Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926-1927


Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926-1927


Franklin McMillan


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


December 11, 1926 to April 3, 1927




20th Century, Halton County, Nelson Township, Ontario

Date Created

December 11, 1926

Is Part Of

Franklin McMillan Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


{Blank blue cover}

1926 & 1927

Dec 11th. Left our house about 6 .pm. with {unsure} Hicks having supper and staying until train time with them they are delivering us to the station. Our trunks left yesterday to Toronto to be examined. so we will not have any trouble at Port Huron.

Dec 12th. Left Burlington at 1:45 .am. about 1 hour late. it was very cold, clear, and frosty. about {unsure} with about four inches of snow on the ground. we where {were} glad

to get on the train. Got to bed about 3. a.m. tired and all used up with colds.. Had no trouble with the Imigration Officer. did not have to get out of bed. only answer a lot of questions and pay $16.00 head tax.. Got up about 8 a.m. crossing Michigan. put our watches back one hour. arrived at {unsure} at 10:20 am where they make the Red cars & trucks. seems like a large city. at Battle Creek at 11:30 where they make the corn flakes also went through Flint Mich. where the Chevrolet cars are made. The plant must have covered thousands of acres. arrived at Chicago at 410 p.m about 80 minutes late. The weather seemed about the same as home with a few inches snow most of the way across Mich. until we neared Chicago. in Chicago. it was mild and foggy. Got our sleeper section at San Diego cost $42.53 and was $11.15 from Hamilton to Chicago.

went for a walk for a few blocks there. back to the station after a short wait we got on the Continental Ltd. we leave at 815 PM we expected to stop at the {Hamey?} houses. but our {unsure} where for the wrong train. All tired and sleepy and feeling punk with bad colds.

Dec 13th. in the state of Kansas this morning. just stop Kansas City at 830 AM stayed one hour cold here but no snow. after leaving here we see nothing only cow fields and their hay stacked in the fields. at 1215 passed a small town called Lebo. went out on observation can but. very cold took snaps at {unsure. Ottawa or Altawa} Jet. and Emporia. at Newton at 240 .PM and at {unsure}. 4.20 P.M. looks like a fairly large city. Arrived at Dodge City at dark. Turned our watches back another hour/\.

Dec 14th. First stop at Las Vegas. N.M. ground covered with snow here. the country is hilly with small evergreen trees scattered

around. Madge feeling sick. (Train sick I guess my cold no better. but the children all seem pretty well. next stop at Gloriette N.M. a small place with adobe houses in among the hills. at Albuquerque N.M at noon. lots of Indians selling pottery and such at the station. an Indian Reservation near here at Isletta. all adobe houses started to climb the hills after leaving here. lots of snow and cattle out pasturing in it we wonder where they get anything to eat. Country rough and hilly. Soil looks {mostly?} reddish gravel. at Gallup at 6.P.M. very cold and lots of snow.

Dec 15th. Madge and I still feeling rotten. A change this morning. snow all gone in Calif. now first town was Bagdad. desert country here nothing but bushes and hills every way you look. first stop at {unsure} still cold here and freezing at 9 A.M. from 9 AM to 11AM {unsure} desert

country. with lots of Cactus some as large as Apple Trees, with snow in the distance. Madge took some snaps of the back up train the hills. Arrived at San Bernardino at about noon Madge took me and the children picture here have one of both {unsure} before taken here. arrived Pasadena about 2 P.M. warm here Electric fans going in the car. arrived Los Angeles at 2.30 PM. had to change cars for San Diego. Passed through orange, walnut, and {unsure} groves. and thousands of acres of grapes after leaving Los Angeles. Also saw the first view of the Pacific ocean and saw the sun set over the water: arrived on time at 630 P.M. Mr. Clayton met us at the station, and told us he had a bungalow rented already to move in at $45 per month, and that Mrs. Clayton and one of the little girls were cooking our supper. We were certainly glad of a

place to go. Took the street car, and arrived O.K. at 3619 {Arizona?} st (our address) and supper was all ready for us. Our trunks arrived later. All tired out & sick with colds.

