Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926


Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926


Franklin McMillan


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


January 1 to December 11, 1926




20th Century, Halton County, Nelson Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1926

Is Part Of

Franklin McMillan Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript



Frank McMillan Diary year 1926

New Year’s Day. cloudy & mild. not much below freezing point. Had John & Grandpa up for dinner but it was no Happy new year for me.

Sat. Jan 2nd Weather fine & clear and not very cold.

Sund. Jan 3rd. was down to Johns for supper. warm & cloudy looks like rain.

Mon. Jan 4th. Mild and cloudy. looks like rain yet. Election Day. Peter Rae defeated by Drummond in East Flamboro for reeve.

Tues. Jan 5th. Mild & cloudy

Wed. Jan 6th. Went to Hamilton got Chevrolet License $14 00

No. 82642. Very windy and turning colder tonight.

Jan 6th. Wed. - clear & cold

Jan 7th. Thursday. all over at Bells for dinner & supper. weather clear & cold.

Jan 8th Friday. cool & cloudy looks like snow

Jan 9th. Sat. snowed all night. and still snowing today. most snow now of any time this winter. Sat up until 2 oclock Radio about the best this winter. Had Denver good & loud, also 6KW. at {T-------?}, Cuba, also Miami Florida and K.F.I Los Angeles but not very loud.

Sun. Jan 10th. Cold & clear real winter weather now

Mon. Jan 11th. milder with some more snow. was down to Cleavers trying to get going on Lillies estate. but seem to get nothing done

Tuesday Jan 12th. very cold again. will be a pretty cold night.

Wed. Jan 13th. Cold & cloudy looks like more snow

Thurs Jan 14th. milder with some light snow flurries

Frid Jan 15th. mild & cloudy some light snow & windy

Sat Jan 16th Clear & mild thawing a little.

Sun Jan 17th. mild & cloudy thawing fast.

Mon June 18th. Raining this

morning snow about all gone. Adam Brown died in Hamilton on Sat Jan 16th. in his 100th year. Grandpa taken very sick this afternoon. not expected live until morning but rallied some about 1 oclock this morning

Jan 19th Grandpa some better but not out of danger. Will & Dave & Effie arrived today. weather very mild.

Jan 20th my Birthday but not a Happy one. Grandpa still about the same. Will went home again this afternoon.

Jan 21. A little colder and about one inch of snow

Jan 22nd Very cold this morning about zero Grandpa. still about the same.

Jan 23rd Saturday. still very cold with strong west wind.

Jan 24th Sunday very cold wind. from the west. Grandpa about the same he had lots of visitors

Jan 25 Monday, a nice winter day. freezing but not too cold.

Jan 26th Doris 4 years old today. sending for some seeds from Stokes Erfurt Caul $150 {$1.50} 4 ozs Copenhagen 1 oz. $1.00 & 1 oz Golden Acre Cabb. 75¢ 4 ozs World Beater Pepper $1.00 & 1 oz Schells sweet pepper 75. total 500 {$5.00}.

Jan 27. Colder today, very strong wind at night and some snows

Jan 28th. worst day of the winter very strong gales from the west a few snow flurries and very cold

Jan 29th. Friday very cold yet from 4 to 6 below zero this morning. paper says at {Michigan?} New Ont, was 51 below zero too cold for me.

Jan 30th. Saturday quite a change this morning thawing all day. Just like spring.

Jan 31st Sunday cooler & cloudy. all day. strong East wind & snow in the evening

Feby 1st Monday. quiet a lot of snow this morning and weather cooler

Feby 2nd motored to Hamilton got Truck License no 14898 lots of snow.

Feby 3rd Wed. started snowing again tonight from the East. ordered 4 cars of Hotbed manure for Feby 20 Mar. 1st 10th & 15th

Feby 4th. Clearing up & cooler tonight

Feby 5 Friday went to City for a load of orange crates. very scarce drove over the whole city. got 165 prices up to. had to pay from 5 to 10¢ each was zero this morning but turned milder

Feby 6th Sat. milder & cloudy looks like another storm this morning.

Feby 7th Sunday. Lovely winter day. thawing some in the sun. Olive Hicks played the Violin at Radio Station CKOC Hamiton it was very good.

Feby 8th 9th & 10th real winter weather with lots more snow.

Feby 11th Alans first birthday. standing alone now and trying to walk

Feby 12th Friday. grandpa Mac. not so well again am afraid he will not last long.

Feby 13th. Fine today and thawing some.

Feby 14th Sunday. Mild & cloudy was down to Hicks for the afternoon & supper.

Feby 15th. mild this morning but turning colder tonight

Feby 16th Very cold again. this morning about zero Grandpa very poorly today

Feby 17th. Fine & mild men shingling. hired mans house

Feby 18th snowing this am and continued all day took the Sprayer up to the Factory to get overhauled also the truck to Aldershot Garage to get overhauled too. will cost some money to get both done.

Feby 19th. Very cold again with lots of snow again

Feby 20th Fair & cold about zero this morning.

Feby 21st Sunday cold & cloudy. Grandpa very low this afternoon

Feby 22nd cold below zero unloading car of hot bed manure. came a week too early this year

Feby 24th. Wed. Grandpa Mac passed away at 1230 (noon) today. he has been unconcious since Saturday last.

Feby 25th. Raining this morning and nearly all day. very windy towards night. Roads very slippery lots of cars & trucks in the ditches.

