Sept 8th & 9th. Lots of orders weather fine.
Sept 10th. Sat only shipped 50 bskts today. shipped over 1050 toms this week.
Sept 11th Sunday Fair & cool
Sept 12th A Big day today. 321 bskt tomatoes @ 30¢ total bskts 390. & 16 crates Cauliflowers $100 {$1.00}
Sept 13th another busy day wet too. had a shower in the night. Bill Smith drunk again. got in for supper after seven. 300 bskts & 8 bags & 2 crates
Sept 14 not so many tomato orders - 125 bskts only. 47 bskt plums. 75¢ & 80¢
Sept 15 & 16th very busy again also the 17th (Sat) picked 64 toms 40 plums & 25 pears for Freight Monday to Litster.
Sept 19th. orders dropping off 185 toms today.
Sept 20 to 24th. orders light. picking tomatoes for Canning Co. weather cool. nearly frosts at night
Sept 25 Sunday Fine & warm drove down to Van Vagners Beach
Sept 26th Busy again today 115 toms 60 plums 75 pears 12 cukes 4 peppers 3 cauliflowers
Sept 26 to 30th not so many orders but busy, picking tomatoes for Canners etc had a big thunder storm on night of 29th.
Oct 1st. Sold 214 sweet peppers to a Peddlar at 35¢. $75 00
Oct. 8th. Picking peppers nearly all week. weather fine all but Friday 7th. Big thunderstorm in the night & showery balance of the day. Finished tomatoes on Oct 7th. tried to get 20 bskts could only get 17 bskts