Mary Ann King Diary, 1905


Mary Ann King Diary, 1905


Mary Ann King


Courtesy of Niagara-on-the-Lake Museum




20th Century, Lincoln County, Willoughby Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Mary Ann King Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


? 29.1905 Will paid up in full for the heiffer Lucy went July 30 Lucy Aug 19 McCredies Bess Sept 8 McCredies Rose Sept 10 McCredies long horns Oct. 29

April 1905 1 Sat. 1st North east wind Marjorie swept & cleaned & raked the east yard & layed down boards. Paul went to Chippawa with Topsy & the buggy had 2 dozen eggs @ 18 came back & went up to see about the Turkey, May thinks she is getting the Measles. Fannie over Evening? she kept the fire in the Smoke house yesterday & this Afternoon Sun 2 heavy frost this morning & wind north East. The people went down the road to? the first time for weeks. brole the roads for th first this week down in the school house Will & the girls gone In James Wells to day Mrs Smith she is poorly & ? soon. Mon 3 wind east - but the weather gets quite hot but dull looks like rain Fannie put out some flowering peas and we divided the asters. Paul to School in the forenoon after dinner went fishing got a pike. he put the cows in she fished & Marjorie & I had to Sun after shower? & got them in the barn yard Arthur over to the shop this forenoon upside down Good friday Middy had 3 kitts & Blacky 3 in the night

2 Teu 4 looked like rain & sprinkled once & awhile then the wind started to blow & got awful high towards night got cold wind west & swept & sahed the schoolhouse Marjorie baked bread. it was dangerous to have a fire. we had the pike for breakfast. Hannie & Hattie over in the evening. Arthur ploughing. Will making gates. Paul brought the Turkey home. I finished my chemise Wed 5 cold wind all day Fanny & her father & mother went to Drummondville Fannie went in to see Frances Miller. Frank has the fever now. I washed quite a washing by hand I was over to the other house for a long time At night both the girls were in we got a letter from Ella Forest with another collar Marjorie went to Emily Montagues for apples called in to Pel: & May is getting the Measles. got a bag & a basket of apples. Thurs 6 cold north-west wind 12 eggs today Marjorie & Hattie have gone to Drummondville 3 1/2 doz of eggs. Paul dug horse radish & washed & pealed it & grated some Paul grated a little & Fannie came in & finished it I never saw anything so strong. Will set his marsh on fire Paul burnt ours Clara came home on Teusday Friday 7 north west wind Terrible frosts at night. froze the hens drink solid I tried to finish my waist had to go & sweep & dust & the school house at work, and all, the forenoon to snip Ethel Montagues dress frills & Marjorie faced it & I sewed the frills on & she got it at night. Maria Spencer came & stayed all night - got her supper Sat - 8 terrible cold north west wind She went. Mr Mills after dinner came back & went Mr Martin Dells. I made him pies & cleaned the floor. Paul rode to Chippawa with Maggie & only for eggs 15 pr doz had 2 doz. got a box of herrings. Hattie went to Berlin rode down to Chippawa with Ed & Pel Sun 9 beautiful day a little warmer we get a dozen eggs a day now. Annie Marshall for dinner over to the other house. Fannie & Arthur Don Dell in the Evening. church Sunday Mon 10. We got no sleep last night on account of the horse pounding so much. drizling rain most of the day, but did not amount to much Arthur working up at the head of the lot Paul caught 9 fish we had them for

4 dinner. he cleaned out the north pigpen all that was not frozen 5 Teu 11. raining most of the day. roads quite muddy I went down to sweep Olly Dell over to get some one to help Marjorie went with him. Paul caught 6 fish. Will butchering 3 pigs they weighed 308 & old 5 to farmer Mr Creskie he & Fannie went down with them after dinner got 25 [[[pd?]] worth of bran Fannie came over at night and stayed She heard Frank Miller was worse. I set the black hen on 15 eggs Wed 12 beautiful day but had frost at night. Paul went to Chippawa had 2 1/2 doz eggs @ 15 Maggie Heximer called on her way from school house. Mary Riexinger called for her mail Fannie went to Marshalls for a visit. Will went to Russ Hartlys raising. I baked bread had it baked at 1 Oclock. I wrote to Mrs Kent. Thurs 13. I mended Pauls pants the first thing in the morning so he could go to James Dells & see how Mrs Smith was & see about hay The cattle are out starving in the field nothing but marsh grass or rushes. heavy frosts stunts the grass. However Mr. James Dell was kind enough to give us a load of hat Bill Montague draw it for us after Paul went away I went to work & got out everything out of the woodhouse & cleared it up such nice sunshine & strong wind it did the things good when Paul came home he helped to get barrels out of the Bed in the woodhouse so I could turn around Everything crowded together. Fannie & her mother over 14 swept the front room Friday 14 snowing & thawing as fast as it comes down. comeing from the north east & disagreable if the cattle had no feed such a day it would be hard on them. I washed out some things but a bad day. I had to put a line in the varanda. Paul went to Montague after apples. Sat 15 Terrible cold. I scrubbed the back kitchen after I swept it good & scrubbed the stoops. Swept, dusted & cleaned the kitchen blacked the stove made two pies & ginger cookies Marjorie came home from James Dells Sun 16 quite a lot of snow and north west wind. Maggie Heximer to dinner. Clara & Fannie called Mrs. Riexinger & Mary called. Fannie stayed all night came over early Marjorie went back to Mr Dells with Stanly about 4 Oclock snowed something terrible at night just like a winters night - cold & stormy & last night was fearful cold Mon 17 real blustery snow for all its worst at times then sun strike out Paul went up to Georges after sack of potatoes. I pealed a kettle of apples after dinner he went to James Dells after a selling of eggs. Fannie & her mother went to Chippawa for 5 doz eggs for flour on right hand side of pageWill went away with his Sow & took her to McCredies.

Teu 18 regular winter weather yesterday & today with west wind & snowing most of the time at least comes on flurrys wind goes right through one Paul drawing manure on the garden. Put the horse away at noon it was so cold. Fannie papered their kitchen Paul took our Turkey away again. Mary Riexinger called to see if their turkey was here. I started my woollen quilt Paul swept the School house it was so cold I hated to go. Wed 19 wind south west very high & not so cold. Frank Miller died yesterday. set? spring? at night Thurs 20 drizly part of the day. Paul went to Chippawa. Paul bought home a card telling us about Frank Millers death. He was burrie this afternoon. met at the house at 3 Oclock hence? to All Saints church on this side Mrs Reixinger came past as Paul was going away & stayed untill he came back Fannie up to see May. I baked bread & plum tarts Friday 21 Good Fridaty day something terrible rained pasrt of the time & snowed part of the time great big flakes the largest I ever saw then the water was laying all over the ground from the heavy rain in the night. The cows would not stay long enough to drink watered snow by the pail at night. We had a mess of fish Sat. 22 sun out and nice again. Olly brought Marjorie home in the afternoon. I was mending Pauls pants all forenoon after nailed down some oil cloth to patch up holes cleaned the floor & blacked the stove. Marjorie had a bad face all swelled from her eyetooth. Fannie went to Chippawa after Hattie came home from Berlin just gone two weeks. Paul went after the turkey Nag dont seem to get much better. Sun 23. Beautiful day. The girls were taken in the church. The minister for dinner in the other house. Pel here for supper & Fannie

Wed 26. warm. Paul caught 4 fish last night & 12 tonight today gave part of them to Fannie. Hattie here working on her centerpiece that she drew the pattern herself. Last night I had a bad spell with my heart & they all came over but Arthur. Ive got a cold & I dont know how U got it. I am not good for anything Mrs Riexinger brought over a liver. Will & Arthur went to Port. to Mill. Fannie took the day for fishing caught 1 they are gone to a meeting in the church to consider what to do with the money from the Tea meeting Thurs 27 The Turkey laid her first egg. I set a hen with eggs from Olly Dells. I swept & dusted, cleaned the floor scribbed the stoops washed quite a few things swept the back kitchen. blacked the stove, put in my flowering peas Paul went over to Dells to draw away the coal ashes beautiful day wind cool - cool enough to be pleasant ironed the pillow cases. Friday 28 dreadful hot. I made 3 pies & black current tarts. I was just played out it was so hot & the whole house was like an oven. Paul started to clean the calf pen in the afternoon Paul went to Chippawa in an hour & 25 minutes because Clara rode up with him. Maggie called in for awhile I had to run after the turkey all the time, once over opposite Reixingers. They are washing her buggy. The men the Ferrys & Hattie stayed all night over to James Dells Sat 29 rained in the night & raining this morning. beautiful growing weather Paul finished the calf pen. Paul went after Marjorie I ironed & cleaned up the kitchen & wood house. Riexmingers got the mail Sun 30 got cooler the wind almost cold Hattie to dinner. Fannie over in the afternoon Marjorie gone back to Mr Dells Paul took her Fannie went after church at night. Harrie stayed here all night. Mon. May 1905 Mon 1. I baked jelly cookies & tarts They cleaned their pantry. Paul drawing manure all day with Georges waggon Teu 2 getting warm again I baked bread, & 2 apple pies cleaned both floors boiled meat & stewed apples & got supper for the men ploughing There were 6 teams so good of them that came. They ploughed 3 1/2 acres they woud not come in for supper Wed 3 day very hot wind high & warm Maggie came down with a jar of milk & to see about the ground that was ploughed yesterday

10. & I went up to see Will first if they wanted it then went to Geroges to sell them. After dinner I papered where the wash stand stood & the wood box stood Arthur drawing up rails Will working at the fence posts at the head o the lot. Bell had her calf at night. Will & Arthur came over she got along all right Thur 4 Arthur came over & ploughed the lower gardens & this strip between house & barn, in the forenoon. after dinner, we got the sleigh? out. Paul & ? they loaded a load of hay to take away. I cleaned my pantry - slow work after I got it done had to wash the dishes & everything after dark did not get everything put back untill next morning. The girls & Clara & Mary went to Drummondville yesterday to buy things for the church. Friday 5 Frank & Allen working on the ground with Jim Jeams? . George & Maggie went to Clifton got 16 for eggs had Friday got radish seed & mustard & papered a lot more & swept & cleaned. Will & Arthur ploughing for peas and for the fence. Sat. 6 pouring rain most of the afternoon & part of the forenoon The boys quit ploughing after they got wet through. James McCredie & Henry 11 surfacing the road in the rain. Will & Arthur gone to Clifton with a load of hay. I papered the cupboards & cleaned up the boxes of books & other things till late at night. pouring when we went to bed & a thunder storm last night - but not a bad one & thundered today. Everything in a terrible state around the barn on account of the rain & our bedding of hay. Sun 7 nice sunshine but very cool Marjorie & Fannie came home, after dinner. The girls & Arthur & Mrs Riexinger came in. The girls gone to Saurs church tonight. Mon 8. Paul took Marjorie & Fannie to James Wells Mr Well gave a bag of oats Jerry here to get Paul to herd his cattle. James McCredie ? us for road work. I washed white clothes all day & put them to soak over night & washed four flannelette night gowns & some other colored things it thundered & lightened quite sharp out & poured rain. Hattie was up to see May Dell after she came home from Gibson her father & mother went

in the big wagon. Arthur making fence around the barn yard. Paul & he started the poultry netting around the garden. I had Paul oppening a drain from the barn on the forenoon & cleaning the barn yard. The boys finished ploughing at noon opposite the school house Teu 9 dreadful cold this morning chills one in the bone. I feel sorry for the cattle going out so Early without anything to eat & a fresh mill cow, poor little humpback. Sow bedding. Will kiled his pigs in the forenoon & took them to Speck in the afternoon. Hattie went with hin & took 3 1/2 of eggs. got some meat & bran for us his pigs weighed 2.74. meeting at the church tonight We got up something to pay the minister. Howard Dell came to make fence. had to go home again. Will could not help. Cold all day sunshine most of the time then it would cloud up like snow. I hung the white clothes out had sun shine full strong north east wind my hands get numb hanging them out then I washed out 3 blankets one had been on Paul's bed all winter something terrible & all the rest of the woolens. I went to bed about frozen. Wed 10. cold yet. I washed the colored things. I was tired when I 12 started in tired when I got through I put out some flowering peas for Marjorie & her doters? Paul working at the garden fence & drained up the boards & pools from down the road. McPherson brought their furnishings & the chairs for the church. Howard Dell here all day making fence. Thur 11 Sprinkled rain at time & looked like rain all day. I9 chicks out of Dells eggs. Paul went to fish for an hour & stayed nearly 8 & caught one little fish. Paul & I washed the carpet & fixed the lounge & made rising ? at night up 3 ?eams? on the oat ground they finished it all but ditching Friday 12 the day rather hot gets cool at night left Topsy out for the first. Paul went to Chippawa had 5 dozen eggs @ 14. He got 50 lbs of midlings 65 cts & paid 31 for corn meal Will got Teusday. I baked bread cleaned the Red Cherry sowed one bed in the garden Hattie & Clara went over to James Dell to see about when they will have the posters?

