Franklin McMillan Diary, 1927
Date Created
Is Part Of
Season 1927
{April} 1st & 8th trees. should have been grafted. instead of the ones that were done
April 3rd. arrived home from San Diego at 8 oclock this morning. Alan sick with the measles all the way home. weather cold & cloudy.
April 4th. still cloudy. got Truck fixed up and got our trunks. still cloudy.
April 5th. Raining today. Alan still very sick. Went to Hamilton got motor License's Truck $36 Car $9 Speed Limit on Highways increased today from 25 miles before now 35 miles per hour.
April 6th. Have Victor Russell Rossell 25 Devonport st grafting plum trees transplanting peppers and finished tomatoes. weather turning colder.
April 7th. Finished transplanting 1st Time 72 sashes tomatoes 60 sashes cabbages 70 sashes peppers.
Apil 8th. Gathering brush and digging out old trees men finished grafting 760 grafts at 5¢ each $38.00. weather very cold & cloudy. Owen Sound wins Junior OH Canadian Hockey and Varsity senior. Champions of Canada
April 9th. Cool north winds more trouble find my big drain blocked & smashed the water running on top of the ground.
April 10th. Sunday clear & cold.
April 11th, Tried to fix drain but no results. too much water. after dinner we watered hotbeds.
April 12th. Pruning sweet cherries. last years budding a failure very few grew. dug 20 more dead trees out makes about 50 in all.
April 13th Finished pruning and gathering up pear brush. weather fair & cool.
April 14th. went to Hamilton this morning bought a horse. 9 years old $142.50 unloading car of manure tried new horse drawing manure - draws good but seems very slow
April 15th Finished unloading manure. Good Friday, cold with Easterly winds
April 16th. Finishing brush & wood out of the orchard.
April 17th. Easter Sunday Fine & mild had Bells for supper.
April 18th. Started un-covering strawberries three men started work at noon. John sick in bed again
Apr. 19th. unloaded another car of manure. very warm. 80 in the shade.
April 20th. uncovering strawberries they look green. but rows light also very weedy.
April 21st. uncovering strawberries. cool & cloudy with rain about 430 p.m.
April 22nd very cold some snow flurries. still uncovering strawberries
April 23rd Very cold & a few Snow flurries finished uncovering strawberries & started on 5th car of manure. (the last one.) raised Smith's wags {wages} to $18 00
April 24th. Just as cold as ever. froze nearly an inch of ice last night.
April 25th. cold & windy had Oakes with pump. fixing drain.
April 26th. cool & cloudy finished fixing drain rained in the morning
April 27th. made a few more hotbeds & planted Cucumbers. (6 ozs of perfection) in 8 sashes.
April 28th. Still cool & windy planted 48 trees. refilling dead ones Cost $33 15 at E. D. Smiths, Winona. started transplanting tomatoes 36 sashes First & Best done
April 29th, Weeding peppers and planted two bags Cobbler Potatoes cost $450 {$4.50}
April 30th. started putting out Cabbages. got. 10 000 out today. weather fair but cool.
May 1st. still cool & cloudy had Grandma Boniface & Harry out for the day.
May 2nd. Fine but a cool wind finished Cabbages at noon 15 000 in all. also planted 18 Rows Beans (15 lbs Davis White Wax.) 1 lb Peas in one Row. and transplanted tomatoes rest of day.
May 3rd. Transplanted tomatoes had a shower at noon went to Mr. La Patourel's Funeral. weather very cold.
May 4th. showery all morning finished transplanting tomatoes 150 sashes. half John Baer & half First & Best 100 plants to the sash. also planted 2 sash - 4 ozs seed Vegetable Marrows.
