Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926-1927


Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926-1927


Franklin McMillan


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


December 11, 1926 to April 3, 1927




20th Century, Halton County, Nelson Township, Ontario and travel journal to the Pacific Coast of the USA.

Date Created

December 11, 1926

Is Part Of

Franklin McMillan Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


{Blank blue cover}

1926 & 1927

Dec 11th. Left our house about with Mr Hicks having supper and staying until train time with them. they are driveing us to the station. our trunks left yesterday gone to Toronto to be examined. so we will not have any trouble at Port Huron.

Dec 12th. Left Burlington at 1.45. a.m. about 1 hour late. it was very cold clear and frosty. about zero. with about four inches of snow on the ground. we where glad

to get on the train. Got to bed about 3. a.m. tired and all used up with colds. Had no trouble with the Imigration Officer. did not have to get out of bed. only answer a lot of questions and pay $16.00 head taxs. Got up about 8 a.m. crossing Michigan. put our watches back one hour. arrived at Lansing at 10.20 am where they make the Reo cars & trucks. seems like a large city. at Battle Creek at 11.30. where they make the corn flakes also went through Flint Mich. where the Chevrolet Cars are made. the plant must have covered thousands of acres. arrived at Chicago at 410 p.m. about 80 minutes late. The weather seemed about the same as home with a few inches snow most of the way across Mich. until we neared Chicago. in Chicago it was mild and foggy. Got our sleeper section to San Diego cost $42 53 and it was $11 15 from Hamilton to Chicago.

went for a walk for a few blocks. then back to the station after a short wait we got on the Continental Ltd. we leave at 815 PM we expected to stop at the Harvey houses. but our berths where for the wrong train. All tired and sleepy and feeling punk with bad colds.

Dec 13th. in the state of Kansas this morning. first stop Kansas City at 830 am stayed one hour cold here but no snow. after leaving here we see nothing only corn fields. and their hay stacked in the fields. at 1215 passed a small town called Lebo. went out on observation car but very cold took snaps at Ottawa Jct. {Junction} and Emporia. at Newton at 240 pm and at Hutchison 4.20 p.m. looks like a fairly large city. arrived at Dodge City at dark. turned our watches back another hour.

Dec 14th. First stop at Las Vegas. N.M. ground covered with snow here. the country is hilly with small evergreen trees scattered

around. Madge feeling sick. (Train sick I guess my cold no better. but the children all seem pretty well. next stop at Gloriette N.M. a small place with adobe houses. in among the hills. at Albequrkee [Albuquerque} N.M at noon. lots of Indians selling pottery and such at the station. an Indian Reservation near here at Isletta. all adobe houses started to climb the hills after leaving here. lots of snow. and cattle out pasturing in it we wonder where they get any thing to eat. country rough and hilly. soil looks mostly reddish gravel. at Gallup at 6. p.m. very cold and lots of snow.

Dec 15th. Madge and I still feeling rotten. A change this morning. snow all gone in Calif. now first town was Bagdad. desert country here nothing but bushes and hills every way you look. first stop at Barstow still cold here and freezing at 9 a.m. From 9 am to 11am crossing desert

country. with lots of Cactus some as large as apple trees. with snow mountains in the distance. Madge took some snaps of the back of train. in the hills. arrived at San Bernardino at about noon Madge took me and the childrens picture here have one of both trips before taken here. arrived Pasadena about 2 p.m. warm here Electric fans going in the car. arrived Los Angelas at 2.30 pm. had to change cars for San Diego. passed through orange. walnut and olive groves. and thousands of acres of grapes after leaving Los Angelas. also saw first view of the Pacific ocean. and saw the Sun set over the water. arrived on time at 630 p.m. Mr. Clayton met us at the station. and told us he had a bungalow rented already to move in at $45 per month. and that Mrs Clayton and one of the girls were cooking our supper. we were certainly glad of a

place to go. took the street car. and arrived O.K. at 3619 arizona st (our address) and supper was all ready for us. our trunks arrived later. all tired out & sick with colds.

Dec 16th. Bright & sunny went for a walk a couple of blocks. but came home and went to bed. Madge got some medicine down at the corner. she is also sick with sore throat.

Dec 17th in bed all day a great way to celebrate our trip here - Mr Clayton called tonight to see how we were.

Dec 18th. In bed yet but cold is some better. had Dr. Barclay call. left some prescriptions for both of us. Madge has Tonsolitis. the weather here is cloudy & cool today. with some rain this morning.

Dec 19th Sunday. up for a while but not out. had Mrs Clayton call to see us we feel the cold here at nights. after being used to a warm house at home I guess

Dec 20th. went for a short walk around the block nice and sunny. both feeling pretty sick yet.

Dec 21st colder today and raining did not go any place

Dec 22nd cool but sunny took snaps of the girls by a palm tree and a bunch of Poinsetta their big Christmas flowers here.

Dec 23rd. Fine this morning went for a walk in the back of Balboa Park. there is nothing here but sage & bushes. rained in the afternoon.

Dec 24th. Fine & clear went for a walk. Madge bot some Xmas presents and some toys for the childrens stockings. which they left for Santa. cool again tonight papers say coldest weather for years in Calif. snow flurries in Pasadena and other places.

Christmas Day. some warmer went to Mission Cliff Gardens. took some snaps the flowers not nearly as nice as seven years ago. but guess they

will be better later on. on the way back we all got weighed Mother 117. Myself 140. Charlotte 42 1/2. Doris 35, Alan 25. Mother and Alan had their coats on.

Dec 26th Sunday Fine & clear went for walks in the afternoon and morning too and mother and charlottle went to church in the evening.

Dec 27th we all went out to Claytons in the afternoon and stayed for supper had a nice visit. met a Mrs Golden Barrett a sister of Mrs Clayton and a Mr Walker a friend of Claytons. who wants to sell us a car.

Dec 28th Took a lunch and went by street car to Balboa Park. Had our lunch in Pepper Grove there were 12 or 15 Peacocks walking around. The weather was fine & warm. we took a couple of snaps. then we heard the Organ playing and we took a cut across to it down one hill and up another but got there in time

to hear it. It is a wonderful thing to think of. playing the organ out doors. nearly every day in the year. They say it has only missed being played ten times in eleven years on account of bad weather. On our way home we left our old Club. Bag on the street car.

