File #42257: " Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 65.pdf"


Got off the train the weather was cold and frosty. passed through a place called Kearney at 840 p.m. used to be another old Fort here. passed through Omaha and across the Missouri River. and into Iowa. April 2nd. First large place we saw this morning was Marshal town in Iowa state. we are now on the Chicago and North. Western R. after leaving Omaha but we did not have to change. cars first thing strange I noticed the train running on the left tracks here. inquired from a man. he said the road was owned by an English Coy {Company} and was the only Railroad in America which ran on the left tracks. Alan. still very sick all covered with spots just lays in the berth will not eat any thing. only drink water. had the
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