May 5th. Planting strawberries weather cool. ground in good shape. but the plants are poor
May 6th. Sowed Cauliflower seed 2 oz snowball $5.50 in 8 sashes. Planting strawberries rest of the day
May 7th. Planting strawberries cut first 2 baskets Asparagus shipped to Toronto Sold at $300 {$3.00} per bkt
May 8th Sunday. Cooler again today. strong east winds
May 9th. Thunder shower at 4 a m. and continued raining until nearly noon. Dave Sovereigns big barn burned. cold & cloudy in the afternoon {Side note} Asparagus $2.00 today
May 10th. More Rain this a.m. started at 7 am to 10 a.m. warm this afternoon. planted strawberries. colder again tonight
May 11th & 12th. Still cool & showery finished planting about 6 acres Strawberries
May 13th. Planted Raspberry suckers and started to fill in old strawberry patch
May 14th. showery all day planted a few Strawberries and had a general clean up around the barn & garage
May 15th. Sunday. cold cloudy & some light showers.
May 16th. Finished getting in baskets. have 11 200 - 11 qts in and 12 000 covers starting hoeing cabbages stopped at 5 pm. another big shower.
May 17th. Cool with more rain. Smith off again on a drunk since Saturday
May 18th. Hoed Cabbages & started hoeing strawberries Sunshiney today. quiet a change. has been cloudy so long.
May 19th. Hoeing strawberries had two sweaters and a big coat on. cold east wind showers in the afternoon a few Blossoms coming out on Early plums & cherries
May 20th Bright & fine today put 2nd dose of nitrate of Soda on Cabbages. planted 1000 Vanguard Strawberries in 8 rows. next shanty Bill Smith on the drunk yet.
May 21st Very cold & cloudy. hoeing old strawberries with sweaters & big coat on. A Hamilton man named New won the Kings plate with (Troutlet.) Charles. Lindberg. San Diego flyer. reported landed in Paris tonight after flying from New York. 3640 miles (no stop.) in 33 1/2 hours
May 22nd Very warm as hot as summer. about 90. drove out back of Waterdown blew two tires out.
May 23rd. Raining again this morning. and rained hard all day from the East. and still raining at 6 pm. and very cold Blossoms nearly all out now. am afraid they will not set in this cold wet weather
May 24th. Cold & cloudy with a drizzle of rain. planted some late Potatoes.
May 25th Hoeing new Strawberries weather a little better.
May 26th. another couple of showers hoeing strawberries in the morning. planted a few tomatoes. after dinner went to Mrs {Blayhoughs?} funeral in Toronto turned cold. feels like frost. covered up all hotbeds again.
May 27th. Some frost this a.m. but no damage. clear & very cold. hoeing strawberries
May 28th. still cold & clear planted some more tomatoes this afternoon cold again tonight down to 40 at bedtime. Sowed carrots (2 lbs Nantes) sowed at a little smaller than Onion hole in drill
May 29th. Cold & cloudy have a fire in our furnace today. nearly frost again.
May 30th. Cloudy with East winds planted tomatoes all day.
May 31st. Finished planting tomatoes 15 000 in all cloudy with strong west winds and cold. at 830 p.m. thermometer is 48.
June 1st & 2nd weather clear & cool. Hoeing old strawberrys very weedy & not much good
June 3rd planting peppers.
June 4th. Rained all morning planted cukes & more peppers
in the afternoon ordered (10 cars manure) 5 for strawberry covering to start Nov 15th. 5 for Hotbeds. Jan 30. Feb 15 Mar 1st. 5th & 15th.
{Side note} {I can start greens? or 1 car start greens?}. April 15th.
June 5th Sunday. cool again.
June 6th Finished planting peppers & Vegetable Marrows planted Cauliflowers in the afternoon. covered them all with berry boxs about 6000.
June 7th & 8th. Hoeing strawberries. very weedy & poor.
June 9th. Rained in the morning fixed up Sprayer. piled frames etc. broke axle on the truck cost $1960 {$19.60}. warm & windy.
June 10th. warm men hoeing strawberries I started cultivating carrots. had two showers. Had Mr Briggar out wants strawberries again
June 11th. started spraying cherry crop looks very light also plums & pears.
June 12th Sunday fair & cool.
