last winter is nearly done very cold day
19 Ad drew wood from Hays land I bucked wood
20 Ad went to the Hays land for wood he brock his whipeltrees he only brought part of a load
21 Ad went to the shanty brought a large load of dry wood slaugh runs good Wallace went to Young to see Charlie horse to Libie & Jessie with rained & snow most of the day
22 Revd Mr Crage preached in the morning Mr Shane at night very stormy & cold very few out very cold
very cold with high wind 23 Ad riged up the bobslaugh & went the shanty brought a load of cordwood snowed about 3 inches
24 Ad drew a load of cordwood from the shanty very cold day
25 Ad drew a load of cordwood from the shanty fine day rain at night & some snow
26 Ad went for a load of wood it rained and snowed last night a very heavy fog this afternoon and very warm
27 Ad went to Gananoque this afternoon Wallace & me cleaned up 6 bags of wheat him and Ad cleaned up 19 bags of oats at there Barn in the forenoon he intends to go to Mill
28 Ad went to Escott with the waggon he took the 6 bags of fall wheat and 19 bags of oats
29 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Wallace took him to Fairfax with our duble slaugh cold day
30 Wallace went to Escott with the waggon I cut wood
31 Ad worked at the {illegible} doing chores I cut wood


Feb 1 Ad cut wood on the Hays land with Wallace fine day there is no slaughing I sawed wood
2 Ad and Wallace are cuting up Ellem tops on the Hays land that Wallace bought there
3 Do Do Do Do
4 Ad & Wallace is cuting wood on his place
5 Revd Mr Spiner preached this morning Mr Shane at night
6 Ad drew 2 loads of wood Ellem topps from the Hays land cold day
7 Ad drew 1 load of wood James Beatty & Robert Wm Hughes came up from young with loads of Barley to the Station there is a good market here
8 Ad drew 2 loads of Ellem tops from Wallaces place on the Hays land
9 Ad drew 1 load of wood this morning he went to the Funeral of Bruce Johnston son of Robert Johnston he was throughn from a horse 12 days before his schul was brock in there between 70 & 18 rigs he Union church could not them the Revd Mr Crage preached fine day
10 Ad went to South Lake to lay out a road there fine day slaughing almost gone I cut wood
11 Ad went to the Funeral of Mrs Landen Joseph Stacey Mother in law She was buired at the Ebenazear
18 the Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Crage at night
13 rain last night the snow is all gone Ad read up the New Barn floor I cut some wood heavy rain most of the day
14 Ad got Bruces old mare to put in with Tom have to go to the funeral of Wm Armstrong he took some of the morners I went with him to the house there was a very large funeral he was buired at the Ebenazear
15 Iseral Boam is buiring to day at the Union church he died at Mr Lappins he went to a milkmeeting & fell down & died with speaking


Feb 16 Ad & Wallace is dowing Straw on the waggon from the Barn in there field warm day for to feed the stack fine
17 Ad and Wallace brought the saw & horsepower here for to saw wood here very cold day north wind
18 they set the saw & horsepower this forenoon Bruce filed the saw they sawed all the wood we have it filled the woodshed they got a New Ballance wheal to the saw put on in Brockville it cost eight dollars
19 the Revd Mr Crage preach this morning Mr Shane at night
20 Ad & Wallace took the saw & horsepower to there place this morning they sawed most of their wood in the afternoon they brock the cap of the driving wheel
21 snowed and rained a little most of the day
22 the snow is about 8 inches deep Ad went to the chanty for to bank out wood fine day he brought home 1 load os wood
23 Ad went to the chanty for wood brought 1 load and went back up I there all night
24 Ad cam home with a load early this morning went back again & brought another I went to the station & met Revd Mr Richards he is to {illegible}
25 there was a large number at the tea meeting last last night the preceds was about $115 it was a great success Ad & Alice went to Delta this afternoon Ad took Kittees hide to Colmans to get taned
26 H McKay took him to Fairfax the Revd Mr McAuther preached Mr Shane was sick he had to go home to Kingston Mr Crage preached at night
27 Ad & Alice came home this afternoon the slaughing is all gone warm day he brought a cold of Wats with him
28 Wallace went to Gananoque Jennet went with him She took a crock of butter with her got 23 c per pount for it they went with the Buggy the roads is bad rain to night


March 1 very heavy this morning the snow is all gone except allong the fences heay rain this afternoon
2 very little frost last fine worm day I split wood
he went with the Buggy the roads bad 3 Ad went to Gananoque with Mrs James Shipard She down on a a visit he got hom in time to on on the Express to Young to see the Charley horse is doing
4 I split wood this morning fine day I met Mr Hiland a student Jams C McCormick took him to Fairfax
5 Revd Mr preached in the C. of E. this Mr Hiland at night
6 dull hazie day Ad came home from younge last night the horse is gaining a little
7 Ad and Wallace thrashed the peas that was left for seed the wind was blowing from the North they spared the doors & cleaned up 4 bushel that was of our old kind
8 Ad and Wallace went to Bowes and got 6 bags of wheat Ad took it to Escott mill the Roads is very ruff
9 Ad went to the chanty to bank out wood he took slaugh on the Buggy began to about 10 oclock
Ellen went to Glentay on the Express 10 Snowed about 6 inches last night with rain so that there is thick ice on the snow Ad is geting saw logs to Blairs mill some pine & ash
11 Ad came home about 7 oclock this evening I split wood & atended the cattle
12 Mr McClearn preached this morning Alec Cornett took him to Fairfax Mr Crage preached at night
13 Ad & Alia went to the chanty he is going to Bank out there was 2 inches of snow last night fine day
14 attended congregation meeting at the station cold day, poor slaughing some is suing wheels
15 I helped Jennet to quill and tended the cattle
16 Mary cow had a calf it is a bull I did the chores
17 Pets 2 year old had a heffer calf it is from John Cooks Duram bull is is a nice one White face cow had a bull calf this afternoon
18 I took care of the cattel and calfs fine day Ad and Abia came home from the chanty they were there drawing sawlogs & banking out wood


