March 19 |
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Revd Mr Crage preached this morning Mr Shane at night Hugh McKay took Mr Shane to Fairfax last night |
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Ad killed the two bull calfs fine day snow all gone |
heavy wind with snow & drifts |
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cold last night with a little snow I intend to go on the Express to the Presbytery in Kingston |
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I got to Kingston yesterday afternoon the train was 1 1/2 late |
I stoped at Mr Steves in Kingston |
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there was a great deal of buisness to do at the prsbytery I got home on the Express this afternoon Bessie came with me her clases is finished for this time |
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cold hard frost last night I split wood & did the chores Ad went to the chanty on yesterday morning for to Bank out wood that he has cut |
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Ad came at noon he got all the wood banked out hard frost last night and to day |
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Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Crage at night Henery Webster took Mr Shane to Fairfax in the afternoon |
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rain last night and today Ad fixed some fixings at the stable Kate got a nail in her foot she is lame |
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I have a lame Back cant do much |
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Ad went to Gananoque with Mary Jane Dutch cow has a heffer calf fine day |
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I helped Ad to clean up 15 bags of oats at there Barn he took them to the Mill here to get them ground for the cows |
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Ad went with Wallace to the Hays land with the horses to draw rail cuts for a line fence very hard frost last night cold day |
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