Sat 13 beautiful day. I put down the carpet & took up the oil cloth & nailed it down. Mary Riexinger called. Will called to get the horse to go to Chippawa to get his money from Speck. Maggie called & stayed so long. I did not get the pumkin fries made. Hattie went to James Dells & the girls rode back, Marjorie & Fannie Sun 14 rain in the morning. beautiful growing weather. I set our Turkey yesterday & a hen the day before. The girls gone to the brick church Aniversary Sermons at the Brick. Hattie is here tonight. Will over tonight. The girls gone to the Brick tonight. Mon 15. very cool & windy I worked in the garden after I washed dishes. I put on two big beds onion seed, pepper seed & a big bed of peat & a lot of ground ready to sow. Marjorie cleaned her bedroom. Paul making a fence at the head of the garden. Will & Pell work Fannie over to James Dells Teu 16 looks like rain, Marjorie went to Chippawa to get wall paper paid 25 cts pr roll. 4 rolls & 3 of ceiling. I got Paul at the barn to clean out but he is so lazy. I swept back room & scrubbed the stoop & got dinner when Marjorie came and took up the room carpet. Marjoriie put one roll on the ceiling. Hattie to Some event in Port Erie? about when they could have the festival Wed 17 a thunder storm only one bad report. Marjorie put the ceiling paper on all bit a little rained all the afternoon & so dark could hardly see to paper we put on some towards night. Will made Paul put Topsy in their back shed its such a cold rain the sky looked terrible at times in the forenoon it looked so nice, the sky so blue then all of a sudden such ugly clouds came up & the wind roared Thurs 18 sunny this morning & cold. we finished papering the room & Marjorie took all the rubbish & cleaned the floor. I sprinkled the clothes in forenoon towards night ironed quite a lot & set sponge at night. Hattie & Arthur over in the evening. The last day poor Jack saw alive. Will put the rings on the written on right side turkeys? cropped? & got them in the other pen. Friday 19 Will & Lill went to Welland Arthur dirked? the potato patch & the other & harrowed them with Frank & Topsy Marjorie put down the carpet & I baked a big baking of bread & a dish of buns. I finished the ironing. dreadful winds.

16 Sat 20 a beautiful all but a cold north west wind go right through one frost last night & going to be one tonight. I made 8 pumkin pues & swept both rooms & dusted then went to see May and stayed for tea. Marjorie working at the front room & repoted her plants their furnitures came from Welland Pel got our corn meal 31 ct. sent 2 dox & 3 egg @ 16 gal. Electric oil & beet seed. Sun 21 a grand day Marjorie & Paul went to church. Fannie here to tea. They went to Saurs church, both girls were here in the afternoon. Mon 22 Marjorie fell so mean she did not go to James Dells she had rheumatism she could not do anything. I put out the beds & carrots & helped with 4 rows of potatoes. They are putting in their peas. Teu 23 I put in my flower bed box here in the yeard & my others in yesterday. got six hills of squash in after dinner. We planted the rest of the potatoes 13 rows with beans. Marjorie washed out some of her things & washed the front room windows Wed 24 Holiday. big time at Chippawa. I swept & dusted the school house feel as if I was pounded all over working on the ground so much & stooping over. Paul is helping Will with his potatoes. he furrowed our ground yesterday. Marjorie has gone to James Dells & Fannie came home Lucy had a calf. Paul & I had a big time getting her up in the barn. I took the tacks out of the carpet & take it & the straw & papers out & sweep such a time moving every thing out of the room Thurs 25 I cleaned the floor & washed the wood work. Paul made a pen for the calf & guarded the cows. I took up the pantry oil cloth & my carpet. started to rain in the night & it poured at times. Hattie came & stayed all night. Friday 26 rained all day nearly & poured in night. The road is like a little lake in front of the barn. Everything a a foot deep in water. I put down the carpet & got the things back moveing them so much I got tired of it. Fanny went yesterday to Clifton. Hattie went dow to Chippawa & brought her home. Sat 26 I papered the corner behind the lounge washed the curtains & windows & scrubbed the kitchen floor where there was no carpet done so many little things that dont count. Paul went to Chippawa got 25 lbs beans & loaves of bread 12 lb tea had 8 doz eggs

Fannie drove over after Paul came home & set up all night & Marjorie came home Will & Arthur went to Drummondville Arthur got a new suit. Will spoke for the bananas for the festival John Gibbet killed his dog McCredies had some sheep killed. Clara & Mary went around yesterday afternoon after the ram slacked up to see about baking for the festival. Sun 28 very cool the air full of perfume of the apple & lilac Hattie brought over a nice boquet for us. Rose had a Calf in the night. Mon 29 looks cloudy Paul took Marjorie to James Dells came home & guarded the cows I put in the pop corn & mangel seed now I wish it was out for its pouring rain from the north East. Will & Arthur took a load of oats to Aden Dell & got the bananas for the Social tomorrow Teu 30 I made cookies Paul guarded the cows in the morning after dinner gadded around back & forth. In the church & fancy? as a pig Arthur & Allen Heummel gathered the cakes not a bad day the night is dark & chilly quite a big turn out - made over 80 dollars Wed 31. I washed the dishes for the corner cupboard & put the pantry oil cloth down. set the hen yesterday got the eggs from Maggie & set the Slack hen in the barn on our own eggs. Paul went over to the church as soon as he got his breakfast to help if they wanted him brought home quite a lot of cake that filled. Paul up for the day I swept the school house at night. Thurs 1st. June 1905 I done a churning the first in a good many weeks had a big time getting the churn and butter bowl ready Friday 2 not a bad day. I planted beans & some potatoes and on the east side of the house after dinner Paul planted some sweet corn & I swept & dusted the school house. yesterday fixed my flowering peas & got two hills of cucumbers out. Lilly & Hattie went to Chippawa took 1 1/2 eggs 16 gal 2 qts coal oil 1 lb nails 1 Roof bread & 4 nutmegs Arthur & his mother over at night Sat 3 I churned the first thing just as I got through a big swarm of bees come out of the ?parent? hive I got everything ready to hive them Paul came from guarding the cows & he knocked them down they went in the hive but did not stay went away in spite of all the music. I worked the butter & sent it to Chippawa with Paul 4 1/2 @ 12 1/2 quart came to 6 cts got Tea, nails, staples? sugar & bread

Hattie took Topsy after he came home & went to James Dells to set up bed. they did not need her the poor old lady was gone She needed our one to sit up with her Fanny was here when Marjorie & Hattie came. Will & Arthur were to Aden Dells with hay rained in the night or rather poured Sun 4 rained. Paul took Marjorie back to James Dells. Fanny stayed all night. after she came from Saurs church cold & damp Mon 5 I did not sleep much last night my hand hurt & it is quite swollen & I feel too sick to poultice it & my head aches. Fannie & her father & mother gone to Mrs Smiths funeral an awful thunder storm befor we went to bed in fact befor the cows were milked. Paul took the advantage of me because I was sick & would not do his chores he milked one in the storm & one after I was so glad Fanny came early. she was here & washed pans & strained the milk. the rain came down in torrents Teu 6 Fannie skimmed the milk & strained the milk scalded the churn & done the churning I had a terrible time working the butter. had 5 lbs at night I had to take the cloth of my hand to skim the milk & wash pans then my hand swells up & gets painful. Fanny gone to Herrys to sew Hattie came over to stay & has a bad cold a thunderstorm this evening & one to night. it dont just rain it first pours. Everything suffering wash water 21 the road like a lake & the pasture field low I never saw so much rain Mr Hazlett burried today he died Sunday Wed 7 Arthur & Paul run a furrow around the potato patch & the east of the barn I churned & worked the butter & cleaned the chicken coops which were in a terrible state. I took straw out of my bed for the chickens & pigs Paul put a floor in the pig pen Will gave him orders to do it rained for four days & running Thur 8 The hens have kept me busy five hours running after them eating the beans down as far as the ground as they can see them & the pumkins & squash has Pel & Birdie brought Marjorie home in the afternoon Hattie & Paul went to Chippawa got the insurance dividend is? 1.25 paid, the took 10 1/2 lbs @ 12 1/2 per lb 125 & 2 1/2 doz eggs @ 17.42 lb. Will went to Black creek & up on the river. Marjorie set sponge. Friday 9 they are sawing wood for the other house Marjorie set sponge tonight. I cleaned today but my hand got aching I could not work got the calves out they were in a terrible state Marjorie got things fixed on the line of something for the clean up Sat 10 Guelph excursion the girls & their father went rained most of the day Marjorie had her hands more than full butter? to work. bread to bake. & I was so sick I could not sit & think for?? ? see right-hand side

22 Marjorie was going to go to Chippawa for Miss Hosell then Arthur went, but she did not come he done our rodering?. Marjorie was glad he went as she had her hands full of work, rained most of the night. Will got home at 1 Oclock Sun 11 drizling rain. The little Turkeys comeing out 15 out of 20 Donald Sharp came after Fannie water laying all over the ground shoe deep Mon 12 terrible black clouds at times & sprinkled rain at times towards night it cleared up nice & bright Paul fixed a floor in the turkey pen & I got them in. Paul opened one egg that was left over & it had a turkey with four eggs on, I churned & washed the churn Marjorie got the meals all day first day of school after the teachers fathers death. Hatties birthday celebratiing at washing the buggy a thunder storm came up at night - not bad here bit the worst in 20 years at Otawa struck the Parliament buildings. Hattie was over in the evening & stayed all night Teu 13 I churned have hard work & everything my hand is so bad. Paul swept & I dusted the school house. The soldiers went to camp very hot & roads muddy. Paul fixed the bottom buggy & Marjorie worked the butter Wed 14 Marjorie & Paul went to Drummondville had 9 1/2 lbs of butter @ 12 1/2 & 8 doz eggs @ 18 got the linoleum 3 yds @ 75 cts per yd 2.25 ? Hattie & her father & mother went to town she got her new hat. dreadful hot & stroped off a lot of my clothes & washed all had the little turkeys out to get exercise but the heat is almost too much for them. they have had bad luck withe these only 5 out of 23 eggs one of them died. May went to Clifton Thurs 15 dreadful hot it just spells one. I churned the butter soft as mush to send it to the cellar get ready to work, the little turkey nearly over come by the heat. I got them up at noon and let them out. ?poor? Paul went up after Marjorie he went after supper to George Hexmers. Tom McKeown & Will to see what was the matter of his mower the bees swarmed the big hive. I got them in. Friday 16 thundering befor we got up & rained most of the day Marjorie was going over the river only on account of the rain. I churned. Paul went to Martin Dells after beans came back swept the school house. The bees swarmed after 4 Oclock. Sat. 17. Arthur & I picked the hard shelled bugs off part of the potatoes & Paul finished them when he came from guarding the cows he had a mess of strawberries we had them for supper. Marjorie cleaned up the front room & cleaned the kitchen Paul went to Chippawa after 7 Oclock got home after ten had 4 lbs butter in a crock @ 12 1/2 per lb & one dozen eggs @ 18 got 3 loaves Bread 18 per lb pails 4 coal oil 10 lb sugar 25 cakes 13 the bees that swarmed yesterday came out again & Paul & Arthur could not get them to stay & they went Paul did not try to have them stay & did not care

24 Sun 18 church Sunday none went from here Paul had to take Lucy away. Kate Riexinger called in afternoon. Hattie & Arthur over too. May out to church dreadful hot day we are almost prostrated with the heat thunders in the distance Mon 19 heat something terrible & thundering one time I thought we were going to get it got the turkeys in but it passed over Marjorie washed a big washing then went at her linen waist to fix it over I churned & planted a row & a half of potatoes after Arthur & Paul furrowed out then they cultivated the potatoes made a good job on them the ground was turning green. Hattie washing all day. Paul put in some potatoes. Will went to Clifton with a load of oats. Will Frey died today Teu 20 Arthur & Will ploughing the lane. Hattie washing again. Little chicks comeing out of the barn. Marjorie working at her waist got my hand healed nearly over bad over five weeks I went down & swept the school house Wed 21 Paul weeding & I helped him he got set o strawberries enough for two meals when he was guarding the cows Marjorie was going over the river untill she heard of berry picking funeral of Wella Grey. Hattie went to Clifton. Thurs 22 Marjorie went to Chippawa had 9 lbs butter @ 14 & 2 doz 23 eggs @ 20 got 3 yds of ? & 12 1/2 cts per yd got 1 lb of tea 1 lbs cheese 12 cts lemons. 2 loaves bread peppermints 1 pd 18 cts Paul working for Will hoeing Friday 23 real cool north wind Hattie & I went to pick berries at Hewsons made the sum of 29 cts Marjorie baked a big baking of bread Paul at Wills ? today. I am so tired I could hardly walk home & feel pounded all over. I never fell worse in my life Marjorie back is bad even Hattie is played out too lots gone to Niagara to see the soldiers. Sat 24 I feel grounded from head to foot & such a pain in my back & chest I could hardly churn I cleaned up the back wood house & that all I could do Hattie & her mother went to Chippawa Arthur cut the roadside grass then went & cut on their hill Marjorie ironed a lot of her bed things in the week & finished Friday. I took old Robe? away then swarmed the bees Reeb called to see if he could get a swarm of bees Sun 25 quiet day no one here Will & Hattie went to see James Dell Clara & Miss Colmer stay for awhile Mon 26 I churned & worked & packed sold? churning Paul guarded the cows & got strawberries Marjorie & Hattie went to pick berries at Hewsons good picking she made 5 pts quite cool I feel so mean with my cold

