File #42277: "Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 16.pdf"


Aug 22 Fine & warm. had a big day today shipped 68 plums 60¢ 10 cukes 50¢ 2 peppers 75¢ 119 toms 70¢, 4 marrows $100 {$1.00} 9 cabb 60. 12 Cauiflowers $1.25. also have about 60 toms picked for tomorrow. Aug 23rd. Picked a few plums & Shipped 12 Red peppers & 28 Green to Toronto Tomatoes today. 55 cts. Aug 24th had a shower last night and very cool today picked about 25 tomatoes about 90 shipped & 35 left over for tomorrow some Cabbages marrows Cauliflowers & 45 Burbank plums Aug 25th. busy again As usual. {Side note}. McCulloughs arrived today. Aug 26th. Picked about 200 tomatoes plums and every thing else shipped all on orders Aug 27th Busy again Sold Scott 50 plums 55¢ 55 toms 45¢ 25 peppers 40¢ 5 marrows 80¢ and shipped 25 plums 2 Red peppers at $150 {$1.50}. also picked 24 Pears at 60¢ and 57 plums for Monday. Aug 28 Sunday went for a drive with Dave & Effie to Puslinch Lake Gueloh & Rockwood Acton Milton & home.
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