Feby 26th. Friday. Grandpa buried today. cold & windy roads very icey.

Feby 27th. Sat. cold & clear

Feby 28th. Sunday. fine thawing a little

March 1st. Raining this morning cleared before dinner but Strong winds & raw & damp. Sowed Cabbage & pepper seeds.

March 2nd. Moved Will Smith out from Hamilton to work, for us.

March 3rd Colder. fixing sash.

March 4th. Unloading car of manure weather very cold. about zero.

March 5th. Very cold they say 10 below zero this morning. Hotbeds about frozen up

Kingstons wins Junior O.H.A Finals from Owen Sound last night.

Jan Mar 6th. Sowed Tomato seeds. 4 ozs First & Best 6 ozs John Baer, cold this morning zero again but a little milder & cloudy this afternoon

Jan Mar 7th Sunday must have snowed nearly all night as there is a lot of soft snow. This morning it looks like rain

Jan Mar 8th Monday. clear & cold got two loads of orange crates from Hamilton about 350 in all. cost from 5¢ to 10 cents each.

Jan Mar 9th unloaded 3rd car of manure putting on ground for strawberry bed must have been about zero this morning but thawed some this afternoon.

Jan Mar 10th Drove to H. Slater at Waterdown for 30 hot bed sashes cost 165 each cold & frosty this morning but thawing again in the day time. Peterboro won Senior O.Ha From London last night and New Hamburg won the final Int. O.H.a from Grimsby.

Jan Mar 11th. Very cold working around hot beds.

Jan Mar 12th cold & cloudy north east winds & some Snow flurries

Jan Mar 13th Still very cold about zero this morning. fixing sash etc

Jan Mar 14th Sunday stil cold yet.

Jan Mar 15th some milder today but lots of ice & snow yet. has been a very steady March so far no bare ground all winter since before christmas.

Jan Mar 16th. men papering our front room today about a couple of inches more snow this morning but not extreme cold but not thawing much.

Jan Mar 17th. Kingston Junior wins O H a Semi Final Round from Quebec and leaves for Port Arthur. weather cold.

Jan Mar 18th Fine & milder. Peterboro Senior O.H.a. wins round from New Hamburg Intermediates and Ottawa leads the regular games in Prof. Hockey {Top of page} Will McMillan has Sold the old place to Mr Hogan for about $11,000

Jan Mar 19th. Peterboro looses in the Ont. Semi Finals to Varsity who won both games by scores of 7 to 1. weather cool & some showers in the afternoon.

Jan Mar 20th. Sat. mild & cloudy trimming trees.

Jan Mar 21st Sunday first day of spring. and it is a dandy day. warm & bright have a cold.

Jan Mar 22nd. Kingston wins Semi Final (Junior) Hockey from Fort William & enter the finals Mild & cloudy making hotbeds for transplanting Cabbages.

Jan March 23rd Raining all night foggy this morning an raining a little. Varsity of Toronto won Semi Final Senior Hockey from Ottawa, and enter the finals with Port Arthur.

March 24th. Started Transplanting Cabbages, 23 sashes done weather mild & cloudy.

March 25th. Kingston Junior OHA. & Calgary. plays too a tie in two games and have to play the third game.

March 26th Friday colder heavy frost this morning and ground frozen again tonight.

March 27th. Very cold north wind ground frozen hard fixing sash, & making hot beds.

March 28th. Sunday cold winter day frozen solid this morning Clo Calgary wins Junior Canadian Championship Beat Kingston by one goal in three days games

March 29th. Very cold ground frozen solid unloading 4th car of manure and making hot beds. Montreal Beat Ottawa Sat night & win N.H.L. (Prof) Hockey in the play offs.

March 30th. Varsity of Toronto & Port Arthur play 30 minutes overtime

to a tie 3 - 3, in the Senior Amateur finals last night and will have to play another game. Very cold, heavy north east winds

March 31st. March is certainly going out like a lion. blowing and raining. all last night, and freezing on the trees today. Snowing all the afternoon.

April 1st. Cold and ground covered with snow. Port Arthur wins the Alan Cup. Beat Varsity. in 20 minutes over time score 3 to 2. Regular winter day, Regular blizzard from the west.

April 2nd. Good Friday Bright with west wind in the morning. Cloudy with East wind in the afternoon, & snowing at Bed time.

April 3rd. another snow storm from the East this morning raining in the afternoon. frozen up again at night

April 4th. Easter Sunday ground covered with snow strong west winds, clear & cold. thawing some in afternoon

April 5th. Snowing again this morning then raining at noon. afternoon cloudy & freezing hard at night transplanted 22 more sashes of cabbages

April 6th. Cool but bright transplanted about 10 000 Tomatoes.

April 7th. Cold with rain & snow. have lots of water in our cellar Montreal wins World Pro Hockey Title from Victoria 3 games out of 4 games.

April 8th. cold & rainy taking water out of cellar about 10 inches in it.

April 9th. Fair & cool transplanted 24 sashes sweet peppers & 16 sashes tomatoes

April 10th. Cold & raw finished transplanting tomatoes 72 sashes in all.

April 11th. Sunday clear and cold. ground freezing hard tonight

April 12th. Finished first transplanting peppers 60 sashes in all. weather clear & cold north east wind.