March 19 19 Revd Mr Crage preached this morning Mr Shane at night Hugh McKay took Mr Shane to Fairfax last night
20 Ad killed the two bull calfs fine day snow all gone
heavy wind with snow & drifts 21 cold last night with a little snow I intend to go on the Express to the Presbytery in Kingston
22 I got to Kingston yesterday afternoon the train was 1 1/2 late
I stoped at Mr Steves in Kingston 23 there was a great deal of buisness to do at the prsbytery I got home on the Express this afternoon Bessie came with me her clases is finished for this time
24 cold hard frost last night I split wood & did the chores Ad went to the chanty on yesterday morning for to Bank out wood that he has cut
25 Ad came at noon he got all the wood banked out hard frost last night and to day
26 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Crage at night Henery Webster took Mr Shane to Fairfax in the afternoon
27 rain last night and today Ad fixed some fixings at the stable Kate got a nail in her foot she is lame
28 I have a lame Back cant do much
29 Ad went to Gananoque with Mary Jane Dutch cow has a heffer calf fine day
30 I helped Ad to clean up 15 bags of oats at there Barn he took them to the Mill here to get them ground for the cows
31 Ad went with Wallace to the Hays land with the horses to draw rail cuts for a line fence very hard frost last night cold day


April 1 Ad brought his grist from the mill and drew oats from the Barn for to feed the horses here I split wood
2 Revd Mr Baily preached this morning Mr Robertsen at at night he stoped here all night
3 Ad went with Wallace and drew Rail cuts on the Hays land Dan Vanerman came this afternoon he had hired him for a year for $144 dollers
4 they all went ot the Hays land to work this morning
5 Do Do Do Do Do I split wood & took care of the cattle
6 Ad got I McDonald to come & pair Kates foot where the nail went in he let out a lot of pus She put her feet down on the foor at one I boiled some flaxseed for A poltice put it on Dan helped Wallace
7 Dan is helping Wallace on Hays land Ad id choring
8 we put another polties on Kates foot it a great deal Better 1 got wood cold day
9 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Crage at night
10 Ad went to Brockville on the mixed this morning he is on the Jury Wallace took us to Mr Thomas Darlings funeral he was buired at the Ebenazer church he died on friday night last there was a large number at the house Revd Mr Shane oficiated the Funeral sermon is to be preached on the 23 in our church here
11 went to the funeral of Mrs Wm Willson Wallace took the morners Revd Mr Crage preached in the Methodist Church here she was buiried at the Ebenazer church
12 Dan went to McCreadys Mill for a load of lumber then he drew 2 loads of straw from this Barn
13 Dan & Wallace drew 2 loads of straw here and 2 loads of hay for Wallaces to his stable
14 Dan went for a load of lumber to McCreadys Ad got home on the Express from Brockville
15 Ad & Bruce riged up the horse powr onto saw wood they sawed a little
16 Revd Mr Crage preached this morning Mr Shane at night


April 17 They finished sawing at Ads this forenoon then they took the horse powr out to Bruces to saw there
18 Dan helped Bruce to saw wood they finished his
19 rain most of the day Dan split wood in the wood shed I have a pain in my neck
20 Dan finished spliting what wood was in the shed
21 Dan & Ad cleaned up oats for to grind for the cows they then drew stones for a fence front of Wallce house he is going to put in iron Rods in them
22 Dan drew gravel for a road into Wallace house I can do very little with the pain in my neck
23 Revd Mr Crage preached this morning Mr Shane preached Mr Darlings funeral Sermon in our church at 2:30 P.M. the church crowded full there was hardly standing room
24 Dan rolled the midel field west side frost every night cold backward time
25 Ad sowed fine bushel of spring wheat on the fall wheat it is mostly all killed Dan cultivated it in Ad worked Wallaces horse & Kate on the roller
1/2 bushel oats 5 of wheat 26 they sowed 4 bushel of oats in the midle of the North field Ad sowed clover & timothy seed eaquel quantities he worked parigon & kate on the drag
27 Ad sowed 6 1/2 bushel of oats in the North East corner of the North field part of it was brock up last fall that finshed the sowing here
{illegible} 28 they went out to the road and oats there Billie came from Parry Sound on the Express yesterday & all is well there
29 Dan shoveled out the cross furrows in the North field this forenoon he drew the old leached ashes from frount of the house and spread them on the garden from the house to the henhouse Mr Robinson came on the Express he is to preach at Fairfax tomorrow morning
30 Revd Mr Bailie preached the funeral sermon of Wm Staces in the English Church this morning Mr Robinson in ours at night


May 1 Dan is working at the road with the team in the old paster field they are sowing oats
2 Dan is cultivating Ad is harrowing after him with Kate and Paragon fine day
3 Do Do I dug wereh the strawes was
4 Dan drew dung this forenoon to the garden Ad went to gananoque with Kate & Paragon
5 they are working in the old paster field at the road I dug som in the garden and planted a quarter lb of onions seed that Ad got in gananoque
6 they finished the old paster field this afternoon all but a low peice that they left for Potatoes
7 Mr Robinson preached this morning Mr Bailie at night James McMullen took him to Fairfax
8 Dan plowed the garden & cultivated it it very lumpy Ad went to Gananoque with Paragon
rain last night 9 Dan went to the road to plow in the old night paster the garden is too wet work at
10 Dan is plowing at the road Ad has sold the place at the road to Thomas Burns for two thousand dollars Ad is to have the crop this year
rain last night 11 heavy rain this morning and most of the day Dan & Ad cleaned up some oats
12 Dan shoveled furrows out at the road
13 Dan shoveled and let the water of the garden and drew straw from back of the Barn to the Barnyard so as to fill it up it very wet
14 Revd Mr Bailie preached this morning Mr Robinson at night
15 Dan plowed at the road I dug some in the garden Ad went to Delta for to take the horses and {illegible} rigs to Brockville that Wat is going to take to the north West for the surrey
16 Dan sowed 3 bushel of peas at the road they are the same that he at Delta last year
17 Dan worked at the road Ad went on the train for Manatoba Jennie & B. Sandness went with him behind four horses & two {illegible} waggons and other trap