Dec 29th. Had Mr Walker around with a Chev. Car which we bought for $175 it is freshly painted and looks pretty good. We drove to the street Ry Coy {Railway Company} and got our old bag back. and also got my drivers permit. In the afternoon we drove to the Zoo in Balboa Park saw the Lions, Tigers Elephants. and Bears all in open top cement wall cages, with a pit dug in front so the front wall could be made low so as to be able to look over. Also saw the Sea Lions in a pond and some camels but did not see all, only

one corner of it. and intend going back again.

Dec 30th warmer today drove with Mr Walker to Spring Valley to see Mrs. Claytons sister Mrs Golden it was about 11 miles there out El. Cajon ave. through La Mesa. a small place in among the hills. they seemed to make us very welcome. Mr Golden was away working

Dec 31 we drove down town shopping. some prices here are about the same as home. Sugar about the same 7¢ lb. Milk 15¢ quart. Butter some stores 56¢ some 48¢ lb. depends on were you buy. Meat is dearer than at home. Vegetables are all in bunches 5¢ and all new. none stored. Eggs pretty high here 44 to 55 cts doz. according to size. Potatoes from 6 to 10 lbs for a quarter. Grape fruits 25 cts a doz. at some places other places 5¢ each Oranges all prices 15¢ doz to 50¢

Cabbages 1¢ to 4¢ lb - same as other things depends were you buy them. they ask any thing they like Bread and Groceries about the same as at home went to Balboa Park in the afternoon. went through the Botanical Buildings they were full of all kinds of ferns. plants palms. etc from tropical countries. also saw the Japanese Tea Gardens and walked through a lot of the paths. it was a lovely day. the warmest yet up to 70.

New Years. Day. Fine and warm one of our finest days. Had a big blow out for dinner. then drove to Balboa Park the place to go when it is to late to go any other place. but you can go often as you like and not get tired of it. for you can always see some thing new as it is so large. Took snaps of the Tower and County Building and some of the children. and a young fellow took one

of us all together sitting on the grass. while we were listening to the organ recital.

Jan 2nd. Sunday. Fine and warm thought we would drive to Ocean Beach was disappointed when we arrived there it was. cold cloudy and foggy. we went out on the rocks, and the girls enjoyed gathering some shells. on the way we passed. the field of the Air line between San Diego and Los Angelas. there were a few planes in the air at that time also passed the Naval Training school. it was a large place and the grounds around it looked well kept up like a park. When we got back home the sun was still shining you would not think there would be such a change in 5 or 6 miles.

Jan 3rd Went down to get Transfer and License for car, after being passed around from one to another finally got them. Transfer

cost $1.00 License $3.00 not as high as in Canada also Gasoline 18¢ and 19¢ Gallon here. about 33¢ when we left home. after dinner we started out to find the old mission. We went out 30 University to 30th St. & across Madison and after getting lost a few times found Ward Road. it was a nice ride down between the hills and across the river. which was nearly dry. There is an new orphans school built now along side the old mission. took snaps of both. also the old wall with Cactus. which was to keep the Indians out. dont wonder at the Cactus stopping them. it was at least 12 feet high and 6 feet thick with sticks a couple of inches long. also took the picture of the oldest palm trees in Cal. planted by the Padres. also a snap of the cross erected in memory of Padre Louis Jaume the first Cal. Martyr. Killed Nov 4 1775 by Indians, at that spot. We see by tonights papers they had some earthquakes

in the Imperial Valley at Calexico. & Mexacali along the Mexican border about 150 miles from here. but we did not feel them here.

Jan 4th went out University to Washington and on to Ft. Stockton Drive out in the Mission Hill District. it is a nice residential section with some lovely homes but streets are all curves & corners. if a man came home drunk he certainly would get lost or break his neck on the way we wanted to get to old Town from here. after getting lost a few times we managed to get down the hill and on to the La Jolla Ave which took us direct to Ramona's Marriage Place we all enjoyed walking around the garden among the flowers. took some more pictures inside also some outside in the Park were the first American Flag was raised in Calif. came home by California St. Down near the water. Saw some warships in the harbor

Jan 5th. Went down Pershing drive and across 16th St to Imperial ave. out past Encanto a small Village amongst the hills. and on to Lemon Grove. saw a few good looking Lemon and orange groves here also saw a couple of men picking green peas seems pretty early in the year. Took some snaps of the hills. called at Mrs Claytons after we got back to invite them to go for a drive on Saturday

Jan 6th. Cloudy today. taking it easy. went down town through the Park and out by 8th street some hill I should say, done some shopping and came back by 12th st, and Pershing Drive. which is the shortest way home for us.

Jan 7th. Packed a lunch and left early for the Zoo in Balboa Park. first we saw some Elephant seals in a large tank of water the largest one of the men said weighed

about 3000 lbs. they fed them two big buckets of fish. next we went through the snake building and saw all kinds of them next was the monkeys and Baboons. all kinds of them. from there we saw the Birds from Eagles down to the smallest kinds. from all parts of the world. they were all sizes and colors. and hundreds of them. then on to the water fowl. in a large flying cage there were cranes. Egrets Flamingoes and other bright colored ones. down at the bottom was a nice grassy place and we had our lunch. and started again. there were pools each of ducks & geese. and wild ducks of all kinds. a pair of Emu. from Australia. a few of Peccaries a kind of small pig. a pool with four large crocodiles another pool of Sea Gulls. had one wing cut and they were as tame as chickens. would eat out of your hand. then we started up the hill

again first was a pen of Donkeys then Buffaloes had a snap. holding a Water Buffaloes horn but I was outside the fence you bet. then there was all kinds of Elks and Deers. a pair of Zebra's a bunch of Kangaroo's a lot of mountain sheep and sheep and goats from foreign countries. and on the way out saw a warty hog. had big warts on the sides of its face they came from Africa and 3 of them cost $1500

Jan 8th started out for a picnic today. called at Claytons and got Mrs Clayton and the two girls intented going into the mountains by Murphy Canyon. but the road had been washed out by rain. so drove a few miles up down Mission Valley a vegetable growing section saw some good looking celery. the road was very rough and was glad when we came to the highway which we followed to La Jolla a nice town along the beach about

15 miles from here. had our lunch on the beach. in a cove. between the rocks there were a few in bathing but it looked cold to me. but the air was nice and warm. we then started for Torrey Pines about 8 miles farther on the road to Los Angelas it was all up grade with very sharp turns. all the way up. the scenery was fine. rough & hilly with a snow covered mountain in the distance. saw the Torrey pines. they only grow in one other place some where on an island. they were nothing to look at only scrubs along side our pines the needles were longer than on ours. and are in bunches of fine needles together. They have a big round cone. which has nuts in which are good to eat. we came back by Mission Beach and Ocean Beach and stayed at Claytons for tea. drove over 60 miles in all.