April 13th. Finest day this Spring. Pumping water out of the cellar and fixing drain in front of house. Went into seen Grandpa Boniface he is very low. with Pneumonia

April 14th. Trimming trees turned very cold again ground frozen this evening

April 15th very cold all day. trimming trees

April 16th. A little milder but very heavy winds was in to see Grandpa Boniface do not think he will last much lomnger.

April 17th. Fair but very cols. with strong west wind. Grandpa Boniface dies last night at 11 oclock had only been sick a week. Have been all over the country hunting a woman (Madge has a cold and wants a weels rest.

April 18th Sunday Fair &cold

April 19th Cold & clear was up to Hamilton, to Grandpa Boniface's funeral

April 20th. A little milder unloading 5th car of manure.

April 21st Fine & mild had a thunder shower after dinner the first of the year

April 22nd Very warm Just like Summer hunting for a horse all afternoon good horses seem scarce

April 23rd A little colder drawing brush

April 24th. Showery & cold East wind. planted 8 sashes Cukes {Cucumbers} (6 ozs Perfection} and 2 ozs Snowball Cauliflower in 8 sashes. Jerry & other Indian came down today to work

Sunday April 25th Very cold, cloudy & strong north winds. thermometer 38 at noon.

April 26th. cold & cloudy starting to uncover strawberries

April 27th. cold & cloudy, uncovering strawberries.

April 28th. Rained in the night. very cold & cloudy with strong winds today.

April 29th Cold & cloudy with a few showers uncovering strawberries a slow job. I do not feel any good and John in bed all week with Grippe

April 30. a few more showers again. today Charlotte sick in bed with Flu.

May 1st. Clear but cold East wind uncovering strawberries

May 2nd Sunday. fair & very warm about 80

May 3rd. Very cold, still uncovering strawberries guess we will never get done. short of help. and John still very sick with Flu. Charlotte getting better.

May 4rd. still very cold uncovering strawberries about one half inch ice this morning.

May 5th. cool & cloudy planted 7500 Cabbage out today. looks like rain tonight. John a little better today but very bad yesterday has both Flu & Pneumonia.

May 6th Finished planting out Cabbages. 15 000 in all. weather fine

May 7th. Transplanting tomatoes 2nd time.

May 8th. Finished transplanting tomatoes 147 sashes 100 to the sash. weather fine. John seems to be improving some.

May 9th. Sunday fair & a little cooler.

May 10th. Fair & cool John very low during last night, but some better this morning

May 11th Finished uncovering strawberries.

May 12th to 15th. Fair & moderately warm planting 4 1/4 Acres strawberries getting pretty dry now, also planted 15 lbs Davis White Wax Beans. John quiet a lot better now.

May 16th. Sunday Fine & warm Hicks called in also Will Bell & family

May 17th. Fine & warm highest Temperature 78 sowed Carrots 1 lb chantenay 1 lb nantes. sowed up drill a trifle smaller than Onion hole.

May 18 Shipped first 8 bskts {baskets} asparagus yesterday sold $1 50 bskt. Hoeing & cultivating old strawberries warm and getting very dry.

May 19th. Rained steady up till noon. was sure a good soaking and just what was needed. but turning cold tonight

May 20th. Fair but cold hoeing & cultivating old strawberries they look pretty good this year.

May 21st. Hoeing strawberries weather getting cold tonight.

May 22nd weather very cold covered up hotbeds extra tonight. men are ploughing cultivating & Hoeing. Seagram won Kings Plate.

May 23rd Sunday very cold. put a fire in furnace again. have had one for the last three years on 24th of May

May 25th to May 28th. Fair & bright with cool nights. slight frosts nearly every night hoeing strawberries.

May 28th. Planted 4 bags Potatoes weather still cool at nights

May 29th Started putting out Tomatoes got 3200 out. cold again tonight covered up hot beds at 11 oclock at night.

May 30 Sunday went for a drive up to the mountain warmer looks like rain tonight

May 31st. Planting Tomatoes all day. very warm

June 1st Had a good shower last night also some more this morning. Planting Tomatoes yet. very windy after dinner hard on plants. going out.

June 2nd Finished Tomato planting at noon. very cold & wind blowing a gale from the west. smashing the plants up in great style

June 3rd Very cold with high winds from the west & north west. Stopped planting. Hoeing & cultivating, also hand cultivating carrots

June 4th. White frost this morning not any damage but curled leaves on the beans. Started planting out peppers.

June 5th. slight frost again Planted out Cukes and some more peppers weather warm in the Sun but very cold again tonight

June 6th. Sunday, some frost again this morning but at noon looks like rain John improving walking around some now.

June 7th. Had a shower last night. Planting peppers today. fine & warm.

June 8th. Fine & warm finished peppers.

Mrs Smith went to the Hospital for operation

June 9th. Warm & windy finished planting Marrows Squash. Cabbages etc.

June 10th & 11th. fine & warm digging around trees in the orchard & Hoeing new Strawberries

June 12th. showery this morning. Hoeing & Cultivating in the afternoon

June 13th Sunday Fine & warm Had Grandma Boniface out.

June 14th. Raining this morning from the East and very cold. Cleaning up hot beds

June 15 Heavy rain all night cleaning up hot beds ground very wet.