Teu 27 Will & Arthur went to Welland Paul cutting bushes on the roadside I swept & dusted the school house yesterday Arthur cultivated our potatoes Mr Reebs bees was hived it came out they went in the heat & came out & settled under the hive Wed 28 Paul half day on the road got sick Will had 7 hay to rake on the hill Mrs Reebs came in the afternoon to see about the bees & at night they came after them in the afternoon another swarm came out & went in their hive Marjorie & Hattie went to pick berries made 10 cts instead of churning I washed out some things to change my underwear Thurs 29 hol: I churned & packed a crock of butter 11 1/2 lbs Marjorie went up in the evening to George Heximers to see if we could get seed potatoes I could hardly churn it was such a heavy churning Friday 30 Marjories has gone over the river rode down with Maggie. I turned my bed up & swept about the school. Took my window out & washed it & put up a clean curtain & swept the dining room. Maggie brought our groceries home. had 3 doz eggs at & 11 1/2 lbs butter @ 14 borax 5 ct Matches 5 soap 10 ginger 10 Tea 13 pail 25 Soda 5 castor oil 10 sugar 25 oatmeal 25 lemons 13 stamps 2. rum 5? Sat 1 Dominion day July 1905 27 Dull all forenoon but O so hot in the afternoon it started to rain & at times poured the poor little calves looked more dead than alive I got wet through getting the turkeys home rained in the night for all it was worth. Arthur cut some hay Hattie stayed all night' I churned Sun 2 weather dont look settled yet kept the turkeys in the barn untill noon The new minister preached. Kate & Hattie & Tom Spall there. In the afternoon it got nice & everything so quiet. Hattie came over in the afternoon Marjorie came home rode up with Mr Crookshanks Mon 3 dreadful hot. Paul went to pick strawberries made 78 cts 1 1/2 cts pr basket. I churned butter very soft Marjorie working on Pauls shirt. I scrubbed where there was not carpet & cleaned the floor & scrubed all the boards they drawed in some hay. Teu 4 dreadful hot. I worked the butter then went at washing. I never felt the heat so bad. Roy Earl & Clarance came a terrible storm comeing up wind blew hard for awhile it looked as if we were going to have a terrible bad storm one heavey clap struck some where close. Fannie at Chippawa but it rained so hard

29 we could not go after her Will over to see Mr James Dell he is very bad Wed 5 looks like rain Paul & Clarance went to pick strawberries but they were all gone for this year. Marjorie took 9 1/2 of butter @ 14 1 doz eggs. @ 22. oil 12 sugar 25 cheese 25. tea 13. 6 loaves bread 36 bug poison 10 Thur 6. Arthur started the hay on his field but it poured rain for awhile The boys drawed the rest of the manure that Paul started the night befor Roy & I started to put the bug poison on the potatoes put it on part of them & I picked a lot off & the boys picked a lot yesterday. Paul went to Saurs Friday 7. another hot day. I churned the butter soft. Arthur cut some more hay. Fannie went over to the other house for Tea Marjorie working on her dress Sat 8 Roy horse raking his field by the house & they drawed in twin loads for us & 3 for them selves they raked so late that Jennie & Marjorie could not go after bread I picked & gutted cherrues for two pies & an apple sauce & jelly mixed. had fire enough to roast an ox Jennie & Marjorie over to help Hattie with her dress. They killed the old rooster. Clara down to stay all night the boys over for supper in the old house Roy stayed all night over there the two boys helping them Clarance had a falling out 29 with them Paul came home brought a letter from Fannie telling of the birth of Donalds son day befor Sun 9 rather a nice day. Jenniie over for tea in other house & the boys Roy was there for dinner we had cherry pie for supper Wills had a swarm of bees & we had a swarm on thursday we put it in the keg I got everything ready & Roy knocked it down. I got stung under the eye John & Ed to the other house. Hattie gone to Montroy Mon 10 Marjorie & Jennue went to Chippawa in the forenoon got 8 loaves of bread, rolls of bread Jennie got biscuits; meat meal? & cheese. Marjorie got socks for Paul & 15 ct Embroidery had 6 lbs 2 oz of butter @ 15 Arthur started to go to James Dells he cut hay heard Mr Dell was so bad he came back Will went all the way. Marjorie & Jennie went after dinner to see him he was a little better they drawed in two loads here & one there to make up for the extra one ? Paul & I went befor 6 Oclock & mowed away so they got more hay in they got both loads in we had a shower befor breakfast: I churned Paul stayed to home all day went at night to Somervilles. Arthur cut some in the new ground the boys got George boat & went for a ride

30 Teu 11 terrible hot. & cloudy last night it was cool tonight close & hot. we had pour down the boys were out in it. Roy raked up the hay here Arthur cut yesterday & they got it in. the rakings? are out. their hay in the new ground Will is going to set up at Dells tonight Marjorie & Jennie working on Marjories dress Paul came home from Somervilles put in one day Wed 12 started to rain as Paul & I was milking rained on & off all fornoon the boys all to the other house for dinner they are not doing anything both boys stayed here last night we had another mess of peas for dinner Paul gone to Hewsons after the strawberry money I churned & put the last churning in the crock. Thur 13 Paul hoed the yellow corn in forenoon then went to Tom Sommervilles after dinner Marjorie washed a dirty washing. I made buns for dinner & cornstarch pudding for dinner Hattie over in the evening I pulled a lot of weeds in the potato patch & went over the patch for bugs Friday 14 Clarance birthday he is 12 years old Jannie & the boys to Wills for dinner they had a chicken for dinner. The minister in the other house for dinner. I churned then went out hoed a lot of potatoes & planted some. They drawed in the last of their hay. Reeb came to see if Marjorie would go & stay with the children when she went to market. the children have the whooping cough she went tonight & Will went to sit up with James Dell. Marjories got 60 cts & a 2 qt jar of wine Sat. 15. I hived a of bees on the little red hive. Jennie & Hattie went to Chippawa took 13 1/4 at 16 pr lb came 2.12 got 6 loaves bread 36 tea 25 & eggs? 3 screen door 1.25 hinges 15 cheeses 8. Jennie ironed some of their things. I cleaned the kitchen packed the crock of butter. Marjorie came home early & finished her dress. Paul never came home from Sommervilles. Arthur started to cut the field opposite the school house Sun 16 Marjorie & Jennie went to church. John Oliver to the other house all day at night we had singing & playing. Mon. 17 Terrible hot just dreadful. Mr Dell died this morning at six. Marjorie took Jennie & the boys down to Chippawa to go home I just got the dishes gathered & carried out when May came stayed for dinner & for tea to the other house a dreadful thunder storm about 8 Oclock lasted an hour. never got any cooler Arthur raked a little untill Topsy came home. then Will raked with her & the boys drawed in made a stack by the barn Mr Dell died on Peters birthday he is 839 Mrs Missoner 89

32 Teu 18 dreadful hot - the heat something terrible. Arthur mowed in the fornoon. I churned. Marjorie swept & cleaned up the front room. Kate Riexinger called with the funeral notes Paul picking weeds out of the hay Wed 19 looks like a storm. Paul going to take Marjorie over to the funeral then comeing back to rake he got as far as Jess Dells she sent him back for fear of the storm he came back as far as Freds then went in the bush to pick berries untill the storm came on I just through churning my the storm was something dreadful & I was alone pretty near all through the storm. one peal after another struck 3 horses for Clarkton. The folks at the other house never got started untill 20 mins to 12 the funeral was comeing out of the lane as they got there. Marjorie came back with Riexingers & stayed there for dinner. Arthur came over to tea Thur 20 I worked both churning & put in the crock 10 1/2 lbs. Milton Dell came along & bought it paid 18 per lb & 9 eggs @ 20.15 per 9. I went after the turkey brought both flocks home & a lot of clover for the pigs. I picked the potato bugs off they finished the stock at the north of the barn Friday 21 Marjorie got up early to go to Reebs I churned & picked stuff for the pigs cleaned the hen house & cleared up around the hen house 33 coops & boards every direction. worked the butter it was so hard worked some on my blue waist milked all the cows & had five journeys after the turkeys. Hattie came & stayed all night, they are drawing the ? and making a stack near the barn. they took a load to Vanderburghs yesterday Sat 22 cool with wind yesterday north east I swept & cleaned & dusted both rooms & scrubed every board out side. put the butter in the crock just got ready to wash a few things as Mr McCreddie came & stayed unitll 4 Oclock just as Mrs Reeb was bringing Marjorie home I washed Pauls shirt & left the rest it looked so like a storm Will cutting wheat would have finished only broke something. Paul helping. Hattie went & got a tooth put on came back with Pel. Sun 23 high west wind. Fannie came home & came over & called on us. Hattie & Tom went somewhere. Mon 24 Will finished cutting wheat. I churned then went & washed out most of the white clothes had 8 sheets. Marjorie went to Drummondville she wanted to go to Clifton but it looked so like aa storm. We killed the little black hen & had it for supper when Marjorie came home she had 4 3/4 butter at 18. got 25 g. sugar 1/2 lb rice. 2 qt coal oil shirt for Paul & 1 yd factory Teu 25 I finished the washing & hung out what I washed yesterday the wind high from the west.

34 Marjorie sewing all day on my waist they are drawing in their wheat. Paul hoeing Fannie & Mrs Hartley up came in a boat. Hattie went for a boat ride with her Tom Dell came down for Paul he come tomorrow to draw wheat; May started for the northwest Wed 26 dog days started. I churned the butter hard the wind so cool from the west. Paul all day to Dells it keeps me running to see if the hens are in the oats & getting clover for the pigs & bringing wood/ & Marjorie had to change the calfs & working on her stripe skirt. Berttie Robinson & Hattie called in the evening Thur 27. hot in the sun but a nice cool west wind. Marjorie baked bread & ironed Hattie & Berttie called in the afternoon & stayed a long time. Two young people drowned night befor last at Montrose Friday 28 cold & fogy in the morning. Marjorie went to Reebs felt like a storm all day & high wind at night it lightened all around but did not storm. Hattie stayed all night. Paul went to Chippawa in the fornoon & did the trading got a letter from Mrs Pound. Took 6 lbs 2 oz butter @ 18. 111. gal. 88 cts worth of goods & due bill for 23 got vaseline 5 sugar 25 tea 25 coffee 13 lemons 10 L. sugar 10, cheese 23 after dinner Paul went to George Heximers to work & I had all the work to do at night I churned in the fornoon after dinner baked layer cake, another cake, & cookies & two pies at night & put clean papers on some of the shelves. Sat. 29 Hattie & Paul went to Chippawa She went on to Drummondville to get her teeth fixed. Paul went after Mrs Pound. I swept both rooms & scrubed everywhere there was no carpet & the stoops & Parlament house got everything done when they came at noon he went to George Heximers got a dollar for both half days Paul killed the long tailed hen that went to the other house. Marjorie home about 2 Oclock. They found the two bodys at Montrose. Terrible thunder storm in the after part of the night. Mrs Pound got up & came in with me Sun 30 Dull day & set in to drizle towards night Hattie for tea. none from here went to church Mon 31 nice cold wind from the north east. we had new potatoes & peas for dinner & cornstarch pudding. I churned. Paul drawing up apple limbs of apple tree in pasture Marjorie took Mrs Pound to Chippawa Arthur helping Riexinger thresh in the afternoon

36 Aug 1905 Teu 1. cold north east wind fairly cold in the house. Arthur finished in the fornoon threshing at Riexingers, then they went at their oats. I put down churnings on the crock after dinner worked on Paul shirt he & I pulled a lot of weeds in the garden. Marjorie swept the front room I got five letters one from Mrs Kent & one from Bill. Wed 2 cool north wind Will & Arthur threshing at George Heximers in fornoon afternoon finished their oats. Marjorie went to Clifton got my hat & 25 cts worth flaked wheat, Took 12 1/2 lbs of butter to Kesters @ 18 per lb. 12 1/2 yd muslin 12 1/2 cheese 15 bread 52 yds cotton 16 laces 5 Ginger ale 10 sacks 5 gl oil 25 Mentum or Harlem oil 10 cakes 10 The minister called & stayed to tea at the other house Paul took Rose away for nothing. he worked at the Credies drawing wheat. I churned, changeing calves, running after hens, just kept me busy Thurs 3 dreadfully cold last night & heavy dew Paul to McCredies. Will in the shop. I went up & Pell told me to pick a mess of peas Marjorie making the curtains made one pair Friday 4 we got up at 5 Marjorie went to Reebs befor breakfast. Paul went to McCredies they are drawing in the last of their wheat to thresh tomorrow. Arthur helping Fred all day I churned in fornoon afternoon 37 swept the house good scrubbed the stoops & made jelly.pan cakes with iceing set sponge for buns at night. had to get the cows & milk & do all the chores for Paul never came home untill after dark Maud over at the other house for supper called here. Hattie stayed all night Sat. 5 very warm & high wind. I cleaned both floors & baked buns put paper on the parliament house. going to bake tarts & Marjorie just got home & would not let me. I dressed the black hen & bought 10 cls worth of beef had it for supper Expected Mrs Kent but she never came Sun 6 started to thunder at 4 Oclock & started again 10 after ten & kept at it for 3 hours. we got something to eat when it started again quite heavy thunder at times & poured rain done hundreds of good Hattie & Margaret Hoshel here in the last storm Hattie's face awful bad. Mon 6. bright & hot thundered in the north & rained a little shower when I was over to see Hattie drove Arthur in from ploughing Will in the shop. Hattie came over for tea. Paul going after his pay at Sommervilles got $2.25 I churned & put fridays butter in the crock 6 1/2 lbs Marjoroe went up to Georges with a dollar for the church