June 13th. Spraying. men hoeing strawberries
June 14th. Finished spraying 13 tanks in all. 5 1/2 lbs lead and 3 1/2 Gals Lime Sulphur per tank. did not take as much as last year. two reasons. not much frost & from 200 to 300 trees dead or dying. winter killed to wet last fall. they did not stop growing until frozen up.
June 15th & 16th. Fair & some warmer but cool nights. about 50 at six in the mornings Cultivating carrots men hoeing etc
June 17th & 18th. Hoeing & cultivating.
June 19th. Sunday cold East wind & raining all day.
June 20th & 21st cleaning up hot beds. Smith drunk again since Sat. night
June 22nd. Hoeing strawberries fine & warm
June 23rd Weeding carrots. Picked first strawberries 26 x 36 Pint crates Sold at 17¢ & 18¢ Picked two days ahead of last year.
June 24th. Fair & warm Weeding carrots and planted Pickling cukes
June 25th Saturday Picked 46 x 36 pints S Berries by 10.30 in the morning sent to Toronto sold at 40 @ 18¢ 4 @ 17¢ 2 @ 16¢ just done as it started to rain
June 26th. Sunday, fair have a bad cold.
June 27th Picked 51 x 27 SBerries shipped to Toronto
June 28th. getting pretty warm today no picking
June 29th. Berrie price all shot in Toronto only 15¢ qt. sent 52 crates to Jam Factory sold bal 40¢ crates at $400 {$4.00} crate. weather extremely hot. cooking the berries nearly
June 30th. Very warm, 95 in the Shade 112 in the Sun, hoeing
July 1st Still warm picked 115 crates SBerries Send 110 to Uptons. went in to Hamilton saw the sights of the 60 years of Confederation, and Midway Shows. Cut 1st Cabbages.
July 2nd Saturday saw the Old Boys Parade in Hamilton very warm
July 3rd Very cold down to 50 tonight
July 4th. Cool this a.m. 44 when I got up. picked 93 crates SBerries
July 5th Rained all morning Hoed in the afternoon
July 6th. Picked 67 crates SB 16 crates Cabbages Berries selling today in Hamilton Market as high as $6.00 and 20c & 25¢ qt
July 7 Picked 67 x 27 SBerries.
July 8th only picked 44 x 27 SBerries nearly done.
July 9th Hoeing Rasps cut 12 crates Cabbages.
July 10th Sunday had 6 Visitors from the city weather fine.
July 11th. strawberries about done. picked 67 crates today. total to date 679 crates. this year cabbages selling slow shipped only 12 crates today at $100 {$1.00} a crate
July 12. Very warm 96 in the Shade picked 18 bskts {baskets} Richmond cherries Sold at $100 {$1.00}
had a bad wind storm tonight but not much rain. blew some trees over and blew a lot of plums off.
July 13th Picked 35 bskt Richmond cherries spraying Montmorency cherries. more wind tonight and some rain
July 14th. Raining this morning got two teeth pulled very sore with an absess
July 15th showery again cut 45 crates Cabbages at 80 & 90¢ crate
Juy 16th. Cloudy looks like more rain, men hoeing.
July 17th. Sunday. Fine. had a bad face where I got teeth pulled very sore
July 18th. Monday picked 12 bskts Beans sold at 80¢ 45 crate 17 crates Cabb 80¢ 18 bskts Richmond cherries $1 00 only had 100 bskt Richmonds picked 2 x 36 Rasps for the first sold at 15¢ pint
July 19th Spraying cherries 3rd time for Some of them. Sowed 3 pecks White Sweet Clover Seed on old strawberry patch for a trial
July 20th Cooler today. picking a few cherries.
July 21 Picked 5 crates Rasps a few Beans Cabbages & cherries
July 22 Started picking afew Montmorency at $1.15¢ but no demand yet and Cabbages no sale at all
July 23 Sat. Rained nearly all day yesterday last night and still raining today.