June 16th 17th & 18th Spraying the last three days. took 19 tanks to do it. put in 5 1/2 lbs lead & 3 1/2 to 3 3/4 gals Lime Sulphur. men hoeing strawberries Mr Biggar of Upton Co. wants about 1000 crates strawberries this year at the going price

June 19th. Got oil changed in truck today. at 14 800 miles. Fair & cool.

June 20th. Fine & cool (Sunday)

June 21st & 22nd Weeding carrots. Heavy rain last night.

June 23rd Ground very wet now. more rain today trying to hoe & cultivate but very wet.

June 24th Fine but not very warm. Hoeing & cultivating

June 25th. Picked first strawberries 13 x 36 pints sold in Toronto at Sold at 21 to 25¢, {neted?} in Toronto $91.56 would have had a few more but rained again

June 26th Hoeing. had another thunder shower at noon.

June 27th Sunday fine went for a car ride. out to Carlisle & Cedar Springs

June 28th. Picking strawberries shipped 42 crates pints at noon to Toronto sold 12 crates at 14¢ and Shipped 31 crates qts {quarts} to Toronto at night.

June 29th. Picked 55 x 27 crates of strawberries Sold at 20¢ here had a thunder shower at five oclock and some rain and hail about 7 oclock. the largest hail I ever saw some as large as pidgeons eggs good job there was not many of them cut one crate of Cabbage for the first.

June 30th. picked 59 crates SBerries shipped to Toronto sold at. 20 to 23 cts picked 3 bskts {baskets} Sweet cherries. sold at $1 00 bskt

July 1st Picked 92 crates SBerries sold to R.L. Scott (here) at 16¢

July 2nd Biggest picking so far 110 crates shipped all to Toronto sold. at 22 and 23 cts

July 3rd Sat. shipped 56 crates SBerries to Toronto truck left at 10.30. sold at 20 to 23¢.

July 4th. Sunday Fine & warm. home alone.

July 5th Big day in picking 212 crates in all. 10 in the morning in Toronto sold at 25¢. 57 afternoon sold at. mostly 13¢ to 15¢ Sold 40 to a peddlar at $4 50 30 to Scott at $4 00 45 to Upton at 12¢ and 30 up North at 17¢

July 6th Berries price all gone to pieces. picked 222 crates took 160 to Uptons @ 12¢. 56 to Scott @ 13 1/2

July7th no rain yet and very warm with strong south west winds Berries about done for. picked 153 crates today

July 8th only picked 98 crates. today they are going fast. very hot & strong south wind

July 9th Still very warm with south west wind.

July 10th. Heavy rain in the night and some more showers at noon today only picked 41 crates. turning cold tonight

Juy 11 Sunday mostly cloudy & cool

July 12th. Picked 82 crates SBerries

July 13th Cool. picked 98 crates SBerries and started on Richmond cherries 30 bskts at 75¢

July 14th Picked 116 crates SBerries today

July 15th First day of no picking strawberries picked 20 bskts cherries

July 16 warm again picked 68 strawberries again today this may be the last picked 1650 crates all told.

July 18th. Sunday fine & warm home alone all day.

July 17th Saturday nothing much doing today. weather fine.

July 19th Monday. Picked 100 bskts Richmond cherries @ 65¢ 18 x 6 qts Black cherries at 90¢ 15 bskt Beans @ 75¢ 7 crates Cabbage @ 75¢ Shipped all north.

July 20. Picking Cherries Beans etc. our Radio Aerial Wire struck by Lightning last evening the wire burn't off from the chimney was all the damage that was done.

July 21 Finished picking strawberries had 1690 crates. picking cherries & Beans etc. Cabbage very slow have thousands of heads ready.

Picked 28 bskts Peppers sold in Toronto @ 90¢ & 100¢ & 5 at 75¢

July 22nd. still picking Richmond cherries etc. men hoeing old strawberry patch. Started raining at noon.

July 23rd. Had a pretty busy day picked 186 bskts cherries besides Beans & Cabbages

July 24th. Finished picking Richmond cherries 83 bskts Just had 700 bskts this year sold at average of about 65¢. Picked 5 bskts tomatoes

July 25th went for a drive to Campbellville & Milton was a fine warm day.

July 26th Picked 115 Montmorency cherries sold at $1.00 also 5 Cukes @ 80¢ 3 bskts Vegetable Marrows at 75¢

July 27 Picked 112 bskts today of cherries and 28 bskts sweet cherries

July 28th. Rainy only got 89 bskts cherries

July 29th. Picked 217 bskts cherries.

July 30th not many orders today only picked 73 bskt cherries 13 cukes & 6 tomatoes No 1 toms at $2 50 & No 2's $1.50 weather fine. Have picked to date. 700 x 11 Richmond cherries 617 x 11 Montmorency cherries 112 x6 Sweets cherries

July 31st nothing doing much today. Saturday no shipping for fruit this season

Sunday Aug 1st. Cloudy & cool. with a little light shower. Had Grandma B. out.

Aug 2nd. Rained nearly all night picked 180 bskt cherries & 11 crates Rasps besides other stuff. Cut first Cauliflowers sold $160 {$1.60} crate

Aug 3. not many orders only picked 88 bskt cherries.

Aug 4th. Picked 121 cherries also sold Scott 4420 lbs Cabbages.

Aug 5th Very few orders for cherries. price all shot had 6 bskts Sold in Toronto at 40¢ bskt.

Aug 6. only picked 35 bskt cherries. todays price 75¢.