May 18 Dan worked at the road he Sowed more peas and some wheat the ground is hard with {illegible} and wet dry weather
19 Dan & Wallace working on the road they finished all but the planting ground Dan rolled & draged the garden & planted a bushel of {illegible} Early Rose and tried to plow on Wallaces place he could not do it it was too wet and rolled on the plow
20 Dan drew dung on the field behind the Barn
21 Mr Robinson preached this morning Mr Crage at night
22 Dan plowed for Wm McNiel he helped him before
23 heavy rain last night and this morning we cleaned up 10 bushels of wheat for to take to the mill Dan & Bruces boys took the yearlings out to the shanty this afternoon I planted a bushel of potates that we got of Ab McNiel in the garden a New Kind
24 Dan went Gananoque with 10 Bushel of fall wheat and 1 of spring & fall for cracked wheat Jennet and Bissie went with him cold Day
25 Dan drew dung to the field back of the barn I took care of the cattle we have them in the stable
26 Dan finished dunging the field & plowed a little
27 Dan plowed in the forenoon he then shoveled ome furrows out at the road I got the horses shod all round3 new shoes & 5 old ones set I paid McDonald $1.35 one dollar & thirty cents for them & one shoe on Kate that I got on the week before Professer Powter came on the Express
28 Professer Powter of Kingston preached at night for us Mr Crage in the morning
29 Dan is plowing East of the Barn it is a little warmer
30 Dan finished plowing East of the Barn and then marked it out for planting and plowed the headridge southeast of the fall wheat draged it I sowed A milk pan & a half of flax seed on it he gave it one stroke of the drag
31 John Gemmel helped me to plant a Bushel of Western corn for cow feed we planted in drills we began next to the Barn the last row & hald our own corn we sowed 9 rows of the Red Surrey carrot & 2 rows {illegible} it rained so that we could not finish


June 1 very heavy rain last night the ground is very wet Dan is fixing up the paster fence
2 finished planting the corn back of the Barn we planted 34 hills of cucumbers next the parsnips we then finished planting the garden with pop corn Butter Beans Early corn and 24 hills of potatos that I got in Kingston one seed in a hill & nearby a pan full of other Beans Dan drew straw into the Barn yard & other chores with the horses
3 Dan drew gravel for the lain raod and round the gate rain ground is too wet to work
4 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning
5 Dan drew gravel to the lain this forenoon he drew earth for Wallace to put frount of his house house in the afternoon
6 Dan is drawing dunt for Wallace we washed the sheep in the afternoon
7 Do Do Do they have got nearly enough for all that he wants
we went to the laying of the {illegible] of a church at Fairfax there was a great gathering 2336 dollars was realised 8 Dan went to roll some sawlogs into the creek ad take them to the Mill this morning he fund that some of the had been stolen he got what he found to the mill brought a load of lumber home
9 Dan drew 2 loads of dung from Mathews to the norheast field in the forenoon I helped him to load the shered on rather under took to do it I helped him pint the second I had turned me over & hurt my knee so that I could do no more he finished them
10 Dan had to do the chores I cannot get out of the bed with my knee he plowed in the northeast field for Buckwheat
11 the Revd Mr McQuage preached at Fairfax in the morning Sand Bay in the afternoon and here at night I cannot get out of bed yet
12 Dan is plowing at the road for the potatos & corn fine day
13 Dan Do Do Do Do
14 Dan and Wallace began to plant the potatos at the road I cut some fine day
15 they more potatoes and some corn rain in the afternoon
16 marked out more of the ground for planting and shoveled out the ditch
17 sowed some sweeds turnips
the Revd Mr Greacie preached this afternoon passed a motion to see what we can rais for {illegible to Mr Shane


June 18 Revd Mr Shane preached and dispenced the communion there was 38 partook very heavy rain this morning
19 Dan and Wallace finished sowing Beets & Mangles at the road my knee is very sore I am in the house all day
I put a blister on my knee 20 Dan sowed a low hole next Websters line with millet this forenoon that finished the work at the road I went ot the station and rated for George Tayler
21 Dan and Wallace worked on the road with the team
22 Do Do they had two teams in
Billie came from Parry Sound on the Express 23 Do Do this forenoon they had two team on
24 Dan plowed for Buckwheat in the forenoon he went to young in the afternoon and brought Charley horse home Rob could not keep him the paster
25 Revd Mr Crage preached this morning Mr Shane at night
26 Dan is plowing in the North field I am in the house with my knee the Dr orders me to keep still
27 Dan is plowing in the North field
28 Do Do Do
29 Do Do Do
Revd Mr Green came here this forenoon stopped all night 30 Dan finished the field this forenoon Wallace went through the potatos & corn in the garden with the cultivator John Gemmel hoed in the garden this forenoon he ad to quite on account of a sore hand there is heavy rain this afternoon I have been in the house with my knee all this week it is some better