Juy 24th. Sunday. Fair & not very warm
July 25th. A Busy day Picked 17 crates Rasps pints sold in Toronto at 12¢ also 107 bskt Cherries shipped north at $115. 10 beans at 60¢ 11 Cabb. at 70¢
July 26. warm today shipped 138 bskts Cherries $115.
July 27th another thunder shower last night getting very wet. Picked 85 cherries $115 11 crates Rasps. one bskt Cukes (first) at $1 25
July 28th. Picked 133 cherries another rain tonight
July 29th. Picking cherries at home place. not so good a lot of worms. Picked 86 bskts 9 crates Rasps a crate of Vegetable Marrows 12 cukes 5 Beans 7 Green peppers 2 Cabb. Cabbages dead no sale
July 30th Sold Scott 6 tons Cabbage at $10 per ton. took about 450 cabbages to make a ton. also 35 cherries
July 30 Sunday. went for a picnic through Caledonia York. Cayuga to Canfield. and back by Binbrook & Elfrida it was a nice day.
Aug 1st Had a busy day today 125 cherries $115 {$1.15} 35 crates Cabbages 60¢. 18 cukes 50¢ 3 crates marrows $150 {$1.50} 6 Beans 60¢
Aug 2. Cooler picked 11 crates Rasps & 78 cherries. cherries nearly done.
Aug 3rd Picked 154 cherries at $115 about done only a few more bskts Morellos. picked 26 bskts Sweet peppers sold at 10 at $125 3 at $115 13 at $100
Aug 4th. nothing doing Sold about $15 00 worth of fruit only.
Aug 5th Sold Scott another load of Cabbages 4150 lbs at $12 00 per ton
Aug 6th nothing doing
Aug 7th Sunday. saw the Prince of Wales & Premier Baldwin of England pass the corner on the
{added note} note did not see the Premier he went by the Beach Road.
way to Hamilton & heard them speak on the Radio at the opening of the new peace Bridge bertween Fort Erie & Buffalo
Aug 8th Picked first 5 bskts tomatoes sold at $1.75 also finished Black Cherries had about 11 25 bskts total of all kinds about 1/3 of last year.
Aug 9th. nothing doing Sold a part load of Cabbages @ $15 per ton
Aug 10th. Picked 6 bskts tomatoes $1.25 a few Cukes 45 and 50¢ 4 caul at $150 crate
Aug 11th. Hoeing corn & strawberries only shipped 3 Cukes & 4 Cabbages
Aug 12th weather has been warm & dry. Picked 50 bskts in all some busy day, 14 toms at $125 {$1.25} 20 Shiro plums 75¢
Aug 13th Sat Sold 2415 lbs cabbages $15 per ton
Aug 14th Sunday. Fine went for a drive to Blue Springs Park, near Guelph.
Aug 15. picked 55 toms Sold at $100 {$1.00}. bskt. 32 plums 75¢ some Cukes. Cabbages etc
Aug 16th. not many orders picked 45 peppers for Toronto sold at 85¢.
Aug 17th. about 50 bskts toms at 70¢ and Cabb. Cukes etc 12 Beans 60¢
Aug 18. Had Mr Neilson budding cherry Trees. also men Sam Oakes starting to fix drain (cellar) all blocked up again.
Aug 19th. Had a pretty busy day. 68 plums @ 60¢. 60 toms 70¢ 8 cukes 65¢ 8 Caul $125 {$1.25}, 5 Cabb 60. 3 marrows $100 {$1.00} crate & 9 at 80¢ crate 7 peppers 75¢.
Aug 20th. working at drain yet. picked Scott 50 Red June plums at $55¢ crop of plums light will only have a little over 200 bskts Red June.
Aug 21st Sunday fine drove to Guelph & Kitchener and home by Dundas
Aug 22 Fine & warm. had a big day today shipped 68 plums 60¢ 10 cukes 50¢ 2 peppers 75¢ 119 toms 70¢, 4 marrows $100 {$1.00} 9 cabb 60. 12 Cauiflowers $1.25. also have about 60 toms picked for tomorrow.