Aug 7. Sat. very heavy rain storm. last night with thunder lightning & wind, smashed half a dozen cherry trees in our best orchard Cucumber price all shot had 35 bskts of A. No. 1. class sold in Toronto at 25¢

Aug 8th Sunday. Took McCulloughs & our bunch for a Picnic had dinner at Guelph. then went to Kitchener. & home through Galt & Preston. and Supper at Dundas. all say they had a fine time

Aug 9th. not many orders only 44 cherries at 75¢ 25 toms at $1 00 and some other small orders of cukes etc

Aug 10th. more rain again in the night. everything flooded. not many orders. cannot sell cherries at any price

Aug 11th. Picked 65 toms sold at 65¢ crop no good blighting & rotting with the rain. only picked 33 bskt cherries no sale for them

Aug 12 another thunder storm in the night also another this morning nothing doing only picked a few Cukes & peppers for Toronto. peppers selling at 65 to 75¢

Aug 13th. Picked 54 bskts tomatoes at 65¢ and 75¢ 32 cherries 65¢. 13 cukes at 25¢. 5 cabbages 60¢ 1 marrow $100 {$1.00}, 7 crates Lawtons 36 pints at $375 & $400 {$3.75 & $4.00} and a few Rasps. got returns from Toronto for Aug 10th shipment cukes 25¢ peppers 60¢ & 75¢ and 13 bskts cherries sold for $3.70 or 28 1/2 cts per 11 qt bskt.

Aug 14th. Sold a load of Cabbages to Scott nearly 2 1/2 tons at $10 per ton

Aug 15th Fine was down to Hicks for tea

Aug 16th. Pretty busy today picked 161 tomatoes at 50¢ some cukes peppers cabbages (plums Shiro ) apples & 28 cherries at 50¢ another heavy shower this afternoon.

Aug 17th. only picked 83 toms today, picked

231 bskt cherries shipped 213 of them to Hart & Tuckwell Montreal am afraid we will not get much out of them but cannot sell any place else sold at 60¢ nothing much left.

Aug 18. Got my sweet cherrie trees budded. Mr Harry Garrett of Vineland. sent by J A Neilson. Cost $17.00 for 21 trees. Tomatoes not ripening at all only picked about 80 bskts weather cold & wet. sent another 137 cherries 13 x 36 Lawtons to Montreal sold at {blank}

Aug 19th cloudy & very cold shipping cherries yet to Montreal. 189 bskts

Aug 20 only had 56 bskts toms today sold at 50¢ and only picked 20 cherries for north at 50¢. price 60¢ in Montreal no good weather very cold & cloudy and rained some again last night.

Aug 21. Sat. Rained all last night & all morning & some more again late tonight nothing doing all day. Fire insurance dead due on Aug 3rd. Paid W. C Vansickle on furniture in the Waterloo, $2707 {$27.07} and B. S Hicks on Buildings in Gore District Mutual $ 45 00

Aug 22nd Sunday. last year Aug 22nd Sat. Lillie went under her operation. Had Mr & Mrs Bell

and Alex Bell & Stan Blair over for supper.

Aug 23rd. another shower this morning about 6 oclock every thing wet again Picked 105 tomatoes sold at 50¢ had to wipe them all again and another big thunder shower started at five this evening getting awful wet now

Aug 24th. Picked 146 cherries today sold at 70 & 75 in Montreal more rain tonight

Aug 25th. Picked 218 cherries 111 toms at 40¢ and have sold Scott 6 tons of Cabbages in the last two days at $10 00 per ton.

Aug 26th Finished Montmorency cherries today 162 bskts had another light shower tonight, have had to wipe tomatoes every day. picked 163 bskts today.

Aug 27. Fine & warm today finished Picking cherries English Morello's 90 bskts, total all cherries this year 33.70 bskts.

Aug 28th. Saturday had a very busy day. Sold Scott 10 tons 265 lbs Cabbages @ $10 per ton. 33 cukes @ 17¢ and 276 Burbank plums at 30¢

Aug 29th. Sunday fine went to Hamilton to see about a new Housekeeper

Aug 30th. Had a pretty

busy day picked 356 Burbank plums for Scott was to get 30¢ but only 27¢ when we got there. also shipped 178 tomatoes north at 30¢ and a few plums at 40¢ some Cukes Marrows & Cabbags

Aug 31st not so many orders only 135 toms & 35 plums

Sept 1. Shipping about 150 toms & a few plums north.

Sept 2. Shipped 135 toms at 25¢ and 70 plums at 40¢.

Sept 3rd cold & cloudy like rain orders nearly all cancelled. only 66 toms shipped. on account of Monday Labor Day I guess

Sept 4th. Sat. nothing doing raining all day.

Sept 5th. Sunday. a year ago today. Lillie passed away. it has been a lonely & long year since then.

Sept 6th Monday. Shipped 455 bskts of fruit today but every thing very cheap tomatoes 25¢ Plums 22 to 35¢

Sept 7th. only about 250 bskts today.

Sept 8th a few more plum orders today. have made a cut in prices selling Burbanks at 25¢ and Gages & Blues 30¢ up north now.

Sept 9th Raining all night and this morning.

started at noon to pick got off 275 bskts plums tomatoes & pears.

Sept 10th. had a pretty busy day. 150 tomatoes 65 plums 32 pears, 20 Red peppers at $125 {$1.25} a bskt 12 Green peppers 21 cukes 14 crates & bags Cabbages 3 crates Cauliflower.

