File #42167: " Franklin McMillan Diary1926 19.pdf"


June 24th Fine but not very warm. Hoeing & cultivating June 25th. Picked first strawberries 13 x 36 pints sold in Toronto at Sold at 21 to 25¢, {neted?} in Toronto $91.56 would have had a few more but rained again June 26th Hoeing. had another thunder shower at noon. June 27th Sunday fine went for a car ride. out to Carlisle & Cedar Springs June 28th. Picking strawberries shipped 42 crates pints at noon to Toronto sold 12 crates at 14¢ and Shipped 31 crates qts {quarts} to Toronto at night. June 29th. Picked 55 x 27 crates of strawberries Sold at 20¢ here had a thunder shower at five oclock and some rain and hail about 7 oclock. the largest hail I ever saw some as large as pidgeons eggs good job there was not many of them cut one crate of Cabbage for the first. June 30th. picked 59 crates SBerries shipped to Toronto sold at. 20 to 23 cts picked 3 bskts {baskets} Sweet cherries. sold at $1 00 bskt July 1st Picked 92 crates SBerries sold to R.L. Scott (here) at 16¢
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