Dec 16th. Bright & sunny went for a walk a couple of blocks, but came home and went to bed. Madge got some medicine down at the corner. She is also sick with some thwart.

Dec 17th. in bed all day a great way to celebrate our trip here - Mr. Clayton called tonight to see how we were.

Dec 18th. In bed yet but cold is some better. had Dr. Barclay call. left some prescriptions for both of us. Madge has 7 {unsure}. the weather here is cloudy & cool today. with some rain this morning.

Dec 19th Sunday. up for a while but not out. had Mrs. Clayton call to see us we feel the cold here at nights. After being used to a warm house at home I guess

Dec 20th. Went for a short walk around the block nice and sunny. both feeling pretty sick yet.

Dec 21st Colder today and raining did not go any place.

Dec 22nd Cool but sunny took snaps of the girls by a palm tree and a bunch of Poinsett their big Christmas flowers here.

Dec 23rd. Fine this morning went for a walk in the back of Balboa Park. There is nothing here but sage & bushes. rained in the afternoon.

Dec 24th. Fine & clear went for a walk. Madge bot {bought or could be got} some Xmas presents and some toys for the children's stockings, which they left for Santa. cool again tonight papers say coldest weather for years in Calif. snow flurries in Pasadene and other places.

Christmas Day. some warmer went to Mission Cliff Gardens. took some snaps of the flowers not nearly as nice as {unsure} years ago. but guess they

will be better later on. on the way back we all got weighed Mother 117, myself 140, Charlotte 42 1/2, Dorie 35, Alan 25. Mother and Alan had their coats on.

Dec 26th Sunday Fine & clear went for walks in the afternoon and morning too and mother and Charlottle went to church in the evening.

Dec 27th We all went out to Claytons in the afternoon and stayed for supper had a nice visit. Met a Mrs. Barrett a sister of Mrs. Clayton and a Mr. Walker a friend of Claytons, who wants to sell us a car.

Dec 28th Took a lunch and went by street car to Balboa Park. Had our lunch in Pepper Grove there were 12 or 15 Peacocks walking around. The weather was fine & warm. we took a couple of snaps, then we heard the Organ playing and we took a cut across to it down one will and up another but got there in time

to hear it. It is a wonderful thing to think of. playing the organ out doors, nearly every day in the year. They say it has only missed being played ten times in eleven years on account of bad weather. On our way home we left our old Club. Bag on the street car.

Dec 29th. Had Mr. Walker around with a Chev. Car which we bought fo $775 it is freshly painted and looks pretty good. We drove to the street {Ry Crg?} and got our old bag back, and also got my drivers permit. In the afternoon we drove to the zoo in Balboa Park saw the Lions, Tigers, Elephants, and Bears all in open top cement wall cages, with a pit dug in front so the front wall could be made. low so as to be able to look over. Also saw the Sea Lions in a pond and some camels but did not see all, only

one corner of it, and intend going back again.

Dec 30th Warmer today drove with Mr. Walker to Spring Valley to see Mrs. Clayton's sister Mrs. Golden it was about 11 miles there out El. Cajon ave. through La Mesa a small place among the hills. they seemed to make us very welcome. Mr. Golden was away working.

Dec 31 We drove down town shopping. some juices here are about the same as home. Sugar is about the same {7cents lb-}. Milk 15 c {cents} quart. Butter some stores 56c some 48c lb. depends on where you buy. Meat is {unsure} than at home. Vegetables are all in bunches 54 and all new. none stored. Eggs pretty high here 44 to 55 cts doz. according to size. Potatoes from 6 to 10 lbs for a quarter. Grape fruits 25 cts a doz. at some places. other places 54 each each Orange all juices 15 c doz to 50 c

