{first third or so of page indecipherable) |
21 |
Ad got new saw {illegible} fixed it and sawed some wood {illegible} & B{illegible} helped with some teams the {illegible} is very bad we put {illegible} |
22 |
finished sawing the wood by noon Ad drew two loads of sawdust & put it on the track |
23 |
Ad went to Delta with Billie buggy for Wat frost last night with cold wind |
24 |
Ad got home at night all is well at Delta Jennet gathered sap and they are boiling it down |
25 |
I split some wood very hard frost last night I took the skin of Dutchs calf it is a bull |
26 |
very hard frost last night the white cow had a bull calf this morning I split wood took care {illegible} |
27 |
Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Garret night Mr Matthews read his resignation this morning |
28 |
I went out to the road to help to saw wood we burst the big driving wheat just after beginning Ad took it out to McDonald at the village & got him fix it cold day hard frost |
29 |
Ad went to Abs to help him to saw with the drag saw I tended the cattle there was a meeting of Presbytery the church {rest of entry illegible} |
{couple lines illegible} |
It began to blow and snow this evening {rest of page illegible} |
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