Sept 11th Sat. picked some pears for next week and only shipped 25 bskts tomatoes.

Sept 12th Sunday mild & cloudy looks like rain.

Sept 13th. Clear & cool, fine & dry this morning. picked 467 bskt fruit today Shipped all north but 31 bskt Green peppers shipped 12 Red peppers to Toronto last week Sold at $150 {$1.50} bskt

Sept 14th very busy shipped 300 bskts north and 205 Lombard plums for Upton Jam Coy {Company} at 1¢ a lb.

Sept 15 Rained in the night and wet all day. only picked 104 tomatoes 55 plums & 16 pears for north, and 114 Lombards for Jam Coy heavy rain about two oclock got every thing soaked

Sept 16. Rained all night again and all morning every thing flooded worse than ever. picked 173 bskts plums for factory {Side note} New House Keeper came tonight

Sept 17. had a lot of orders today. got them all away. cut 8 crates Cauliflowers at $200 {$2.00} crate also shipped 29 Green peppers & 18 Reds to Toronto Reds sold at $2 00 Greens 50 & 60¢

Sept 18 Picked 400 bskts Bartlett pears Selling at 57 to 60¢ bskt 15 toms at 25¢ wet in the morning but a grand afternoon.

Sept 19 Sunday Fine & warm.

Sept 20th. Flooded with orders especially pears and plums. fortunately we had pears picked from Saturday. did not get nearly all our orders filled as we have only two men Chapman left Sat night

Sept 21 Very busy yet. picked 385 bskts fruit & 5 bags Cabbages weather fine & cool.

Sept 22nd Shipped 251 bskts of fruit today cool & cloudy

Sept 23rd. Did not ship any orders today took 261 bskts plums into Uptons wet and rainy nearly all day. men trying to fix cellar drain this is the third day and not done yet.

Sept 24 Rained all night every thing. flooded. drain all washed & blocked again and water in cellar again. picking pears standing in water with rubber boots on. also another big flood at 4 oclock this afternoon, nearly every thing under water.

Sept 25 Rained all night again and all day today picked 100 bskt pears & 25 peppers. drain all caved in. & cellar has about two feet of water in it.

Sept 26 Sunday Frost this morning froze squash Vines & touched pepper plants.

Sept 25th ordered 10 cars manure. should have ordered earlier as we cannot get it now. when we want it. 5 for Berry covering starting Nov 15th. and 5 for hotbeds one on Jan 31st. March 9th 11th 15th & 17th.

Sept 27th Sunday Monday fine picked 66 bskts peppers for Toronto and plums all day for Uptons 286 baskets.

Sept 28th Still lots of water in the cellar. picked 75 bskts Howell pears for North at 60¢ and a few plums etc. and started on Reine Claudes for Jam at 1¢ a lb. Some price for Reine Claude

Sept 29th took a load of plums (picked yesterday) to Hamilton will not take any more this week and only one more load on Monday shipped 110 bskts pears north at 60¢ mostly Howells. only have a few bskts left. looks like rain again.

Sept 30 & 31st Same old job havent got the drain fixed yet. no orders digging potatoes had a dandy crop. but 4/5 of them rotten.

Oct 1st Cloudy & like rain drain not fixed yet. only 27 bskts fruit on order.

Oct. 2nd a few light showers in the night, one of the finest days this fall got the water out of the cellar but not done yet.Paid $1680 {$16.80?} now for pipe and $54.40 for wages for cellar drain.

Oct 3rd Sunday. Fine & Cool.

Oct 4th. Picked 209 plums for Upton and about 65 bskt for North.

Oct 5th. Raining picked Some peppers in after noon sold in Toronto Greens at 50 & 60¢ Reds 75 to $100 {$1.00}.

Oct 6th. Sold Alan Davidson 100 Reine Claudes at 25¢ 50 Grand Dukes at 30¢ without covers on they are packing them and exporting across to England

Oct 7th. Turning cold started picking peppers Mrs Smith having another operation today

Oct 8th picked peppers all day. Mr Smith away the last three days. have another day picking yet but am afraid of frost tonight

Oct 9th. Picked balance of peppers & brought squash in. Heavy white frost this morning froze ice went to Mr Mays funeral who died suddenly Thursday night.

Oct 10th. Sunday went to G Grandma Bonifaces not very nice day. a little rain & fog at times.

Oct 11th. A nice day again picked 55 bskts pears to finish up. St Louis Nat wins worlds series from New York Am. 4 games to 3. Toronto won Int. League also Little Worlds series from Louisville Ky. in 5 straight games

Oct 12th. Shipping some more peppers selling in Toronto at greens 50¢ Reds 75¢

Oct 13. went to Hamilton to buy an over coat. & try to coax Madge to come back but was unlucky 13th I guess as it seems to be no use.

Oct 14th. nothing much doing sold 65 peppers & shipped 50. have about 400 bskts yet.

Oct 15. Finished picking plums. 50 bskts Reine Claudes sold at 22¢ also picked our apple crop 11 bus {bushels} snows 9 bus Greening 5 baskets Sprys. weather has been very good all week.

Oct 16th. No Housekeeper tonight am all alone again. coaxed Madge to come back but no use.

Oct 17 Sunday clear & cool was down to Hicks for dinner & supper left Alan there for the night.