Cabbage 1c to 44 lb - same as other things depends were {where} you buy them. they ask any thing they like Bread and Groceries about the same as at home went to Balboa Park in the afternoon, went through the Botanical Buildings they were full of all kinds of ferns, plants palms, etc from Tropical countries. Also saw the Japanese Tea Gardens and walked through a lot of paths. it was a lovely day. the warmest yet up to 70-

New Years. Day. Fine and warm one of our finest days. Had a big blow out for dinner. Then drove to Balboa Park the place to go when it is to late to go any other place, but you can go often as you like and not get tired of it, for you cane always see some thing new as it is so large. Took snaps of the Tower and County building and some of the children, and a young fellow took one

of us all together sitting on the grass. while we were listening to the organ recital.

Jan 2nd. Sunday. Fine and warm thought we would drive to Ocean Beach as disappointed when we arrived there it was cold cloudy and foggy, we went out on the rocks, and the girls enjoyed gathering some shells. on the way we passed the field of the Air line between San Diego and Los Angeles. there were a few planes in the air at that time also passed the Naval Training school. it was a large place and the ground around it looked well kept up like a park. when we got back home the sun was still shing you would not think there would be such a change in 5 or 6 miles.

Jan 3rd Went down to get Transfer and License for car, after being passed around from one to another finally got them. Transfer

cost $1.00 License $3.00 not as high as in Canada also Gasoline 18¢ and 19¢ Gallon here. about 33¢ when we left home. after dinner we started out to find the old mission. We went out 30 University to 30th St. & across Madison and after getting lost a few times found Ward Road. it was a nice ride down between the hills and across the river, which was nearly dry. There is a new orphans school built now along side the old mission. took snaps of both, also the old wall with Cactus: which was to keep the Indians out. dont wonder at the Cactus stopping them, it was at least 12 feet high and 6 feet thick with sticks a couple of inches long, also took the picture of the oldest palm trees in Cal. planted by the Padre. also a snap of the cross erected in memory of Padre Louis Jaume the first Cal. Martyr. Killed Nov 4 1775 by Indians at that spot. We see by tonights papers they had some earthquakes

in the Imperial Valley at Calexico. & Mexacali along the Mexican border about 150 miles from here, but we did not feel them here.

Jan 4th Went out University to Washington and on to Ft. Stockton Drive out in the Mission Hill District. St in a nice residential section with some lovely homes but streets and all curves & corners. if a man came home drunk he certainly would get lost or break his neck on the way we wanted to get to old Town from here. after getting lost a few times we managed to get down the hill and on to the La Jolla ave which took us direct to Ramona's Marriage Place we all enjoyed walking around the garden among the flowers. took some more pictures inside also some outside Mithe Park were the first American Flag was raised in Calif. came home by California St. Down near the water. saw some warships in the harbor

Jan 5th. Went down Pershing drive and across 16th St to Imperial ave. out past Eneanto a small village among the hills, and on to Lemon Grove. saw a few good looking Lemon and Orange groves here also saw a couple of new picking green peas seems pretty early in the year. Took some snaps of the hills. called at Mrs Claytons after we got back to write them to go for a drive on Saturday.

Jan 6th. Cloudy today. taking it easy. went down town through the Park and out by 8th street some hill I should say, done some shopping and came back by 12th st. and Pershing Drive. which is the shortest way home for us.

Jan 7th. Packed a lunch and left early for the Zoo in Balboa Park. first we saw some Elephant seals in a large tank of water the largest of the men said weighed

about 3000 lbs. they fed them two big buckets of fish. next we went through the snake building and saw all kinds of them next was the Monkeys and Baboons. all kinds of them. from there we saw the Birds from Eagles down to the smallest kinds, from all parts of the world. they were all sizes and colors, and hundreds of them. then on to the water fowl. in a large flying cage there were cranes, Egrets, Flamingos and other bright colored ones. down at the bottom was a nice grassy place and we had our lunch and started again. there were pools each of ducks & geese, and wild ducks of all kinds. a pair of Emu from Australia. a few Peccaries, a kind of small pig. a pool with four large crocodiles another pool of Sea Gulls. had one wing cut and they were as lame as chickens. would eat out of your hand. then we started up the hill

again first was a few up Donkeys then Buffalos had a snap holding a water Buffalos horn but I was outside the fence you bet. then there was all kinds of Elks and Deers. a pair of Zebra's a bunch of Kangaroo's a lot of mountain sheep and sheep and goats from foreign countries, and on the way out saw a warty hog. had big warts on the sides of its face. they came from Africa and 3 of them cost $1500