July 1 heavy rain all day Dan cleaned & fixed the Barns for the haying and other choring
2 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Crage at night
3 Dan went to Delta this morning with Vic and the three children fine morning heavy rain in the afternoon John Gemmel hoed in the garden and pulled some Mustard in the forenoon
4 Dan came home from Delta this forenoon he cultivated in some millet in the field East of the Barn where the Western cord did not grow that I got from Mr Brought it was bad seed
5 rain this forenoon Dan drew some wood from the Bush old stuff I am still in the house
John Gemmel Billie Alex at the road 6 Dan choped some wood i nthe bush this forenoon he sowed som Buckwheat at in the afternoon where he plowed
7 Dan sowed more Buckwheat John Gemmel hoed in the garden to day
8 Dan finished the Buckwheat to day he sowed bushel John Gemmel hoed East of the Barn
9 Revd Mr Bailie preached this morning the Shane at night
Gemmel has worked 6 1/2 days 10 Dan drew dung from Matthews John Gemmel hoed half a day East of the Barn
11 John Gemmel hoed East of the barn Dan drew a load of lumber from Blairs Mill & cultivated in the corn
12 no work four Logers took Dinnier in the drill shed and we had a strawberry festival in the Agriculture Hall in the afternoon
John Gemmel 1/2 day 13 Dan took a load of window frames from the station to Fairfax for the church there this forenoon he ground the syth & mowed round the house my knee is a great deal better
1/2 day 14 Dan look for Charley & Kate got out of the paster last night found them at Charles Armstrong he wnet to Fairfax for the runners to draw Wallaces stable
{illegible} 15 Dan helping to draw the stable Johnn Tennent {illegible} him did it they got it to its place ts afternoon it {illegible} & rained


July 16 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Crage at night
17 Dan began to mow & mowed the orchard in the forenoon he then went to the North field & mowed there
18 heavy rain most of the day Dan put a corer on the granary in the old barn then we fixed the cover over the cows stable in the New Barn and took some of the pig of the sow
19 Dan mowed in the north field I spread out the hay in the orchard and raked round the fences Wallace and Fremon McNeil hoed at the road they raked & cocked the orchard
20 Dan Wallace & Freaman drew i 3 loads out of the orchard & 3 from the North field they put it in the New Barn over the cows I made frames for Wallaces seller windows & put wire cloth on them fine day
21 Dan mowed in the midel field in the forenoon Freman raked with Kate they drew in 1 load from the North field after dinner put it over the cows in the old Barn heavy showr to stop my men drwing in they then cleaned a grist
22 I took 3 bushel of fall wheat and better than 1 of Spring wheat for cracked wheat to Excott Mill Dan & Wallace worked at hay
23 I went to Fairfax & Sandbay and Red the call and in our own church at night ang the people signed it Mr Shane preached
24 Dan Mowed part of the day & I finished the cuting of center field at night Wallace Dan & Fremanan drew in with Kate & paragon they raked with Charley
25 I mowed in the North field a piece that was left the rest is raking and drawing in they drew in 7 loads
26 I mowed the field East of the lain that finished cuting here & the rest is drawing from the midle field
27 I went out to the road & began to cut in the field north of the potatos it is poor & very rough heavy rain in the night
28 I finished cuting the field this afternoon the rest hoed potatos
29 I raked and the rest drew in they drew it home I atended a congregational meeting in the aftrnoon
30 Revd Mr Shane preached here this morning
31 I began to mow in the North field next calhounes mowed all day very warm


August 1 I mowed this forenoon and then went to Kingston on the Express to the Presbytery is meets at 11 oclock to {illegible} to recieve to call from us to Revd Mr Shane I took it up
2 came home on the Express then Ad commenced & {illegible} other then men was drawing in Dan had finished mowing
{illegible} and the Thermometer is 112 very hot day 3 I went to mow a peice East of the bushes that was seeded down and found that there was a lot of mustard in it the seed had ripened & would not cut it runing the Dan went up to {illegible} to cut peice for Wallace they {illegible}
4 Dan Wallace and Fremon went to Abs this morning
Billie & vire came here last night 5 Dan Wallace & Truman went to Abs they finished Wallaces peice last night Abs party turned in with them yesterday & they went there today to help them
6 Revd Mr Crage preached this morning Mr Shane at night
Billie went to Pembroke on the Express 7 Dan Wallace & Truman mowed Barley & cocked it as they went along very warm day
8 heavy rain most of the day no work done
9 Dan & Truman worked at the Roots thining & weeding
10 Dan went gananoque to a Picnick this morning Fremon worked at the Barley
11 Dan Wallace and Fremon worked at the Barley in the forenoon Dan & Wallace cut the Fall wheat in the afternoon Freeman worked at the Barley
rain this evingning 12 we drew in 4 loads of Barley it is a good crop
13 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning I read the In Duction Edie here for Mr Shane
14 Dan & Wallace mowed peas & oats I turned over the raking & some cocks of Barley that was left out on Saturday Freman & me drew a load of the rakeings & cocks then they drew in 3 loads of peas & oats I raked
15 Wallace hooked peas Freman & me raked up the fall wheat it is poor crop Dan got a Cornetts reaper and cut the oats in the north field fine day
Alice came this afternoon very stormy little rain {illegible} 16 Dan and Wallace hooked peas this forenoon we then drew the remainder of the peas and oats
17 Dan Wallace & Billie finished hooking the peas this afternoon Bruce came with the Bruce came with the reaper and cut the spring Cornett Run what they could & stacke it up 67 stooks {rest of line illegible}


