File #42132: "Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-31.pdf"


Thur 12 Will buchered a pig it weighed 1.4 g beautiful day overhead but terrible muddy & cold. the last day of the county fair. I churned & worked the butter right up 5 3/4 Friday 13. Miss Hazelet called to get board for the new teacher. I made cookies & I boiled pumkins for pies tomorrow. I swept & dusted the school house. Will ploughed out the potatoes Paul heled to pick & pick put in the cellar. They came over at 3 Oclock & ploughed out ours Paul picked untill after dark Sat 14 We borrowed 32 lbs from Will. Marjorie baked bread mixed it then went to Chippawa after Mrs Pound & the children. I cleaned the floor & got dinner churned a small churning made four pies & tarts Marjorie dressed a chicken after dark Sun 15 a beautiful day untill after supper when we got ready to take Mrs Pound home it started to rain. [[?]] she gave it up. Darkers family to Wills they took Hattie home with them. We had spare ribs for dinner. high wind tonight. Paul harrowed the potatoes over when he came home. Marjorie took down 5 lb butter @ 24. got a lb fresh biscuits 1 lb. cheese rest on the book. 90 cts the debt. down to 4.1d Mon 16. cold west wind but nice sunshine Miss Grey started in this school. came here to board. Mrs Pound & the children went home after dinner. Marjorie drove her home wind changed to cold in the night. I made two grape pies. boiled pig feed Paul took over some of the potatoes The teacher has gone to bed early tonight she is so tired. Teu 17 cold wind north east. The teacher not very well her school 59 troubles her Marjorie went after the ducks she & Paul got the rest of the fruit from Riexingers. I churned & worked the butter Arthur & his father scraped the [[pond?]] holes. George Heximer & Mill Coakly scrapering roads Wed 18 started to rain just as the teacher came home for her dinner & rained all afternoon & warm rain south west. The ducks are making them selves at home puddling around I made a cornstarch pudding for dinner & Marjorie got our cabbage one mess. The teacher is better tonight. Paul & I are shelling corn tonight & the teacher & Marjorie are chatting in the room. I started Jims mittens got 3 rouds on them Thur 19 looks like rain & near dinner time it comes down & at night pours like a summer shower Miss Grey throat no better no matter what she does Arthur ploughed some. I churned. Marjorie fixing her black skirt. Arthur came in for the evening. Friday 20 The wind something fearful the worst all fall blowing from sometime in the night & continuing all day. We sent the teachers dinner down to her. I made two pumkin pies & last night I made patty pan cakes. Marjorie took the teacher to Chippawa. took 4 3/4 @24. 1.14. 41 on the book. 25 cts of sugar tea 13 cheese 15 factort 10 stove brush 20. Paul swept at school house & went to Reebs
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