Jan 8th Started out for a picnic today. called at Claytons and got Mrs Clayton and the two girls {unsure} going into the mountains by Murphy Canyon, but the road had been washed out by rain so drove a few miles up down Mission Valley a Vegetable growing section saw some good looking celery. the road was very rough was glad when we came to the highway which we followed to La Jolla a nice town along the beach about

15 miles from here. had our lunch on the beach in a cove between the rocks there were a few in bathing but it looked cold to me but the air was nice and warm. we then started for Torrey Pines about. 8 miles farther in the road to Las - Angeles it was all up grade with sharp turns all the way up. the scenery was fine.. rough & hilly with a snow covered mountain in the distance. saw the Torrey pines. they only grow in one other place somewhere on an island. they were nothing to look at. only scrubs {shrubs?} along side our pines the needles were longer than on ours, and are in bunches of fine needles together. They have a big round cone, which has nuts in which are good to eat. We came back by Mission Beach and Ocean Beach and stayed at Claytons for tea. drove over 60 miles in all.

Sunday Jan 9th. Drove over to the park again. Madge

Doris and Alan looked at the museum. While Charlotte and I climbed to the top of the tower it is the highest point in town and there is a lovely View from it, of the sea, mountains, and the city. walked around the grounds for awhile. took some snaps and listened to the organ. it was one of our warmest days.

Jan 10th. Went down town for some things in the morning. cloudy in the afternoon, with a little rain about dark.

Jan 11th. an off day cloudy and cool. got a hair cut bought groceries. walked 32 blocks to the post office, because I had to leave the car on the 12th street to fill up with groceries got 30 snaps all pretty good.

Jan 12th Drove down Pershing Drive and across the National Ave to National City which is quiet a nice little town. drove on to Chula Vista a few miles farther another nice little place but not as large as

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Franklin McMillan, “Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926-1927,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,

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  2. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 2.pdf
  3. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 3.pdf
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  5. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 5.pdf
  6. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 6.pdf
  7. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 7.pdf
  8. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 8.pdf
  9. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 9.pdf
  10. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 10.pdf
  11. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 11.pdf
  12. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 12.pdf
  13. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 13.pdf
  14. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 14.pdf
  15. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 15.pdf
  16. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 16.pdf
  17. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 17.pdf
  18. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 18.pdf
  19. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 19.pdf
  20. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 20.pdf
  21. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 21.pdf
  22. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 22.pdf
  23. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 23.pdf
  24. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 24.pdf
  25. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 25.pdf
  26. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 26.pdf
  27. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 27.pdf
  28. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 28.pdf
  29. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 29.pdf
  30. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 30.pdf
  31. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 31.pdf
  32. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 32.pdf
  33. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 33.pdf
  34. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 34.pdf
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  37. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 37.pdf
  38. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 38.pdf
  39. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 39.pdf
  40. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 40.pdf
  41. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 41.pdf
  42. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 42.pdf
  43. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 43.pdf
  44. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 44.pdf
  45. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 45.pdf
  46. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 46.pdf
  47. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 47.pdf
  48. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 48.pdf
  49. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 49.pdf
  50. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 50.pdf
  51. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 51.pdf
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  55. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 55.pdf
  56. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 56.pdf
  57. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 57.pdf
  58. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 58.pdf
  59. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 59.pdf
  60. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 60.pdf
  61. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 61.pdf
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  65. Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 65.pdf
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