Oct 18 Monday raining had some job getting Charlotte to school.

Oct 19. A little cooler still hunting a house keeper men ploughing

Oct 20. Wed. raining again nearly all day. alone again all day some lonesome life.

Oct 21. Have a new house keeper come today. this is some life.

Oct 22. am afraid my Housekeeper does not like the country.

Oct 23 Sat. Madge came out tonight sat up late. listening to the Radio refuses every thing I offer on a account of a Religious point.

Oct 24th Sunday raining all day.

Oct 25th Housekeeper left Madge is here yet.

Oct 26th all alone again tonight weather cold some snow this morning.

Oct 27 Madge called me up refuses all my offers. will break her heart and all ours for a Technical point. expect another housekeeper tomorrow.

Oct 28. another Housekeeper arrives tonight weather fine & warm.

Oct 29 Fine & mild am feeling about used up.

Oct 30. Sat. Raining again all day. nailed up Beach houses for the winter.

Oct 31 Sunday. Fair & cool picked some flowers guess it will be the last. as it is freezing tonight.

Nov 1st Raining again all morning. got a load ready for market. raining again tonight.

Nov 2nd. went to market for the first time. not very swift sold squash at 40 & 50¢ bushel carrots a few at 50¢ mostly 40¢ Red peppers 50 Green 40¢ weather cold & cloudy.

Nov 3rd got another load ready. carrots not very good lots rotten, and awful muddy have to wash them no money in it at 40¢ bushel. looks like rain again

Nov 4th. Fair & cold a heavy frost froze ice at market again. pretty slow selling.

Nov 5th. Have a sore arm fell and hit my elbow on the pavement at market.

Nov 6th Fair, mild & very windy. drying up a lot today. Have Smith learning to plough now Jerry left. last week.

Nov 7th Sunday fine & warm alone all day

Nov 8th Fine all day getting ready for market. Chrissie Very sick

Nov 9th. Left for market at 5 oclock very foggy could not see anything got lost wo once near at the curve near the bridges. rained nearly all day.

Nov 10th. Getting ready for market very cold ground frozen shipped the last 83 bskts peppers had a good crop of them and got good prices Madge and I have got things settled. we are going to get married soon and go South for the winter if all is well.

Nov 11th went to market very cold Thermometer down to 21 degrees. Carrots etc frozen solid on the market.

Nov 12th. Friday cool & cloudy. Smith off work with a Sore Back

Nov 13th. Went to the city at night to go to Pantages {Theatre} we stood up one hour and no chance of a seat. so came out and sat in the car.

Nov 14th. Sunday looks like rain.

Nov 15th Monday finest day for months getting ready for market

Nov 16th. Rained all night and nearly all morning home about noon from market

Madge and I have decided on Thursday 18th to get married on.

Nov 17 Fine & moderately cold spent the afternoon shopping in Hamilton

Nov 18th. Raining all morning a steady down pour. Getting married this afternoon at 3 PM. Rained all afternoon and all night I guess. Some day.

Nov 19th Some cooler today Some Snow flurries.

Nov 20th. Went to Hamilton in the afternoon. very cold.

Nov 21st Sunday. cool & cloudy

Nov 22nd Unloading first car of manure to cover strawberries cold & windy.

Nov 23. Covering strawberries warmer today.

Nov 24 Unloading another car of manure.

Nov 25 Men covering strawberries

Nov 26th. Smith covering strawberries. at Hamilton in the afternoon shopping raining hard.

Nov 27 Sat, frozen up solid today.

Nov 28. Sunday Fine & cool.

Nov 29th Rained in the night milder today unloading manure.

Nov 30th. Cloudy & cool finished 3rd car manure getting letters of Identification to get across the border when we go South.

Dec 1st mild and more rain. covering strawberries

Dec 2 frozen up again today, about zero.

Dec 3rd cold & cloudy up to Hamilton again

Dec 4th Very cold again zero this morning Radio good last night had Mexico for the first time also all the Southern States & Ne Los Angelas. Cal.

Dec 5th Real winter snowing all day. from the North East about 6 inches on the level drifts two feet in some places.

Dec 6th Very cold 7 below zero they say. unloading 4th car of manure.

Dec 7th. Milder today unloading 5th car manure started to rain & sleet in the evening.

Dec 8th Finished unloading manure.

Dec 9th Getting ready to go South. men covering strawberries

Dec 10th. Som what milder lots of snow but not thawing much have an awful cold.

Dec 11th. in bed nearly all morning with a cold leaving tonight for San Diego hope we dont have any trouble at the border

{Blank pages}

Total 1926 Sales.