August 18 Bruce cut oats in the Barn field and in the North field at the road Dan Wallace & Billie Bound what they {illegible} of them Freman & me stooked the fall wheat and Raked up part of the oats in the north field
19 drew in the oats in the North field had 6 loads Billie helped Freman & the raked up the Sheaves
20 I went with Revd Mr Shane to Fairfax and Sand Bay and red the Edict of Induction for Mr Shane
21 Dan Wallace & Freeman drew in the spring wheat had 5 loads they then drew in 2 loads of oats from the road
22 they are drawing in the peas we put 1 load over the stable in the new Barn put 4 loads in a stack at the New Barn and toped off sheaf oat & hay
23 Dan & Wallace cradled oats at the Road rain last night my kneew is very painfull
24 Dan & Wallace worked at the grain Bruce cut part of side oats with the Reaper Freeman is helping
25 they are all working at the Road Billie came from Delta this forenoon he brought a man with him
26 Wallace finished all our cuting with the Reaper this forenoon Dan Billie Freeman and the man that he brought binding & drawing in I am raking after the reaper fine day
27 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning I read the Induction Notice that is the second time
28 Dan & Wallace is drawing Freeman is raking up for them they are filling up all the barn
29 they are drawing to both Barns warm day
30 were are all working our best they have put enought of the Austrilian oats that is bound in sheaf over the cows stable at the road for seed that is pure and enought of the other oats bound in the New Barn for seed all the crops is first rate thanks a good God for all his goodness to us
31 Dan & Wallace is helping Bruce our grain is all in


Sept 1 Dan and Wallace is helping Bruce to draw in there is a fine rain this afternoon
2 I went to Gananoque with Hugh McKay for to get stuff for a fence for the church we got it at McClarnens Dan went to {illegible} with a grist 10 bags wheat went to look for himself some {illegible}
3 Dan took Richards to Fairfax & Sand Bay Revd Mr Richards preached at night Mr Crage at night
4 I went to helped J McDonald in the shop to make a share for the plow there was so Many horses came in that we got very little done Dan was looking for {illegible}
paid McDonald in share 3.50 5 I was a McDonalds all day got the share done Dan started to plow for the fall wheat he is cross plowing
6 Dan is plowing I got a shoe o Kate I went to a Harvest home dinner in the Grill Shed there was a large gathering Ellen an the children & Bissie came from Perth on Express
7 Dan drew in Wallaces oats I helped them fine day
8 Dan is plowing for fallwheat it is hard work we drew in the flaxseed cool day
9 Dan is plowing I went with Wm McCready to try & get some stones at Armstrongs for corners for the Sand Bay church we got four small ones put in two blasts they did not qua{illegible}
10 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Bailie at night
11 Dan is plowing I nailed some fence boards on the posts for a lain and got some wood
12 Dan finished the cross plowing today it is very hard Dan cultivated & rolled the peace Ellen {illegible} Revd Mr Leashman preached the induction service Revd Mr McQuaid and Willson adressed the Miniter an people we had a good meeting after the congregation dismissed Mr Leashman called the session and Mr Shane in Moderator of Sission I was put in Rep{illegible} Elder
13 Dan cultivated & rolled the peice it is very rough Ellen & me went to Sand Bay to the Laying of a corner ston of a Presbyterian Church Revd D Jordan Laushway McQuaig & Shane adressed the people
14 heavy wind and rain most of the day Dan drew dung
15 Dan drew dung from Mathews for wheat Aunt Isabela came from Duram on the Express


Sept 16 Dan drawing dung I split some wood & threshed some of the flax seed
17 Revd Mr Baillie preached this morning Mr Shane at night
18 I went to Young with Aunt Isabela & Ellen with Kate and Paragon they are all well came home at night
19 heavy rain and thunder this morning Bisie went to Gananoque with Kate Dan drew dung in
20 Dan drew Dung there heavy rain good deal of the day cannot get any help to load dung
21 Dan helped Bruce McNeal to thrash I went the Kingston fair there was a great deal of fine stock of all kinds with rain
22 I got home on the Express I stoped at Joseph Nicols very heavy rain most of the day
23 Dan drew some rails had to make fence Dan went to Gananoque with Bisie they brought home {illegible} for the lambs the ground is very wet
24 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Baillie at night
25 Dan drew Dung George Matthews loaded
26 Do Do Do they finished drawing I cut the millet at the road fine day
27 Dan begun to plow for the fall wheat Matthews spread in the afternoon he was sick & could not work in the morning
28 Dan is plowing Matthews is spreading we separated lambs and took the Ram from the sheep I put up a fence at the top of the orchard for them
29 Wallace draged in 4 1/2 bushel of fall wheat at Wm Scotts sowed the ground is in good order Dan finished the plowing Wallace draged with Paragon {rest of entry illegible}
30 {entry illegible}


Oct 1 Revd Mr Shane preached this evening
2 Dan drew some st{illegible} & s{illegible} to the Barnyard George Mathews began to cut the Buckwheat he is to {illegible} half of the seed
3 Dan drew some wood this forenoon he helped Bruce to saw wood in the afternoon I moved the track
4 Dan went to Bruces this morning for to help them saw wood
5 Dan helped Bruce to saw they finished he brought part of the Rig home
6 Dan went out for the horse powr we through down part of the old stable
7 Robert Armstrong brought Aunt Isabla here this morning he took home a Ram lamb for Roby Beatty half breed South down
8 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning
9 Bruce came and sett his horsepowr & we sawed part of the old stable Aunt Isabla went away home on the Express Bille came from Delta last night he brought rene & Miss Stevens with him he went to Brockville with them this morning he is going to Parry Sound on the Express from Brockville
10 Dan & me {illegible} up the Barnyard where the old Stable was & {illegible} up the barn
11 Dan & Wallace began to dig the potatos
12 Do Do they brought 2 loads home
13 Do Do Bruces Boy picking up I am puting a new floor in the granery riging it up
14 they are working at the potatos they are a good crop there is a good many small one in them
15 Revd Mr Shane preached this evening
16 George Mathews is helping Dan to dig Wallace is helping Ab o thrash fine day {illegible} we have the horses {illegible}
17 I fixed another bin for potatos in our seller
18 Dan & Mathew is finished diging the potatos {rest of entry is cut off}