Sunday Jan 9th. Drove over to the Park again. Madge

Doris and Alan looked at the museum. while Charlotte and I climbed to the top of the tower it is the highest point in Town and there is a lovely View from it. of the sea, mountains, and the city. walked around the grounds for awhile. took some snaps and listened to the organ. it was one of our warmest days.

Jan 10th. went down town for some things in the morning. cloudy in the afternoon. with a little rain about dark.

Jan 11th. an off day cloudy and cool. got a hair cut bought groceries. walked 32 blocks to the Post Office. because I had to leave the car on 12th street to fill up with groceries got 30 snaps all pretty good.

Jan 12th Drove down Pershing Drive and across to National Ave to National City which is quiet a nice little town. drove on to Chula Vista a few miles farther another nice little place but not as large as

national city. on the way back near national city took a snap of a large pepper tree. it must have a spread of nearly 100 feet. also a couple of snaps of a couple of swell homes. Bot a couple of dozen Eggs at a large White Leghorn Chicken Ranch. at 40¢ a doz. the best we have tasted yet and the cheapest too.

Jan 13th. We drove to the foot of the Market St. and on to the Coronada Ferry cost us 25¢ for the car and two passangers to cross to Coronada the girls went free. we stopped at the park in the centre of the place. it was very nice not many flowers out now. but there are all kinds of trees. even to Torrey pines. which they say only grow in one other place. we then drove on to the beach. around the large Coronada hotel a man that worked there said there were 160 guests there now and next month it would likely be crowded room for about 600.

had our dinner on the beach. took some snaps and laid around until about 3.30, then went up through tent city, there are hundreds of little shacks. one and two rooms they charge $40 & $45 a month for them in the summer. they are owned by the hotel management We climbed up on the rock breakwater, by the hotel. were the waves were rolling in and breaking on the rocks. came back again by the ferry, was late when we got home

Jan 14th. Took a trip inland today. out El Cajon ave 11 miles to La Mesa and from there down the El Cajon Valley to the town of El Cajon it has grown a lot in seven years would not have known it. then on to Bostonia a small place thousands of acres of grapes and Olives grown around here. and back around El Cajon quiet a lot of Vegetables. the soil looks better around these places not so many stones and darker looking in color

from Bostonia we went North about 5 miles to Lakeside. had our dinner in the Auto Camp. there is a pond there with a lot of ducks in. the scenery around here was fine. hills in all directions we wanted to come back a different road but it was under repairs to Santee. came back a few miles on another road but missed Santee. bought some oranges at a road side stand 2 doz for 45¢ the best we have had yet. arrived home. about five.

Jan 15th. Saturday. did not go out until late. just drove down the canyon road through Balboa Park it goes down through the Park and under the big bridge it seems awful high from the bottom. the side of the road in the hills are covered mostly with evergreen trees. firs. cypress and all kinds of pines. the best joke of all is about the Torrey pines. there was one whole block acres of them here.

Sunday Jan 16th. did not go until late in the afternoon then drove to Balboa Park. had a walk around a few corners we had not discovered before

Jan 17th. Packed our dinner again and started this time. for Mission Beach went the same way as to Ocean Beach, out India St. but when we reach the ocean you turn to the right to Mission Beach and to the left to Ocean Beach it is a long sandy beach must be a mile long and is a great Summer resort. it has a large midway. with all kinds of shows and etc. also a large dance hall and bathing house. and everything is up to date as it has been erected all in the last few years we enjoyed walking on the beach and picking up shells. The girls and Alan had a good time in the sand and on the steps were there where cement tops sloping down. they made good slides.

Jan 18th. Went to the Park again today. down the roadway under the Bridge took snaps of the Torrey Pines & bridge. and drove out the other side into a new part for us. were we had not been before found flower beds. rose and etc. with walks all around some of them lined with acacea trees covered with yellow flowers we came out on top, near Laurel St & turned back towards the city and came out in an open space left for cars. you could see all around and over the bay and ocean. came back across the bridge and home.

Jan 19th. Started out this morning a little after ten called for Mrs Clayton and started for the back country. Drove out University St to La Mesa 11 miles we had never gone this road before. it has only been opened a short time is wide enough for 5 or 6 cars to pass. from there on through El Cajon

on to Bostonia 7 miles farther. there we left the main highway and took another road to Dehesa. about 5 miles farther. this road wound around the side of the mountain. and after reaching the bottom we had our dinner. and after dinner mother and I and the girls climbed to the top of one of the hills. it was some job. took some pictures off the top of the hill. It was lovely and warm in here. we started home about three p.m. Kept right on the same road about 10 miles of a climb up grade all the way with all kinds of sharp curves and twists. but the road was good. and we did not meet any cars. at the top we came to Alpine were we got on the pavement again. here we were 30 miles from San Diego. we now started down grade along the side of the hills and down valleys. there was all kinds of scenery, hills & rocks each side. some times

an orange or lemon grove and a lot of Grapes in some parts Olives and some peach trees. We came out again at Bostonia and came home same way the rest of the way home. It was a 65 mile drive and about my first experience on those valley roads.

Jan 20th. Took it easy today after our big drive yesterday. Just drove down town down 12th street and back. Pershing Drive the return trip registers seven miles on our speedometer and East San Diego is at least 3 or 4 miles farther out than us. the city certainly is spread out a long way.

Jan 21st. Had quiet a large shower in the night and early this morning. but cleared up fine. started for the park again went to another section. north of the Bridge saw the Rose Gardens lots of them in bloom. also, one corner all full of all varieties of palm trees & shrubs. with

paths and walks all through them. there are a lot more flowers coming out now, than when we first came here. picked up a few more cones. we are getting quiet a collection They have been getting pretty cold weather in Burlington. reported 10 to 22 below zero on Jan 16th

Jan 22nd went back to Mission Cliff Gardens today saw the Pheasants, Peacocks and some small deer. Charlotte & Doris had some slides. swings etc. and had a good time

Jan 23rd Sunday. Fine and warm this morning but cooler this afternoon but bright not a cloud to be seen. went to Balboa again this afternoon went through the part of the Museum. were all the stuffed birds, shells etc were. it was the best collection I have ever seen of birds and animals. also all kinds of wood, pine cones dried flowers shells of all discriptions some as large as saucers and some you could hardly see

Jan 24th. We packed our lunch today again and left about 11 oclock for Long Beach and Sunset Cliffs. on the way Madge took a snap of me driving down the hill on Kalmia St. I drove down in low gear. with the brake nearly all the way on. we eat our dinner at Sunset Cliffs and then walked around on the cliffs and the rocks taking some pictures of the rustic bridges and the ocean and rocks back on the hills from the water. A Mills by name one of the biggest real estate coy's here have it all laid out in streets with cement. roads. electric lights etc. a lady said a lot was worth about $4,000. we drove up one of the roads and across the top of the hill and the view is certainly fine on the way back we stopped at Ocean Beach to hunt a few shells.