Aug 23rd. Picked a few plums & Shipped 12 Red peppers & 28 Green to Toronto Tomatoes today. 55 cts.
Aug 24th had a shower last night and very cool today picked about 25 tomatoes about 90 shipped & 35 left over for tomorrow some Cabbages marrows Cauliflowers & 45 Burbank plums
Aug 25th. busy again As usual. {Side note}. McCulloughs arrived today.
Aug 26th. Picked about 200 tomatoes plums and every thing else shipped all on orders
Aug 27th Busy again Sold Scott 50 plums 55¢ 55 toms 45¢ 25 peppers 40¢ 5 marrows 80¢ and shipped 25 plums 2 Red peppers at $150 {$1.50}. also picked 24 Pears at 60¢ and 57 plums for Monday.
Aug 28 Sunday went for a drive with Dave & Effie to Puslinch Lake Gueloh & Rockwood Acton Milton & home.
Aug 24th. Busy again started raining hard at noon. Shipped the plums & pears we picked Sat, also 140 tomatoes 8 Caul 8 peppers 21 cukes 2 marrows. 4 Cabb.
Aug 30th. Lots of orders again. shipped 154 toms 55¢ 99 plums 60{¢} 17 cukes 40{¢} 6 peppers 10 pears 60{¢} 4 Cabb 60{¢} 7 Cauliflowers 125 {$1.25}
Sept 1st Very busy again 103 toms at 50¢ Plums 68{¢} Burbanks 60{¢} 5 Gages 80¢ Bradshaws $100 {$1.00} Caul Cabb Marrows Peppers Cukes. Bill Smith still on the drunk since Sat. I missed Aug 31st too busy to write lots of orders have had four very busy days this week.
Sept 2nd Friday. busy again Finished Burbank plums & Clapps Pears.
Sept 3rd Sat. went to Toronto Ex. {Exhibition} was a fine day. big crowd there. had a good time
Sept 4th. Sunday fine.
Sept 5th. Busy again Smith back on the job. shipped 253 toms at 40¢ 35 pears at 60¢ 20 cukes 40{¢} 13 caul $125 {$1.25} 4 cabb 60{¢} 13 peppers.
Sept 6th. Kept busy with orders. again weather fine.
Sept 7th Tomatoes slumping in price shipped 200 today at 30¢ and 50 Gages at 80¢. looks like rain tonight
Sept 8th & 9th. Lots of orders weather fine.
Sept 10th. Sat only shipped 50 bskts today. shipped over 1050 toms this week.
Sept 11th Sunday Fair & cool
Sept 12th A Big day today. 321 bskt tomatoes @ 30¢ total bskts 390. & 16 crates Cauliflowers $100 {$1.00}
Sept 13th another busy day wet too. had a shower in the night. Bill Smith drunk again. got in for supper after seven. 300 bskts & 8 bags & 2 crates
Sept 14 not so many tomato orders - 125 bskts only. 47 bskt plums. 75¢ & 80¢
Sept 15 & 16th very busy again also the 17th (Sat) picked 64 toms 40 plums & 25 pears for Freight Monday to Litster.
Sept 19th. orders dropping off 185 toms today.
Sept 20 to 24th. orders light. picking tomatoes for Canning Co. weather cool. nearly frosts at night
Sept 25 Sunday Fine & warm drove down to Van Vagners Beach
Sept 26th Busy again today 115 toms 60 plums 75 pears 12 cukes 4 peppers 3 cauliflowers
Sept 26 to 30th not so many orders but busy, picking tomatoes for Canners etc had a big thunder storm on night of 29th.
Oct 1st. Sold 214 sweet peppers to a Peddlar at 35¢. $75 00
Oct. 8th. Picking peppers nearly all week. weather fine all but Friday 7th. Big thunderstorm in the night & showery balance of the day. Finished tomatoes on Oct 7th. tried to get 20 bskts could only get 17 bskts
The whole bunch down with Dysentery, on Oct 6th Alan was the worst. Aunt Chrissie had a stroke about 5 oclock tonight and is very low.