Oct 19 the thrashers cam last night to thrash we thrased the fall wheat had 110 bushel good crop 32 peas & oats they then moved to the new Barn for the thrash what was there
20 had 413 of oats and 70 of Barley 32 of Peas
21 finished all here by noon to day I went to church Revd Mr Lownie preached he has just come from scotland he was here all night
22 Revd Mr Lownie preached Mr Shane a drizzle the Co{illegible} there was eight Joined the church
23 we cleaned up oats Dan took 100 bushel to the station they are 35 cents per bushel
24 cleaned up more oats Dan took them to the station in all 212 bushel & 32 lbs
25 Dan helped to dig Mr Jonathan Websters grave at the union church the Sermon was preached at the church here the church was filled to over flowing Revd Mr Crage preached there was 84 teams
26 Dan drew home the Webster mild shed we took down last night we are going put it here for a hog pen I mad a stand for the clock Janet went to Gananoque with Wallace he took the wheat
27 Dan drew the old stable wood to the woodshed we piled it up in it took one load of it to Wallaces it makes good wood
28 Dan drew 2 loads of lumber from McCready saw Mill that is we have there now
29 rain most of the day Revd Mr Shane preached at night there was very few at Sabbath
30 Dan went to Escott to mill he took the last of the last years wheat had 13 bushles
31 we cleaned up the last of the oats in the old Barn & cleaned up 18 bags of the Barley Dan took it to the station heavy rain part of the day


Nov 1 We cleaned the rest of the Barley this day Dan took it to the station had 60 bushel & 24 lbs George Matthews picked corn by the Barn in the forenoon they then went to Mr {illegible} & picked 2 loads {illegible}
2 Dan and Matthews picked corn it is good and two loads of turnips they are small
3 Dan & Mathews finished picking the corn and pulled some of the Beets in the forenoon Dan helped Bruce to thrash the afternoon Mathews pulled beets {illegible} came from Delta for {illegible} she came on the Express yesterday from Parry Sound
4 Dan helped Bruce to thrash Mathews pulled Beets in the afternoon the ground was too hard frozen to pull in the morning cold day
5 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning the Dulcimain Ornge Lodge was at the church
6 Dan and Mathews finished pulling the Beets at the road and pulled some of the carrots here
7 we finished pulling the carrots & parsnips here they are good we had to plow a furrow from them the ground was so hard a great many of them brock off
8 we fixed & laid out the foundation of a hogpen
9 Wallace helped us to rais it and put up the rafter {illegible} up part of it fine warm day
10 worked at the hog pen got the roof and most of the siding on Wallace helped
11 Cut 2 small {illegible} for sleepers {illegible} sided them in the forenoon we went to Gananoque in the afternoon with Jennet & Jessie Latimer {illegible}
12 Revd Mr Shane preached at night
13 Dan & me worked at the {illegible} the hogpen rain most of the day till midel of the afternoon it snowed 2 or 3 inches we put the cattel in the stable
14 Dan began to plow this morning where the Buckwheat was that is the first plowing ground very Dry
15 Dan plowed I worked at the hog pen fine day
16 Do Do Do Do
17 Do Do Do Do


Nov 18 hard frost last night so that Dan could not Plow he drew dung & spread it on where he plowed it was Mathews dung in the forenoon helped at the hogpen we got the fatining one into it
19 Revd Mr Crage this morning Mr Galahor was here all night Dan took them to Fairfax Mr Galahar preached there in the afternoon
20 we mixed 14 bushel of peas & oats for to grist Dan took them to the sawmill got them ground
21 I helped Wallace at a hen house in the forenoon Dan drew straw to fall wheat & spread it on it we then took the sheep to B Youngs to the Ram
22 I helped Wallace at the henhouse Dan spread straw
23 Dan finished the hog pen I helped Wallace I can do very little I am bad with my stomick I went to see Dr Hannah he give me a bottle & ordered me to Blue pills
24 very stormy day snow & rain Dan mended the horse blakets I did very little
25 Dan plowed on the Buckwheat ground I made a door for Wallaces henhouse
26 Revd Mr Baillie preached this morning Mr Shane at night
27 Dan drew sand for Wallaces henhouse and some to bank the house hard froze & very cold
28 Dan drew straw to the straberries & sand to cover the greaps and to finish the house
29 Dan fixed the cow-stable got the young cattel in I have done very little I am bad with my stomach
30 I helped Dan to fixed a fence for a yeard between the hogpen & the end of the Barn very cold dry time Dan went to the 6 con for a load of wood to the church in the afternoon it was afer dark before he got back he left at the gate


December 1 Dan took the wood to the church and drew some dung to the Buckwheat ground
2 Dan has done the chores these two or three days I am not able to much Wallace took Jennet & Chilia to Gananoque
3 Mr Pellock a student preached this morning Wallace took to Fairfax Mr Shane is in Kingston
4 Sleat & snow Dan fixed round the stables I put in my Bill for the lumber & nails that I go for the side walk to the council
5 Dan went to young for the sheep they have been there for the last two weeks Dan got the horses shoes all sharpened
6 snowed between 3 & 4 inches last night Dan and Wallace went to the Hays land drew toped and piled them up for the sirkler saw it is on Wallaces 50 acres
7 Dan drew 1 load of wood to Wallaces
8 Do Do 3 loads Do Do
9 Do Do 2 Do here snowed 3 inches last nigh
10 Revd Mr Crage preached this morning Mr Shane at night
11 Dan drew 1 load from Wallaces place & 1 load from the 6 consession he was in the night
12 Dan went to the 6 con and Bank out & brought 1 load home I fixed a platform for the {illegible}
13 stormed all day snow and wind we cleaned up the Barn floor put two Bushel of Barley in a barrel for S{illegible} we had a barrel of peas oats & Barley for hen food
14 Dan went to Wallaces and they sawed with the circular Wallace got two of his fingers cut with the saw
15 finished sawing in the forenoon Dan went to Abs & brought home a load of wood cold day
16 Dan drew load of wood 1 from Abs & 1 from the Chanty the snow is very deep we have to water the cattel at Joseph Taylors well near the station
17 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning
18 we killed a hog this forenoon Bruce McNiel helped Dan helped to put down New carpt in the dining room in the afternoon