Jan 25th. Down town in the morning on business. took a couple of snaps of a couple of courts

on Park Blvd {Boulevard} on the way down. In the afternoon we turned off Pershing Drive to the left and found we were in the Golf grounds. and on the way out we landed up at the Stadium. saw them playing a game of Basket ball. The Stadium is some place. it is some thing in the shape of a horse shoe has 25 rows of seats in height seats about 25 000 people and all the sports are held down in the bottom on the earth as there is no floor

Jan 26th. Cool and cloudy did not go any place only down town. Doris 5 years old today. Had Mr Walker and Francis Golden for supper

Jan 27th. went down Pershing Drive and out National ave to National city about 5 miles then turned East 6 miles into the hills. towards Sweetwater Dam & Reservoir. we had our dinner by the water and started home a different way around the hills and came out at La Mesa, and home by the new Highway to university street

Jan 28th. Went out the Highway to La Mesa. and turned there to go to Jamul. went past the corner. asked a man he said we could go another way instead of going back so went back through Spring Valley. about 4 houses. and landed on the new Highway they are building took a snap of a chicken Ranch called Seven Oaks. could not get near the chickens they went wild when they saw me. crossed the Sweetwater bridge across the river. water looked a few inches deep then came to a picnic place called La Honda Springs. then on to Indian Springs another picnic spot. took a snap. they charge 25¢ to drive in. drove on then to Jamul had our dinner under some trees. We also saw a field on Spineless Cactus on the Jamul Ranch, they grow it for feed. the road here curved around the hills and down another Valley. we intended coming back another way by Chula Vista but turned to the left instead of

the right. which went to Honey Springs we expected to see some one here to inquire if we were on right road. Honey Springs was another picnic spot, but no one in sight. so we went straight on. the road climbed up around the sides of the hills around sharp curves and turns. the road was not very bad, but very narrow some times only a few feet wider than the car with a drop over the side of a few hundred feet. after about three miles of this we came to a farm and saw a lady she said the road only went as far as another farm about two miles. and the road was worse and as we could turn around here, about the only place you could. we turned back. it was all down grade drove most of it in second gear with the brakes partly on. met a car going up after after we got down. whatever we would have done if we met it on the hill, as two cars

could not pass. only at spots here and there. was glad when we got back down, we decided to come back then the way we went. Bot a dozen eggs only 28¢ coming down in price. our drive was 63 miles there & back The hills we climbed were called Virgil peaks

Jan 29th Took a rest today only drove down town to get some eats.

Jan 30th Sunday. Mr Walker called before we were out of bed. asking us to go to El Monte Park for a picnic. Mr & Mrs Golden and family and a Mr & Mrs Tate were going. we left about 11 oclock, out through La Mesa & El Cajon to Santee then to Lakeside and turned to the right and went along the side of the River about 5 miles, about 25 in all from our place. It was a very nice picnic park tables, Benches. & swings for the children. with large Evergreen oaks scattered all around the park. it was nearly

surrounded by hills the only openings was where the river entered & went out the other end of the Park some places the hills must have been 500 feet nearly straight up - it was a lot warmer there than at San Diego, and they say it is very warm in Summer arrived home about 5.30

Jan 31st. Started for Mexico today. through national city. from there to Chula Vista. nothing grown hardly only Lemons and Celery. must be thousands of acres. just ready for shipment, bunches of men crateing it up - to bleach it they tie or wrap a piece of paper around each plant. from there on we saw some large Dairy Farms. the next place was San Ysidro two miles from the border we crossed without any trouble. Ti Juana was crowded. and we went on a quiet day at that as Monday is the only day there is no horse raceing. Both sides of the main street

were saloons with bars on one side, a few tables to eat at, and a Jazz Band and a dance floor one place was a whole block long with a bar all its length, with doors to enter every few feet. We then went through the Foreign Club Building were most of the Gambling is done. I guess it is the next thing to Monte Carlo we took some snaps and had no trouble crossing the border, but we saw one car, that they made the people get out and be examined

Feby 1st. Payed our house rent for Feby. $45 00 and Garage $4.00. Went over and saw the Claytons as we were on the way down town. after some pictures.

Feby 2nd Nothing special today was down town and over to Balboa Park for a short time. Had Claytons & Mr Fernside call after supper. they thought we had a fine bunch of pictures. they went home about 10 oclock

Feby 3rd. Went out through national city and chula Vista to Otay. and from there to Otay Reservoir. the road was not very good. not very interesting not very high hills, but more nothing quite a lot of land was ploughed and ready for grain. At Otay Dam it was very nice with the water and the mountains back of them, we drove across the Dam and back. also saw the filtering plant the man in charge showed us all around it was very interesting. the water from there is what we drink in San Diego. we came back another road through Telegraph Canyon, to Chula Vista, and home by National Avenue.

Feby 4th. Intended going to Ramona today but was cloudy was glad we didn't as it rained all afternoon.

Feby 5th. Fine in the morning. cold and cloudy after dinner. expect to go out with Claytons tomorrow

Feby 6th. Sunday. had another 60 mile Journey today. Had Mrs Clayton in our car. and Mr Fernside had Mr Clayton & the two girls and another friend of theirs went out through El Cajon and Bostonia was going to a place (Whispering Oak) but Mr Fernside had two punctures the last one took us three hours to fix so went so instead we went up the Dehesa Valley, (this is the Valley Romana was supposed to have travelled to San Diego to get married) to Alpine. and after a few miles on the way home we turned off the highway 1 1/2 miles to Silver Brook a small creek going down a rocky valley. it had a picnic grounds, and a lot of small Cabins were people spent the week ends and their holidays. arrived home at 5.30 after a fast drive.