Oct 11 Sold some more peppers to the peddlars at 75¢ to $100 {$1.00} a bushel. Aunt Chrissie very low will not last long. (at 12 noon)
Oct 12. Aunt Chrissie died at 330 this morning had a thunder shower about 6 am. and has been raining all day.
Oct 15. Cool this morning first heavy white frost of the Season.
Oct 22. Pulling and hauling carrots all week. weather pretty good a couple of days cold but lost no time all week. Sold 500 bus {bushels} to Stevens & Solomon at 37½ and 200 to Stevenson Fruit Co at 40¢ and a couple of small orders. have 555 delivered the rest to take first of week. Got new Chev {Chevrolet} Car tonight. Paid $700 and old car.
Oct 24th Finished drawing Carrots had 754 bushels.
Oct 25th went to Market weather fine got 50¢ box for marrows 50{¢} to $1 00 box for pumpkins 75{¢} & $1 00 box for Cauliflowers.
Oct 26 Husking Corn.
Oct 27 Market again home at noon. weather all week Just like summer was 73 today.
Oct 28th. Finished husking corn had about 80 bushels. weather very warm
Oct 29th. Drew in corn stalks Brot horse home from pasture. weather cooler & cloudy.
Oct 30. Fine today went to Mrs Mays for Supper.
Oct 31st. Fine & warm drew two load of Orange crates from Guelph. (432) at 5¢ from Carrols
Nov 1st at Market for the last with pumpkins, marrows & cauliflowers also shipped the last of our peppers to Toronto 94 bskts.
Nov 2 & 3rd drew two loads crates from Brantford and one from Kitchener 1014 in all. Had a run in with Stewart about drain blocked with stone. Know nothing about but stung by circumstantial evidence
Nov 4th cleaned Stewarts drain
Nov 5th. Sat a m. moved 800 crates from Stewarts we had stored there. had moved Smith to Burl {Burlington} after dinner.
Nov 6th. Sunday Cold & windy, with first snow flurries of the season.
Nov 7th & 8th. Digging old cherry trees out. Have a dead cold
Nov 9th & 10th & 11th fixing drains & cleaning out roots on old Blackberry patch weather warm & cloudy.
Nov 12th turning colder taking up & cleaning drain along the east side of hollow
Nov 13 Fair & cold freezing hard
Nov 14 & 15th Fine & warm as summer. Fixing drains.
Nov 16th showery nearly all day. Fixed Boxs
Nov 17th. cold rain in the morning snowing after dinner drained spray machine of water. got Anti freeze in Truck
Nov 18th Cold, some snow on ground finished ploughing
Nov 19th Sunday. cloudy & cool showery at night.
Nov 20th 21st 22nd & 23rd &. cloudy & mild with some showers fixing & putting in tile drains
Nov 24th. Colder & raining today.
Nov 25 Fine. getting hotbed earth piled up.
Nov 26. Putting in more tile raining in the afternoon & evening.
Nov 27 Sunday cloudy.
Nov 28th. more draining. & rained again all afternoon & night.
Nov 29th. Fine more tiles in
Nov 30 A thunder storm in the night & more rain all day unloaded first car of manure this fall. two weeks late for 1st car.
Dec 1st. Colder some snow on the ground, men digging out trees.
Dec 2nd & 3rd Unloading 2nd car manure, weather cool.
Dec 4th Sunday fine but cool.
Dec 5th 6th 7th. Fine & milder but ground frozen covering strawberries
Dec 8th. Turned colder in the night and blowing a gale from the West Temperature down to 14 this morning reports say as low as 38 below zero in the west
Dec 9th. Clear cold & frosty 5 above zero this a.m.
Dec 10th. milder again unloading car of manure did not get done broke a spring of on the truck
Dec 11th. Sunday mild & cloudy like rain. a year ago today on our way South, at Chicago this afternoon.
Dec 12th. Finished car of manure & covering strawberries
Dec 13 mild Mr Smith sick with cold.
