Wed 26. warm. Paul caught 4 fish last night & 12 tonight today gave part of them to Fannie. Hattie here working on her centerpiece that she drew the pattern herself. Last night I had a bad spell with my heart & they all came over but Arthur. Ive got a cold & I dont know how U got it. I am not good for anything Mrs Riexinger brought over a liver. Will & Arthur went to Port. to Mill. Fannie took the day for fishing caught 1 they are gone to a meeting in the church to consider what to do with the money from the Tea meeting
Thurs 27 The Turkey laid her first egg. I set a hen with eggs from Olly Dells. I swept & dusted, cleaned the floor scribbed the stoops washed quite a few things swept the back kitchen. blacked the stove, put in my flowering peas Paul went over to Dells to draw away the coal ashes beautiful day wind cool - cool enough to be pleasant ironed the pillow cases.
Friday 28 dreadful hot. I made 3 pies & black current tarts. I was just played out it was so hot & the whole house was like an oven. Paul started to clean the calf pen in the afternoon Paul went to Chippawa in an hour & 25 minutes because Clara rode up with him. Maggie called in for awhile I had to run after the turkey all the time, once over opposite Reixingers. They are washing her buggy. The men the Ferrys & Hattie stayed all night over to James Dells
Sat 29 rained in the night & raining this morning. beautiful growing weather Paul finished the calf pen. Paul went after Marjorie I ironed & cleaned up the kitchen & wood house. Riexmingers got the mail
Sun 30 got cooler the wind almost cold Hattie to dinner. Fannie over in the afternoon Marjorie gone back to Mr Dells Paul took her Fannie went after church at night. Harrie stayed here all night.
Mon. May 1905
Mon 1. I baked jelly cookies & tarts They cleaned their pantry. Paul drawing manure all day with Georges waggon
Teu 2 getting warm again I baked bread, & 2 apple pies cleaned both floors boiled meat & stewed apples & got supper for the men ploughing
There were 6 teams so good of them that came. They ploughed 3 1/2 acres they woud not come in for supper
Wed 3 day very hot wind high & warm Maggie came down with a jar of milk & to see about the ground that was ploughed yesterday