Feby 7th. takeing a short trip today to Point Loma passed the Theosophical Institute. they have

large buildings and the grounds stretch about a mile on one side of the grounds road then on to the old Spanish light house at the End of Point Loma. did not stay very long as we were up high and it was blowing a cool breeze off the water, we then cut off and went across to Sunset Cliffs it was blowing there too so we went on to Ocean Beach for the rest of the day

Feby 8th. Did not go any place have a cold.

Feby 9th. in bed with a cold, heard a noise of pounding. Mother inquired from the men are told Mrs Jones is building another house and garage in the back yard.

Feby 10th ditto spent it in bed, rained in the night.

Feby 11th. ditto again am tired of bed Alans birthday two

years old. Edisons Birthday today he was 80. Abe Lincolns tomorrow. some popular birthdays

Feby 12th Got up today but feeling punk. we received six letters today. will have to get busy and answer some. They have had some high winds at home. Smith had to put props up against his house. mother and the girls went shopping and got caught in the rain.

Feby 13th Sunday rained all day and all last night the biggest rain we have had since we came. wrote four letters yesterday & today.

Feby 14th. Rained all day and all last night, and is still raining, a 7 year old boy fell off a bridge and was drowned.

Feby 15th. Every thing in this country is on a big scale even when it rains. this is the third day and night of steady

rain and at times it came down in torrents.

Feby 16th. Rained mostly all day and still raining tonight, floods every where, bridges washed away, all roads blocked out of San Diego also all trains, bridges gone. Los Angelas about the same. no trains to San Francisco. about 6 inches of Rain fell here in the storm so far. Los Angelas was about the same. Redlands about 7 inches Riverside 6 in. Santa Anna 7 1/2 in El Cajon over 10 inches. Ti Juana Mexico flooded the river was dry a week ago when we crossed the bridge. the paper says 12 feet of water now, at Imperial in the Imperial Valley only had 1/2 in of rain. All news came in by Radio as the wires were down. The Reservoir Dams at Otay & Sweetwater safe yet. four feet of water going over the top of Sweetwater dam.

The Mission Valley in which is the San Diego River is flooded from bank to bank. The ranchers & gardeners rescued by boats and some houses & buildings washed away. Claim they have enough water in Reservoirs to last 5 years.

Feby 167th. Cleared up today the sun shining again was down town and over to see the San Diego River in Mission Valley but the flood had gone down. quiet a lot of water yet and mud over all, the Valley. no trains running yet, and the highways closed also.

Feby 18th. Fine this morning went through the Pueblo Indian Village built by the Santa Fe Ry. at a cost of $150,000 at the time of the Worlds Fair here. supposed to be an exact copy of their Village and it was had Indians living in it at the time of the fair. Took a few snaps. In the afternoon we went to the zoo but it turned cloudy

and rained a little took pictures of the bears and Lions but it was pretty dark.

Feby 19th. Went over to see Claytons and down town to inquire at Chamber of Commerce about roads we are thinking of going to Riverside Monday. Roads in bad shape yet they say. Had a scare at Claytons. Doris & Alan let the brakes off the car and had to run to catch it going down the street. in the afternoon mother and the children went riding on the merry go round while I went to the zoo to get some snaps wanted the big Lion but he was not there today guess they moved him

Feby 20th not feeling very good guess I havent got rid of my cold yet. We decided not to drive to Riverside now. as we would have to go around about way on acct {account} of bridges direct way is about 120 miles we would have to drive about 180 or 200 miles

Feby 21st. Partly cloudy this morning. did not get much mail only 2 letters one from England and one from Geo Chapman should have gotten three papers did not get any. delayed I guess as the mail comes by boat from Los Angelas since the storm. was over at the Park for a little while in the north west corner never was there before.

Feby 22nd a Light shower in the night cloudy this Morning, no mail. Washingtons Birthday went for a short walk in the back of the park in the scrubs were it is not cultivated.

Feby 23rd Went for a Picnic again. first in two weeks went out through El Cajon and turned off towards Dehesa. we eat in a little Eucalyptus grove it was nice and warm Lots of places in the road washed out after you leave the pavement, but it was passable.

Feby 24th Took a walk in the morning. took some snaps on Missippssippi, Texas

and Arizona St went to Mrs Claytons for tea. got home about 9 oclock.

Feby 25th. Went to Balboa Park and through the American Legion bldg {building} also the Art Bldg did not think much of it. not much in it yet. only just started

Feby 26th. cloudy today just went for a few blocks around near our place.

Feby 27th. went out to Silver Brook out near Alpine it was cool and cloudy had our first puncture so spent the afternoon fixing it. quiet a crowd there even the Real Estate men trying to sell lots.

Feby 28th. went out to La Jolla again as we had not been at any of the beaches for three weeks the tide was low today and we took pictures on the rocks. that were covered with water last time we were there. It was fine & warm today not a cloud to be seen all day. the girls and Alan were barefoot

the girls waded in the water, but Alan would not go near it. there were a few people in bathing. La Jolla is supposed to have the most evenest temperature for summer and winter than any place in the world

March 1st. Went out the coast highway as far as Encinitas went from here up India st. through Old Town and La Jolla. then up the Torrey pine grade to Torrey pines and down the other side which was even steeper than coming up. then along the ocean for about half a mile then on to Del Mar not much of a place. one Large Hotel. called the Stratford inn. a swimming pool. and a long pier for fishing. they charge a $1.00 to fish off it. We eat our dinner at Del Mar after leaving Del Mar. the bridge crossing the San Dieguito River had been washed out and we had to detour a couple of miles we next stopped at Solana Beach. and picked a few

Cal. poppys. next place was Cardiff. we took snaps here. of the Station and their adv sign. an open book. and a mission Bell. the next place was Encinitas. after driving down the main st. we turned around for home it was a 75 mile trip. it was a dandy day one of the warmest yet.

March 2nd Fine this morning went down town and got a hair cut. the barber cut it so short my head is nearly frozen since cloudy and cool in the afternoon. climbed up a hill in the South corner of the Park. it was quiet a place palms etc.

March 3rd Rained in the night and raining this morning Feby. this year was one of the cloudest in San Diego's history according to the papers. and also the most rain. nearly 7 inches while the normal is only 2 inches. more rain now over 11 inches while 10 inches is the average yearly rain. The highest temperature was 66 Lowest 43 average wind was 7 1/3 miles per hour. Dense Fog, once and no frost.

March 4th Cool & cloudy did not go any place special

March 5th. Cloudy & cool with some showers. did not go any place

March 6th. Went to the Park and went through the Indian Building part. of the Museum. it showed models of the Indian Villages and Indians mining, also pots, arrow-heads, axe heads, all kinds of baskets etc.