38 Teu 8 not much wind & hot out doors but I did not feel the heat on the school house. I went down to clean it. Paul went to Walmsly after soap in the fornoon. Marjorie making the curtians for the east window. Emily & the young ones called & they came down to the school house. I was tired enough scrubbing & moping & cleaning the wood work then I picked two pails of clover for the pigs. Wed 9 stiff wind from the west & the air felt like rain. I went down & finished the school house in the fornoon all but oiling the seals. churned after dinner. pulled a lot of weeds for the pigs. picked some cucumbers they dont ? much old Mrs Reeb burried today. Emily Lemmons husband died Sunday. I worked Mondays butter & put it in the crock for Milton Dell but he never came back this way. Hattie's face better Paul helping them to draw oats. Marjorie papered. set a small sponge tonight. Rale called with a eel? Thurs 10. warm west wind. very sultry for the wind. sun dreadful hot. Paul went to Chippawa had 6 1/4 butter @ 18.112 & one doz eggs @18.25 sugar milk & brush 15. gal oil 19. tea 13. soap 10. can salmon 15 1lb nails 4 fly pad 5 lemons 18 cheese 14. Marjorie baked bread. I worked the butter then went down & cut clover for the pigs my dress full & the 1.2 bushel full & some chaps out of our field. Paul helped them after he got home from Chippawa with their oats. Friday 11 Marjorie went to Reebs not so early as usual looked like rain all day & it sprinkled at times. Arthur & Hattie waited all day untill 2 Oclock for it to clear up. I churned in the fornoon after dinner I baked two pies 12 jelly tarts & cookies. I was just about roasted so close & sultry. Sat 12 hot yet it feels like a storm. I swept & cleaned the veranda & everywhere there was no carpet worked the butter. Paul took Eds money home. Marjorie got home late we had a bad storm mostly wind & rain from the north. after it would go over it would come up again Hattie came & stayed in the worst of it & we were so glad we all went out to milk for it threatened to come on then the air is a little cooler. Wills sow had 15 pigs this evening Sun 13 very cool wind. north east. Marjorie & Paul went to church & all from the other house. quite a turn out. We had disagreable callers then they went to the other house. Mon 14 I churned on. Arthur & Paul went to old Jerrys & he gave him a black eye. Will went & finished up affairs. Teu 15. I worked all the butter we had in different crocks. 19 lb 6 oz it looked so like rain it set on from the north east we kept the horse & calves in Will & Arthur Fred finished the oats at old Jerrys Pauls eye looks bad yet.

40 Wed 16. The boys started to cut oat here after dinner Paul cut a little wood on the fornoon then fidled the rest of the time untill Marjorie came home from Drummondville she went in the morning. took 19 lbs 6 oz to Adens a 18 payed 2.50 on the bill. got my slippers at Fern Robinsons. Robert McOliver Eva Mrs Dell for dinner over there & tea here. Will & Hattie here too. Thur 17. I washed all the fornoon. Marjorie cut out my waist. Hattie & her mother to Chippawa just got home when Mrs Kent came had to get her dinner then clean up the kitchen & churn when we went to the other house & Marjorie fixed up the bed room. Colly Reavely came to the other house. Min Marshall there to tea Friday 18. Paul to Hewsons got a $1.00. Mrs Kent to dinner in the other house. After dinner Hattie & Olly took her to Chippawa. I finished the washing after she left. Sat. 19 Paul at Marl. Dells pulling beans. made 85 ds took Lucy to McCredies. Marjorie to Mrs Reebs & made 50 cts. I swept & cleaned all around & made ginger cookies, tarts & a custard pie started to rain & rained hard in the night. without thunder. The girls got in the rain going & part of the way with Min & Yancy Young. I went down & cut clover for the pigs Sun 20 beautiful after the rain wind west -changed to north in the 40 evening Hattie & Olly to dinner. Will over & got the papers. The girls went to Chippawa church some singing brought to the other house by the Saurs brothers & Min Marshall Mon 21 high west wind & looked like rain Paul pulling beans at Riexingers got 75 cts I churned, & guarded the cows. I felt mean all day. Will & Arthur fixing for threshing tomorrow at old Jerrys. Marjorie finished my waist. I took a bouquet of peas down to the school house & cut some clover. Teu 22 hot in the sun but a nice west wind,=. Marjorie to Reebs to help dress ducks. Will threshing at old Jerrys had 2002 let. the calves get full thne led them uo under the willows. I washed quite a few things mostly Marjories & Pauls. Olly went home & the Darker girls stayed they came night befor. Wed 23 The heat something dreadful got cool at night: Will drawing in his peas Paul pulled beans in fornoon at Riexingers helped Will in afternoon from 2 Oclock. yesterday he pulled for Marty untill 11 Oclock then went to Riexingers I churned, & Marjorie finished my waist, & pressed it: I washed Pauls overalls & socks Thurs 24 sun hot in the morning when I was

I was guarding the cows then the wind changed to north east & a thunder storm came up just as Marjorie was baking pancakes for dinner & I was working the butter. There was 6 lbs Young Rapplego Rapelje? stoped for Paul to take him to Chippawa he could not wheed so he took two baskets of mushrooms he picked this morning befor he raked the pea stubble, (Beebe is sick poor little thing has a cold,) & to finish all had killed Friday 25 Marjorie went to Clifton had 10 1/2 lbs butter she sold 6 1/4 to Taylor for 24cts & Jane 4 1/4 @ 24 got 50 pd sugar tea 26 cts cocoanut 15 cts paper 7, vaseline 5 blueing 5 nails 5 rope 35 cts 2 baskets of Plums 50 cts bread 12. brought up the pot Fannie gave her. she got 20 ct for their butter at Acten Pells. Ella Darkers birthday 17 Paul at McCredies pulling beans made 50 ct & got his supper at home. Will & Arthur drawing manure. I guarded the cows after I worked the butter in rolls for town, after I turned the cows out I washed dishes for an hour & half, then caught a chicken & cooked it for our supper, then churned. Just washing the churn looked out & saw all the cattle out, & had a big time getting them out. Marjorie just got home & had to help Sat 26 Marjorie to Reebs, took a crock with 6 1/2 lbs got 22 ct. Taylors got $1.00 worth of sugar 1d cheese a loaf of bread & 24 cts in cash she brought home a few tomatoes & a mess of corn. Paul guarded the cows then drawed a barrel of water. I got him his dinnr at 3 Oclock then he went after the waggon to draw manure stayed 2 hours & a half. George & Alln drawed the oats Will & Arthur drawing manure. I swept & cleaned both rooms & worked the butter, put clean paper on both cupboards, had a lot of work getting the hens caught & shut up. cool wind, north-east but sun quite hot. Sun 27 cold nights nowadays if not like frost. Today the wind is cold from the north east Marjorie went to church, came home highly incensed with the singing. Sharpe to the other house brought Fannie home Hartleys there & May Marshall & her husband Lou. Mon 28 I churned. Marjorie washed out quite a lot of her own clothes & ironed them & her white skirt. Paul drawing manure. Will & arthu drawing manure. I canned up 4 jars of Plums Teu 29 I swept the school house yesterday morning I did not get a chance Friday or sat. & tonight swept again. Nellie & Miss Thompson Hattie went after ? Nell called here with Fannie they did not start untill nearly dark in fact it was dark Will & Arthur threshing at Riexingers they were to come here & thresh out ours but some new arrangement they have put it off untill Sat likely have a big rain befor that they took Topsy down in the fornoon after them took 3 doz & 3 eggs. @ 20 cts pr doz got 3 loaves of bread 5 cts lemons 5 cts fly paper 25 cts bottle Hursts pain destroyer I swept & dusted tonight Paul drawing manure

44 Wed 30 a terrible thunderstorm this morning befor we got out of bed so close seemed right over our head Paul was up the horse out & getting the cows in they are drawing manure I finished canning the plums Thur 31 Marjorie went after dinner to McCredies after vinegar. I churned & put the butter in a crock Paul helping them in the afternoon to draw manure. got at Resters 5 cts 1 lb cheese 14 cts 1/2 lb mix Tea 1 bottle ginger ale 10 ct coal oil yd flannelette 10 Sept 1905 Friday 1 Marjorie baked bread & ironed part of the clothes I finished then when she went to Chippawa she had 11 lbs 3 oz @ 20 3 sheets amoing the rest I had a headache Marjorie swept the front room yesterday & I changed the cot & swept & dusted the dining room & made a batch of cookies in the fornoon. Paul went up at night to Mrs Martin Dells to see if there was any Elderberries The girls got plums & tomotoes & things for threshers tomorrow Sat 2 Marjorie had to go to Reebs. They finished threshing just befor 3 Oclock & started here 20 min after 3 our threshing lasted 3/4 of an hour. 99 bas. altogether 33 for us & 33 for Allen & 33 for Frank drizled rain in the afternoon. I had to guard the cows & feed the calves & wash dishes from our supper night befor kept me untill noon, then I washed out a lot of things Marjorie brought home a basket of cucumbers some peas & tomatoes & peppers & a root of cellary. Sun 3. if Pa had been living he would be 93 today beautiful day wind west Arthur for dinner Eva Hannah & some of her friends to the other house Hattie & Arthur over in the evening very cool night Mon 4 Labor Day. I churned & worked the butter swept & dusted the school house instead of friday, there was school. Paul wached the cows & drawed a barrel of water & Marjorie wached the cows while he drawed it. Paul drawed manure in the afternoon. Arthur working on the fallow Teu 5 looked like rain. Marjorie & Hattie went to Drummondville got tomatoes 25 per but each got a box Hattie got one tooth in. I cleaned up the woodhouse so Paul could get the oats in from the barn that was yesterday when Marjorie was waching the cows. he drawed the water afterwards. Arthur dirking in fornoon rolling the afternoon I put the butter in a crock 6 lb 2 oz kept 1/2 lb home inside of a week we have gone through a crock about 4 & /2 lbs & a butter dish full & had to leave some of yesterdays she got a 25 ct broom 25 ct sugar 10 ct mixed spies rising cakes cheese 14. tumeric 6, elastic 3. brought home the coal oil & ginger she got the other day. Today Paul went after a basket of elderberries & we got them cleaned. Wed 6. I made an elderberry pie for supper just befor I started to sweep the school house. I canned up 42 qt jars of tomatoes & 2.2 qt jars elderberry Marjorie went at night to Reebs to stay & help next day Hattie stayed all night her face bad again

Thur 7 five years yesterday Pa died. Reebs threshing I made two pies, Elderberry, then churned took about two hours, just got through when Jane Simpson came or tea. Paul went after elderberries got a basket & a pail full. Paul went after the bushels of onions to Reebs. Marjorie came home sick. Arthur helping to thresh. Bertha Miss Miller in the other house Friday 8 five years ago today Pa was burried. I baked two loaves of bread, made a big kettle of Chili sauce stood & stired it all the time the bread was baking cleaned all the elderberries cleaned all the evening untill eleven Oclock Maggie took 1 1/2 doz eggs @ 2 ct to Reebs ot 1/2 lb tea & Keens mustard. Fannie rode down as far as Chippawa with her bought her here safely. I brought over two jars of tomatoes from the cellar sealed a year ago as good as the day done up I opened them & made ketchup. Hattie stayed all night. beautiful moonlight & such cool nights they are fixing their ground ready to sow when it rains. Sat 9. Fred Dell threshed. Will helped him. Arthur & the girls were going to Sharps but it was so hot everything went wrong yesterday the pigs got out house? & I turned out the cows & did not know Bess was running & such a time as I had when he went to Heximers to tell Maggie that Marjorie was not going with her to town. I churned & pickled the elderberries with 3 lbs sugar & a qt of vinegar cooked 1 1/2 hours, made 3 pies swept & cleaned both rooms & scrubbed the stoops & boards washed kitchen windows. Paul swept & dusted the school house. Hubby brought our mail. Mrs Reeb brought Marjorie home & a lot of tomatoes & a little crock of lard & drippings Paul cut the weeds in the potato patch. I guarded the cows & drawed water, & cleaned the hen house Sun 10 Arthur & the girls went to Sharps. Fannie is going to stay. She brought her new dress last night for is to see its real pretty made so nice its blue in color & very becoming. we saw it on her when she came to say goodbye. Marjorie went to church Mrs Bell was not there. Dan & his wife came to Riexingers this morning. Paul took Rose away this morning to McCredies Dan & Tilly had supper in the other house each called sepparately. Don Dell came in & spent the evening Mon 11 raining in the niht gently & no thunder caught a nice lot of watter it rained off & on most of the day Marjorie was going turn back but it would start to drizle. Arthur went after seed wheat at Martin Dells. I canned or rather cooked tomatoes all day. Old Mr Reeb died Teu 12 Marjorie went to Chippawa after dinner She wached the cows untill 11 & they went down to the bridge & got out Will happened to see them or else they might have got far enough I started after them Arthur got on Topsy & headed them & brought them after at the school house & I kept them untill noon. Paul pulling beans at Riexingers was to come at noon & get the horse but never showed up untill