Dec 14th. Putting in some more tile weather mild rain last night.
Dec 15th. draining all day just freezing a little.
Dec 16th. Rained all last night & this morning snowing this afternoon. Sent Jerry Fishcarrier $15 00 pretty early to start borrowing after working all Summer
Dec 17 Unloading another car manure
Dec 18th Sunday cold drove to Hamilton.
Dec 19th. moderately cold men cutting up old trees which we dug up.
Dec 20th unloading 5th car of manure. no more until Jan 30th.
Dec 20th to 24th weather moderately cold. one night nearly zero. Just a few patches of snow on the ground. men cleaning up brush and cutting up dead trees that they dug out
Dec 25th. Xmas day fine & bright. was down to Johns all day. all had a good time
Dec 26th & 27th. Fine winter weather. Just a little frost.
Dec 28th 29th & 30th. mild thawing every day. fixed barn doors. Roof. and putting posts under small house.
Dec 31st. Rained all last night and all day today. looks like stopping now at 5 p.m. turndng turning colder snow flurries at night
Total Sales
Page 1 | $3169.63 |
" 2 | 1429.42 |
3 | 1343.96 |
4 | 1366 72 |
5 | 1600 01 |
8909.74 |
Frank | $1400 00 |
John | 1400.00 |
Nov 18 | AP Wonod Tottenham | 43 15 |
Oct 17 | Brown & Co Barrie | 27.55 |
Pd by draft 18 | W. V. Fry Thornton | 48 75 |
" 19 | T. S. Tremouth Powassan | 32 00 |
" 19 | C W Sharpe Burks Falls | 190 75 |
" 19 | R. T. Armstrong Burks Falls | 28.50 |
" 19 | R A Cooper Elmvale | 7 75 |
20 | J D Stewart Thornton | 42 10 |
x 20 | JFB Gunn Sundridge | 61 35 |
24 | R. L. Scott Aldershot | 5 60 |
24 | Stevenson Fruit Coy. Hamilton | 60.00 |
Nov 3 | Manser Welb Toronto | 7 14 |
3 | Stronach & Son | 9 76 |
3 | D S Litster Burks Falls | 28.05 |
8 | Manser Welb Toronto | 7 01 |
12 | J D Wisdom Allandale | 24 60 |
12 | Stronach Toronto | 12 80 |
17 | Manser Welb Toronto | 8 14 |
26 | J W Troyer Magnetawan | 8 10 |
J R Couse Cookstown | 127 58 | |
30 | John Saso Barrie | 32 00 |
Shaw & Shea Trout Creek | 32 50 | |
Dec 8 | Hutchison Bros Bracebridge | 215.95 |
Canadian Canners | 200 13 | |
Stevens & Solomon | 15 78 | |
Hamilton Market Sale | 46 00 | |
Hare Bros Bracebridge | 274 97 | |
F D Cancilla Barrie | 2 50 | |
1600.01 |
+Sept 30 | J. Simpson Tottenham | 40.80 |
Oct 4 | Manser Welb Toronto | 2 95 |
4 | Fraser & McArthur South River | 35 90 |
5 | Edgar & Co Sundridge | 51 90 |
6 | J F Cullingham Cookstown | 23 00 |
J D Wisdom Allandale | 134 55 | |
SR Trading Co South River | 102 30 | |
+ | A E Johnston Sundridge | 135.50 |
W Manning Elmvale | 11 50 | |
P. J. Marrin Bracebridge | 78 90 | |
+ | G W Nichol Beeton | 71 50 |
Oct 12 | Stronach & Sons Toronto | 20 79 |
12 | B R Stewart Hockley | 42 20 |
15 | J J McKnight Tottenham | 51 90 |
22 | Stevens & Solomon Hamilton | 187.47 |
21 | Hanna & Co Port Carling | 126 25 |
20 | Manser Welb Toronto | 36 01 |
20 | Wm Peck Burks Falls | 124 24 |
19 | R V Hart Burlington | 69 05 |
20 | Stevenson Fruit Hamilton | 22 00 |
1368.72 |
Sept 12 | Fraser & McArthur S. River | 42 65 |
13 | G Williamson Tottenham | 3.00 |
13 | G. W. Nichol Beeton | 126 75 |
14 | D. Scaletta Huntsville | 13 50 |
14 | J W Troyer Burks Falls | 39.25 |
14 | Russell Allison Cookstown | 7.20 |
15 | D. S. Litster Burks Falls | 64 55 |
16 | J J McKnight Tottenham | 71 20 |
+17 | Mrs M Gollop Cookstown | 84 35 |
19 | F.D. Cancilla Barrie | 135 05 |
19 | Shaw & Shea Trout Creek | 56 00 |