March 7th Was down town in the morning and getting car oiled etc getting ready to go to Imperial Valley tomorrow cloudy tonight but the paper says fair weather tomorrow.

March 8th Cloudy this morning but decided to go any way. Left at 830 am. out University st. through La Mesa, El. Cajon and Bostonia. every thing fine until near Alpine Alan took sick. nearly turned back home. but continued on. Alpine was is a Summer Camp. 1860 ft above Sea Level after leaving here we continued climbing the grades. at the Willows the next place was 2300 ft Elevation next place was Descanso

3540 ft high took a snap near here off the mountain road. it winds around and around the hills here the next place was Pine Valley, a big hotel and Auto Camp among big trees, is 48 miles from San Diego. and is 4000 ft elevation. the next 10 miles down grade around the curves. then about 10 miles of bare desolate looking country. only a few cattle ranches. took a snap of the Hotel at Jacumba then about 5 miles down hill around curves to Mt Springs. then a couple of miles up hill again where we are held up by Road construction. laying concrete. it was 1230 now and told we would not get through until 4pm. so we sat around and eat our dinner in Meyers Canyon took some snaps. Alan fell on a Cactus and got stickers in his face, arms & legs there was a little creek in the bottom of the Canyon and they had a good time playing in the sand by it. Got started at 420. just started when the dust pan fell off. had to tie it up with mothers shoe laces. took a snap of the new bridge. 440pm now and 35 miles to go yet. after

leaving the canyon we are in the desert had to drive a few miles on the desert as the highway had been washed completely away. the weather was warmer here and the highway nearly straight, we made good time, going at 35 and 40 miles per hour went through Coyotte Wells. only Gas station also Dixie only a few houses. next was Seeley. Saw a field of alfafa hay freshly cut, from here to El Centro. lots of large dairy herds. lots of Lettuce but it looks nearly done. also some cotton fields all picked also a few date trees arrived at El Centro at 545 p.m. 125 miles from San Diego. stopped at the Princess Hotel $3 00 for double room went out for supper to a Cafe quiet a large town 10000 Population. some fine buildings all built over the sidewalks to keep the hot sun off.

March 9th. Went to the Chamber of Commerce. say the road is all pavement back the other road. Left El Centro about 11 am next stop Imperial only a small place mostly cattle ranches here. next place Brawley quiet a nice place after leaving Brawley saw thousands of acres of melons plants a couple of inches high with a paper over each hill

to keep the wind off arrived at Westmoreland at 230 p.m. only a small place. decided to go on 65 miles to Indio. after leaving Westmoreland. the wind blew a gale and the sand blew every way in about 5 miles it blew the top of our car 15 miles farther was Kane Springs only a gas station the wind blew for another 25 miles then quietened down we took a snap of the desert and saw the Salton sea a few miles away it is 240 ft below sea level at one place a (Gas Station) it was 200 feet below. next place was Oasis. some fruit. dates and vegetables grown here. a few miles farther we struck another wind storm. and to cap it all we had to detour about 6 or 7 miles through the sand, some times you could hardly see for sand blowing. when we got back to the highway we had passed the storm and it was not blowing any. arrived at Coachella 5 miles farther. lots of dates grown here. then on 4 miles farther to Indio, arrived about 520 p.m 85 miles. about 60 of it across the desert. pavement all the way. stopped at the Indio Hotel. $5 00 for the night

Mar 10th Left Indio at 9 am. saw a nice Date Palm Grove must have been a hundred acres or more also some fields of onions

about 6 or 8 inches high ready to sell about May. a few miles out we passed a sign saying Sea Level. then in the desert again. lots of flowers in bloom Through Myoma & Edom, about 2 houses & gas station at each place then through the San Gorgonio Pass with snow on the mts {mountains] each side. and the wind blowing hard. head on. Arrived at Banning before noon. cool here. and lots of snow on the mts. Elevation of Banning is 2315 feet. a great fruit section peaches. pears. prunes. apricots & almonds. the apricots were in blossom. and the almonds were out green with leaves on to Beaumont, a smaller place another fruit section then about 15 miles down and up. & around the hills to Redlands. arrived about 215 stayed in Smiley park. took some snaps. warmer here. I feel at home here. after being here before. they say it rained here yesterday. got a room for $2.00 near the Post Office. Left the Car across the street to get a new top on.

Mar 11th Weather fine & warm today spent a few hours in Sylvia Park. it was fine. flowers and every thing fixed nice Redlands is a great Navel Orange district. there were groves both sides of the

road most of the way to Riverside our next stop but mostly all picked. this is the most prosperous looking part of the country we have seen arrived at Riverside about noon. Parked across from 54 Hidalgo and took a walk in the Park. it looks just the same as 3 years ago. after dinner called on Coppley Bros. both well but there mother has been in bed 2 1/2 yrs with a broken hip, drove to Fairmont Park. a great park for children all kinds of swings etc. the Lake was not as nice as usual, the water had been lowered to repair a bridge after supper called on Dr Baird. he was glad to see me. and we had a long talk.

Mar 12th Leaving for San Diego think we both hate to leave here. we both think it is the prettiest place in Calif. The first few miles out was orange groves. then we climbed a grade up the hills. then all farming country to Perris about 25 miles. Rocky around here. Lots of Olive groves some had the trees planted among the rocks next stop Lake Elsinore a nice little inland lake and Village, all farming from here to Temecula where we crossed the River Temecula on a floating bridge. the main bridge washed out by the Feby flood

then we climbed Red mt. grade. on the other side thousands of acres of olives next stop was Fallbrook a small place. lemons and olives looked like the main crops. a little farther we crossed the San Luis Rey River Bridge & from here to Escondido not very interesting. mostly cattle ranches. next we crossed over Lake Hodges Bridge right over the Lake another of their water reservoirs. a few miles farther the Poway Grade then about 25 miles across uninteresting country to San Diego. got home at 5 oclock. after a dandy trip our Speedometer read 455 miles

Sunday March 13th. Takeing things easy for a few days. sat in the Park for a while

Mar 14th. went down town after our snaps 60 in all. we took on our trip every one printed and all pretty good. also bought some Abalone Souvenirs.

Mar 15th. Took the children both morning and afternoon to the park. trying to keep them away from the bunch around here as the nearly all have the measles.