48 After 1 Oclock it was after 2 when she got had a crock with 5 1/2 butter @ 20. 1057 a due bill for 33 got 100 worth of sugar, 15 cts mixed spice loaf bread 10 cts red pepper lb nails. Came home & went to Reebs after tomato 1 bus 25 took 1 1/2 doz eggs & 5 cts for the onions I churned in the fornoon swept & dusted the school house Paul pulled 8 rows in the fornoon & 8 in afternoon Hattie got a letter to her uncle Rilla 921 Geary ? Wed Arthur drilling or his father & Arthur helped Wed 13 Marjorie baked bread, seasoned up & finished up a kettle of chilli sauce that was cooking all day yesterday had no sugar or spice. Maggie & John came Paul cutting their corn Marjorie finished her mustard pickle. Arthur drilling & his father takeaway the manure from the spouts. he cut 22 stocks he wached the cows in fornoon. Thur 14 hot weather is changed frost last night Tom Warner here we bought 50 cts native herbs I fixed the wood house changed things around so I could get the bran emptied. Marjorie washed a lot of her own clothes. I had a chase after the calves down the back road when I came back Maggie was here to get Marjorie to lake Topsy tomorrow & their waggon & go after peaches Friday 15 she did not come untill nearly 2 Oclock had for our trading at Kesters & go to hunt peaches after that got back after dark caught in the rain had some thunder I was affraid we were going to have a bad storm. Arthur & Hattie were in Chippawa wih John & Maggie Hattie went in to Drummondville got something done in her teeth then got a basket of Peaches & rode home with them Marjorie had her baskets one 50 the other 35. had 5 lbs butter @ 22 per lb got sugar 25 tea 13. coal oil 10 & 40 on the book after she went. I churned nearly 2 hours Paul cutting marsh grass in the afternoon guarded the cows in fornoon yesterday afternoon finished Willscron 11 shocks. Arthur drawed up their pumkins & squash in the fornoon Sat 16. I worked the butter then went at the last of the large tomatoes we got from Mrs Reeb then went at the peaches the Crawfords 5 jars & one of the white then canned some two qt jars of tomatoes. I was just about roasted. The day was so hot - started to rain towards night when I 5 jars of Plums & skim the milk Will gave me a pumpkin & squash Marjorie swept the room & washed the dishes I pealed some peaches to stew for Sunday. Em Summerville brought our mail Paul swept the school house when he was washing the cows after dinner he cut the marsh grass Sunday 17 gloomy most of the day & hot Warm night thundered in the distance & rained just after the cows were milked got our chores done on time. it has poured since dark its nine & pouring yet. Clara & Tom to the other house Every one in but Arthur in the fornoon. Marjorie & I lay in all the afternoon nearly then I read all the evening aloud

Mon 18 dreadful hot Arthur started ploughing opposite the school house. Will went to thresh at Marvin Dells. rained Sunday night Clara & Tom never got away from the other house untill eleven O'clock. just poured & so dark & driping in the house we kept a light burning part of the night. I canned up the basket of white peaches & the basket of pears Maggie gave us Teu 19 very muddy & hot but not so hot as yesterday. Marjorie & Hattie went after peaches got them at Monroe's for 25 cts per basket. Hattie got 4 baskets & Marjorie got 2 they went to Aden Dells to trade had 4 3/4 @ 24 1.14 got 25 cts tea 26 cts sugar cheese 16 corn starch ten cents & linmen 19 mixed spice 5. I churned & killed a chicken & picked it fried it for supper & canned a few more to fill a jar partly filled Paul down to the marsh Paul picked a basket of mushrooms & walked to Chippawa & got 75 cts for them & got home befor ? pretty good half days work sold them at Powells. Hattie stayed all night. rained & thundered in the night. Wed 20 wind west & cold got so cold we had frost as we had to get all the plants in at night. Hattie helped me in with them. Paul picked two baskets of mushrooms & went to Chippawa over the river got Pauls overalls came back & stayed at Jennie Hannahs I canned up 6 qts of peach had to work the butter & put on a crock 4 1/2 @ 22 we got .50 cts of sugar. 1lb ropy? for the calf had 4 1/2 pds butter @ 22. 99 cts when Paul came home Arthur raked their clover seed with Topsy while his father ploughed. Thur 21 Terrible high south wind blew terrible. Mrs Reeb here to see about getting a turkey she took out the honey. Marjorie came home with Tommy Dell. Arthur ploughed, harrowed, & rolled it in four days. he says it ploughs hard besides drawing out the pile of manure that stood down there. I churned after I put out the flowers & swept both rooms & swept the worst out of the front room. I pealed 4 3/4 small tomatoes & preserved them & boiled over some chilli sauce & put it in glass jars. Paul drawed up some rails after dinner. Frank Sherk to the other house tonight. Friday 22. Thirty-one years ago today Will was married. Arthur harrowing & rolling all day Terrible high wind all day from the west gets quite cool towards night, looks stormy & sprinkling rain. I worked the butter then pealed peaches after dinner finished the peaches then went & swept & dusted the school house. Marjorie cleaned some mushrooms for supper. Marjorie mended Pauls pants all the afternoon she washed them befor dinner Will burning brush were the fence stood & Paul drawed up nearly all the brush & they burnt it on the ground Marjorie set sponge at night & I pealed pears to dry Maggie brought the mail she got 27 for butter

52 Sat 23. Paul threshing to Tom McKeons Arthur rolling when I was watching the cows he tilled & furrowed out. Will basket brush he gathered up around. The minister came to stay all night to Wills. Marjorie baked bread she turned the cows out at night I guarded them she ironed her things she washed the other day I made 4 pumkin pies & swept the dining room she cleaned the kitchen. Paul got home early frost at night awful cold northwest wind Sun 24 very cold when I went to church the wind was west. When we came back it was south west & terrible high one could scarcely walk quite a number out to church. Hattie & Arthur over in the evening we had a chicken for dinner The old setter? picked her head Paul killed her & I dressed her Mon 25 cold west wind but a beautiful day nice sunshine Will went to Port to Mill. Marjorie, Hattie & Paul went after Peaches got a basket for 25 at Manbys Hattie got 3 for 85. 2 at 3 cts one@ 25 took 4 1/2 of butter @ 24 per lb for 50 cts worth of sugar & a box of hair pins. Arthur threshing at Ed Dells I picked a hen for dinner but she was so fat I put her in salt & water untill tomorrow I churned & worked the butter & boiled the last of our meat for dinner. Terribly cold & frost tonight. Will brought us 75 lb of flour I swept & dusted the school house Teu 26 beautiful day first day of Stamford Fair. Fannie & the Miller girls 53 over to the other house Fannie gave us a calf. Marjorie wached the cows so Paul could go the mash The first thing I put the hen on to boil the first thing. Marjorie fixing her hat over. I pealed 3 3/4 of small tomatoes Arthur went after Kirkly for his colt, we had him over to see Lucy she has a sore foot. Marjorie poulticed it with carrots & then put bran on at night she went in so she had to take it off frost on the forepart of the night. Turned warmer the hardest frost we have had last night. Wed 27 looked like rain on the fornoon when Hattie & her mother went to Chippawa. Hattie got a letter from her uncle Biller. butter raised to 24 on Chippawa after Paul guarded the cows he went to Hewsons to cut marsh grass I guarded the cows in the afternoon Arthur cut the clover in the school house field. Marjorie still at her hat; I dug some potatoes in the fornoon pretty hot, but a cool wind if it was not for that it would be awful hot & poor Clyde dont seem any better. Marjorie is poulticing Lucys foot with bran untill tomorrow Kirkly will bring a wash. Rose has great curiosity to know what is on Lucys foot. Thurs 28 Kirkly came befor dinner says his fever is so high depends on it going down if he lives. Frank Riexinger over in the evening & Hattie & Arthur

56 Marjorie was going after vinegar but McCredies were threshing clover seed so she went to Reebs & they gave her a basket of grapes I churned & worked the butter in a roll Friday 29 Kirkly came & said there was no hope for the colt. The cows foot is awful looking & dont seem he improve I washed all day got a letter that Mr & Mrs Buyers are coming tomorrow. Marjorie set sponge Hattie went over to help put down the matting, Birdy called. Arthur went after grapes we got 30 lbs @ 1 1/2 pr lb. The day something dreadful it's so hot. I never felt the heat washing all summer as much Sat 30 Poor Clyde seems better this morning but very soon a change sets in & he is gone & he seemed to get bad so quick Will was affraid he would die hard but he died easy & they burried him down in the marsh all done befor dinner he went so suddenly after dinner Arthur & Paul drawed a load of marsh grass & put in the straw stack. dreadful hot again. Marjorie baked luvly bread & swept the two rooms yesterday & cleaned the & dusted the dining room I fixed the bed then went to Chippawa after them. She had 5 1/2 butter @ 24. 1.32 brown sugar 25 cheese 1 ll 10 ct soap 5 soda 5 ginger 18 coal oil 10 Gran sugar 25 tea 25. I churned & cleaned the floor & all the boards washed the windows & lamps made four pumkin pies & patty pan cakes were a failure. we killed the rooster & I dressed him. We had peaches & cream for supper Sun. Oct. 1905 Sun 1 beautiful day with a nice breeze we had the rooser for dinner. they went over to the other house for supper. Marjorie & Mrs Byers took him part-way. Ed Dell to the other house Mon 2. I went down to the school house & swept & dusted. The air was heavy & no wind. The dust would not settle. Mrs Buyers sick. It rained sprinkling when they drawed the water: drawed a barrel for each house with Jack & Topsy. Paul has a nice warf he built out in the creek he & I carried water rom there all sat. & sun. I churned & we pitted the grapes ready to peal. rained a lot off & on & he got the other load of marsh grass just as it commenced to come really hard Teu 8 I worked Mrs Buyers butter 8 3/4 @ 25.88 & one doz eggs @ 25 & one day we gave her they gave her a chicken 9 1/2 doz. eggs she took dinner at the other house They never got started untill after 2 Oclock Hattie went and got her teeth something done to them we had down 3 1/2 butter @ 24 got a lb tea 25 skein yarn 14. 9 lb sulphur two post cards 2 stamps down at Drummondville 1 lb salts 5 ct 1 qt puffed hay 5 ct 23lb corn meal 32 cts at Greens. Hattie for tea quite cool today. had hard work to get Paul dig a few potatoes when she was gone. I canned the grapes 5 jars had an awful time emptying jars to get enough I put them on & canned two jars plums over. Wed 4 Wills cow had a calf this morning. he & Arthur threshing at George Heximers

56 I swept & dusted the school house tonight I mended Pauls pants to give to Tom McReany Thur 5. I churned & worked the butter it was so cold with frost at night & last night Fanny? over. Alex McCredie brought us a load of wood. Paul at Tom McKeowns morning? working? Friday 6 beautiful day Will & Arthur went to Welland & got middlings for himself & 2 hundred of corn meal for us @ 1.20 for him I gave 2 dollars of my money & 40 of Pauls Marjorie went to John Laws to see about corn & they gave her a basket of peaches & one of grapes She go fifty weight of corn meal from Green & of Pauls Mrs Byers butter money. she paid 70 cts 1/2 hun, She took 1 doz eggs to Kesters @ 22 got coal oil & nails. Took 5 lb 3 oz of to Miseners @ 27 ct per lb $1.40 Gran Sugar 50. 1/2 lb tea 13. brown sugar 25 cask 50. candy 2. we had potatoes, squash 2 eggs & fresh biscuits for supper Paul cut up most of wood Alex bought. I boiled 3 pots of lard for the first Sat 7 Will went after a load of coal. Marjorie baked bread & cleaned the kitchen. I pealed the peaches for preserves made 3 pumkin pies & swept the dining room ironed a big ironing after dark & boiled 5 pots of pig feed ? for tomorrow Mary Jane brought our mail Paul swept the school house & drawed a barrel of water. at night took up his bee hives not much honey Sun 8 I was terrible sick all day & such dreadful pain in my head. Fannie came home Baethe & Don came as far as Rus Hartlys she & Hattie were over Marjorie boiled two pots of mash for the pigs. They have all gone to church from the other house a good turn out Joliff spoke. Misionery meeting made $16.25 Mon 9 So terrible hot all day in the sun but cool in house. fog last night & not much wind Arthur & Paul threshing at Tom McKeowns Arthur got $1.00 Paul 50 cts. he drawed a barrel of water after he got back. Will went after another load of coal. Marjorie wached the cows & I washed dishes, swept & boiled pig feed & churned & washed the churn & lot of milk crocks that I skimed. I dont feel ablt to drag after being sick Paul had let the horse get away & she has to go & help find her. I took the honey out. 5 lb on one of good honey & 15 on the other of good honey quite a lot. to go through the colander. Teu 10 beautiful day. Marjorie & Paul went after corn to Mr John Laws got 10 bus @ 8 cts pr Bus $3.00 They gave her 2 baskets of Peaches & grapes she took a roll of butter. The Kesters 5 @ 24.1.20 & 9 eggs 14 cts got 1.11 on the book got butter. collar 15 dome of lead 3. plug tobacco 5. Hattie & Arthur over & we had peaches & cream befor they left. I dug carrots & potatoes for supper. got the cows up & milked them. The trustees had a meeting at the school house We settle with the teacher she is going away friday I got a lot of wood on & Paul helped I boiled a lot of feed for the pigs Wed 11 raining part of the day. made the roads awful muddy I went down to sweep & dust. north west storm & cold got the calves in untill after