Dec 19 Dan went to the 6 con for a load of wood for the Widow Landon he had a cord and a half it is two dollars per cord I take the cattle to J. Taylors well near the station
20 Dan is helping Bruce to thrash fine day Bessie and Jennie came from from school a Miss Smith came with Bessie from Kingston for to spend the hallodas here
21 Dan went to Bruces this morning to thrash I tended the cattle we hope to watter them at Taylors well
22 Dan went to Bruces to thrash finished tthis forenoon they came to the Road Barn and thrashed 150 bushel of oats Robert Lattimer son helped us
23 they finished our thrashing at night we had all together 350 bushel there they all in the granary there
24 Revd Mr Bond preached this morning Mr Shane at night
25 Dan went away yesterday he did not come home to day I watered the cattle at the gravel pit to day the water is runing there has been fine warm days with some rain and snow for some days back
26 Dan came home this afternoon he was at Mallortown Mrs John Buel is dead his sister lived with her
27 Ellen and me went to Delta to Lizie & vive Dan did the chores Lizie is able to get up and walk about without help I was suprised to see her so well we stoped with here all night
28 came home this afternoon they are all well very fine weather the roads good
29 Dan drew some wood from the 6 consession
Dan thrashed some peas in the {illegible} 30 I went to Fairfax Abie went with me there was a meeting of the session there 6 persons Joined the church. Abie was one of them they have a fine church there Revd Mr Shane preached
31 went to Fairfax the communion was dispenced there was a very large meeting the church was full fine day Samuel Daonavan gave me 50 cent for the pine I provided


Jan 1 Dan went to young with Abie Jennet Besie Jenie Miss Smith Jessee & Silvie they all went Unkle Robs
2 Dan thrashed some peas we cleaned up 19 bushels of wheat and 5 bushl of peas & oats for to grind for the cows
3 Dan went to Gananoque with the grist very very stormy high winds with some snow drift
4 Dan thrashed some peas and other chores very cold
5 Dan went for a load of wood to the chantie the road is very heavy with drift very cold with North wind
6 Dan drew two loads of wood brought the last one here we have to buck saw the wood
7 Revd Mr Shane preached this evening cold stormy day
8 Dan and Bruce & his Boys sawed at Wallaces got it all cut he brought half a load of it here
9 Dan drew 2 loads of wood took one of them to Wm Willsons 1 1/2 cords $2.25 per cord left the other here very cold day I tended the cattle
10 Dan drew 2 loads of wood left them here
11 Dan went for a load of wood he atended to the cattle in the forenoon went for it in the afternoon I went to the Annual Meeting of the Agriculture Socitie it as in the Dickee hall it was well attended
12 Dan drew 2 loads of wood I attended to the cattle he left them here fine cold day
13 Dan went to the 6 Con for wood this morning came home without any it snowed and drifted so that he had to leave it at Snider corner the road filled up
14 Revd Mr Smith preached this morning he came down on the Express did nto get down 6 oclock this morning there was very few out the roads filled up
15 Dan finished thrashing the peas we cleaned them up had 13 bushel very stormy day
16 we cleaned up the peas & oats for to grind for cattle we put 7 1/2 bushel in two barles for seed
17 Dan went to Gananoque with 58 bushel of peas & oats got them ground for the cattle it turned a very day snowed & blew filled the Roads again


Jan 18 Fixed the granery for the ground stuff & Dan emped the bags & took them home
19 Dan went out to help Bruce to get wood I finished collecting for the Bible Socitie I got $13.75 gave it to Mr Redmond he enclosed it in a letter to Revd Mr Green I Registered it in the post ofice for him
20 Dan helped Bruce to get wood & saw it they came near night with the saw & horse powr got it sett at dark enough to do us a few Dasy fine day a little rain after dark
21 Revd Mr Greacie preached this morning very cold & stormy
22 We killed the Charly cow she is good beaff Bruce helped us very cold day heavy wind N West we intend to kill the hogs it was so cold we could not do it
23 Dan cut down the Beef & cut up the four quarters cold day
24 Dan went to Chanty for Wood
25 Do Do Do Watt and Lizie came here this afternoon she is geting so that she can out Watt went to Brockville on the Express
26 Dan is drawing wood I atend to the cattle have to take them to Taylors well at the station Watt got back on the Express it was after 9 oclock
27 IDan went to help Thomas Bradley to draw barn timber from the 9 concession fine day with a little snow Revd Mr Shane preached this morning
28 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning
29 Dan went for wood drew tou loads here
30 Dan banked out all the wood that was in the rear to Johnstons raod brought one home took it Wallaces fine day
31 very stormy day rain and snow with high wind very little done except geting some wood cut with with the Buck saw