March 16th Left this morning for Los Angelas by the Coast Route. through Old Town. La Jolla. over the Torrey Grade to Del Mar. had to detour

about 5 miles here on through Solana Beach. Cardiff. Encinitas to Carlsbad, at the Twin Inns here they advertise Chicken dinners and have wooden chickens at the front for advertisement and from there to Oceanside then on to San Juan Capistrano where the old Mission is all the way so far not very interesting. mostly grazeing land. the road part of the time along the ocean and part of the time over the hills. at San Juan Capistrano we eat our lunch. some oranges grown here and also walnuts, weather warmer here as we go inland from here. next place of any importance was Irvine. seems to be a new section. thousands of acres of young orange groves next place Tustin. more oranges here. then Santa Anna. a real live looking city with street cars. next stop was Orange a smaller place then Anaheim. a great Walnut & Orange Belt around these places. visited these places seven years ago. and would not know them now they have grown so much. next place was Fullerton still in the fruit belt the

weather here was sunny and much warmer then San Diego. we stopped here at the Earle Hotel. $350 {$3.50} for two rooms.

March 17th. Continued on this morning through La Habra to Santa Fe Springs a great oil section thousands of oil wells. from there on to Los Angelas by Telegraph Road. oranges & Walnuts all along here. went in by 9th street across to 7th and up 7th to Main drove around the centre of the city on Main, Broadway 7th. and through the 3rd & 5th st Tunnels. then up to Westlake Park. spent an hour or so here then on up to Sunset Blvd. {Boulevard} to Hollywood. stopped on Hollywood Blvd. and walked to a Cafe and had dinner took snaps of Egyptian Theatre and Hollywood Hotel and continued out Sunset Blvd & Santa Monica Blvd. past Beverly Hills. through Beverly City. on to Santa Monica. which is a big place now. stopped a few minutes and drove on to Ocean Beach & Venice the highway here is just like going through an ally. walls both sides

of the road. from here we followed on down the coast a lot of small places El Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach to Redondo Beach. which seemed to be quiet a place. from there we crossed across the point of land to the other side. on the way we went through Wilmington quite a large place and on to Long Beach and stayed for the night. this was St Patricks night. heard the fireworks from the hotel. went 3 places to get rooms.

March 18th in the morning we found we where only a block from the Beach and the Park, Long Beach is a large city. must be 100,000 at least. and a great amusement center took a walk. through the Park on to the Beach and out on the long pier. took some snaps. then drove on out Ocean Blvd some fine homes & apts {apartments} on this street. to Seal Beach. stopped a couple of minutes but nothing here then across country to Santa Anna. then the same way back home

had dinner at San Juan Capistrano Cafe. and it was punk at that. but the weather was fine as soon as we got near San Diego it was cloudy and cold.

Mar 19th Fine this morning had a tire blow out. had not drove one half mile. glad it did not go last night on the way home. Gasoline has taken a drop is only 17¢ gallon now. went down town in the afternoon shopping got our snaps mostly all pretty good

Mar 20th Fine & warm went out to Spring Valley and saw Mrs Golden and family.

Mar 22nd 21st Fine & warm again. went across the Ferry Boat (Romona) to Coronado Island. went down to the Beach on the sand. had dinner and the girls & alan played around all day

Mar 23rd 22nd. Down town this morning had another puncture. saw Walker about selling car down town after dinner buying some presents

to take home. called on Claytons very warm today. warmest since we arrived.

Mar 24th 23rd Called for Mrs Clayton and all went to La Jolla sat on the sand. picked up shells, etc. the children went barefoot for a while left for home about 5.30pm ran into Fog near La Jolla it was pretty thick for a while. but nearly all gone on arrival in San Diego

Mar 24th. down town a couple of times seeing Walker about car have no prospects for sale yet. went down to the water front and took a few snaps.

Mar 25th Down town shopping getting ready to leave for home next Tuesday. Pullman Section cost $1620 {$16.20} to Salt Lake City.

Mar 26th. Down town. took some snaps. done some more Shopping. got car washed. saw W. P. Ry Coy. trying to get our berths through to Hamilton

Mar 27th. Sunday. went to a Baseball Game between San Diego & House of David The House of David players all wore whiskers all over their face

San Diego won score 6 to 5. mother & the children went to Claytons by street car and I called around after the game. we got home about 8 pm.

Mar 28th. Busy all day we are leaving San Diego tomorrow at nine oclock if all goes well Took some snaps of the house. also. Broadway. the city hall & Santa Fe station. some job packing our trunks. they where so full could hardly get them shut. it was pretty late when we got to bed.

Mar 29th. Up early this morning. Heck the mover called for our trunks about 7 oclock. we left the house about 8 a.m. drove our car to Station (Mr Walker is to take it back and sell it). Mrs Clayton Francis Golden & Mr Bob Walker down to the station to see us off. The weather is cloudy and looks like rain. We left on time at 9 a.m. wonder if we will ever see it San Diego again. The flowers seem to be at their best

now. some of the fields just covered with poppys and other wild flowers. Near Oceanside we say large fields of Beans and Potatoes up about 4 or 5 in. high. we followed the coast all the way to San Juan Capistrano. here we see our last view of the Pacific. inland from here through lots of Walnut groves to Santa Anna at 1145 a.m. Raining here a little at Orange at noon Anaheim at 12.10 pm. great orange & Walnut section at both these places. arrived at Los Angelas about 1. pm transferred to Central Station on Central Ave. used by both the Union Pacific & Southern Pacific. took street car up to 5th & Broadway. walked through a couple of big stores. the Broadway. and took a snap in Pershing square. went back to the station. left Los. Angelas at 605 p.m. Raining again has been showery off and on all the afternoon.