Thur 12 Will buchered a pig it weighed 1.4 g beautiful day overhead but terrible muddy & cold. the last day of the county fair. I churned & worked the butter right up 5 3/4 Friday 13. Miss Hazelet called to get board for the new teacher. I made cookies & I boiled pumkins for pies tomorrow. I swept & dusted the school house. Will ploughed out the potatoes Paul heled to pick & pick put in the cellar. They came over at 3 Oclock & ploughed out ours Paul picked untill after dark Sat 14 We borrowed 32 lbs from Will. Marjorie baked bread mixed it then went to Chippawa after Mrs Pound & the children. I cleaned the floor & got dinner churned a small churning made four pies & tarts Marjorie dressed a chicken after dark Sun 15 a beautiful day untill after supper when we got ready to take Mrs Pound home it started to rain. ? she gave it up. Darkers family to Wills they took Hattie home with them. We had spare ribs for dinner. high wind tonight. Paul harrowed the potatoes over when he came home. Marjorie took down 5 lb butter @ 24. got a lb fresh biscuits 1 lb. cheese rest on the book. 90 cts the debt. down to 4.1d Mon 16. cold west wind but nice sunshine Miss Grey started in this school. came here to board. Mrs Pound & the children went home after dinner. Marjorie drove her home wind changed to cold in the night. I made two grape pies. boiled pig feed Paul took over some of the potatoes The teacher has gone to bed early tonight she is so tired. Teu 17 cold wind north east. The teacher not very well her school 59 troubles her Marjorie went after the ducks she & Paul got the rest of the fruit from Riexingers. I churned & worked the butter Arthur & his father scraped the pond? holes. George Heximer & Mill Coakly scrapering roads Wed 18 started to rain just as the teacher came home for her dinner & rained all afternoon & warm rain south west. The ducks are making them selves at home puddling around I made a cornstarch pudding for dinner & Marjorie got our cabbage one mess. The teacher is better tonight. Paul & I are shelling corn tonight & the teacher & Marjorie are chatting in the room. I started Jims mittens got 3 rouds on them Thur 19 looks like rain & near dinner time it comes down & at night pours like a summer shower Miss Grey throat no better no matter what she does Arthur ploughed some. I churned. Marjorie fixing her black skirt. Arthur came in for the evening. Friday 20 The wind something fearful the worst all fall blowing from sometime in the night & continuing all day. We sent the teachers dinner down to her. I made two pumkin pies & last night I made patty pan cakes. Marjorie took the teacher to Chippawa. took 4 3/4 @24. 1.14. 41 on the book. 25 cts of sugar tea 13 cheese 15 factort 10 stove brush 20. Paul swept at school house & went to Reebs

most changeable day I ever saw rain & something go round with a basket mushrooms to take in town The wind blew so hard the stacks almost blew away Arthur had to give up ploughing Sat 21. cold north west wind chills a person to the bone Marjorie went to Walmslys after more pears Mrs W gave her 3 baskets on Monday Arthur & Paul got the Parlor stove in & I cleaned it & the pipe & pealed a lot of pears, & swept both rooms. Marjorie swept my bedroom. Will in for a long time. Paul went up with Georges paper & he had our paper. cold as winter almost Sun 22 sun came out & bright but cold west wind darkened up all at once in the south west & thundered quite loud when Marjorie was going to church I had a dull headache. The minister preached a good sermon quite a few out. Towards night the wind raised & blew hard & rained some Mon 23 sunshine but cold got dull. The teacher did not come Mrs Walmsly went down after her. I churned & worked the butter & put the pears on to preserving. had to core them over they stood since Sat: Hattie came over from Buffalo we started the fire in the room for the first. Arthur ploughing opposite the school house he started Sat afternoon Paul took his saw down to Chippawa to get his saw sharpened paid 20 cts Thur 24 Will walked to Chippawa he paid $20 on the heiffers. Hattie over in the afternoon when the teacher came. I washed quite a washing & made a sponge cake for supper, besides boiling feed for the pigs Wed 25 bitter cold wind east: Will sold the turkey to Ernest Bossie ours came to 9.12. for 8 turkeys. I finished the washing & made 3 pumkin pies. Marjorie baked bread Arthur ploughing, only two schollars today Thurs 26 Thanksgiving. The teacher here all day. Paul threshing at Persons. I dressed two chickens we had them for dinner & supper had them fried. Cassie Tuft went to Buffalo yesterday. John Darker to the other house. Hattie & Arthur over in the evening nice sunshine in the fornoon& part of the afternoon then darkened like rain Friday 27 looked like rain 3 schollars the teacher took her dinner Marjorie took her to Chippawa had 5 lbs 1 oz. @ 24. 1.20. got a gal. oil 19 lb biscuit 10.25 cts granulated sugar 1/2 lb tea 13 nails 5 chock food 15.31 on the book. I churned a& pealed some pears. Will killed his pig & took it to Chippawa it weighed 105 @ 8 cts a lb Sat 28 cold west wind I pealed some more pears & swept & dusted the school house. Eon Summerville brought over mail Paul went at night after it Marjorie ironed in fornoon after dinner cleaned the kitchen. getting terrible cold & going to freeze something awful. Two of the duck sick

Sun 29. like winter a real shock ice on the water in the hen house. Arthur & Hattie over in the afternoon. Hattie stayed to tea Mon 30 beautiful day sun shine all day Marjorie & Paul went to Welland to get cornmeal could not get any Paid for the Tribune. Mrs Walmsly brought the teacher then went to Port. I swept both rooms made two pumlkin pies boiled pig feed borrowed 17 lbs pea meal from Will. I picked the blind hen it was a job so full of pin feathers we had her for supper & potpie. Pel, Ed & Miss Killens in the evening at Wills Teu 31 drisling part of the day & cold wind very bad day the teacher took her dinner. Mr Hewson got a hundred of peameal for us in Welland & his boy brought it to the door $1.20 for it. I have a terrible pain in my head with the cold I am getting Paul had it first. Marjorie has a lame back she same as I had a couple of weeks ago. I churned & worked the butter & made a batch of cookies. Marjorie got the meals all day Wo November 1905 Wed 1 one dreadful night last night quite mild when went to bed the wind raised & blew somethign awful & hailed & rained a little. The calves out The wind is blowing a gale today but sun shining towards might & most of the afternoon snowed & blew like winter. The teacher took her dinner. My head ached to split all night & dreadful pain yet. The coldest night yet. Hattie walked to Chippawa then to Clifton. Thur 2. Paul swept the school house & I milked the cows instead I churned & worked the butter & made patty pan cakes another cold night. Arthur over this evening. Marjorie making her tweed waist over, Took it apart & washed it. Friday 3 raining & blowing I got both tables packed with wood carried it on & packed it when Marjorie took the teacher down. I cleaned the other table & got the cradle out so I could pile the rest of the wood sorted a lot of little potatoes boiled some of them for the pigs sent the rest in the cellar. Hattie came home with Marjorie & stayed to tea we had pan cakes for supper Marjorie baked bread. Hattie was over the river yesterday with Nettie. Marjorie took 3 lbs 2 oz @ 24, got a package catte food & a box of matches for them & 1/2 lb tea 13 cts lb soda 5. 4cts worth of rolls for us. Took 1 doz eggs @27. had 25 on the book Sat 4 I carried in the rest of the wood & packed it under the cart table swept & cleared up the wood then cleared up & swept the kitchen & dining room got nothing baked for Sunday. I churned & worked the butter saved a pound for ourselves week befor last saved a roll for ourselves Marjorie washing out her flannels & some other clothes of her own. Martin Dell brought us a load of shingles Will went to Buffalo walked down. going to be a hard frost tonight. Don brought our mail. Clara & Hattie called Clara wanted the Decanter's goblet for quarterly meeting tomorrow. Sun 5 Dull & cold most of the day some sunshine terrible frost this morning & a ring around the sun. Marjorie went to church & Hattie & Arthur not many for quarterly meeting I swept both rooms & made cornstarch pudding for dinner

Mon 6 rained part of the night raining when we got up & off & on most of the day Mrs Walmsly brought the teacher. we had a chicken for supper. I made two pumkin pies & swept back rooms & boiled pig feed. Teu 7 looked as if we were going to have Indian Summer but turned & rained in the afternoon Marjorie & Hattie went to Drummondville had 13 3/4 butter @ 24 butter came to 3.30 sage. 10 cheese 17 coffee 25 tea 25 pain killer 25 gal oil 20 3 yds flannel & 4 castor oil 15. velveteen 50 socks 13 sodas 30 Raisins 16. 3.30 raining when they came home. I churned & worked the butter at night & pealed pear. I clean picked a chicken for supper. snowed in the night Wed 8 snow over everything but melting off The house turned cold in the afternoon Marjorie baking bread. I emptied the rag box a barrel full & two bags full got the settee out in wood house emptied the meal barrel. I was bussy all day at cleaning up the woodhouse, & boiling pig feed Arthur ploughing in the eleven acre field Thur 9 ground froze this morning when I went down to sweep & make fire. The school house something terrible. I churned & worked the butter for ourselves Mrs Reebs & the children to Tea. I made a cake & tarts for supper. Marjorie working at her jacket. Arthur started to plough in the pasture field the first time a furrow has been turned in 20 years. Paul gone after cabbage to Everinghams got 19 heads for 25. going to 65 freeze hard tonight.- bright moonlight Arthur over this evening Friday 10 Indian Summer started today. Will & Arthur butchered the pigs a beautiful day wind west or south west: when I went down to make fire in the school house so Paul could go after a barrel of water to bushes. I picked two chickens for dinner a black & a plymouthrock one fried & one stewed. they got them done in 2 hours & 10 min at night they carried them in & we covered them up from the cats Marjorie took the teacher down & a roll of butter 4 lbs @ 24 got a bottle of sage 5 cts somersavory shoe polish 5 cts 15 on the book. she got a cap for Paul & turkey red for Mrs Pounds quilt. I cleaned the entrals Sat 11. a nice day but high wind I put the entral fat on to cook washed the churn & swept befor we could get at the meat. The pigs one weighed 237 & the other 214 237 + 214 = 4.51 I scrubed the barrel & their tub the entrals in I salted the meat & skimed some of the sausage meat & after supper cleaned the entrals it struck eleven after I got in bed my back felt tired out Marjorie cleaned up the front room & the dining room & cleaned the oil cloth & aired the front room Sun 12 sun part of the time & dull part of the time. high wind looks like rain towards night Hattie came in & stayed the evening Mon 13 raining & snowing part of the day befor it started to rain Marjorie filled our tick

in the afternoon it blew & snowed something terrible Paul had the cows out, so late & Topsy was out in it. Arthur was ploughing in the pasture field. I put a pot of lard on then skined sausage meat: got terrible cold at night, like winter they out the heiffers in the box stall. Will Dells wife had a youngster in the night Teu 14. Birdie Dells & Murrys birthday I churned & worked the butter cooked pumkin & made three pies scraped the entrals & every day since they buchered. Marjorie working at her jacket & yesterday she swept Miss Greys room & dustred the front room. At night Hattie & Arthur came over & helped to make sausage we made a lot it was after 12 befor we got through a very cold night: & cold north west wind all day Will & Arthur went to Chippawa. Arhur got his boots Hattie polished the coal stove & they got it up Hattie has two of her little chicks yet Hewsons had a daugher Wed 15 looked terrible black then started to snow the ground was covered in a little while got warmer towards night snowed when I was going down to sweep & just got the sweeping done Marjorie blacked the stove & I blacked the pipe Paul & I finished stuffing the sausage bu the old stuffer. Marjorie got the meals. Thur 16 a little warmer dull most of the day some sunshine wind cold & chilly. The young turkey sick. I washed all the greasy things from sausage things, & we washed such a lot of other things & the churn, made tarts for supper. Marjorie working at her jacket. Arthur ploughing. Mr P waching the cows. After he gave a lot of lip he drawed up manure & sods in bank the west side of the house Beens had two little kitts at night or in the evening she went out & did not bother agai. not a cold night: Friday 17 I churned the first thing. I would could not churn on account of making tarts for supper plum jelly with raisins. Marjorie took her dinner down Paul guarding the cows I had to work the butter to send down 8 lb 3/4 @ 24. 210. 25 cts brown sugar 1/2 ln tea 13. poultry food 25; Cattle food 25 for Arthurs buttons & canvass her jacket. 19.67 bread 6.42 on the book. The teacher went down with her roads terrible had Georges cart - after dark when she got home. Paul went down & swept & dusted the school house. I had to salt some meat left fresh wash dishes & the churn peal squash & could not wash out some things I wanted to Sat. 18. Paul did not want to take the cows out but it was not frozen up so we made him go in the afternoon he drawed up a barrel of water & some rails. Marjorie swept the kitched & washed the towels & worked on her jacket sleeves. not cold untill dark. Arthur ploughed all day I took the meat out of the barrel & brought it around in the kitchen & salted it over. boiled