Page 1 total 6,661.20
2 " 2 014 67
3 " 1 462 93
4 1 335 62
5 1 447 06
6 1 527 97
$14449 45
Page 6
By Draft W J Broley Cookstown 25.30
Worrod Tottenham 24.70
Armstrong Burks Falls 14.40
Sinclair Orillia 60.25
S River Trading Co 22.95
*Nov 10 Manser Welb Toronto 74.94
x11 Hutchison Bros Bracebridge 220.52
Nov 15 Manser Welb Toronto 25.35
Troyer Burks Falls 9.95
22 C W Sharpe Burks Falls 2.95
22 John Saso Barrie 46.65
22 F D Cancilla Barrie 70.20
22 V R. Hart. Burlington 36.25
x 26 J R Couse Cookstown 122 00
28 Manser Welb Toronto 22.82
Dec 10 By Draft. {Green?} Sundridge 47.00
Johnston Sundridge 91.00
x Hare. Bros Bracebridge 208.32
Bothwell 28.32
Hamilton 100.00
Stevenson Fruit Co Ham{ilton} 40.00
Sold at Farm 234.10

Page 5

Oct 11 D. Scaletta Huntsville 44.00
" 12 Fraser & McArthur South River 15.15
+ 12 Manser Welb Toronto 46.61
+ 13 CW Sharpe Burks Falls 118.00
" 13 Burlington Growers 38.35
" 6 T.S Tremouth Powassan Draft 37.55
" 18th V R Hart Burlington 309.40
" 16 Manser Welb Toronto 31.45
x 18 G.W. Nichol Beeton 37.05
x 19 R L Scott Aldershot 86.25
" 20 T E Monkman Cookstown 11.75
+ 20 D.S. Litster Burks Falls 150.65
" 20 T Upton & Co Hamilton 248.35
" 20 W. Peek Burks Falls 92.45
" 20 S L Anderson Crossland 9.00
x 21 C M.R. Toronto 1.83
xx 21 Stevenson Hamilton 15.60
23 Stevenson Hamilton 24.40
26 Manser Welb Toronto 75.12
Nov 1 Manser Welb Toronto 36.15
" 2 Fraser & McArthur S River 7.95
Page 4
x Sept 23 John Saso Barrie 84.00
x Sept 14 AP Worrod Tottenham 49.05
25 R L Scott Aldershot 313.01
27 Manser Welb Toronto 74.30
+ 28 McKnight Tottenham 41.56
Oct 2 W J McCague Beeton 15.44
2 B R Stewart Hockley 27.35
5 Manser Welb Toronto 55.75
5 Edgar & Co Sundridge 17.35
6 Brown & Co Barrie 35.20
7 J F Cullingham Cookstown 36.95
7 Mrs T Gollop Cookstown 23.64
7 PJ Marrin Bracebridge 38.65
7 T Cudmore Sundridge 9.60
8 Shaw & Shea South River 61.85
By Draft Harry Fisher Cookstown 54.87
Cooper Elmvale 78.30
WV Fry Thornton 89.30
JD Stewart Thornton 74.35
W L Lilly Beeton 10.80
J D Wisdom Allandale 44.90
A E Johnston Sundridge 99.40

Page 3

Sept 3. R.E Baycroft Stayner 3.00
+ 3. R L. Scott Aldershot 127.16
3 R L Scott Aldershot 27.63
+ 3. Fraser & McArthur 21.90
Y7 Brown & Co Barrie 38.65
7 Hart & Tuckwell Montreal 34.28
8 T.E Monkman Cookstown 39.55
10 J D Wisdom Allandale 58.30
9 J J McKnight Tottenham 80.45
9 W J Troyer Burks Falls 71.80
9 A G. Maynard Burks Falls 6.90
9 Wm Peek Burks Falls 88.87
9 G. Williamson Tottenham 1.75
10 Hanna & Co Port Carling 153.39
13. FJB Gunn Sundridge 57.95
14. Manser Welb Toronto 24.38
15 SL Anderson Crossland 30.10
+17 GW. Nichol Beeton 184.05
+18 Hare Bros Bracebridge 250.00
+21 Manse Welb Toronto 53.77
+21 FD. Cancilla Barrie 107.05
Page 2
Aug 6 Hare Bros Bracebridge $150.00
9 V. R. Hart Burlington 183.25
9 Wm Peek Burks Falls 84.55
9 D.S. Litster Burks Falls 58.34
9 D. Scaletta Huntsville 33.00
9 Hannah & Co. Port Carling 286.55
10 GW Nichol Beeton 44.50
10 Manser Welb Toronto 133.93
11 Hutchison Bros Bracebridge 87.12
11 C W Sharpe Burks Falls 132.05
11 Fraser & McArthur South River 41.70
14 R L Scott Aldershot 20.09
16 J R Couse Cookstown 100.00
16 R. T. Armstrong Burks Falls 66.70
17 Manser Welb Toronto 57.96
24 Williamson Tottenham 1.00
24 Manser Welb Toronto 34.83
24 Hart & Tuckwell Montreal 247.13
31 Manser Welb Toronto 21.94
31 Hart & Tuckwell Montreal 230.03

Cheques in 1926

Page 1

May 25 Manser Welb Toronto 18.23
" 31 " " " 38.86
June 6 " " " 19.55
14 " " " 35.03
21 " " " 30.12
29 " " " 100.96
July 6 " " " 1393.20
9 Burl. Co. Op. Coy 330.48
10 Cash Sales 178.65
12 J.F. Cullingham Thornton 64.26
13 Manser Welb Toronto 245.43
15 R L. Scott Aldershot 799.32
20 Fraser & McArthur South River 17.55
21 T. G. Monkman Cookstown 37.41
23 Wm Peek Burks Falls 56.56
27 B.R. Stewart Hockley 19.46
30 T Upton Co Hamilton 2973.33
31 R.E. Baycroft Stayner 17.75
31 Burl. Co Operative Co 172.20
Aug 4 J.J. McKnight Tottenham 102.85

Transcription Progress



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 Franklin McMillan Diary1926  42.pdf


Franklin McMillan, “Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025,
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