Febuary 1 Dan drew wood left 3/4 of a cord at the church took the rest of the load to Wallaces
2 Dan drew 2 loads took first to Wallaces left the other here cold day with high wind
3 very stormy day cut wood with the Buck saw we intend to cut with the serkler saw
4 Revd Mr Baillie preached this morning Mr Shane at night
5 Dan went for a load of wood this morning & brought his Father in with him to help to saw wood they sawed some in the afternoon Bruce helped I quiled for Jennet
6 Dan and his Father went to the road for to draw straw they drew 4 loads put them in the old Barn
7 Dan & his Father drew one load of straw & 3 load of hay one in the old barn 2 over the horses Stable & one in the New Barn cold day I quiled
8 Dan & his Father drew straw put it in the old Barn and one load was put in the yard
9 the roads filled compleatly filled up so that there is travel on them to day
10 Dan took his Father home with a small stacke of straw that I gave him there is no wood drawing could bring none home Dan took Jennet
11 Revd Mr Richards preached here this morning at Sand Bay at 2 oclock Fairfax at night he stoped here at night
12 Dan got a new bolster for the Frount Bobby I went to a meeting to apoint Dligates for to go to Delta on Saturday it was held in the Drill Shed
13 we killed 4 pigs taht we feed they are good Bruce helped us fine day Dan went to the Chanty to get out lumber George Mathew went with him he is going to chop cord wood for us
14 I took care of the stock
15 Do Do Do
16 Dan came home this afternoon he brought 2 logs for Wallaces wood shed
17 We Sawed wood Bruce & his Boys helped


Febuary 18 Revd Mr Luague held Missionary meeting in our church today he gave a fine Leacture on Mission work
19 Dan went to the Chantie this afternoon he is drawing sawlogs his Father is helping him storm i the forenoon I fell & hurt my head & sholder this afternoon
20 I am taken cair of the cattle cold weather
Vive came from Delta on the Rail this afternoon she is going to Toronto Lila is with her 21 Do Do Do
22 Do Do Do
23 Dan went back to the Chantie this morning Vive is going on the Express to Toronto Ettie is stoping here till she comes back
24 I went to Revd Mr Shanes this morning to A session meeting Mr Morehead was there then was a session meeting in the church after at half past 1 and preparatic servic at 2 oclock it was a good meeting Dan brought a load of lumber home at night fine day
25 Revd Mr Shane preached & had the communion
26 we cleaned up 14 bushel of wheat Dan intends to go to Gananoque tomorrow
27 Dan went to Gananoque with two bags of Buckwheat and 14 bushel of wheat he got the flour & left the Buckwheat they could not grind it that day I went to the Station to the Election & voted for Dr Preston
28 Dan went to the Chanty this afternoon he intends to draw some of the cordwood that is there to Gananoque the rest of the week


March 1 I took care of the stock fine day warm with a little rain at night wind south
2 fine day the wind has got round to the north
3 hard frost last night very cold this morning Dan came home too night he drew 3 loads of wood to Gananoque
4 Revd Mr Crage preached this morning Mr Shane at night
5 Dan went to the Chantie this afternoon he intends to draw more wood to gananoque
6 stormy day snow & wind I took care of the cattle
7 the roads is drifted full again it snowed about 6 inches I began to feed the cows hay very cold day
8 cold day I take care of the cattle
9 Jennet went to Gananoque with Wm McNiels Daughter in a cutter fine day
10 very dull this morning snow a little then rain Dan came home he was in Gananoque with a load of wood
11 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning very stormy very few out
12 we sawed with the circular Bruce & Abs son & Mr Thral helped it is very windy with a heavy drift they finished all
13 Dan went to Abs with the team & helped him to saw fine day
14 Dan brought 6 bags of oats from the front Barn he then went for a load of lumber Blairs saw mill
15 Dan went to Black Rapids to see about ceder posts
16 Dan went to Black Rapids for ceder posts he got 100 he brought 80 and Bruce McNiel brought 20 of his he got 75 of his own Ab NcNiel got remainder that was there
17 storming this morning & sold Tom horse to N Gardener for one hundred dollars we cleaned up oats
18 18 Revd Mr Hanes preached this morning Mr Shane did not preach
19 I went to Kingston to the Presbytery very stormy day
snowed about 12 inches Billie went Parry Sound Miss Rogers came here for the Holidays 20 Dan took cair of things and split wood
21 he went to Gananoque for {illegible} I got home all night on the Express
22 Dan went to Gananoque with feed grind for the cows he had 23 Bushel of oats Jennet with him fine day
23 Dan took the slaugh to Bruces then he went for a load of lumber to {illegible}
24 Dan went this morning for lumber he brought tow loads
25 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning fine day
26 Dan drew 2 loads of lumer Mrs Rogers went to Gananoque on the Express
27 Dan went to Chantie & Cook for shingle lumber could find none he drew a load of {illegible}
28 Dan to the Chantie for wood he brought 2 loads took {illegible}
29 Dan went to the funeral of a Son of Mr J Reids Gananoque
30 Dan drew stuff from the saw mill fine day {rest of entry illegible}
31 Dan split wood wood most of the day

Names of partys that subscribed for the supert of a minister at Lansdowne & Fairfax for the amount & arrears

amount subcribed
John David Latimer paid nothing 5 00
James Greay paid 6 indue 2 4 00
Samuel Copland indue 1 6 00
John P McC{illegible} Paid to 1880 } indue 2 5 00
Mrs " " " " 3 00
Thomas {illegible} paid one year 20 20 00

Transcription Progress

In Progress


William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 1.pdf
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William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 20.pdf
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William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 46.pdf
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William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 63.pdf
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William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 74.pdf


William Beatty, “William Beatty Diary, 1880-1883,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/504.

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  5. William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 5.pdf
  6. William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 6.pdf
  7. William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 7.pdf
  8. William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 8.pdf
  9. William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 9.pdf
  10. William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 10.pdf
  11. William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 11.pdf
  12. William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 12.pdf
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  16. William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 16.pdf
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  19. William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 19.pdf
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  68. William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 68.pdf
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  70. William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 70.pdf
  71. William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 71.pdf
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