67 heads for head cheese. Riexingers brought our mail Paul was over with theirs and got ours Sun 19. froze hard last night wind north east awful cold for the sick turkey. Marjorie went to church 14 out. she anomisly? appointed Hattie & Birdie Dell appointed Stewards of the church. Mon 20 Terrible cold yet, wind north east more north I feel sorry for the sick turkey such a cold place. I churned & worked the butter made ginger patty pan cakes. swept & cleaned the linoleum Marjorie dusted & baked bread she cooked onions & potatoes for supper Arthur over he has a lame foot Jack jumoed on it. Paul drowned Beebs two little kitts he fixed in front of the cows a platform Reu 21 cold norrth east wind but the day was fine otherwise. I went down at night & swept & dusted. I baked plum tarts & 3 pies plum & elderberry mixed. Marjorie finished her jacket she teacher & I went over to the other house. white frost glistening on everything when we came home Wed 22 beautiful day- just as Marjorie was ready to step in the cart to go to Chippawa Mrs McCredie came for a visit. Arthur over in the evening we had quite a controversy in Manitoba & Ontario Thur 23 just a beautiful day, sunshine & wind south - clear Indian Summer. Paul cleaned the hen house. The turkey died yesterday. Marjorie went to Chippawa with the cart had 5 lb butter @ 24 bought Pheno Chloride to disinfect the hen house 25 cts tea 13. soda 5 castor oil 10 coal oil 19 Pauls shirt 20cts 12 on the book. Hattie sent the collar ro Kellie through the Post Office. I washed 3 flannel shirts two of mine & one of Marjories & a lot of other things they dried fine the wind was right for them Will went to Port with chopping for his pigs he got a hundred of flour for us @ 2.20. Don Dell here in the evening Friday 24. south west wind. started to rain in fornoon. Paul waching cows. Will & Arthur went with hay to Vanderburghs I churned & worked the butter & made drop cake for the teachers dinner. had to clean out from under the table to put the shingles & long wood she carried on on the kitchen floor. Hattie over for awhile she took my hanging basket over Marj took the teacher part-way in the democrat? after supper. The wind got so high it was just terrible fewer eggs a day now Sat 25 high south west wind in the evening blew a perfect gale for awhile Marjorie washed most all day principally her own clothes got some of them dry had to wash them over the black things on account of the stuff she washed them with. I cleaned up the pantry & put clean paper on the shelves & table, blacked the stove, cleaned the lamps put a new wick on one, swept & cleaned & washed the chair. did up my drawer then mended my stockings

69 Sun 26. a very changeable day. sunshine, wind & rain of & on during fornoon 25 years ago todat poor little George died a little over 6 years & three months old. I had a terrible headache all the fornoon. we had a rice pudding for dinner. Hattie over this afternoon had to go home when Donald Sharp brought Fannie home. Donald Dell stoped to tea from church. Mon 27 beautiful day. Arthur ploughing. Fannie over this afternoon. she has a cold. I made elderberry pie & 88 cookies, swept the floor then disinfected the hen house & the place where the turkey died Marjorie cut out Pauls overalls & swept the front room Paul guarded the cows & cut some marsh grass Teu 28. blowing from the east when we got up & raining & freezing as fast as it comes down. Turned warmer wind got south - kept on drizling most of the time with the day dull the cows were in most of the day Paul & Arthur fixed Bessies stall. I churned & worked the butter & made two pumkin poes. Marjorie working on Pauls overalls Miss Grey has the hoarse voice got it at home some better today Wed 29. a terrible night last night wind blew from the west thundered once & quite sharp lightening sorry for the turkey out in the trees. wind strong most of the day & at night get cold blows harder I finished the hand of one of Jims mittens Marjorie knit the wrist of the other. I made patty pan cakes then went to the school house to sweep & dust 70 dark when I got through Arthur ploughed untill late he says it ploughed better than any day yet. Will over for awhile got a buckle for his overshoe & some swill for the pigs Marjorie ironed & got supper Paul guarded the cows. Thur 30 snowed in the night enough to cover the ground lightly & bitter cold all day The hens & ducks seem frozen when they come out of the pen. little grey is sick. I never such tender ducks. Paul drawed up the marsh grass for the hen house. Arthur walked to Chippawa. road dreadful rough. I made pancakes for dinner, worked a little on Jims mitten. Marjorie cut out Pauls shirt & sewed on it. terrible white frost tonight. froze hard last night butdid not freeze any plants some say it went down to zero it was 7 about when we went to bed while frosts dont go hard in the house Dec 1905 Friday 1 Dreadful rough roads & cold east wind I churned & worked the butter 4 1/2 then went down at night & swept & dusted the school house. The teacher walked she expected to ride with Mrs Walmsly. Marj finished Pauls shirt: getting a little softer tonight. Marjorie set sponge tonight Sat 2. rained in the night then froze towards morning then rained off & on in the afternoon Paul & Marjorie went to Chippawa at half past 11. Took 14 1/4 butter

14 1/2 lbs In Kester @ 24 - 342 got me a pair of shoes 1.25 a pair of rubbers 75 cts five yds flannelette 50 cts sugar 25 tea 25 butter cotton 15 yds cakes 5 salmon 15 vanilla 10 Washing soda 3 nails 4. Fannie came over with her work stayed a long time. She mixed the bread befor she went & I baked it & made an elderberry pie, swept & put down my bedroom carpet - cleaned up one shelf in the cupboard & got some milk in. The cats all sick with the Diarhea. The little brown duck has been sick for a week doctoring her all the time but she dont get any better. fixed over my drawer made them shorter & put buttons & button holes on two pair Sun 3 dreary looking day. church Sunday no one from her Marjorie has a cold. 13 in church. Hattie over this afternoon had to go home Expected Clara. duck a little better. Misener the store keeper in Drummondville burried yesterday. 4 years ago tonight poor Mother breather her last Mon 4 snowed quite a lot in the night drifted some. sunshine part of the time & dull part of the dday not a verry nice day & could not let the hens out & the cows were in all day. Arthur put up the room stove & Marjorie put the fire in not long the chimney was on fire made quite a roar for a time. I churned & worked the butter & made a layer cake. Marjorie swept & cleaned up the front room. Paul drawed up some stumps & some rails. Teu 5 Not a bad day. wind south west. Paul took down the feather ticks & everything from aboay? & all the boxes. The cats all sick. he carrued in the oats out of the big box. I made corn starch pudding for supper swept & dusted the school house. Marjorie fixing her at hat over Will sold his beef cow to Pearson. The girls & Arthur gone to Clifton 72 The girls at least have gone, Paul came home. Paul put the length with the damper on Arthur came & helped him. The girls walked home after dark. Fannie brought her rain coat. Wed 6 dull. damp & windy still for all the clothes washed will not dry hung out all day & at night not dry. I made 3 pumkin pies. Fannie over for tea Arthur took Henryette to Pearsons Mill went as far as Montrose then went to Mrs Dells & Birdies nice moonlight nights Thur 7. beautiful day I washed all day had the line & pin it nearly to the barn. I was so tired when I got through. Allen Heximer here in the evening The clothes dried better than yesterday I brought them in at night. beautiful moonlight. Marjorie fixing her hat. I ironed a table cloth. Friday 8 another fine day nicer than yesterday so warm the bees all out a fire feels mean I like it colder. Marjorie gone to Clifton Paul took her as far as the bridge. Walmsly burrying his horse when they went down. The teacher walked. I churned & worked the butter for ourselves. I washed 12 sheets & the blanket to put over the straw. ? & ? flannel petticoat. I was so tired washing 3 days, had pan cakes for supper. I put the bread in the pans & baked it The house was like an oven. I stayed out of the kitchen washing rather than be in. Sat 9 a beautiful day high wind muddy roads

73 Turned cold in the night - about 3 in the morning & froze some. I cleaned up the pantry & blacked the stove swept & made a pie boiled pumkins & squash for supper. Paul went after Georges cart. I went after Marjorie started about 5 Oclock. got home late took 1 1/2 dozen eggs & 28 per doz & 4 1/2 butter @24. bought 2 tomatoes @5. bottle eclectric oil. 25 bromide gumme 25 2 pint 10 soda 5 raisins 10. soap 5 salmon 10. due bill 63. Fannie Arthur & Hattie over in the evening. they did not get home untill late. I made ginger cookies & milked 2 cows Sun 10 cold north west wind. The poor ducks hobling around yet. Arthur in the evening & Mary Jane Sommerville to tea at least we gave her a lunch she stayed untill 1 Oclock sun part of the time & dull part of the time Mon 11 looked like a storm spit rain once ?? I churned worked the butter made ginger patty pan cakes high wind from the south west in the fornnoon we had fresh roast pork for supper Marjorie swept & cleaned up the front room. Will went to pay his taxes Teu 12. dull part of the time with a little sun shine spit snow towards night. keeps soft Arthur finished ploughing down in the corner by the school house & the head land. I made 2 pies pumkin pies & plum tarts. had pan cakes for dinner Paul guarded the cows. Marjorie fixed her tweed waist & sleeves. I worked on Jims mittens the first for a long time its snowing tonight perhaps tomorrow The cows will not be lying down in the field full Wed 13 sunshine in the fornoon dull in afternoon I swept & washed the chairs cleaned the floor & made a cake for supper, then went down to sweep Laffy & Sam went with me & stayed untill I came home a little snow on the ground not froze very hard. Hattie over for tea Paul cleaned the Office Arthur threshed in the fornoon at Riexingers Marjorie got the supper she is knitting her gloves Thur. 14 wind north in the morning turned north east & snowed some enough to make it disargreable Paul walked to Chippawa got my shoes. had 4 1/2 @ 24 it ought to be 1.08 & they allowed 105 & nothing for 1/2 doz eggs 1 lb tea 25.1 gal oil 19 S wheat 25 cornstarch 8 lb rice 5 candy 5 Glycerine 10. Marjorie baked bread & worked at her gloves. I picked a chicken for supper & mended my black waist. Will was in he sent for a plug of ivy tobacco. Marjories duck sick was first one then the other ever since we got them Friday 15 dreadful cold in the fornoon wind north east - got the least bit warmer in the afternoon. I went down & swept & dusted out the school house Sam & Teddy went with me Ted sat under the stove Sam ran on & out of the window & tormented me all the time I was sweeping Hattie was here when I left I finished Jims mitten my tooth aches in at times it sets me wild The teacher walked home. Marjorie working at her gloves at night. She mended Pauls socks. The roads rough George brought over our mail Sat 16. nice sunshine, but freezing. rough roads Will Arthur Fannie went to Drummondville to buy Arthur an overcoat. Marjorie went with them to go

