56 Marjorie was going after vinegar but McCredies were threshing clover seed so she went to Reebs & they gave her a basket of grapes I churned & worked the butter in a roll
Friday 29 Kirkly came & said there was no hope for the colt. The cows foot is awful looking & dont seem he improve I washed all day got a letter that Mr & Mrs Buyers are coming tomorrow. Marjorie set sponge Hattie went over to help put down the matting, Birdy called. Arthur went after grapes we got 30 lbs @ 1 1/2 pr lb. The day something dreadful it's so hot. I never felt the heat washing all summer as much
Sat 30 Poor Clyde seems better this morning but very soon a change sets in & he is gone & he seemed to get bad so quick Will was affraid he would die hard but he died easy & they burried him down in the marsh all done befor dinner he went so suddenly after dinner Arthur & Paul drawed a load of marsh grass & put in the straw stack. dreadful hot again. Marjorie baked luvly bread & swept the two rooms yesterday & cleaned the & dusted the dining room I fixed the bed then went to Chippawa after them. She had 5 1/2 butter @ 24. 1.32 brown sugar 25 cheese 1 ll 10 ct soap 5 soda 5 ginger 18 coal oil 10 Gran sugar 25 tea 25. I churned & cleaned the floor & all the boards washed the windows & lamps made four pumkin pies & patty pan cakes were a failure. we killed the rooster & I dressed him. We had peaches & cream for supper
Oct. 1905
Sun 1 beautiful day with a nice breeze we had the rooser for dinner. they went over to the other house for supper. Marjorie & Mrs Byers took him part-way. Ed Dell to the other house
Mon 2. I went down to the school house & swept & dusted. The air was heavy & no wind. The dust would not settle. Mrs Buyers sick. It rained sprinkling when they drawed the water: drawed a barrel for each house with Jack & Topsy. Paul has a nice warf he built out in the creek he & I carried water rom there all sat. & sun. I churned & we pitted the grapes ready to peal. rained a lot off & on & he got the other load of marsh grass just as it commenced to come really hard
Teu 8 I worked Mrs Buyers butter 8 3/4 @ 25.88 & one doz eggs @ 25 & one day we gave her they gave her a chicken 9 1/2 doz. eggs she took dinner at the other house They never got started untill after 2 Oclock Hattie went and got her teeth something done to them we had down 3 1/2 butter @ 24 got a lb tea 25 skein yarn 14. 9 lb sulphur two post cards 2 stamps down at Drummondville 1 lb salts 5 ct 1 qt puffed hay 5 ct 23lb corn meal 32 cts at Greens. Hattie for tea quite cool today. had hard work to get Paul dig a few potatoes when she was gone. I canned the grapes 5 jars had an awful time emptying jars to get enough I put them on & canned two jars plums over. Wed 4 Wills cow had a calf this morning. he & Arthur threshing at George Heximers