19 | Manser Welb Toronto | 18 78 |
24 | R L Scott Aldershot | 137 00 |
20 | W. V. Fry Thornton | 161 05 |
+21 | J D Stewart Thornton | 54 55 |
26 | J Saso Barrie | 135 50 |
27 | D S Litster Burks Falls | 126 90 |
27 | Manser Welb Toronto | 24 38 |
28 | Stronach & Son Toronto | 20 60 |
29 | S L Anderson Crossland | 21 10 |
29 | Williamson Tottenham | {00} 60 |
1343 96 |
Aug 15 | Manser Welb Toronto | 25.98 |
" 15 | D S Litster Burks Falls | 59.10 |
17 | FJB. Gunn Sundridge | 28.70 |
+19 | CW Sharpe Burks Falls | 100.85 |
20 | R. L. Scott Aldershot | 100.54 |
22 | Fraser & McArthur South River | 34 05 |
+23 | Manser Welb Toronto | 30 55 |
29 | J R Couse Cookstown | 60.00 |
30 | P.J. Marrin Bracebridge | 36 65 |
Sept 1 | J J McKnight Tottenham | 65 80 |
+ " 1 | Simpson & Son Tottenham | 33 80 |
5 | Wm Peck Burks Falls | 113 75 |
6 | Manser Welb Toronto | 55 43 |
7 | Hare Bros Bracebridge | 250 00 |
8 | G W Nichol Beeton | 121 55 |
A P Wonod Tottenham | 56 97 | |
Paid by draft | R. T. Armstrong Burks Falls | 33 50 |
Paid by draft | Brown & Co Barrie | 36 60 |
Paid by draft | H. Fisher Cookstown | 28 20 |
Paid by draft | A E Johnston Sundridge | 157 40 |
1429 42 |
Cheques for 1927
May 5 | Manser Welb Toronto | 96 50 |
24 | Manser Welb Toronto | 24 76 |
31 | Manser Welb Toronto | 23 64 |
June 6 | Manser Welb Toronto | 30 21 |
13 | Manser Welb Toronto | 16 80 |
20 | Manser Welb Toronto | 19.73 |
July 4 | Manser Welb Toronto | 220 00 |
June 27 | Manser Welb Toronto | 404.13 |
July 25 | Manser Welb Toronto | 26.75 |
July 10 | Wm Cunningham Thornton | 55.08 |
" 25 | F. D. Cancilla Barrie | 20.00 |
25 | G. W. Nichol Beeton | 57.25 |
27 | J Simpson Tottenham | 21.72 |
Aug 2 | Manser Welb Toronto | 169.72 |
4 | Upton Jam Coy Hamilton | 1651.18 |
5 | R. L. Scott Aldershot | 94.85 |
+ 5 | Wm Peck Burks Falls | 62 58 |
9 | Manser Welb Toronto | 71.74 |
10 | J J McKnight Tottenham | 103 15 |
x 10 | Hutchison Bros Bracebridge | 87.39 |
3169.63 |
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- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 3.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 4.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 5.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 6.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 7.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 8.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 9.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 10.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 11.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 12.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 13.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 14.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 15.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 16.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 17.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 18.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 19.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 20.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 21.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 22.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 23.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 24.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 25.pdf
- Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 26.pdf