Mar 30th. Got up at 7.30 we are now in Nevada. crossed out of Calif during the night. Rough country here. hills & gravelly Canyons. at 9 a.m. in Rainbow Canyon. which is 26 miles long. took some snaps

off the back of the train. at Caliente Nev. at 10.30 am elevation 4396 feet. Pop. 545. leaving Caliente we wind up through the Nevada Canyon for 22 miles. to Crestline Elevation 5992 feet. went through 16 tunnells some short & some long. weather cool & snappy here. a few scrub fir trees near here. near Crestline the engine blew out a piston. delayed from noon until 2. pm. weather cloudy we are now in Utah state. at Lund at 3.30 pm. 242 miles yet from Salt Lake City and 542 from Los. Angelas. only a small town. every thing brown and bare. only sage brush. at Oasis at 6 pm some farms here. the mountains now at each side covered with snow. at from Lund to Delta we travel in the Escalante Valley 100 miles long and 30 to 50 miles wide almost straight roads. about dark we enter the great Pahvant Valley of 5000 acres. mostly all irrigated. arrive at Salt Lake City at 1030 pm 2 hours late. take free bus to Cullen Hotel on W. 2nd st. 1 1/2 block from Main

Mar 31st we are staying the day in Salt Lake City. we leave at 8.30 tonight. had

breakfast on Main St at the Cafeteria. Alan all spots this morning. guess he has the measles. he has been cross for the last few days. walked around the town. took snap of. Brigham Youngs Monument. went through the grounds of the Mormon Temple. it cost four million to build they say, it looks like granite and has a figure of Brigham Young on top inlaid with with gold, also was in the Tabernacle it seats 8000 did not hear the organ as children are not allowed in. the buildings occupy a whole block. they claim there are 10. acres in each block in the city. the streets are all wide and Main St has running water down each side. from the mountains. weather cold and cloudy with lots of snow on the mountains close to the city. in the afternoon mother and the girls went shopping. I stayed home with Alan. he looks pretty sick. Had supper at the Restaurant and took street car to the station. raining again when we left.

Apr. 1st. Alan sick. this am. Kept the berth made up. crossed out of Utah in the night and now in Wyoming

Alan sure has the measles. We tried to keep the conductor and every body away. saying we thought he had a bad cold, as he has a bad cough but the conductor got wise and looked at him and knows he has the measles. but he seems to be a good sort. and tells us not to say any thing to any body or he would have to report it and we would have to get off the train. there are some more children on the train and we are having some job trying to keep them away from the girls. one good thing the car is not very crowded, we have to take turns watching him. and going to the diner in relays. but nobody is hungry. and Alan does not eat any thing. got from soup and milk from the diner and he only eat a couple of spoonfuls and then to finish it

we spilt it in the berth. we crossed the Continental Divide at Creston Elevation 7102 early in the morning. wild & barren looking here. the Rivers start here for the West and the East. at Rawlins at Breakfast time. some cattle and sheep raising here. at Laramie at 11 oclock elevation 7300 feet and the population about 10 000. some big oil fields near here Hermosa next place only 150 population still climbing elevation 7899 feet. after leaving Hermosa we go through a long tunnell 1800 feet long. at Sherman about noon. the highest point on the road here elevation 8013 feet. lots of cattle and sheep grazing along here. weather cool. nearly to cold to sit on the observation car. with your overcoat buttoned up. will soon be home to the cold county again but guess it is colder here than at home

as the elevation is so high. lots of snow here in places. went through several snow sheds one several miles long. made to keep the snow from drifting on the tracks arrived at Cheyenne at about 1 oclock. chief industry here stock raising, going down grade again down to. 60 58 elevation. about 3. pm. we cross out of Wyoming into Nebraska. at Sydney Nebraska at 345 pm. after leaving Sydney Neb. we cross the corner of. Colorado state. only for about 8 miles. to Julesburg, Colorado used to be an old fort here. in 1875 which was attacked by Indians. back again into Nebraska. the next places where. Brule. and Ogallala. both small places. crossed the River Platte about 6 pm. seems to be quiet a large river. arrived at North Platte stopped for a few

Got off the train the weather was cold and frosty. passed through a place called Kearney at 840 p.m. used to be another old Fort here. passed through Omaha and across the Missouri River. and into Iowa.

April 2nd. First large place we saw this morning was Marshal town in Iowa state. we are now on the Chicago and North. Western R. after leaving Omaha but we did not have to change. cars first thing strange I noticed the train running on the left tracks here. inquired from a man. he said the road was owned by an English Coy {Company} and was the only Railroad in America which ran on the left tracks. Alan. still very sick all covered with spots just lays in the berth will not eat any thing. only drink water. had the

conductor around again he thinks he is getting along alright. Marshalltown quiet a large city. there at about 8 a.m. weather cold. looks like winter with snow on the ground through Mechanicsville about 1030 a.m. great corn country here fields and fields of old corn stalks standing. they do not cut them here just pull the ears off. and turn the cattle and hogs in to eat the stalks. they had the cattle & hogs in when we went down in Dec. and still there yet. more hogs here than I ever saw before. also more mud. it is real mud. as the soil is black. saw two teams on a light wagon. mud of their legs up to their bellies. a man told me he saw four horses trying to pull a Ford Coupe out of a mud hole. one horse had

to be dug out too, hope it is better than that at home. as we are not used to mud in California at Clinton at about 1230 p.m. another large place we crossed the Mississippi River here. some river even up at this end of it. we are now in Illinois state through the cities of Dixon and De Kalb and into Chicago on time at 405 p.m. wrapped Alan up in his big coat. took Paimalees Transfer Bus from the Union Station to Dear-Born St Station Alan still the same he slept on one of the benches. while we took turns getting some thing to eat at the station. did not have long to wait as the Canadian Nat. leaves for Hamilton at 530 p.m. got on board at 5 p.m. with out getting spotted tipped the porter

got the berth made up early. and got Alan to bed early they thought he was just tired it was a good thing we are crossing at night. after leaving Chicago the train run down the middle of the street. with pavement each side. outside of chicago they must have had a big rain. as all the ground was floating with water. We made out papers for the Imigration officers at Port Huron. the conductor hands them in. Went through South Bend at 8. p.m. the train seems to run down the Main St. and stopped all the street crossing when it stopped at the station. The Imigration officer asked Madge some questions at Port Huron. but I never

heard him. at all.

April 3rd. Up early had sent cases examined arrived in Hamilton 730 a.m. on time expected some body to have met us. but nobody in sight. took a Taxi up town. just managed to catch the bus for home. arrived at 8 oclock. Smith had the furnace going and every thing alright but it was snowing and everything bare and bleak looking.

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Franklin McMillan, “Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926-1927,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed January 21, 2025,

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  2. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 2.pdf
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  39. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 39.pdf
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  49. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 49.pdf
  50. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 50.pdf
  51. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 51.pdf
  52. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 52.pdf
  53. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 53.pdf
  54. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 54.pdf
  55. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 55.pdf
  56. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 56.pdf
  57. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 57.pdf
  58. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 58.pdf
  59. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 59.pdf
  60. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 60.pdf
  61. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 61.pdf
  62. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 62.pdf
  63. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 63.pdf
  64. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 64.pdf
  65. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 65.pdf
  66. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 66.pdf
  67. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 67.pdf
  68. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 68.pdf
  69. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 69.pdf
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