75 over the river to get something for Christmas met Reebs & rode home with them got her supper there when they came home without her I sent Paul ? down as far as Pearsons bridge but saw nothing of her. I had first a terrible head ache all day never gave up for five minutes. Eveything I put on it made it worse I had to churn & work the butter wash all the milk pans & dishes sweep & dust & sweep the back kitchen everthing made it worse untill I put soap & sugar on wet with peppermint Sun 17. white frosts every night now so cold in the morning Marjorie went to church quite a lot out still he complains of people not comeing out. Levi Dell went after the doctor Will Dells wife some better. The girls went to brick church terrible rough roads. My duck walks a little better & Marjs is some better. I wrote to Jim & Marjorie wrote MrsBuyer Mon 18 Marjorie went to Chippawa got Pauls boots they were 2.95. had 4 1/4 butter @24 came to 102. & 63 due bill & a 22 due bill. sugar 25. lemon peal 8. raisins 9 currents 2 salts 5 ginger 10 salmon 10 candy 25 match safe 10 tea 25 lemons 13 chock food 25 mails 4. I made a grape pie. grape tarts & fried cakes. quite warm & muddy. She paid Welland McKenzie for the cot bell 53 cts Levi Dells wife died this morning. Had pork freshened & roast Teu 19 sunshine wind west. mud pretty deep Arthur's cutting silver maples. I went down & swept & dusted the school house. Teddy went all the way same got scared of the boys & ran back. I churned & worked the butter finished the fried cakes. Marjorie swept front room yesterday knitting her mittens. Will went & they took their sow Wed 20 Mrs Walmsly called & paid me for sweeping since Easter & cleaning the schoolhouse . 1.50 my bill was 6.90 & Pauls 190 she brought up Miss Hawley to visit the school. Miss Grey & I went over to tea to the other house. Tom Dell came here for awhile then went to the other house gloomy day wind cool: mud mud every where. Arthur wemt to Port. for corn meal. rained in the night just poured from the east after we got home Thurs 21 quite heavy thunder in the distance. Levi Dells wife burried. The Hearse has hard the horses can hardly get along. Marjorie baking bread. I made a layer cake to get some for the teachers dinner I dressed a little black pullet for supper, she was as fat as butter. Em Summerville called in from the funeral. A large funeral the church full Mr Sanderson preached the sermon one of the most dreary day I ever saw- just keeps up a drizle & dark & cloudy towards night the wind raises to a gale something dreadful, from the south west. Friday 22 another dismal day dark & gloomy but the wind went down near night. Marjorie took the teacher down as far as the bridge & Paul walked down with her & came back with Riexingers he took 7 lbs of butter @ 24 paid it all on his books but .30cts 25 for sugar & 5 cts for baking powder. I churned & worked the butter theree was 8 1/2 Clara Heximer was married Wed 20 Sat. 23. dull & cold ground not froze though real muddy after the little skift of snow melts off gets colder towards night & freezes hard in the night

wind west. Marjorie swept the kitchen & dusted after I made my bed & swept my bed room I went down & swept & dusted the school house it was a dirty job so much mud. Hattie & Arthur went to Chippawa with two horses. They got 3 lbs of meat for mince meat @ 8 cts per lb 1/2 lb suet I paid 10 cts suet & out of Pauls shoe money. Marjorie cleaned the raisins for the pudding Sun 24 cold but nice sunshine the first in days Marjories duck died this morning poor thing suffered so long. The girls gone to the brick church none gone to church at Chippawa but McCredies boys. The roads are so rough. Marjorie had the tooth ache yesterday. The girls went to Tufts for ? Their black heiffer had a calf just before they went to bed. Christmas day Mon 25 The ground all covered with snow not deep but enough to cover the muddy ground not a bad day though. we had roast chicken for dinner a big rooster I dressed him today & made the dressing. Fannie brought her presents over after breakfast - a nice handkercheif bag for me a collar for Marjorie & a scribler for Paul & Arthur gave Paul a handkerchief & Hattie gave him a nice one She came over after dinner & had a nice handkercheif of her own Make, we gave Paul a lb of candy a coffee cup a necktie & a pie. Arthur & him hitched up Jim & Frank & went for a drive with one bob. The men around Shooting owls. Patsy Sharp over to the other house. Teu 26 such a beautiful day over head rather slopy wind south west . I churned & worked the butter Summerville girls for tea. I made cookies Will quite sick to his stomach & feels miserably Hattie came over first then in the evening Fannie & Arthur came over. Arthur & Paul went to Chippawa with the colt & Frank. got Marys Christmas cards Marjorie still at her gloves. Deorge Myers wife burried at nine Oclock this morning Wed 27. I choped the mince meat & the suet & pealed the basket of apples Mrs Walmsly gave us & ground the spice & boiled the cider & sugar it & made a cream crock full then I cleaned the raisins for the cake. School meeting. Don called then Maud called on her way from Chippawa Marjorie made the plum pudding & we had it for dinner Arthur went with a load of hay for Vanderburghs beautiful day sunshine & warm but so muddy Marjorie at her gloves yet. Paul helping Andrew on the marsh. Thur 28 Marjorie baked graham bread I churned for ourselves cleaned the currants for the cak & got it ready to bake tomorrow. Andrew helped Paul all day today to cut the apple limbs. yesterday afternoon he pulled out some with the horses. Will walked to Chippawa to make sale for some pigs sold 3 for 7 1/2 per hundred had to walk all the way. Harvey called to see if Paul would make fires & for me to sweep & dust. The cows out in the fields for two days laying down most of the time raining tonight A hen started to lay laid four eggs Marjorie set sponge on white bread tonight I made buttermilk pop tonight for supper Friday 29 rained all night & poured most of the day sun shine for a little while pale looking enough water laying all over. Marjorie baked white bread

79 I baked the fruit cale, & iced it, made a mince pie. Will killed 3 pigs to go to Chippawa day was so bad he did not go. Fannie over for a long time in the afternoon Allen Heximer got our mial we had liver for supper. I made a batch of ginger cookies Another egg the first thing in the morning Sat. 30 wind blew a gale all night - snowed a little: the wind was west go right through me kept up all day. The ground did not harden up Arthur took the 3 pigs down to Chippawa sold them for 7 1/2 none of them weighed a hundred a piece Fannie went down to Hartlys to stay untill Monday Paul walked to Chippawa had 4 lbs butter at 23. came to $2 got a lb of currants, two white spools & a 5 ct box of matches he was gone 3 3/4 hours brought home a basket of bones? and the new steamer. I swept & cleaned the floor washed the chairs, cleaned lamp washed all the towels & al my apron Marjorie fixing her jacket over Sun 31 dull all day, then started to snow melts almost as fast as it come down still for all quite cold at night. When I was milking Marjorie got supper going We have tomatoes but they were sour & had our first mince pie for supper. Marjorie went to church no minister & 21 out. We had the last of the sausage for dinner. Hattie & her father gone up to Peter Dells. 80

81 To cleanse a cow

 Take one tablespoo full of ashes out of the stove & put it in one qt of bran & mix it up good moisten with a little water and a sprinkle of salt give this in the morning & if that does not do the job another dose about eleven Oclock & if that dont do another about four but nor more than three doses in a day. Another way is to toast a large slice of bread very brown & put water on it & let the cow eat the toast & drink the water

Muffins Add new well beaten eggs to a pint of milk, & beat into one quart flour, in which has been mixed & sifted one half cup sugar. Three teaspoons baking powder & a pinch salt. Last of all beat in one tablespoon melted butter, beat well & bake ina hot oven in gun pans muffin rings

  Poached eggs on cream or milk

Heat half a pint of sweet cream or rich milk. rub one teaspoon of butter & one small teaspoon flour together & stir in then season with salt & pepper & when it is at boiling point slip the eggs on & dip some cream over each & butter some slices of toast & lay on a platter, put the mixture over & serve hit the half pint of cream will be sufficient for six eggs 82

89 Oct. 2. 23 lbs

    Oct. 6  50  of corn meal at Greens.     32 ct
    Oct. 6 2.00 of corn meal at Welland     70
    Oct. 31 1.00 of pea meal at Welland    2.40 82 mms\                   
                            barley meal                  120

Dec. 9 4314 @ 24 5.32 Dec. 9 4 @ 24 for our selves Dec. 14 4 1/2 @ 24. Kesters 1.05 Dec. 18 4 1/2 @ 24 Kesters 1.08 Dec. 22 7 @ 24 Kesters 1.68 Brown cake. Ten eggs (save white of one for icing) 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup molasses, 1 teaspoon mixed pastry spice, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1/4 cup butter, 2 cups of flour, 3/4 cup sour cream in which has been stirred 1 teaspoon soda. bake in layers in moderate oven. ? whip white of egg in a stiff ? boil 1 cup granulated sugar with water enough to cover sugar until it boils, then pour one egg stir while pouring then add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla & spread on cake Ginger snaps. 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 cup of lard, 1 cup black strap, 2 teaspoons of ginger 2 of baking soda, 1 cuo boiling water Jim jams 1 egg broken in cup, fill with sugar, 8 tablesppons shortening. 3 tablespoons water pinch sale: 1 teaspoon baking powder. mix stiff with flour & roll them and with ring and put jam between Prince Albert Cake 1 cup brown sugar, 1 heaping cup of flour, 1 cup chopped raisins. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 teaspoon of clo ves 1/2 cup of butter, 3/4 sour milk, 3/4 teaspoon soda bake in two layers & ice

Marble Cake                                                                                       83

Light Part Whites of three eggs half cup butter half cupbul sugar. half cupful milk two cupsfuls flour. one Oatmeal wafers Two cups of oatmeal. one cup of brown sugar, one half cupful of lard. one teaspoon soda, pinch salt; dissolve the soda in half cupful of boiling water, and pour over the oatmeal, lard and sugar. when cool, stiffen with flour, roll them, and bake Jem-Jems 1 cup of butter, 1/2 cup of brown sugar, 1 egg. 3 tablespoons of boiling water, 3 teaspoons soda dissolved in the water, flour enough to roll them. stick together with jelly while warm. Hulled corn. put 3 quarts of wood ashes & 6 quarts of cold water in a large kettle. let it boil 5 minutes skimming several times. Take from the fire and add a little cold water to settle it. steam. put 3 quarts of yellow field corn in a kettle, and pour over it the steamed lye Let boil 1/2 of an hour, or untill the hull will slip off when rubbed with the fingers. Skim out the corn & wash in several waters, rubbing with the hands untill the hulls are all off boil in clear water untill soft.

91 Aug 65 st. 10 oz

    Sep 47 .   1
    Oct. 33 . 12
   Nov. 33.  10

Layer Cake 1 cup sugar Butter size of one egg 1 egg 2/3 cups of sweet milk 2 cups of flour 2 teaspoons baking powder Ginger Cookies 1 cup butter or lard. 1 cup boiling water 1 table spoon soda dissolved in water 1 table spoon ginger flour enough to mix & roll out soft. Put in a crock & add boiling water ith soda after other ingredients are put in. Then stir in flour. Molasses Pudding 1 egg, 1 1/2 cup sour cream, 1 cup fruit,1 teaspoon soda. 1 cup molasses. Flour to make about as thick as jelly cake. July 15.13 1/2 @ 16 20.10 1/2 @ 18 24. 2 3/4 @ 18 28 6.22@ 18 Aug. 2.12 1/4 @ 18

       5.4 1/2 @ 20
         7  6 1/2
        10  6 1/4 @ 18
        15 19 @ 18
   1  11lb 3 oz @ 20

Ag 25 10 1/2 @ 24

         26.6 1/2 @ 22

Sep 5.63 @ 20

       12. 5 1/2 @ 20
       15.5   @   22
       19. 4 3/4 @ 24
        20 . 4 3/4 @ 22
        25 4 1/2 @ 24
     30 5 1/2 @ 24
    3.3 3/4 @ 25
   3 .3 1/2 @ 24
    6.5.35 @ 27
    0.5 1/2 @ 24
    5 3/4 @ 24
   0.4 3/4 @ 24
 5 1/2 @ 24
   3.2 @ 24
   3 3/4 @ 24
       @ 24
     3/4 @ 24
        @ 24
    4 1/4 @ 24

July 6 lb for ourselves & Mrs Pound bread 12 brush 10 coffee 13 seed 5 nails 4


oat meal ? bell 6 Mrs Bund got the shell straps butter Nov. 7. 13 lb 3 oz 25.24 24.4 10 96

5  18

10 1.14 5 42 80 1.56 60 1.40 24 7 1.68


1.38 28 14 42

2 Miss Miss Mary Ann Kings Chippawa image of two geese Mary Ann King flour 220

               2.20 flour 

Hatties $4.00 Arthur 1.00 140 80 2.20 Arthur 1.00 Pants Men 50


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Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-12.pdf
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Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-20.pdf
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-21.pdf
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-22.pdf
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-23.pdf
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-24.pdf
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-25.pdf
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-26.pdf
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-27.pdf
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-28.pdf
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-29.pdf
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-30.pdf
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-31.pdf
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-32.pdf
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-33.pdf
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Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-41.pdf
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-42.pdf
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Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-44.pdf
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Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-47.pdf


Mary Ann King, “Mary Ann King Diary, 1905,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,

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  1. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-1.pdf
  2. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-2.pdf
  3. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-3.pdf
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  6. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-6.pdf
  7. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-7.pdf
  8. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-8.pdf
  9. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-9.pdf
  10. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-10.pdf
  11. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-11.pdf
  12. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-12.pdf
  13. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-13.pdf
  14. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-14.pdf
  15. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-15.pdf
  16. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-16.pdf
  17. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-17.pdf
  18. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-18.pdf
  19. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-19.pdf
  20. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-20.pdf
  21. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-21.pdf
  22. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-22.pdf
  23. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-23.pdf
  24. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-24.pdf
  25. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-25.pdf
  26. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-26.pdf
  27. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-27.pdf
  28. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-28.pdf
  29. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-29.pdf
  30. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-30.pdf
  31. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-31.pdf
  32. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-32.pdf
  33. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-33.pdf
  34. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-34.pdf
  35. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-35.pdf
  36. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-36.pdf
  37. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-37.pdf
  38. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-38.pdf
  39. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-39.pdf
  40. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-40.pdf
  41. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-41.pdf
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  43. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-43.pdf
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  45. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-45.pdf
  46. Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-46.pdf
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